Sunday, July 07, 2024

Friday, July 05, 2024

Light House Nick Nack

Photo by FB Meekins

Coke Sign

Photo by FB Meekins

Birchers: How The John Birch Society Radicalized The American Right

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Interfaithism: Uniting Religions For One World

The Rise of Men Who No Longer Care

Comics, Side Hustles, & Not Being Broken By Comics

The Fall Of Chris Rosebrough

Theological Education In An Age Of Individualization

The Business Of Comics

Artificial Intelligence & The Future Of The Church

Tech, Religion, & UFO’s

Make Comics Your Side Hustle

Christian Fantasy Authors On Worldbuilding, Magic & Themes

The Professor Of UFOlogy: Confessions Of Catholic Professor

2030: The Master Plan For Humanity

Dark Dreamer: Harlan Ellison

C.S. Lewis: Writer & Philosophy

New Episcopal Hierarch Threatens To Drag Denomination Deeper Into Apostasy

New Episcopal Hierarch Threatens To Drag Denomination Deeper Into Apostasy

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— ( Jul 3, 2024 at 6:49 PM

Priestess Of Moloch Equates Abortionists With The Hebrew Midwives Of Exodus

David Platt Unhinged

David Platt Unhinged

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— ( Jul 3, 2024 at 7:05 PM

Are Plate Tectonics The Foundation Of Terrestrial Life?

Are Plate Tectonics The Foundation Of Terrestrial Life?

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— ( Jul 3, 2024 at 7:09 PM

WIll Malfunctioning Warp Drives Expose Extraterrestrial Existence?

WIll Malfunctioning Warp Drives Expose Extraterrestrial Existence?

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— ( Jul 3, 2024 at 7:13 PM

Anacostia Still Too Filthy To Swim In

Reprobate Congregation Unable To Secure Pedophile Insurance

Woketopian Missouri Lutherans Categorize Whites Buying Property Act Of Theft

A Theological Analysis Of Hawk Tuah Girl

Theology And Tolkien: Practical Theology

Monday, July 01, 2024

Gargoyle Statue

Photo by FB Meekins

Friday, June 28, 2024

California Governor Refuses To Live In Squalor His Policies Abetted

California Governor Refuses To Live In Squalor His Policies Abetted

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— ( Jun 27, 2024 at 6:58 PM

Hooters Sagging

Whites Apparently Must Also Be Brutalized & Subjugated If Desegregation Is To Placate Diversitymongers

Congresswoman Celebrating Infanticide & Carnal Debauchery Insists God’s Healing Power Flows Through Her

Allegedly Conservative Anglican Bishop A Documented Anti-White Woketopian

Fanatic Pastor Opposed To Dating Little Issue Cavorting Alongside Drag-Friendly Apostates

Boeing Spacecraft Traps Astronauts Aboard Space Station

Boeing Spacecraft Traps Astronauts Aboard Space Station

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— ( Jun 27, 2024 at 6:35 PM

So Long As They Pander To Hebrews & Israel, Turning Point USA No Problem With Atheists & Drag Queens?

Astrology Celebrated By Rational While Apocalyptic Concerns Denounced As Lunacy

Astrology Celebrated By Rational While Apocalyptic Concerns Denounced As Lunacy

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— ( Jun 27, 2024 at 6:29 PM

Will Fuller Seminary Grant Blessing To Carnal Debauchery?

Soros Minion Victimized As A Result Of Her Own Woketopian Policies

Why Does Rod Parsley Have An Alias?

The Terrifying Philosophy Of Edgar Allan Poe

Transformative Theology

Christian Humanism: Not What You Think

Write: Transform Experience Into Content That Matters

How Churches Should Respond To Scandal

The Truth About Finding Purpose After Retirement

The Anglo-Catholic Continuum

Writing & Self-Publishing Children’s Historical Fiction

Revelation Session 15: The Rapture In The Bible

Women’s Unrealistic Expectations: Beauty Not The Bait It Use To Be

Single Mother Refuses To Date Single Fathers

Things People Get Wrong About Stan Lee

Finding Faith In The Comics

Clashing Epistemologies Of The Future: Risk, Resilience, Apocalypse

Transhumanism Exposed The Master Class

Transhumanism Exposed The Master Class

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— ( Jun 26, 2024 at 6:33 PM