Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Do Gravity Waves Point To The Existence Of A Multiverse?

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Do Vatican Factions Applaud Obama's Socialism?

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Vatican Jurist Rules Obama An Enemey Of Christian Civilization

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Michelle Bachmann Inserts Her Nose Into The Dead Corpse Of Fred Phelps

Michelle Bachmann is reported to have said the following on Fox News.

“Fred Phelps was hated for speaking the truth about the militant homosexual. The militant homosexual is no friend of God, and no friend of America. I'm not saying I agreed with Fred's methods, I'm just saying I agreed with Fred.”

Usually, Bachmann is more insightful than this.

So you should go around telling parents that their children died in car wrecks because your states wasn't tough enough on the sodomites?

Furthermore, it was doubtful that the Amish school children slaughtered by a deranged gunman that the Phelps cult insisted got what they deserved were preparing for a gay pride rally.

The problem with Fred Phelps was not his stance against homosexuality.

Where he went off the deep end was blaming everyone else for things over which they had no control.

And would Michelle Bachmann so eagerly insert her nose into the rectal cavity of this religious lunatic if her own personal tragedies were ridiculed and exploited for the sake of ecclesiastical showmanship?

Regarding the behavior of the First Grandmother on the trip to China: you must be pretty bad when those living in a dictatorship think you are bossy.

Episcopal Bishops Applaud Civilization's Collapse

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Obama Decimates U.S. Missile Capability

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Is The First Grandmother Acting Like A Bitch?

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Dangers Facing The Church, Part 1

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Are Earth-Based Religions Destroying The Environment?

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UFO's: The Final Deception

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When Robots Can Kill

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Muslim Father Murders Lesbian Daughter

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Have Phones Become Idols?

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Apocalyptic Cybernetic Deification

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Leftist Evangelicals Seek Alliance With The Pope To Undermine Private Property & Free Enterprise

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The Beatles: Revealing Culture & Driving Change

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Internet Exposes The Cultic Wings Of Fundamentalism

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Media Downplays Rampaging Obama Voters

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Nabisco Categorizes Homosexual Marriage As Wholesome

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Conservative Anglican Reminds Sex In Proper Context Is Good

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Techno-Messianic Abominations?

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Head Jesuit Celebrates Doctrinal Anarchy

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Drug-Filled Vatican Condoms Interdicted

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Will Catwoman Appear In The New Gotham Series?

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The First Baptist Church Of Oz

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Daily Church Attendance Not Compulsory

A theologian remarked on Facebook that Roman Catholics are more dedicated overall to their respective belief system than most Protestants.

As evidence, the example was given of Catholics that attend church every day especially to receive the mass.

On of the strengths of Protestantism is its realization and contention that one does not require the assistance of a priest to commune with God if one does not so desire.

After all, the priesthood is of ALL believers and just not a professional class.

Thus, your access to God is as direct from your bed chamber as it is in the most magnificent cathedral.

It is only human limitations that impose such a distinction in these venues.

So aren't Protestants making a fuss that one ought to be in church daily to exhibit an acceptable level of devotion to God really insisting that going to church is not so much about worshiping God as it is about OTHERS seeing you supposedly worshiping God?

by Frederick Meekins

On The Five, Andrea Tantaros in reference to a middle school principal forcing pupils to speak English suggested that American students instead be forced to speak Spanish. Had the pundit been alive during the Second World War, would she applaud Poles being forced to speak German or, the inhabitants of Manchuria, Japanese?

Did Brian McLaren Walk To Florida?

According to the March 19, 2014 post at the PCUSA.org Food & Faith blog, Brian McLaren participated in a demonstration at a Publix supermarket in Lakeland, Florida.

The purpose of the rally was to intimidate the chain store into joining the Fair Food Program.

That initiative is not the focus of these comments.

Unless that activist theologian has moved to that particular locality, an even more interesting observation is how did Brian McLaren get there?

It is quite a walk from Maryland to Florida.

Even a bicycle ride would be out of the question.

Interestingly, part of McLaren's shtick on the rubber chicken circuit is to denigrate modern conveniences and technology.

In one interview, McLaren denounced the four walled structure necessary to provide shelter as separating man from God's creation.

So apparently while you, mere pew filler, are to feel shamed for having a roof over your head and maybe a car in the driveway, McLaren is so important that the world economy will collapse if he doesn't get to play labor organizer in the mid winter Florida sun.

by Frederick Meekins

Salacious Moans & Pants Escape Bureaucrat's Cubicle

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How Are Lutherans Different Than Evangelicals?

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Does New Muppet Have Defecation Obsession?

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Tolerancemonger Demands Evangelical Churches Pander To Minorities

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Militant Atheists Forbid Coach From Baptizing Students On His Own Time

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Will Obama Destroy Private Property The Way He Destroyed Healthcare?

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Are Islamists Cannibalizing Christians In Syrian Death Camps?

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Did Russian Archaeologists Unearth Saytr Skeleton?

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Obama's Mexican Man Whores

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Should Black Brats Be Allowed To Run Wild?

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Military Declares War On The Gideons

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Will Thr Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty Set The Foundation For Planetary Dictatorship?

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Mormon Cabal Conspires To Develop Cylons

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Illegal Aliens & Foreigners Reward With Own School

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Did Literary Snobs Condemn J.K. Rowling The Way They Are Rush Limbaugh?

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Xenogenesis: Turning Men Into Monsters

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Why Are Christians Liking Tattoos & Polygamy?

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The Pope Warns Against The Ostentatiously Pious

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Will A Jem Movie Be Truly, Truly, Truly Outrageous?

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Is Verizon Pro-Molestation & Incest?

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Is Fred Phelps Dead Because Homosexuals Walk America Free?

That's the kind of theological reasoning the SOB applied to everybody else.

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Airport Security Constipates Ass Bomber

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Will Tolerancemongers Allow Catholic Apologist To March In Sodomite Perambulation?

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Bishop Schori Proves She Knows Little About Either Lewis Or Christ

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Enemies Of The Church

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Does Detroit Public School Job Announcements Violate The First Amendment Rights Of Christians?

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Youth Ministry Now: Preaching Across Generations

Lutheran Review Of Big Bang Breakthrough

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Do Vatican Honchos Want To Keep Living High On The Hog

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Socialists Take Over NASA

Wouldn't these funds be better spend preparing for the Lunar War with China?

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Collegiate Porn Star Finds Erotic Beatings Empowering

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Interesting. I was informed that there are those that have made it their life's mission to destroy Calvinism. And I suppose all of those asinine Willy Wonka memes represent the finest doctrinal formulations Reformed theologians have to offer?

Virginia Celebrates Terrorist Indoctrination Compound

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Barney Fife Unable To Subdue 95 Year Old Without Killing Him

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Hollywood Still Refuses To Design An Acceptable Green Goblin

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Having the Internet governed by an entity reflective of world diversity, to paraphrase Jay Rockefeller's suggestion, means that eventually you won't be able to criticize queers, Islamists & Commies online.

Having the Internet governed by a body reflective of "world diversity" (to paraphrase the suggestion made by Jay Rockerfeller) means that eventually you won't be able to criticize queers, Communinits, or Islamists.

So will beer companies boycot homosexual parades that refuse Catholic and Evangelical Christian goups that want to display placards and floats extolling the chaste and monogamous heterosexual lifestyle?

Obama insists that the referendum in Crimea is not constitutional or legal. Since when has that ever stopped him here?

Chuck Missler On Transhumanism

Frau Obama Checks In With Her Supervisors At The Home Office

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In many churches, the prayer request ritual is not about seeking God's help. It plays more of an intelligence gathering function such as the secret police or self-denunciation during reeducation in a Marxist regime

Hispanosupremacist Terrorists Determined To Destroy Politically Incorrect Principal

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Encore Career Propaganda Brainwashes Seniors Into Accepting Life Without Retirement

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Will The Pentagon Deploy A Robot Army By 2030?

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On an episode of Avengers Assemble, Captian America got all on his high horse badmouthing Tony Stark’s reliance upon technology. Given that without the super soldier formula, Steve Rogers wasn’t much more than a proverbial 100 pound weakling, Stark should have reminded him that Captain America is himself little more than a piece of technology and, when you come down to it, a government sanctioned steroid abuser.

Will The Mark Of The Beast Be Available Within A Decade For Less Than $10 Per Victim?

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John 3 :16 & Lent

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Pastor Claims Church Picnics & Suppers Lead To Debauchery

Best be careful whose hot cross buns you are ogling.

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Is The Vatican Paving The Way For The Extraterrestrial Conquest Of Earth?

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Gay White House Chef Enjoys A Creamy Butterstick In His Hands

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Overweight Orgy Breaks Furniture

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Are Sex Ed Students Producing Their Own Porn?

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Friday, March 14, 2014

A judge has ruled that unwed mothers can ban the fathers of their children from the births of their babies. Perhaps unwed fathers should ban access to their bank accounts.

Obama has suggested that those unable to afford coverage under the Affordable Care Act should consider dropping their cable or cellphone services. Will he tell those on Food Stamps or wanting free birth control the same thing?

Pastor Smitten Dead After Confessing Adultery

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Pentagon Seeks Merger With Cylons

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Buffet Christianity

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Radical Jews That Wouldn't Get Any X's Or O's Don't Want Anyone Else To Get Any Either

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Midgets Split Over Large Scale Booze Problem

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Hannity Rips Welfare Beatnik A New One

Trayvonites Gang Rape Pregnant Woman

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Will Electronic Data Complicate The History Of The Future?

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Will Mindreading Technology Empower An Occultic Dictator?

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Was Malaysia Flight 370 Shanghaied By The Red Chinese?

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The Religion Of Secular Humanism

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Shouldn’t agnostic boozehound Greg Gutfeld who goes out of his way to remind of the books he’s published with his picture splashed across the cover be the last to complain about the narcissism and irreligiosity of American young people?

Too Bad Lesbian Cop Didn't Cover Entire Puss On Hijab Day

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Will Pole Dancing Androids Arouse Robosexual Perverts?

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Microsoft Functionary Encourages Adolescent Online Hooliganism

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Teen Father Masticates Infant's Probosis

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