Friday, February 28, 2014

Woman Euthanizes Herself Over Declining Beauty

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Atheists Infiltrate CPAC

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The War On Humans

More Christianity Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with acmedia on BlogTalkRadio

Frau Obama Claims Parents Too Stupid To Buy Food

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Schools Surrender To Marauding Hispanosupremacists

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Will Organs Be Harvested From The Profoundly Disabled?

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Rocket Racoon Gets Solo Series

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Has The Association Of Christian Counselors Embraced Homosexuality?

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Trayvon's Parents At The Center Of The No Honkies Need Apply Initiative

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Will DC Insurance Rates Skyrocket So Freaks Can Have Their Dingle Berries Harvested?

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The McLaughlin Group 2/21/14

Kurzweill Becomes Google's Bitch

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Israel On The Verge Of Deploying Laser Weapons

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Catholic Thinkers Condemn Facebook's 57 Gender Categories

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Environmental Lunatic Admits That Anthropogenic Global Warming Is A Scam

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The cover article of the 3/7/14 issue of Commonweal Magazine is titled “Why The Amish Get Out?” The same secularists and religious leftists that often praise the Amish up one end and down the other would probably want the remainder of conservative Evangelicals and Roman Catholics wiped out for espousing views, such on marriage between one man and woman and the need to protect children from corrupting influences, that aren’t all that divergent from that held by the Amish once you get past the buggies and bonnets. Thus, what the magazine admires about the Amish is the sect’s rejection of technological capitalism and consumerism. With the exception of course being that which keeps the publication and its assorted sponsors afloat.

Will Neo-Nazis Capitalize On Upheaval In Ukraine?

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So if Harry Reid is going to condemn the Coke Brothers as "unAmerican" for the efforts to undermine Obamacare, does he intend to label George Soros as "unAmerican" for attempting to collapse entire currencies and economies?

Most Dangerous Places In America Dominated By Obama Voters & Trayvonites

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Will Duped Masses Embrace Assimilation By The Borg?

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Jane Fonda Realizes She's An Old Hag

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Russian Warship Edges Closer To The United States

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Will Robot Journalists Propagandize On Behalf Of The Hive Mind?

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Would Terror Attack On The Power Grid Collapse The United States?

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Episcopal Priest Despises His Penis & Rather Have Boobs

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Instructive. Pope Francis has gone out of his way to denigrate capitalism but apparently holds a book party to brownnose the founder of Liberation Theology. In light of this and the British cardinal condemning welfare reform in the United Kingdom, if the Catholic hierarchy is asserting a renewed emphasis on the plight of the poor, why doesn’t the Vatican sell off its astronomical observatories and the like. While nice luxuries, no where in Scripture are those listed as a ministry priority. Or, as is the case of elites in the Emergent Church movement, is poverty something to be imposed upon the idiot pew fillers while the bigshots continue to ride high on the hog?

Ass-shaking First Lady Vows To Destroy Childhood

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Apple Slices & Milk in a happy meal are not a treat or a reward. They are a punishment.

Obama To Kick Off The Honkies Need Not Apply Initiative

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The Coming Singularity Of Man & Machine

Current Technology Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with NTEB on BlogTalkRadio

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So regarding these churches that flaunt the term “multiethnic” in their mission statements. Is that just a snobby way of vocalizing a generalized loathing of White folks? In regards to evangelism and such, is the urgency of someone’s need to hear the gospel message determined by skin color with that decreasing in an inverse proportion in relation to the number in the congregation already of that particular skin color or ethnicity? And if outreach methods are to be modified to appeal to assorted audiences and demographics, will there be any specifically targeting Whites that who, though do not necessarily bear those of other backgrounds any particular ill will, are turned off by the anti-Americanism and anti-Western proclivities inherent to multiculturalism. After all, those of the other backgrounds for the most part were the ones that came knocking to be let in out door. You don’t go into someone else’s house and then proceed to urinate all over the living room rug.

PBS Investigates Vatican Pedophiles

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Scholastic Tyrants Fail To Banish The Constitution

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Leftwing Evangelicals Surrender To Caucasoid-Denigrationist Ecclesiology

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Christianity Today Celebrates Reefer Madness

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Vatican Celebrates Marxist Theologian

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Black Brats Living High On The Hog Still Enjoy Hate Whitey Month

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On the Discovery Channel program Clash In The Ozarks, how about telling viewers why the protagonist is about to have his family’s property seized by the bank. If it’s because he’s a moonshine guzzling deadbeat that doesn’t work and his not paying the bills, why shouldn’t he lose his home?

Did Kevin Swanson's Sidekick Fall Into Whoremongery?

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So did Erin Burnett of CNN get as outraged over Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a "twat" and a "cunt" as she did over Ted Nugent calling Obama a "sub-human mongrel" and "liar"?

In the opening scene of Superman: The Movie, Ursa (the wench that ran with General Zod) was accused of possessing such hatred of men that it threatened the planet's children. In essence, she must have been Krypton's chief abortionist or ran that world's equivalent of Planned Parenthood.

Interesting. So its improper to advertise junk foods in school but acceptable to handout worksheets on how to masturbate.

Attorney General Calls For Outright Dictatorship

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Environmental Propagandists Insist Outright Lies Enhance Global Welfare

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Newspaper Op-Ed Openly Embraces Mark Of The Beast

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Cultist Mitt Romney Insists The Religious Liberty Of Biblical Christians Should Be Infringed

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Environmental Fanatics Demand Krauthammar Be Censored

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Farrakhan Claims Blacks Not Human Enough To Live By White Man's Law

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Will Tattooed Slob Be The Next Christian Reality TV Sensation Telling The Rest Of Us What To Do?

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Those Questioning Ergun Caner's Fabrications Denounced As Pagans

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How To Survive Intergalactic Armageddon

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Will Bill Clinton Stain The Red Dress The Way He Did Monica's Blue One?

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McCain's Respect For Religious Liberty Not An Appreciable Improvement Over His Vietcong Captors

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Sometimes arguments are old because that which is at stake in them are things of the utmost importance. I’m no scientist but I think I know enough when it is a bunch of bovine excrement a so-called “scientist” is spewing.

Will Israel Surrender Temple Mount To The Vatican?

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The Story Of The Heritage Foundation

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The Dali Lama & Buddhism

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Obama Refuses To Prosecute Jihadist Sympathizers

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Sand Heathen Beats Wife To Death For Getting Pregnant

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Did IRS Goons Attempt To Destroy Christine O'Donnell?

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Wrestler Jake The Snake Stricken With Cancer

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Seems the military is the only budget item Obama will cut from. Will wake up some morning and it will be like a scene from Red Dawn with Chinese and Russian soldiers parachuting into American towns and cities.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Is it that no economist believes jobs will be eliminated because of Obamacare or is it rather that no economist employed by the government that wants to keep their own job believes that no jobs will be eliminated because of Obamacare?

It is being proposed that each child be given a $500 bank account at birth. Given the demographic the program is attempting to pander to, what is to prevent the funds from being squandered on grape soda and legalized pot?

Is it that no economist believes jobs will be eliminated because of Obamacare or is it rather that no economist employed by the government that wants to keep their own job believes that no jobs will be eliminated because of Obamacare?

A hyperlegalist pastor praised his wife for refusing to call him by his first name, thinking a degree of formality should exist between clergy and layperson even when the two are married. Must make for awkwardness in the bedroom, or is this conundrum resolved by rubbing himself all over the church secretary and his hands wandering all over the underage teen girls in the youth group.

Twitter highlighted Michael Vick as an informative profile worthy of following along with CNN and Reuters. His must be the go to place for tips on pet care and dog grooming.

Wonder if Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, or even a loon like Mary Todd Lincoln would makes asses of themselves on The Tonight Show.

Many are shocked and outraged over union thugs burning down a Quaker meeting house. Perhaps this tragedy will temper the tendency of that sect to reflexively endorse radical leftwing politics.

An Independent Baptist Seminary might think it is easy to abbreviate as IBS, but when most see those initials, they don't think higher theological education. Instead, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is what pops into mind.

American Students Taught To Be Wankers While Russian & Chinese Taught World Conquest

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Speaking Of The New Age Movement

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Does The Ohio National Guard View The Second Amendment As A Terrorist Manifesto?

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Will Sharia Vigilantes Prowl Michigan Streets?

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Will Il Duce Outlaw Woodburning Stoves?

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The Loss Of Realism In The Middle Ages

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A church changing its doctrine in a more liberal direction said it would not vote for a change but would rather implement the decision arrived at by consensus. That means hounding and harassing the holdouts until they pull up stakes and just leave.

"Discernment through community" is apparently the newest liberal theological catch phrase for going along with whatever the group concludes or dictates.

Are Jesuit Conspirators Plotting The Extraterrestrial Conquest Of Earth?

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Usually when a church tells you it is going to change its foundational doctrine and then reminds of the need for humility when approaching “THE BETTERS” that means you, common pew filler, sit down and shut up.

In a sermon by a church advocating the euphemism of "discernment through COMMUNITY", it was admonished that the right posture was "palms up". No doubt to catch whatever crap is about to be hurled your way and to condition you into being a mindless drone to obsequiously accept whatever a pittance of a handout the elites decide to bestow upon you.

CNN Undermines Freedom Of Conscience


CNN is categorizing a bill in the Arizona legislature that would allow a business to deny service to open homosexuals on religious grounds as "anti-gay".

Often, journalists hoping to feign an affectation of objectivity will shop around for quotes that affirm the bias preferred by the media outlet.

A pizzeria owner was found willing to cop to the following: “It's a ridiculous bill. Arizona has much bigger problems than allowing businesses to discriminate against people."

Couldn’t the same be said of this entire gay marriage rights movement?

Only a small minority really want this and most of those now professing this unending love for their partners will likely be separated within the year with the divorce obtained as soon as statutorily possible.

Instead, it is more about compelling the rest of society into applauding something they profoundly oppose.

Did this cable news network categorize the judicial decisions that would compel those opposed to gay marriages to provide services at such ceremonies as “anti-religious” or “ant-Christian”?

This has nothing to do with gays being banned from establishments where their preferences in partners has no bearing but rather in protecting those that disagree in the sectors of the economy where such proclamations of affection are at the center of such targeted enterprises.

Apparently Sexual Oritentation Impacts Ball Handling Ability

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Miouthy Brit Sent Packing

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British Cardinal Demands Increased Handouts To Deadbeats

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Will The Thought Police Set Up Dream World Speed Traps?

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Is Pope Francis Embracing Mere Christianity Or Duping The Charismatics Into Vatican Submission?

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Syfy Channel Insists Skin Color Only Counts When Character Originally Negro

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Are Public Schools Conditioning Students To Embrace Lives As Servile Minions Of The New World Order?

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