Thursday, September 20, 2007

Swansonites Urge Gender Segregation In The Classroom

Though there are a number of helpful observations in this broadcast of Generations Radio such as how many of the regulations in private schools are not so much about building character as about building dutiful statist minions, Rev. Swanson once again takes things too far in claiming that the genders should be segregated in a classroom setting since they are by nature a distraction to one another and inhibit learning.

I, on the other hand, posit that isn't learning to keep this distraction in check one of the most important lessons on has to learn in order to eventually function in society?

For example, if a young man does not learn how to do this in his teenage years, isn't he going to be an unproductive wreck in the workplace or is it that once this idiosyncrasy of the theonomist right is implemented that the next big rallying cry will be that females must be barred from the workplace since they are a distraction in the office as well.

One hates to raise the Taliban metaphor as it is often overdone, but when you hear this kind of stuff you are almost prone to wonder when are they going to start calling for burqas and the painting over of windows.

I also find it highly ironic that these very same people calling for the elimination of mixed education are the very same ones that insinuate you are some kind of pervert or deviant if you are not married by the age of 22.

If not in school, where are you suppose to meet anyone? Knowing these people, probably through practices bordering on arranged marriages.

by Frederick Meekins

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