Friday, July 26, 2024

Robotech Episode 1: Boobytrap

BLM Flag Despiser Selected To Carry Flag At Olympics

Did Trump Attacker Have An Illuminati Handler?

Will Woketopian Evangelicals Denounce Nicene Creed In Order To Placate Activist Jews?

Some Just Selective Eaters

Some Just Selective Eaters

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— ( Jul 24, 2024 at 7:32 PM

Trump Convention Jumps Head First Into Cultural Sewer

Pastor Insinuates Those Reluctant To Hand Over Funds To Rebuild Burned Down Church Advancing Satan’s Work

Plague Cult Pontiff Propagandizes On Behalf Of Luciferian Understanding Of Science

A New Way To DIscover Your Purpose

Marjorie Taylor Greene Exposes Kamala's Border Failure

Cackling Crone Anti-Capitalism & Pro-Crime

SIngle Mothers Get A Dose Of Equality When Dating

Finding Meaning & Purpose In Retirement

Enemies Within The Church

Reclaiming Our Sci Fi Future

Conservatism Meets Futurism

The Disbelief Of Christ’s Family

Everything Rises & Falls On Leadership

John MacArthur Proves Himself Moronic Regarding SIngles

Theological Systems: Fundamentalism

Building Conservative Culture

Extraterrestrial Hybrids & World Domination

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— ( Jul 25, 2024 at 1:53 PM

Churches & Single People: The Missed Ministry Opportunity

Desert Encounters: Evolutionary Culture & The Christian Message

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Splotched Vehicle

Photos by FB Meekins

Alien Earths: The New Science of Planet Hunting in the Cosmos

Friday, July 19, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Self-Avowed Communist Denounces Candidates That Sincerely Hold To Patriotic Americanism

Self-Avowed Communist Denounces Candidates That Sincerely Hold To Patriotic Americanism

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— ( Jul 17, 2024 at 6:57 PM

Trump Convention Heralds Tattooed Harlot As Example Of Virtuous Womanhood

Pervert Pastor Horny For Threesomes & Swinging

Click On The Headline

New Technologies To Assist In Search For Extraterrestrial Life

New Technologies To Assist In Search For Extraterrestrial Life

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— ( Jul 17, 2024 at 6:46 PM

Analyzing The Emotional Appeal Of Calvinism

How To Spot A Fundamentalist

Why People Over 40 Must Start A Youtube Channel

Exposing Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence & UFO’s

Ted Peters: God, Cosmic History & Extraterrestrial Life

UFO Pastor

Star Wars Goes Gay: Why Sci Fi & Fantasy Open The Door

Prophecy Roundtable: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, & Transhumanism

Job Market Doesn’t Want You Whatever Age You Are

The Reptilian Colonization Of Earth & Their Alliance With The Illuminati

Single, Childless Men Are Saying No Single Mothers Looking For New Men

Woman Want The Manosphere Banned

Women Demanding Men Going Their Own Way Be Silenced

Compromise: Meet The New GOP

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024

Pauline Theology As A Way Of Life

Autarch Afflicted With Parkinsons?

Evangelicals For Moloch Lavish Support Upon Human Pesticides

Demented Autarch Vows To Destroy America On Behalf Of Minority Agitators

Hawk Tuah Harlots Proliferating

Plague Cult In Expectation Over Next Mandatory Elixir

Plague Cult In Expectation Over Next Mandatory Elixir

- Epistolizer

Read on Substack

Is Biologos An Subversive Darwinist Front Group?

Is Biologos An Subversive Darwinist Front Group?

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— ( Jul 11, 2024 at 5:43 PM

Is Autarch’ s Decline Linked To Plague Cult Elixir He Conspired To Impose Upon Americans Against Their Will?

Is Autarch’ s Decline Linked To Plague Cult Elixir He Conspired To Impose Upon Americans Against Their Will?

- Epistolizer

Read on Substack

How Diabolical Plague Cultist Duped Dimwitted Evangelicals

Jesuits Conspire To Topple Traditional Catholicism

Jesuits Conspire To Topple Traditional Catholicism

- Epistolizer

Read on Substack

Family Kiss Deemed Inappropriate On Continent Of Public Nudity & Rampant Atheism

Lutheran Pastrix Attends Pride Parade With Jugs Flapping Free Range In The Breeze

Will Artificial Intelligence Seize Control Of Human Evolution?

Will Artificial Intelligence Seize Control Of Human Evolution?

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— ( Jul 11, 2024 at 2:29 PM

Single Mom Begs For Bailout From Single Men

Leftover Women Frustrated Men Going Their Own Way

What Is Theology Proper & Why Is It Important?

What Is Quiet Quitting?

The Search: Finding Meaningful Work In A Post-Career World

The Spiritual Decline Of Churches Today

Christian Pastor Talks About Growing Up In Fundamentalist Christianity

Five Myths About Retirement & Encore Entrepreneurs

How To Discern A Religious Vocation

Dangerous Cults: The New Independent Fundamentalist Baptists

X-Files Meets The Book Of Revelation

Can The Gospel Coalition Be Defeated Or Replaced?

Exploring The Complicated World Of Non-Theistic Religions & Philosophies

Leaving The Independent Fundamentalist Church & Anti-Intellectualism In The Church

Discovering Your Essence Later In Life

Becoming Retired: Navigating The Flip Side

Men Going Their Own Way Crashing The Economy

Five Reasons Why Dispensational Premillennialism Needs To Be Taught In Your Church

How Women Took Over Literature (Or Why Men Abandoned It)

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Friday, July 05, 2024

Light House Nick Nack

Photo by FB Meekins

Coke Sign

Photo by FB Meekins

Birchers: How The John Birch Society Radicalized The American Right