Thursday, December 28, 2023

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Vatican Takes Steps To Surrender Roman Catholicism To Carnal Debauchery

Are Black Radicals Itching To Do Whites What Palestinian Jihadists Are Doing To Israelis?

What Did Ancient Pagans Think About Extraterrestrials?

Edgar Allan Poe: Lessons for Creative Success from Literature’s Greatest Antihero

Goal Setting In Retirement: The Of Creating What I Don’t Want List

Aliens & Exotheology

How To Retire Solo & Smart

Edgar Allan Poe In The 19th Century Esoteric Milieu

The Magnetism Of Cults

Analysis Of Fundamental Baptist Podcast David Hyles Interview

Are Men Quietly Quitting Women In Real Life?

Mass Shooting In Gun-Controlled Prague

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Engaging the Doctrine of Creation: Cosmos, Creatures, and the Wise and Good Creator

Will Exopsychology Assist Humanity In Understanding Minds Out Of This World?

Peace Activist Exposed As Sexually Deviant War Criminal

Braying Bovine Wracked By White Guilt But Not So Much So As To Surrender Fortune To Redistributionist Woketopians

Did Imposed Celibacy Drive Thomas Merton To Suicide?

New Form Of AIDS Linked To Plague Cult Alchemy?

Critics Of Transhumanism Compared To Homicidal Jihadists

Meathead Propagandizes On Behalf Of Radical Anti-Christianism

Getting Started In Digital Ministry

What Are The Different Categories Of Theology?

Pastor Search Committees & Stealth Calvinism

Exploring Spiritual Opportunities In The Second Half Of Life

What’s The Difference Between Denominations: Communion

Todd MacFarlane: The Superstar Artist That Lost Everything

Making Comics: Creative Careers Are A Marathon

Kent Hovind’s Ex-Wives Tell All

Satan’s Methods Revealed: I John 2:15-17

The Truth About Jack Hyles

The Branches Of Theology

Remembering Henry Kissinger

Racist Mayor Excludes Whites From Boston Christmas Party

Monday, December 11, 2023

Is Abraham Lincoln Brigade Photo A Signal For Pending Rebellion?

The cover story of the Dec. 2023 issue of “In These Times” is titled “What Is To Be Done: The Spread Of The Far Right”.

Contained in the article is a photo so prominent that the image spans over two pages, reminiscent of a Marvel Comics “splash page”, of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

For those that are not familiar, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade was a group organized by the Communist International that fought in the Spanish Civil War against the Fascist-backed regime of Francisco Franco.

So if this photo spread is placed at the center of the article about what should be done about the far right, why should such a deliberate symbolic gesture be viewed as anything other than a call to violence should these leftist subversives not get the result that they demand come election day?

by Frederick Meekins

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Tucker Carlson Interviews Alex Jones

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Inclusivity Calendar Not That Inclusive

The National Trust, an organization in the United Kingdom chartered to preserve cultural heritage, has excluded the dates of Christmas and Easter from its annual wellbeing and inclusivity calendar.

But while these quintessential celebrations of the British Isles are no longer deemed worthy of chronometric commemoration, effort is made to go out of the way to include heathen festivals such as Ramadan and Diwali.

Think about that for a moment.

The discerning citizen is compelled to ask does the National Trust even intend to preserve the best of the past or to instead pave the path to the country’s demise?

by Frederick Meekins

Contemporary Era’s Most Successful Immigrant Warns Of Underming Border Restrictions

Tolerancemongering Immigrationism Is Destroying Western Civilization

John Kerry Threatens To Plunge Humanity Into Electronic Dark Age

Greg Locke Meltsdown In Debate With Flat Earther

Does Jackie Hill Perry intend to be as vehement in her condemnation of BLM, Afrosupremacism & Critical Race Subversion?

Christianity Today Celebrates McLean Bible Pastor Calling For Violence Against Caucasians

Withered Crone Conspires To Drain Youth Of Naive Lovers

Supreme Court Pimped Out To Plague Cult

Woketopian Pastrix Condemns Christ For Intolerance

Is It Worth It: Drawing Comics For A Living

Writing Out Loud with Ted Koppel

Breaking Into Comics & Making A Living As An Independent Creator

Finding A Job With A Theology Degree

Discovering The Four Phases Of Retirement

Life In The Independent Fundamental Baptist Church

Hyles, Hippies, & Hyperfundamentalism

How To Start Making Sales Online As An Artist In 2024

The Dark Side Of Peanuts

Henry Kissinger On Global Challenges

The Perverse Mind Control Cult Of Jack Hyles

The Legacy Of Henry Kissinger: Realpolitik & Its Influence On American Foreign Policy

How To Become A Christian Apologist

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Pumpkin Duo

Mark Of The Beast Substrate Granted Government Approval Despite Thousands Of Animal Deaths

School Claims Minority Students Not As Smart As Whites

Feminized Woketopians With Panties In A Wad Over Doug Wilson’s Uncouthness Strangely Silent Regarding Lewd Apostate That Sparked The Remarks

Irish Tyrants Invoke Riots To Justifying Eliminating Freedom Of Expression

Does Pope Francis Possess Transvestite Fetish?

Black Friday Exposed As Fraud

Deluded Holy Roller Claims To Have Manifested Temporal Portal Teleporting Her To Eden

Woketopian Systematic Theologian Insists Martin Luther King’s Doctrinal Error No Big Deal

Writing Horror For Young Adult Readers

Writing Flash Fiction

The Church In America In The 21st Century

Were Irish Riots Sparked By Homicidal Welfare Deadbeat?

What Is Conservatism?

The Intellectual History Of Modern Conservatism

The Glory Of God & The Mission Of The Church

Is Kenneth Copeland A Vampire?

Exploring G.I. Joe’s New Energon Universe

Jude 5-7: The Consequences Of Apostasy

Jude 1-4: Satan’s Plan To Infiltrate The Church

The Moscow Mood: Doug Wilson & Kevin DeYoung

How Fox News Lost Their Way

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Pumpkin Photo

Photo by Frederick Meekins

Monday, November 27, 2023

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Are Children Being Targetted With Lasest Technocrat Bioweapon?

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

New York Authorized To Proceed With Plague Cult Death Camps

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Will Doctor Doom Appear In Fantastic Four Reboot?

Can It Be Proven Joe Namath Abetted Pedophila Half Century Ago?

Deluded Faith Healer Denying Objecivity Of Illness Succumbs To Cancer

Did Aspiring Southern Baptist Potentate Advocate Open Borders To Capitalize On Cheap Migrant Labor?

Does Homosexual Theologian Get His Gay On For Jesus?

Debauched Rabbis Distort Spirituality To Justify Carnal Depravity

Tucan Sam Whored Out On Behalf Of Diversity Indoctrination

The Temporal Anomaly Sequence Threw Trek Viewers For A Loop

The Sociopolitical Timeline Of The Hunger Games

New York Woketopians Prioritize Tolerance Over Survival

Congressional Candidate Exposed As A Naughty, Naughty Girl

Pastrix Whipped Into Compliance Regarding Proposed Sado-Masochism Workshop

Afrocentrist Damns Whites To Hell

The Rise Of Marvin Kalb

Marketing Comics: Kickstarter Or Shops?

The History Of Vampires

From Liberal Protestantism To Lutheranism with John Warwick Montgomery

Aging & Technology: Theological Reflections

Hearing From The Lord

The Sons Of Eli: Abusive Religious Leaders

The Doug Wilson Spanking Scandal

Tom Scioli’s New Stan Lee Graphic Biography

Friday, November 17, 2023

Hit & Run Commentary #146

Autarch Biden in an address to the regime assured that, if the collective harkens obediently to his directives, he MIGHT magnanimously allow the thralls to celebrate Independence Day not in large groups but rather in small clusters. But if most have been duped into obediently surrendering to invasive alchemical injections by that point, what does the size of the group matter? He did not nothing to discourage the superspreader swarms that assembled at the announcement of his election victory.

Wonder if Autarch Biden will be as disconcerted over the size of riots likely to break out this summer in the name of Communist revolution as he is over the number likely to be at cook outs held in local cell blocks, oh I mean neighborhoods.

Four workers at a Chicago area hospital experienced an adverse reaction to the Coronavirus vaccine. Administrators assured that accounts for only .15% of those to whom the inoculation was administered. But if that constituted the percentage coming down with the virus, wouldn’t society come to a screeching halt and pretty much not be allowed to start up again?

So does Facebook post a disclaimer to everybody that has ever posted about an adverse reaction to peanuts since the vast majority can consume that agricultural product without an allergic reaction? If not, why one in regards to an unnamed form of invasive pharmaceutical alchemy?

California Governor Gavin Newsom admitted to considering curfews to combat the Cornavirus such as those in Saudi Arabia. Should we also consider that regime’s methods for controlling carnal deviants and reluctance to allow female drivers on the roads as well?

In a podcast with social theorist Yuval Levin, Southern Baptist functionary Russell Moore remarked how easily people get offended over social media as a result of taking things so seriously. But hasn’t he himself contributed to this environment in light of his overreaction to Donald Trump --- likening the at the time candidate to a “Bronze Age warlord” ---- as well as Moore’s conniptions in response to support for the Confederate flag on the part of some Southern Baptists in that particular ecclesiastical association?

Regarding these medical cost sharing ministries that posture as being morally superior to traditional health insurance and attempt to guiltttrip Christians into signing up by emphasizing the opposition to abortion. If members write checks directly to cover each other’s expenses, what is to prevent this service from degenerating into a popularity contest or as a way of rewarding who can be the squeakiest wheel? After all, as anyone that has been around church for a while knows, some are inherently granted most of the attention while others that are quieter are nearly always overlooked.

A headline at read, “A Message To Mayor Pete From A Latino Momma: Don’t Force Your Sexual Ideology On Me and My Children”. It must be asked, what does your race or ethnicity have to do with this? Is it somehow less of a moral outrage when this sort of invasive totalitarianism is imposed upon White children? Are Latinos, even the ones no darker than run of the mill White people with a suntan, somehow more moral than Caucasians?

Contrary to Kamala Harris, not everyone here deserves to be recognized as an American. Only those with U.S. citizenship should be recognized as Americans.

Biden says hate has no safe harbor in America. But how is that defined, simply disagreeing with a minority?

If you get more back in a child tax credit than you paid in taxes, that is not a credit but rather a welfare handout. I don’t care what President is behind it --- Reagan, Trump, Obama or Biden.

Insisting that something is not political but rather scientific is euphemism that you do not possess the right to question or critique regime decrees.

Tolerancemongers are insisting that Trump is responsible for the attack on Asian whorehouses because of his remarks categorizing the geographic origins of the Coronoavirus (a fact actually more scientifically unassailable than mandatory mask decrees). So applying this reasoning, shouldn’t Autarch Biden condemn Black Lives Matter for constantly harping on “White supremacy” for the looting and destruction of property that still continues night after night which his regime is barely saying jack squat about in comparison to statements made in regards to the Capitol Kerfuffle?

Apparently massacring Asian harlots because you can't otherwise get enough of them is not as bad as doing the same because you despise them for being Asian.

If America is such a racist vile place as insisted by Deputy Autarch Harris, why did her parents come here rather than remain in their respective Third World utopias?

The Centers for Disease Control, an agency under the auspices of Autarch Biden, issued a decree advising Americans not to travel at this time. It is feared that such could spark another round of Coronavirus. Yet the Autarch is extending his blessing to illegal migrants not only brought into the territorial boundaries of the United States but also allowing their free movement across the country without being subjected to the same invasive medical exams actual Americans are subjected to often as a condition of being allowed out of their very homes or to go about making a living.

In response to the Colorado supermarket massacre, Autarch Biden remarked that he would not be speculating or commenting as to the motives of the gunman. No doubt because the name and geographic origins of the murderer was evocative of Islamist jihadism. For Biden certainly doesn’t mind shooting off at the mouth to parrot platitudes and talking points in condemnation of “White supremacy” and “systematic racism”. For someone supposedly not wanting to speculate as to the nature of the specifics of this incident, the Autarch certainly did not mind droning on about the need for increased gun control.

On Fox News, a Democratic propagandist remarked that it was imperative to remember that acts of violence have been inflicted upon people of color for decades. So because minorities were mistreated in the past, the launching of bottle rockets at diners in a restaurant that played no part in that mistreatment is really no big deal. The interview ended with the remark that we all need to come together and be united. But just what exactly is the average American obligated to surrender for such a ballyhooed state to come about if such explicit acts of terrorism are being inflicted upon those for merely peacefully expressing a dietary preference and dismissed by pundits claiming to speak on behalf of the nation’s most powerful political party?

Was blocked on facebook from commenting for twenty-four hours over posting a link to a Yahoo story about Republican men being a threat to public health for not getting vaccinated. I titled it “Vaccine Reluctance Equated With Man Spreading, Unwanted Hiney Swatting & Assorted Acts Of Terrorism”. So apparently we must be so pro-vaccine that it is out of line to admit that content exists produced by leftwing technocrats themselves that vaccine reluctance even exists.

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Hit & Run Commentary #145

The Biden Regime is to be commended for imposing travel restrictions on countries with high rates of Coronavirus or from which alleged mutant variants are claimed to have arisen. But if it is acceptable for this administration to decisively protect the United States from this documented danger, what was so wrong with President Trump acting similarly in regards to Islamist terrorism? Even more importantly, if the Biden Regime is so eager to clamp down on human vectors engaged in legitimate travel, shouldn’t the Autarch be even more resolved to interdict, deter, and repel those intent to violate American immigration law? For you will be no less dead if the Plague is brought in through Latn America than Great Britain or South Africa.

The World Health Organization has decreed that the allegation that the Coronavirus likely originated in a Red Chinese laboratory will soon rank among other impermissible utterances akin to skepticism regarding the 2020 Presidential election. In other words, this plague is likely the result of inferior Third World dietary preferences and hygiene practices.

Most of the women in the My Pillow product line of commercials give off the vibe that they would likely strangle or suffocate you with the particular item being advertised while you slept.

Autarch Biden has announced the establishment of a commission to study the issue of reparations. Will this be yet another of those “conversations” we are admonished we are obligated to have as a society over which one will run the risk of being banished from social media or lose one’s job if one happens to articulate anything other than the affirmative demanded by entrenched tolerancemongers?

With calls for the establishment of a reality commission or ministry of truth, it must be asked by what standard is the vaunted but nebulous notion of unassailable fact to be established? Will it be by a rigorous examination of the observable or through a calculation of what is most likely to benefit those holding power and the aggrieved demographics with whom such elites are allied as benefactor?

In an interview with Singularity Weblog, author Kim Stanley Robinson remarked that one of the things to help the future is the end of capitalism. So does that include him surrendering the wealth he has accumulated through the sale of his bestsellers to be redistributed and even the removal of his name as the author of these works? After all, according to the economic philosophy he claims to be espousing, the important thing is not so much the effort of the individual but rather the welfare of the collective.

Plague cult potentate Anthony Fauci stated on Fox News Sunday that Americans will likely be required to wear a mask through 2022 despite most having been vaccinated. If so, why bother with the risks of being vaccinated? There will need to come a point where, if these sorts of policies are continued not on the basis of demonstrable objective so-called science but rather as a cultural or policy preference, that those imposing them will need to be driven from office through the electoral process.

In light of the Ravi Zacharias sex allegations, one online theologian posted that they no longer want books by that author in their personal collection. Instead, they intend to give the volumes away. Such a statement is little more than virtue signalling. For if the works of Ravi Zacharias are supposedly so deleterious, aren’t you spiritually endangering the soul of another by passing these tomes along to someone else? Why not simply toss them out without having to tell the world about it?

Andrew Cuomo has been accused of demeaning comments regarding women and assorted forms of unwanted physical contact. So does Southern Baptist functionary Russell Moore intend to compose essays comparing this elected official's behavior with that of a Bronze Age warlord and how no sincere believer could possibly vote for this gubernatorial candidate?

Given that he was a victim of cancel culture even before the phenomena was referred to as such over his admission for feeling uneasiness when seeing passengers adorned in Muslim attire aboard a jetliner, one would think Juan Williams would be a bit more supportive of Dr. Seuss over the fanatical antipathy directed towards the beloved author.

School districts in league with arch-Luciferian Bill Gates plan to require students to print a temporary code attesting to their lack of Plague symptoms for the day in order to be authorized entrance. Given that what is perceived as a punishment will be imposed for less than optimal replies, what will if students go ahead and fib a bit? Will those outraged over the suggestion of dissembling pitch as much a fit about indoctrinating students in further surrender to the Mark of the Beast?

Autarch Biden criticized the announcement on the part of the governors of Texas and Mississippi that plague restrictions such as mandatory masks in their respective states would be lifted as “Neanderthal thinking”. Technically, some scientists argue that that particular variety of hominid likely possessed greater brain capacity and thus might have actually been the more intelligent branch of the human race. However, the President probably meant it as an insult meaning that the targets were not first rate intellects unlike himself. But the lessening of restrictions can’t possibly be as stupid as releasing illegal migrants known to be infected to spread the Plague across the country. Or perhaps it is a stroke of genius to reignite the excuse for what will perhaps be the greatest power grab in the history of the twenty first century.

It is being claimed that the CDC might eventually ALLOW small groups of the vaccinated to socialize unrestricted The discerning mind cannot help but scream how in Ghenna are you going to enforce that? For if one segment of the population is going to go out and enjoy themselves, don’t you think everybody else is going to join in? You might prevent people from entering public entertainment venues if they do not possess one of those proto-Mark of the Beast vaccination passports. However, a civil war will have been declared on the American people if government shocktroops rove from house to house searching for unauthorized bands of those that for whatever reason failed to submit to Plague cult alchemy intrusion into their very bodies.

A piece in the New York Times argues that social upheaval will continue if individuals residing within the jurisdiction of the Biden regime are allowed to select for themselves the presuppositions through which one can construct a conceptual reality. But why is it the traditionalist or conservative that is obligated to compromise their most precious beliefs? Which of their own sacred cows do progressives intend to surrender for the sake of this ballyhooed national unity? For it seems their way of life is so all encompassing it is not enough for them to decide which books they would like to acquire. Instead they also demand the right to determine which you will be allowed access to as well.

So what does the government plan to do if the UNVACCINATED congregate together?

The vaccination and logistics surrounding it are a dress rehearsal for the Mark of the Beast.

A news story referred to the edifice in which the national legislature convenes as “our Capitol”. But is it really if Termagant Pelosi blocks access by regime subjects with razor wire and armed soldiers?

So sexual deviant Pepe Le Pew can’t appear in a movie with sexual deviant Lebron James.

Apparently HBO is planning a two part Peewee Herman documentary. Wonder how detailed the reenactment of the bust for pleasuring himself in a porn theater is going to be.

By Frederick Meekins

Young Skulls Full Of Mush Side With Bin Ladin Against America

Outrage Over Brat Reaping What He Sewed

 Click On The Headline

Is The Vatican On The Verge Of Embracing Homosexuality As Morally Virtuous?

Apparently Cultural Misappropriation Dogmas Don’t Protect Caucasian Voiceovers

Carnal Reprobates Scandalized Candidate Possesses Secret Girlfriend

British Health Service Allows Child To Die Just To Spite The Vatican

A Look At The Background Of Conan The Barbarian

George Will: The Function Of Conservatives

20 Tips For A Happy Retirement

How To Build Purpose Driven Retirement Today

Maintaining Sense Of Purpose In Retirement

The Politics Of Transhumanism

The Dangers Of Calvinism

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Transhumanism

Tolkien & Lovecraft: Cosmic Horror In Middle Earth

Talks Shows & Democracy

Cal Thomas Reflects On His Career In Journalism

On Writing Literary Horror: Cannibal Cults & Vampires

Jack Kirby’s Career: The Controversial Comics Journal #134 Interview

Stealth Calvinism’s New Brand Of Three Dot Theology

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Under Alien Skies: A Sightseer’s Guide To The Universe

Culture War Spreads To Inconsequential Sports

 The next battleground of the culture war appears to be pocket billards as an organic female preferred to forfeit a championship match rather than play against an opponent demanding outward recognition of an internalized perception. 

So biological men are inherently superior in a game that requires neither bodily strength nor physical contact? 

Who would have thought that a dangling bosom interferened with accuracy and aim to such a significant degree that the sexes would even need to play this game separately. 

What she should have done is played and mopped the floor with the disputed individual.

by Frederick Meekins

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Pink Flower

Friday, November 10, 2023

Vice President’s Stepdaughter Raises Funds On Behalf Of Jihadist Sympathizers

Virginia Declares Unwavering Devotion To Moloch

Anne Frank Daycare Center Renamed To Placate Jihadist Sympathizing Interlopers

Why Shouldn't Covenant Christian Massacre Manifesto Be Released?

Why Are Southern Baptist Propagandists Conspiring To Suppress Information Regarding Christian School Massacre?

Highly Paid Celebrity Journalists Scandalized Over Those Willing To Do Same Craft For Nearly Nothing

News Division At Fox Infiltrated By Leftwing Subversives

Trollop Refuses Split The Bill On First Date

Cato Policy Report Ceasing Publication

 Click On The Headline

Is Infant Blood Harvested To Establish DNA Registries?

The Life Of CS Lewis: Making Us Better Pagans

Imagine, Then Do It

Deciding Not To Retire Or Unretire

Christian Denominational Family Tree

The History Of Modern Conservatism

World Religions & Cults: Having An Answer

The Relevance Of The Book Of Samuel

Max Lucado, Josh Harris & Transvestite Headline Sprinkle Conference

Jim Shooter Interview: Legion Of Superheroes, Secret Wars & Marvel

What Does A Comic Book Editor Do?

What Is A Theological Thriller?

Making Terrorism Funny

Stealth Calvinist Strategies

Op-Ed Writing For Historians: Pitch, Write & Get Ideas To The Public

The Imperfect Life Of Elisabeth Elliot: What Christians Can Learn

The Puppeteers: The People Who Control the People Who Control America

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

A Young Creation: The Witness of Creation

Tyranical Edict Issued For Disaffiliating Methodist Churches

Jacked out of shape over churches and congregants disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church, the bishop of the Western North Carolina Annual Conference issued an edict forbidding those departing the denomination edging ever closer to the precipice of apostasy from recruiting members from among those remaining for now or even publicly discussing why they arrived at this particular decision in this discernment process.

Those departing are no longer under his ecclesiastical authority.

How can such a dictatorial decree be legitimately enforced?

Individuals might be barred from setting foot on United Methodist property.

However, it is an abridgement of both constitutional and human rights to prevent someone from encouraging friends and family from pursuing a course of action that is an exercise of individual preference that is in no way criminal or even immoral.

by Frederick Meekins

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Friday, November 03, 2023

Green Woody

 Photo by FB Meekins

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Blight: Fungi and the Coming Pandemic

There have likely been fewer children irrevocably harmed Trick or Treating under parental supervision than sent to overnight church functions under the auspices of predatory pastors and youth workers unable to keep wandering hands to themselves.

Ronald McDonald Cruxifiction Makes Laughingstock Of Christ’s Death

Lesbian Minstrel Admits To Usefulness Of Man Sauce

Plague Cult Alchemy Linked To Neurological SIde Effects

Snowflake Karens Refusing To Do Own Yardwork Agitate To Ban Leaf Blowers

International House Of Prayer Minister Accused Of The Uncontrollable Laying On Of Hands

Pope’s Theological Arousal Over Homosexual Unions Out Of The Closet

Sperm Cell Caught Defying Law Of Physics

Afrosupremacist Accuses Whites Of Failing To Pander To Black Ecclesiastical Peculiarities Of Terrorism

Why Thomas Sowell Matters

Jewish Liberals Shocked By The Monsters They Created

Calvinist Church Culture: The Good & The Bad

Adventists Duped By Extraterrestrial Delusion

Halloween & The Christian

The Morton Downey Jr. Show: Religious Cults

Is The Anti-Halloween Evangelist A Greedy Fraud?

Comic Book Art Careers & The Con Scene

How Much Money Do You Need To Retire?: The 4% Rule For 2023

How Should A Christian Respond To Halloween?

Glenn Sunshine On Christianity & Halloween

John MacArthur Celebrates Theological Subterfuge

No Proof Anti-Halloween Evangelist A Practicing Satanist Like He Claims

Stealth Calvinism & How It Splits Churches

How The Young, Restless & Reformed Split Churches

How Should Christians Approach Halloween?

UFO Hovering Over Vatican AI Image

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology

Forest Witch

Homeless No Right To Vacant Homes

 A meme posted to social media insisted, “In the U.S., vacant houses outnumber homeless people.” 

And the point is?

Shouldn’t it also be asked why is the person homeless? 

The way in which this statement is formulated raises a number of additional observations. 

Steps can be taken to find shelter for the destitute. 

However, it does not logically follow that these individuals deserve a home given to them outright without having to earn one. 

A significant number of the homeless can’t seem to master the basics of bodily hygiene.

What makes you think they can handle the complexities of home upkeep? 

There is also the issue of definitions.  Just because a house is vacant, that does not mean that the house is not owned. 

If the owners of such domiciles want to make it part of their life’s vocation to shelter the indigent, that is commendable. 

However, we must be circumspect of social engineers compelling to surrender that which fanatical redistributors consider excess. 

For example, if non-resident owners are forced to quarter vagrants against their will (a violation of the spirit of the Third Amendment), when those unable to handle the stresses of maintaining a home either actively or passively allow entropy to overtake a given structure, what party will step forward to rectify this damage. 

Idealists might sneer down their noses at reducing this moral dilemma to matters of economics and base legalities. 

However, you can’t really live inside a good intention and expect it to keep the wind or rain out, can you?

by Frederick Meekins

Ginger Witch

 AI Image Prompted by FB Meekins

Monday, October 30, 2023

Friday, October 27, 2023

Halloween Participation Equated With Jihadist Terrorism

The Halloween season is noted for a variety of traditions.

One of the most distinct in very conservative Evangelical circles is the anti-Halloween sermon.

One such oratorical treat posted at SermonAudio by Chris Engelsma is titled “The Seven Sons Of Sceva”, an allusion to the exorcists that had their posteriors handed to them by a demonic entity after the band of necromancers invoked the name of Christ as a magical incantation despite not actually believing in the Savior.

In the sermon, it is explicitly insinuated that Christians participating in Halloween customs such as Trick Or Treat make as much rational sense as Israelis hoisting the flag of Hamas.

Yet towards the conclusion of this pulpit lucidity, this pastor that apparently does not mind going so rhetorically over the top into what some might consider questionable taste can't really bring himself to take a definitive pronouncement against Halloween and the Christian's undisputed obligations in regards to this controversial festival.

Instead the minister hems and haws as he reaches the conclusion about how all he can do is expound a set of principles with each individual believer left to decide what is best for their own family.

If a pastor ends his sermon with the modifying stipulation that his only intention is to share his interpretative perspective and that he cannot determine for you the position to adopt in regards to a particular practice where the directives of Scripture are not clearly explicit, on what grounds does he and the leadership clique of the congregation get jacked out of shape at you should you come to a differing conclusion?

As a result, the discerning are no doubt left wondering is Halloween not really as bad as they have been led to believe in hysterical tirades and even more importantly, is terrorism something that does not to be opposed all that rigorously.

By Frederick Meekins