Friday, June 28, 2024

California Governor Refuses To Live In Squalor His Policies Abetted

California Governor Refuses To Live In Squalor His Policies Abetted

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— ( Jun 27, 2024 at 6:58 PM

Hooters Sagging

Whites Apparently Must Also Be Brutalized & Subjugated If Desegregation Is To Placate Diversitymongers

Congresswoman Celebrating Infanticide & Carnal Debauchery Insists God’s Healing Power Flows Through Her

Allegedly Conservative Anglican Bishop A Documented Anti-White Woketopian

Fanatic Pastor Opposed To Dating Little Issue Cavorting Alongside Drag-Friendly Apostates

Boeing Spacecraft Traps Astronauts Aboard Space Station

Boeing Spacecraft Traps Astronauts Aboard Space Station

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— ( Jun 27, 2024 at 6:35 PM

So Long As They Pander To Hebrews & Israel, Turning Point USA No Problem With Atheists & Drag Queens?

Astrology Celebrated By Rational While Apocalyptic Concerns Denounced As Lunacy

Astrology Celebrated By Rational While Apocalyptic Concerns Denounced As Lunacy

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— ( Jun 27, 2024 at 6:29 PM

Will Fuller Seminary Grant Blessing To Carnal Debauchery?

Soros Minion Victimized As A Result Of Her Own Woketopian Policies

Why Does Rod Parsley Have An Alias?

The Terrifying Philosophy Of Edgar Allan Poe

Transformative Theology

Christian Humanism: Not What You Think

Write: Transform Experience Into Content That Matters

How Churches Should Respond To Scandal

The Truth About Finding Purpose After Retirement

The Anglo-Catholic Continuum

Writing & Self-Publishing Children’s Historical Fiction

Revelation Session 15: The Rapture In The Bible

Women’s Unrealistic Expectations: Beauty Not The Bait It Use To Be

Single Mother Refuses To Date Single Fathers

Things People Get Wrong About Stan Lee

Finding Faith In The Comics

Clashing Epistemologies Of The Future: Risk, Resilience, Apocalypse

Transhumanism Exposed The Master Class

Transhumanism Exposed The Master Class

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— ( Jun 26, 2024 at 6:33 PM

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Hit & Run Commentary #150

 Will those celebrating the transformation of Victoria Secret from a fashion show into a podcast also demand that the Chip and Dale dancers dump the muscular men in favor of thin bookish nerds?

Bush Regime Homeland Security Functionary Tom Ridge has been rushed to the hospital following a stroke caused by a blood clot. Wonder if he recently relented to Plague Cult Alchemy.

George P. Bush has launched a campaign for the Attorney Generalship of Texas. With no other viable candidates for President, the young Bush eventually actively supported Trump. For such, he was accused of betraying his family. But don’t any other time leftists and progressives celebrate those that so openly defecate on the values of their respective families as just a normal part of the maturation process?

And when minorities can’t afford the mortgages with which they demand to be lavished for simply not being White, I guess it will also be Whitey’s fault when the properties are lost or the owners are forced to labor in order to retain them.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Lady Mao) ruminated on the tragedy of tossing human beings into what she described as human garbage bins. If so, has she spoken out against those taken into custody during the Capitol Kerfuffle languishing in jail over what amounts to little more than a glorified trespassing violation?

If the Autarch is so concerned about crime, why doesn't he also take actions against knives?

Wonder if these Pentagon elites that can drone on and on about the boogeyman of White supremacy are as eloquent and schooled in the intricacies of the Islamist, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter threats.

The Loudon County school board members forbidding clapping most likely this time last year called for the defunding of the police had very little to say negatively regarding the joint Antifa/Black Lives Matter campaign to redistribute other people’s property.

Apparently applauding in regards to statements with which one agrees pertaining to public policies one opposes is an outrage that cannot be countenanced but looting merchants in response to certain judicial rulings is.

As part of the Autarch’s anti-Second Amendment agenda, it is being proposed that those who deal in firearms whose merchandise ends up being used in a nefarious manner even if the dealer violated no other discernible regulation should be held liable.  So if heart attacks rise above a certain level in a particular area, should the fast food establishments located there be held responsible?

On an episode of Batwoman laced with even more propaganda than usual, the crime was depicted as particularly outrageous not because an innocent man was shot by privatized police but because the victim was an innocent BLACK man. So is that somehow more tragic than Bruce Wayne’s father Thomas getting murdered, the event that spurred the young lad into eventually becoming Batman? Perhaps Thomas Wayne got what he deserved as part of the maligned “One Percent”. And when future audiences are retold the origins of the Dark Knight, should the new narrative be that the Caped Crusader embarked on the quest to avenge the death of his White parents if viewers need to be deliberately told the ethnicity of the actor portraying the victim before their very eyes?

Speech codes have banned the term “powwow” for being culturally insensitive. Instead it has been suggested that the term “gathering” be used. But isn’t that potentially triggering to Highlander fans? For in that series, the Gathering was the time when the Immortals commenced the ritualized killing of one another.

In an oration, the Autarch sympathetically explicated why Blacks and Hispanics are reluctant to submit to Plague Cult alchemy. Yet his doctor bride was much more critical of Tennesseans just as skeptical regarding injectable pharmacological elixirs. If the concerns of minorities are to be addressed with gingered sensitivity, Evangelicals concerned about prophetic implications, Catholics regarding pro-life concerns, and libertarians opposed to invasive government intrusion are worthy of just as much respect.

Travel guides are published to showcase the most noteworthy attractions an area has to offer. No doubt one of the most prestigious placements in such is the inside front cover. As such, are we to assume that Durham, North Carolina has little more going for it than a neon depiction of the female reproductive tract complete with boxing gloves as ovaries?

Shannon Bream of Fox News is a devout Christian. So much so that she published a regarded book on women of the Bible. It is too bad her theological thinking is deficient in that she mockingly chuckled on the 6/28/21 episode of America Reports at the hypothesis that unidentified aerial phenomena might be interdimensional in nature. Will she be as dismissive in regards to the terminology to describe how other spiritual realities such as the Resurrection or the Afterlife interact with the temporo-spatial continuum?

Contrary to a public service announcement sponsored by the U.S. Airforce, that branch of the military does not exist to promote diversity. It exists to assert technological superiority in the expanse above the territory of the United States in pursuit of the nation's defense.

Teacher union president defends Critical Race Theory as teaching accurate history. Mind you, these were the same postmodernist subversives this time 30 years ago insisting that a singular version of history did not exist. Rather, the discipline merely consisted of competing narratives regarding what is hegemonically referred to as the past.

The Autarch is threatening to send plague alchemy gestapo door to door. Am sure that will play well in the sticks.

Nearly two decades ago, no doubt many of the Democratic legislators patriotically singing on the steps of the Capitol following the 9/11 attack now side with necromongering ideologies and worldviews bent on toppling traditionalist understandings of America.

So a certain social media mogul can post video of himself riding a hydrofoil surfboard waving an American flag but to his fellow technocrats you are a threat to regime solidarity if you use your air conditioner.

Teachers Unions claim that these organizations want to defend the right of pedagogues to teach controversial epistemologies such as Critical Race Theory. To be consistent, these guilds should issue a similar proclamation in defense of Creationism or Intelligent Design forthwith.

Now it's claimed a third jab of the Plague Cult alchemy may be required. Where do the demands end? Brings to mind Picard's line from Star Trek: First Contact about continually falling back at the relentless advance of the Borg.

The Autarch’s chief propagandist admonished that criticizing of Plague Cult mendicants with the charism of evangelizing on behalf of the sacredotal alchemy among infidel peasants groveling in their hovels is a disservice to the regime and its dedicated sorcerers. That’s pretty much the same excuse invoked to crack down on free speech throughout the megadictatorships marring the twentieth century. Will those that deliberately remain on enhanced unemployment despite jobs being available will also be accused of doing the nation a disservice?

The Secretary of Health & Human Services insisted it is indeed the state’s business as to who has not acquiesced to Plague Cult alchemy because of how much it has spent fighting the pestilence. In other words, you are nothing more than the government’s whore.

If you can be arrested for not showing up for jury duty, why shouldn't the fugitive Texas legislators be arrested for a similar violation of the law?

The Autarch claims that those who question Plague Cult Alchemy are killing people. As such, the regime insists it is justified in gathering intelligence in order to curtail the dissemination of counterrevolutionary perspectives. So on what grounds do these progressive sorts gripe about any bit of information J. Edgar Hoover might have collected?

Does the Autarch intend to as carefully monitor the communications of Antifa and Black Lives Matter?

Regime propagandist Jen Psaki suggested that those spreading content categorized as disinformation should be banned from ALL social media platforms. It is assured that such is not censorship and in accord with free market principles. If so, shouldn’t it be up to each platform to decide which content will be allowed or forbidden rather than the state making such a determination?

If the vaccinated are able to contract and spread plague, don’t they bear as much responsibility for spreading the plague as the accursed Neo-Lepers?

For all this panic about the increase in Plague, it seems the death rates are still pretty much flat.

If boycotts are organized of venues that require proof of plague cult alchemy, why should we give an excrement if they go out of business?

So employers are pitching fits that they already can’t find enough workers, yet the tyrants holding power want fired the workers refusing to consent to this Mark of the Beast prototype

A private business is theoretically free to deny services to those that have not embraced invasive Plague Cult sacraments. They also ought to be forced to live with the financial ruination and repercussions of such a decision.

So apparently those insisting opposing same sex matrimony is an egregious denial of human liberties would deny the very right to eat for those withstanding the herd consensus on a dubious alchemical elixir.

A social justice degree. And what exactly does that train one for, life as an Antifa looter? If one had a legitimate academic interest in that topic, there is no reason such studies could not be pursued within the context of more traditional academic disciplines such as History, Political Science, Philosophy, or even Sociology. Unless of course the real reason for such a formalized major is that these subjects are too rigorous for those pursuing such a scholastic path.

By Frederick Meekins