Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Documentary Examines Wonder Woman's Impact

Illegal Pulls The Legs Of Gullible Multiculturalists As To Why He Wants To Remain In America

Speaking in favor of immigration reform legislation, a medical student in the country illegally told WMAL that he hopes he will be granted amnesty so that he might be able to take board certification exams because he is eager to give back to the COMMUNITY.

But is that his sole motivation or are other more personal financial interests at stake?

After all, won’t his home country gladly welcome an American educated doctor even if such Third World medical systems aren’t able to compensate as richly?

But if we are to believe the propagandistic lies stammering from his heavily accented mouth, filthy lucre isn’t the primary issue anyway.

These comments raise a number of issues.

Why was this student even admitted to medical school to begin with?

After all, the regular American can’t even step into a medical facility these days without having to produce a photo ID just to have blood drawn.

Secondly, if we aren’t supposed to construe who is and is not an American based upon traditional legalities since these are just pieces of paper anyway, why should mere pieces of paper restrict who can and cannot practice medicine?

by Frederick Meekins

Detained Saudi Hardly An Innocent Calligraphy Student

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A Defense Of Natural Theology

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Liberals Itching For A White Bomber

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How do we know the existence of other bombs was denied simply to prevent widespread panic? Wonder how long until government operatives start threatening those insisting they saw additional devices the way those were threatened insisting there was a third Oklahoma City Bomber?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lizard Tales: The Wit and Wisdom of Ron Shirley by Ron Shirley

Sec. Of State Owning A SUV, A Yatch & At Least Five Luxury Homes Scattered Across God's Green Acre Declares Global Warming The World's Greatest Threat

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The Boston Bombing & Alex Jones

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Barney Frank Blames Boston Marathon Bombing On Tax Cuts & Fiscal Responsibility

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Obama Categorizes Terrorist Attack As A Positive Character Building Exercise

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Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates The Presbyterian Church USA

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Human Turds Celebrate Boston Terrorist Attack

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Senate Draws Up Declaration Of Surrender To Illegal Invaders

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Cardinal Insinuates Fundamentalists Subvert Reason

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Catholic Church Forges Baptismal Pact With Leftwing Protestants

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In the future, liberals will no doubt equate those complaining about Tax Day with the human scumbags that attacked Boston.

So I guess the Boston Marathon bombing is the result of what happens when pacifist quiltmaking grandmothers form an alliance with cloistered Bingo playing nuns.

Obama says those responsible will feel the full weight of the United States. I guess those fighter jets being given to the Egyptians are quite heavy.

Why tip toe around verbally acknowledging the limbs of innocents were blown off and mutilated? Is that done to protect the victims or to prevent the facade of multiculturalism from collapsing?

As an ardent Islamophile, did Obama just use every word but terrorist in regards to the attack in Boston?

During Pearl Harbor, wonder if folks sat around wringing their hands trying to blame the assault on everyone but the Japanese?

Americans had their limbs mutilated in the Boston Marathon terrorist attack. Headlines in coming days will be how some Muslim was given a dirty look as he walked down the street.

Monday, April 15, 2013

"For Your Country's Sake Today. For Your Sake Tomorrow."

Mutant Futurists In The 21st Century

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Attitudes For Ministry

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These talking heads (even on Fox News) certainly tripping all over their fat lips to insinuate that the bombing is in not way Islamist related. So, are the dead less dead and the mutilated less mutiliated if the bombing seems amateurish?

Islamists Seize Control Of The Hagia Sophia

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Will Sermons Be Replaced With Direct Control Of Church Officials Over Individual Congregation Members?

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Ministry: A Call To Speak

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Bob Beckel Admits To UFO Contact (But Take Into Account He's A Former Drunk)

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Is The Pope Infalliable?

Facebook & Christians

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I Remember When The Joker Was The Most Mentally Screwed Up Thing In Gotham City

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Is Pope Francis Conspiring With Global Elites To Impose A Unitary Planetary Faith?

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Heathens Vandalize Georgetown Chapel

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Star Trek Money Making Scam

That is certainly a money-making scam where "digitally remastered" episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation are being shown in movie theaters.

Some are duped into thinking these are entirely new productions. My brother turned to me and asked if I was going to go see it.

I told him no, even though it was "The Best Of Both Worlds", usually considered the best of the series. I saw it nearly 25 years ago (and so many times since then I can probably quote of reasonable approximation of the dialogue when watching it).

I remember back when, from a worldview standpoint if the conflict depicted actually took place in real life, most would route for the victory of the Enterprise before these Transhumanists rose to prominence literally aspiring to become members of the Borg collective.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Batgirl Creator & Flash Recreator Passes

Mitch McConnel Condemned For Being White

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Emergent Church Apostates Deny The Bible Is God's Word

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African Savages Eat French President's Camel

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MD Government To Punish Residents For Acts Of Father God & Mother Nature

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Would media hacks condemning those questioning Ashley Judd's "religious sensibilities" give a free pass to a potential candidate professing to be a fundamentalist Christian?

Cartoon Network has cancelled Young Justice. It was probably the greatest superhero cartoon of all time. But I guess you aren't going to stay on the air very long when the final image you broadcast is of the head of the Illuminati (Vandal Savage) forging an alliance with the god of the Apocalypse (Darkseid).

Will Organizations Refusing To Bend Over For Gay Marriage Lose Tax Exempt Status?

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Cartoon Network has cancelled Young Justice. It was probably the greatest superhero cartoon of all time. But I guess you aren't going to stay on the air very long when the final image you broadcast is of the head of the Illuminati (Vandal Savage) forging an alliance with the god of the Apocalypse (Darkseid).

If we are to believe the platitude that God's love cannot be explained but only experienced, is there any really point to tell anyone about it or to persuade individuals as to the veracity of this concept's existence?

Iranian Scientists Claims To Have Invented A Temporal Prognosticator

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Perspectives Regarding Margarent Thatcher

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Vatican Operative Categorizes Stars As God's Sperm

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The same celebrities no doubt paid a boatload for performing at the White House rank among the same pissants demanding that the rest of us give back to the COMMUNITY and other similarly nauseating platitudes.

Why ought smokers be required to pick up the tab for full day kindergarten for mothers too lazy to take care of their own children?

Subversives agitating on the Mall in Washington categorize deportation as "family shattering". Then what prevents families from leaving America together? If Hispanic culture is so family oriented as a number of ministries across the spectrum of Christianity are attempting to brainwash their adherents into believing, shouldn't the nations the individuals are returning to openly embrace these returning families?

The Legacy Of Margaret Thatcher

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In addressing a school where a disturbing percentage have been shot, will Frau Obama blame the shootings on individuals of deplorable morality? Or will the First Lady blame these tragedies on White folks unwilling to have their property confiscated in the name of "social justice"?

If Melissa Harris Perry insists children belong to the COMMUNITY, on what grounds does she oppose communities that outlaw interracial relationships such as that of her parents in order to maintain what a community might deem acceptable levels of ethnic integrity?

Fuss is made that the Texas community college stabber harbored fantasies of stabbing people. So should we be arrested preemptively for the content of our fantasies? More importantly, could developments in brain mapping technology make such law enforcement surveillance one day possible?

Does Faith Need Philosophy?

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As A Brain-damaged Mental Defective, Shouldn't Gabby Giffords Be Required To Surrender Her Firearms?

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Will Rand Paul End Up Pandering To Blacks?

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Collectivist Fanatics Uphold Communalist Childrearing Claims

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NY State Seizes Guns From Lawful Citizens Taking Depression Medicine

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Will Pat Buchanan Be On The New Crossfire?

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Whites Agreeing To The Denigration Of Their Raise Praised

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Too bad there isn't a General MacArthur around to crack the heads of these illegals gathering in DC the way he did the Bonus Marchers. Apparently these immigrants aren't as working as hard as they claim at jobs REAL Americans won't do.

Maniac Stabber Spoke Through Sock Puppet

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Obama Uses White House Timberlake Concert To Smear In America's Face How Bad Black Folks Have It

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Utility Company Propaganda Brainwashes The Dimwitted To Surrender Control Over The Air Conditioner

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If illegal aliens are amassing to rampage in Washington, DC, apparently they are not working as hard at jobs REAL Americans don't want as these subversives claim.

Breastaurant To Offer Succulent Mouth-Watering Menu

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The Dangers & Glories Of The Tongue

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Is Easter A Pagan Holiday?

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Apparently Admitting Ashley Judd An Unhinged Wench Worse Than Illegal Wiretapping

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The UN & Vatican Strategize On Global Wealth Redistribution

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Thathcher & Buckley Analyze The Failure Of Socialism

Did Extraterrestrials Implant A Genetic Text Message Inside Human DNA?

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I guess so many fell for the Osteen hoax as it sounds like something that might fly out of his mouth anyway in light of how he dropped the ball about the gays and the Mormons in assorted interviews. And there isn't much doctrinal content to his sermons anyway. He is essentially a motivational speaker. Some of the blame for his pulpit being given over to that has to be shouldered in part by Christians insisting that, in the Christian world, there is little room for rhetorical endeavors other than those organized in the traditional sermonic format.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Homeowner Charged For Refusing To Be Mutilated By Bear

A Massachusetts man is being charged for refusing to be mutilated by a marauding bear trespassing across his yard.

Specifically, he is being accused of bear baiting (because he had bird seed in his yard) and for improperly killing a bear.

Bears are also attracted to menstruating women.

Had the bear entered the yard for that reason, would the homeowner still face the same bear baiting charge?

If the charging bear had lunged towards Frau Obama, would Secret Service agents pursuing a similar firearms dependent strategy to rescue her face criminal prosecution?

But then again, that might be doing the bear a mercy than rather to allow it to endure the agony of unending indigestion from consuming such a flatulent wind bag.

So if children belong to the COMMUNITY rather than individual families as suggested by an MSNBC analyst, who gets to determine in what religion a particular child will be raised?

Interesting. MSNBC fired Pat Buchanan on the grounds that the themes raised in his book Suicide Of A Superpower were not worthy of public consideration. However, the network apparently has no problem extending a platform to a professor that insists children do not belong to their parents in the context of the traditional family but rather belong to the COMMUNITY.

Obama Finds A Certain Number Of Murdered Students Acceptable

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Rabble Rousers Of The Southern Poverty Law Center

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Is Brad Paisley Brownnosing Afrosupremacists?

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Transformational Education Intends To Poision Students' Minds

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Human Excrement Rampages In Streets In Ecstacy Over Thatcher's Death

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Strungout Dopefiends Glamorized As Psychonauts

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Biden Pledges Allegiance To The New World Order

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