Wednesday, July 21, 2004

CBS Believes Creativity Determined By Race

CBS Execs have established the CBS Diversity Institute providing mentors for "writers of color", or to shorten it a bit, "colored writers" word economy being a good thing and all.

We are always told that if we were seriously ill we wouldn't care what color the doctor would be or if trapped in a burning building about the ethnic background of the firefighter sent in to rescue us.

Why, then, should we care about the color of those scripting the television shows we watch since we never see the behind-the-scenes talent?

By establishing programs targeted at getting minorities into the television industry, aren't TV executives implying these individuals are not as inherently creative as their White counterparts?

Since most of these TV producers come from Jewish backgrounds, are we going to have set-asides for Protestants or Catholics?

But bet you one thing, regardless of the color of the new crop of script writers selected through this program, they will likely continue to spew forth the same kind of liberal filth that has come to dominate the nation's airwaves these past few years.

Copyright 2004 by Frederick Meekins

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