Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Should White Guilt Be Allowed To Ruin Sitcom Humor?

Propagandists led by former series lead David Schwimmer are now agitating that an all Black version of Friends be produced in order to disabuse the nation of its “White privilege”.

But there was pretty much already a Black version of Friends.

It was called “Living Single”.

Do racial bean counters intend to get similarly jacked out of shape about there having been a show about Black young adults living their lives not wallowing all that much in racial guilt having most of their significant relationships with other Black people?

Or are these obligations to be imposed upon or shortcomings to be criticized only when Whites are under consideration?

And what if said propaganda is produced and it is a commercial flop if White people refuse to sit around in their spare time engrossed in television reinforcing the narrative that they are the root cause of all that’s wrong in the world?

It’s bad enough when this starts to become a repetitive theme throughout what were once the theologically sound denominations and congregations that claimed to stand for conservative Evangelical Christianity

By Frederick Meekins

Click On The Headline

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