Monday, September 04, 2006

Mother Nature Like A High Maintenance Woman Jabs Knife In Croc Hunter's Heart

Just recently I wrote how wildlife documentarians hoodwinked the viewing public into believing audiences have nothing to fear from nature.

Now, one of their most famous, Crocodile Steve Irwin, will forever serve as a reminder of just how dangerous these creatures are.

Though it won't be popular to say and still quite sad, frankly everyone knew this day was coming.

And like the episode of the Lone Gunmen predicting a jetliner would be flown into an American skyscraper, I bet you'll never again see the episode of the Simpsons' were Irwin is mauled to death by a crocodile.

Yet no doubt some environmental idiot will blurt out that sickening line "At least he died doing what he loved." Try telling that one to the wife and kids.

By Frederick Meekins

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