Monday, October 28, 2024

Hit & Run Commentary #151

Comrade DeBlasio, in the spirit of the Antichrist, is suggesting that employers should compel their human capital to submit to the invasive sacredotal alchemy of the Plague cult. Don’t be shocked when such sparks a forced reallocation of resources similar to that of Antifa. Somehow looting a Lego Death Star is intrinsic to the furtherance of social justice but those denied the means of sustenance in a manner similar to the prophecies foretold in Revelation 13 similarly appropriating resources in order to survive would not be?

A column in the New York Times declares there is no reason why one should have to be a U.S. citizen in order to vote. Yet there are those now of the mainstream media mindset of which the editorial board of the New York Times resides as a sort of priestly overclass that hold that those failing to acquiesce to the demands for the Plague Cult inoculation should be denied access to nutritional sustenance, continued employment, and even protection from financial ruination as a result of exercising their conscience in regards to this particular health policy.

There is no more inherently political a statement than to repeatedly insist that a statement is not political.

Wonder how long until someone pens a work along the lines of a Plague Cult alchemy version of the Turner Diaries. Such a book might end up being banned from e-commerce platforms. However, one could not easily ban it from being photocopied from patriot to patriot unless our technocratic overlords intend to ban private ownership of that form of technology as well as in the case of the Soviet Union.

It is claimed that the vaccinated can spread the delta (or Indian) variant to an extent similar to the unvaccinated. If that is the case and policy is to be based on evidential science rather than unassailable dogma, shouldn’t the vaccinated be subjected to the exact same testing requirements as the unvaccinated? To hold otherwise is to admit that testing is not about stopping the spread of the illness but about propagandistically otherizing in order to dehumanize the unvaccinated similar to the Jews and Kulacks in other forms of totalitarianism that also assured the subjugated that measures shocking the conscience were necessary in the name of public health and biological hygiene.

The delta (or Indian variant) has apparently spread around the world. Given this microbe rose to prominence well after the Plague became a pervasive reality, my contention has been confirmed that, to prevailing elites, appearing tolerant in terms of open borders and mass migration is indeed deemed a higher priority than survival itself.

If men can not only dress like women but rather like the skanks along the Vegas strip and can compete in women’s athletic events, who really gives a flip if someone wears white after labor day?

Some debates go on for decades. Sometimes these will go on even after the subject that they are about has passed into death. In an exchange, a hardline theological linguist questioned the propriety of David and Rush Limbaugh being referred to as brothers because of certain inquisitors doubting the sincerity of Rush’s religious faith. Evidence consisted primarily of Rush not repeatedly or continuously attesting to the divinity of Christ on the broadcaster’s daily radio program. Yet Rush never said that his was an explicitly or solely a religious broadcast. For pointing that out, I was accused of compartmentalizing Christianity where I am a Christian on Sunday yet likely not in the workplace. This accusation makes as much sense as someone in a supermarket calling for the abolition of the bread aisle because it is ultimately Christ as the Bread of Life, rather than the baked good sold as such on the shelf, as the source of existence.

Is it really “informed consent” if one is obligated to take the Plague Cult injection to keep one’s employment?

A Christian comic depicts a pastor standing before a flock of sheep warning “Danger! Danger! Wolf!” in regards to the wolf sneaking up behind them. One of the sheep snaps back at the pastor, “Who are you to judge? You don’t love like Jesus. You are a bigoted, legalistic, hypocritial Pharisee.” What is not taken into consideration is that often a sheep will respond that way when they see repeatedly that what sets the pastor off is not so much something clearly spelled out in the pages of Scripture but rather something that is more the pastor’s personal preference. For example, women in pants. Or, perhaps more importantly, the inconsistency of the pastor condemning the use of mood-stabilizing medications for those that have depression yet admitting from the pulpit that he cannot get his day started without coffee. Is that not also dependence upon a chemical rather than God?

On Fox News, it was insisted in an interview that in regards to the Coronavirus, individuals need to think like the Navy SEALS in putting the team first. First, I did not agree to join the military. Thus, one should not be forced into the false altruism scandal against one’s consent. Second, the military doesn’t have that great of a track record as to taking care of those damaged as a result of the institution’s bad decisions. Agent orange or Gulf War syndrome, anyone?

If tenants shouldn't be evicted over Covid, why should the rest of us be required to pay our property and income taxes?

The Autarch decreed that those in areas of high vaccination rates such as his home Soviet are not required to wear masks. And if the patriots of the Red State Alliance refuse to obey either vaccine or mask mandates?

In response to those reluctant to acquiesce to the demands for universal Plague cult alchemy or who even outright refuse such violations of their biochemical autonomy, it is asked who are those without medical credentials to oppose what are merely “recommendations” on the part of public health authorities? So to what extent should such control over our individual lives be surrendered? If such functionaries have the right to inject substances into our bodies against our will for the sake of the COMMUNITY, why do they not possess the right to turn off your lights at an early designated hour to coerce you into getting the amount of sleep necessary to optimize immune responses or fine you if what you purchase at the supermarket does not comply with governmental dietary guidelines?

I remember when Francis Collins was looked upon as a respected Christian of science and not some leftist buffoon shilling on before of a regime aspiring towards tyrannical technocracy.

In promotions for the movie “Jungle Cruise”, Applebees and Disney are urging America in the soundtrack to the commercial to “rock the boat”. So then on what grounds do these corporate shills demand compliance with countenance concealment, Plague Cult alchemy, and documentation attesting to such? Aren’t those refusing simply complying with the messaging to “rock the boat”?

By Frederick Meekins

Friday, October 25, 2024

Relaxing Snowman

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:36 PM

Snowman Atop Evergreen

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:35 PM

Pumpkin Totem Pole

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:32 PM

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:33 PM

Audience Shocked Whales Defecate In Water

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Reprobate Denomination Swears Fidelity To Moloch

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Are Most Leading Holy Rollers Substandard Theologians?

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— ( October 23, 2024 at 7:18 PM

Did Biden Regime Authorize Military To Execute Americans In The Streets?

Yet What Exactly Did Lawson Do?

Yet What Exactly Did Lawson Do? Details still scant regarding what heralded as a major scandal. Maybe he does not seem “repentant” because he did not do all that much.

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— ( October 23, 2024 at 7:12 PM

Human Rights & Robot Wrongs

Human Rights & Robot Wrongs

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 23, 2024 at 7:10 PM

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The Theology Of Elon Musk & Transhumanism

William F. Buckley & Academic Freedom

Barry Goldwater: The Conscience Of A Conservative

Is Transhumanism Inevitable?

The Intersection Of Faith, Science & Transhumanism

The New Global Spirituality

Wife Pregnant By Another Man Demands Husband Raise The Baby

She Demands Men Accept Paternity Test Fraud, Gets Humbled Instead

This David Platt Documentary Is Shocking

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Velveteen Angel

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:31 PM

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:31 PM

ET Toy

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Gangster Skeleton

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:29 PM

Pimp Hat Pumpkin

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:28 PM

Snuggling Snow Couple

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:27 PM

Yellow Mum

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:26 PM

Hardware Store Cactus

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:25 PM

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:26 PM

Frankenstein's Monster & Ghost

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 19, 2024 at 6:25 PM

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024

Where Will Transhumanism Lead Us?

Is God An Extraterrestrial?

Will Extraterrestrials Replace God?

The Religious Nature Of Transhumanism

Did Hospital Attempt To Harvest A Living Patient's Organs?

Thursday, October 17, 2024

2012 Corevette

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 17, 2024 at 8:38 AM

Photo by FB Meekins

Saxy Santa

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 17, 2024 at 8:39 AM

Photo by FB Meekins

Crested Cock's Comb

Photo by FBM

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 17, 2024 at 8:43 AM

Photo by FB Meekins

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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WIll Answers In Genesis Inadvertently Develop Image Of The Beast?

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— ( October 16, 2024 at 7:18 PM

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NASA Propagandist Insists Extraterrestrial Disclosure Imminent

Steven Anderson Abuse Allegations Confirmed

Diana Pasulka: Encounters

Why Men Will Never Go To Singles Events Again

Men Adopt Tactic Used Against Them For Generations

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The Kalb Report: Why Murrow Matters In The Digital Age

The Kalb Report: Why Murrow Matters In The Digital Age

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— ( October 16, 2024 at 7:02 PM

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

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Goofy Pumpkins

Photo by FBM

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Photo by FBM

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— ( September 29, 2024 at 4:30 PM

Square Decorative Pumpkin

Photo by FBM

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

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— Arcana Athenaeum ( October 12, 2024 at 4:14 PM

Snowman Playing Piano

Photo by FBM

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Steam Locomotive

Photo by FB Meekins

American Indian Figurine

Photo by FBM

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— ( September 29, 2024 at 4:28 PM

Antique Farm Equipment

Photo by FB Meekins

Friday, October 11, 2024

Rusted Caboose

Railway Safety Sign

Photo by FB Meekins

Rose Of Sharon

Photo by FB Meekins

Joker Sequel Flops

Concerns Raised Over Transhumanism

“What Should I Do With The Rest Of My Life?”