Friday, September 22, 2006

Over 300 Census Bureau Computers Stolen

The U.S. Census Bureau has lost nearly 300 computers.

Those forced to fill out the long form (euphemistically called the "AmericanCommunity Survey since in the current ideological climate only deviants fail to obey what the COMMUNITY tells them to do) are informed they face the potential of a $1000 fine for each question they fail to answer accurately.

These questions go beyond simple matters such as name and address necessary for the only constitutionally authorized purpose of the census, namely Congressional apportionment, to pry into all kinds of matters that would make a Peeping Tom blush such as how much you earn, to how far you live from work, and what time you get there.

Using the what's good for the goose is good for the gander standard, since identity theft is a serious problem and the Census Bureau dupes the American people into answering this perditious parchment, maybe Census takers careless enough to loose their computers should be fined $1000 for every name in the missing computers.

Bet you'd have a lot fewer computers stolen.

By Frederick Meekins

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