Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Friday, May 24, 2013
In a profile, a broadcaster declared that Stephen Hawking is in no need of a God. I am sure someone in his condition would fair wonderfully in a society not built upon at least nominal Judeo-Christian foundations but rather upon ancient Spartan or National Socialist assumptions emphasizing the physical body over the intellect or spirit.
Papal Infallibility A Scam
According to Pope Francis, atheists who perform good acts are not only exibiting the common grace bestowed by God upon all of His creation but also redeemed.
However, in regards to Protestants, towards the end of his tenure, Pope Benedict reinterated that Protestant churches aren't really churches but at best merely "ecclesiastical associations".
According to official Roman Catholic teaching, there is no salvation outside of the Church. This is symbolized by refusing the sacraments (especially the Lord's Supper) to those not on its official membership roles.
It, therefore, follows that Protestants can't be saved because they do not belong to an actual church.
Despite claiming to be the repository of the unchaning faith once delivered unto the saints and the innerant voice of Christ upon the earth, these popes are as vacilating as the Mormon god who is pretty much feeling around in the metaphysical dark really no smarter than the remainder of us finite slobs still struggling to figure things out.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Teacher Suspended For Violating "Community Norms" By Touching Student With His Banana
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Social Engineers Laud Gay Marriages As Ideal
For one thing, gay marriage hasn't been legalized long enough for those of that persuasion to lecture the remaining 90% plus of us as to what constitutes a lasting marriage.
The article insists gay marriages tend to be happier, more intimate, and exhibit a more equitable division of household tasks.
I guess gay marriages being so happy is why the first lesbian couple to have gotten married in Vermont has already divorced, pretty much proving all the hoopla had very little to do with actual love but was more about demanding everyone else stand around and applaud if they do not want to be condemned with the tiresome litany of "bigot", "sexist", "homophobe".
Most of the gays getting married have fewer intentions of remaining together than even the atrociously high number of heterosexual couples that violate their wedding vows.
Lastly, the claim that same sex couples do a better job of equitably dividing household chores is probably statistically manipulative as well and not really anything worthy of celebration.
By definition, lacking a partner of the opposite gender compels at least one individual in these kinds of relationships to take on tasks beyond the scope of their traditional gender role.
But since many drawn to this kind of lifestyle exhibit affectations more characteristic of the sex they are trying to mimic rather than what Providence intended anatomically, technically this is no more worthy of mention than husbands leaving the toilet seat up and wives throwing a hissy fit about it.
by Frederick Meekins
Monday, May 20, 2013
Soros Operatives Invoke IRS In Attempt To Censor CNN Catholic League Interview
A prison poetry website has received a $75,000 government grant for the preservations of such masterpieces as "Ghetto Bastard". I was not aware that what flew off my tongue while being cuttoff in DC area traffic constituted literary accomplishment. Did Johnny Cash get this much from the taxpayer for "Fulson Prison"? I guess whatever the Man In Black made off that classic would be the greater outrage in Vatican eyes since that would have been acquired through free enterprise whereas the prison poetry consists of the kind of bureaucratic patronage that that particular institution seems to smile upon.
If the Vatican is going to denounce free market economics as a cult of money for the way in which global finance treats the poor, wouldn't the nearly $1 million the Pontifical Coucil For Culture shoved down the crapper for an art exhibit in Vienna, Austria consisting primarily of an out of focus photograph of a gaggle of disembodied hands have been better spent actually assisting the desitute? My in focus postcards sell for only a buck a piece.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Morley Safer Insists Common Americans Not Fit To Exercise The First Amendment
However, given the way institutionalized medicine has botched the health of numerous patients over the years, isn't there a role for the citizen to play in monitoring the healthcare industry short of full blown surgery?
Thus, in attempting to construct an analogy dismissive of the common American exercising his First Amendment rights, doesn't the aged 60 Minutes correspondent inadvertently create a justification as to why citizens utilizing Internet as an alternative to concentrated mass media is essential to the survival of the Republic itself?
Contrary to Morley Safer, why shouldn't the person believing aliens are out to get them be allowed to use advanced technology capable of presenting the arguments and evidence in a manner as visually attractive as the New York Times?