Friday, March 03, 2006

Courtship Ministry Urges Submission To Ecclesiastical Authorities In Selecting A Mate

It's one thing if advocates of the courtship movement want to insist that the young person must defer to one's parents in terms of selecting a mate since that is a matter internal to each home and families must determine these limits for themselves.

However, aren't things getting just a little bit out of hand when it is established as an expectation that the individual must consult church authorties in regards to this personal matter?

Just how far does this issue of church discipline extend: maybe we should have Pastor make our evening meal selections for us as well? If we as Christians are suppose to go out in such a state of dimwitted humility, why don't we allow the church to determine where we are to live and what kind of career we are to pursue while we are at it.

The comment in question was made around the five minute mark.

By Frederick Meekins

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