Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Cartoon Network has cancelled Young Justice. It was probably the greatest superhero cartoon of all time. But I guess you aren't going to stay on the air very long when the final image you broadcast is of the head of the Illuminati (Vandal Savage) forging an alliance with the god of the Apocalypse (Darkseid).
Cartoon Network has cancelled Young Justice. It was probably the greatest superhero cartoon of all time. But I guess you aren't going to stay on the air very long when the final image you broadcast is of the head of the Illuminati (Vandal Savage) forging an alliance with the god of the Apocalypse (Darkseid).
Subversives agitating on the Mall in Washington categorize deportation as "family shattering". Then what prevents families from leaving America together? If Hispanic culture is so family oriented as a number of ministries across the spectrum of Christianity are attempting to brainwash their adherents into believing, shouldn't the nations the individuals are returning to openly embrace these returning families?
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Apparently Admitting Ashley Judd An Unhinged Wench Worse Than Illegal Wiretapping
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I guess so many fell for the Osteen hoax as it sounds like something that might fly out of his mouth anyway in light of how he dropped the ball about the gays and the Mormons in assorted interviews. And there isn't much doctrinal content to his sermons anyway. He is essentially a motivational speaker. Some of the blame for his pulpit being given over to that has to be shouldered in part by Christians insisting that, in the Christian world, there is little room for rhetorical endeavors other than those organized in the traditional sermonic format.
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Homeowner Charged For Refusing To Be Mutilated By Bear
A Massachusetts man is being charged for refusing to be mutilated by a marauding bear trespassing across his yard.
Specifically, he is being accused of bear baiting (because he had bird seed in his yard) and for improperly killing a bear.
Bears are also attracted to menstruating women.
Had the bear entered the yard for that reason, would the homeowner still face the same bear baiting charge?
If the charging bear had lunged towards Frau Obama, would Secret Service agents pursuing a similar firearms dependent strategy to rescue her face criminal prosecution?
But then again, that might be doing the bear a mercy than rather to allow it to endure the agony of unending indigestion from consuming such a flatulent wind bag.
Interesting. MSNBC fired Pat Buchanan on the grounds that the themes raised in his book Suicide Of A Superpower were not worthy of public consideration. However, the network apparently has no problem extending a platform to a professor that insists children do not belong to their parents in the context of the traditional family but rather belong to the COMMUNITY.
Are Online Charter Schools Brainwashing Homeschoolers Into Embracing Socialism?
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Monday, April 08, 2013
Saturday, April 06, 2013
In fawning over himself as an enlightened despot for returning 5% of his salary to the U.S. Treasury as a show of solidarity with his common bureaucratic underlings, President Obama is failing to remind that many federal employees far more dependent upon their regular salaries than himself for necessities such as food, shelter, and transportation (not $1000 golf lessons with Tiger Woods or $900 Valentine dinner date nights) are being forced to surrender up to 20% of their respective salaries.
Along with Eric Boling, it seems Sean Hannity has little trouble with the collegiate basketball coach verbally and physically assaulting the players on his team. If so, what’s the big deal about Obama and the bureaucracy ruling over the American people with an intimidating fist? And if this kind of behavior is appropriate to motivate players towards athletic excellence, what’s so wrong with a slap or two to set an errant wife back down the path to appropriate domestic compliance?
Friday, April 05, 2013
Thursday, April 04, 2013
Pro-Farrakhan Catholic Priest Previously Scheduled As Government Diversity Day Speaker
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Quite fascinating that those that would deny the binding nature of divine revelation would grant such status to the edicts of the Associated Press stylebook. If fundamental moral precepts in Scripture such as those condemning the assorted varieties of adultery and fornication are dismissed by ultramodernists as mere suggestions, why shouldn't the linguistic preferences of this particular reference guide be categorized in a similar manner?
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Obama Continues Tradition Of Midweek Parties Despite America's Economic Hardships
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