Thursday, March 07, 2013

Why ought McCain get all fearful about "impressionable libertarian youth in their college dorms" getting all fired up?

If Bob Beckel is a Fox News host, on what grounds is Sarah Palin deemed insufficiently competent?

Interesting how the debate of drone strikes in public places on Americans on American soil is couched in terms concerned about the terrorist scumbag and not the uninvolved in the immediate vicinity.

Rand Paul should be commended for sticking to his gun regarding drone strikes. But isn't he the same Senator that within the past month enunciated a belief that considerable deference should be given to a President in terms of allowing the President to select whomever the President wants to high position within a respective administration? Then perhaps Senator Paul shouldn't be so shocked when these officials implement policies at odds with his own brand of libertarian conservatism.

McCain Insists True Patriots Don't Question Drone Attacks On American Soil

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Writing For Comics

Rodman Intends To Further Lodge His Nose Up North Korea's Backside

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Even Democrats Admit To Being Impressed By The Volume Of Rand Paul's Manhood

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Planned Parenthood Wants Teen Promiscuity Sugarcoated

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Keys of This Blood: Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order by Malachi Martin

North Korea Threatens Nuclear Attack On The United States

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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Analog Of Science Fiction, April 2013

Does DC Consider Freedom An Obscenity?

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Petrus Romanus: Is The Final Pope Here?

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Colorado Democrats Conspire To Confiscate Shotguns

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FEMA Practices For UFO Crash

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Paganism Today: Wicca & Other Fairy Tales

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Will TSA Expand Gestapo Tactics To America's Highway System?

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Red Chinese Attempting To Censor Michael Savage's Novel

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Alex Jones Interviews Michael Savage

Bill Cosby Shows His True Colors

Click On The Headline. The next time the liberal revolution turns on him, we should simply allow it to consume one of its own.

Farrakhan Proposes Recruiting Street Gangs As Freicorps

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Air Mail Is Socially Correct

Monday, March 04, 2013

Eagerness For Martyrdom More A Sign Of Instability Rather Than Spiritual Maturity

In a sermon, a pastor said that, if he dies in bed from something such as cancer rather than being murdered for the cause of Christ, he would be disappointed.

While one should be willing to die for the name of Christ should such circumstances ever arise, isn’t it a symptom of an unbalanced fanaticism to eagerly desire such a thing?

Did not Christ also decree that He came so that we might have life and to have it more abundantly?

It is not the place of mere mortals to fully know why we are taken from this world in the ways that each of us ultimately are.

Since very few partings transpire free of some manner of pain or suffering, who are we to say that the passing after what in human terms seems like a long life trodding this earth is not also a gift from above and who are we to sneer down our noses at such a providence extended by the Almighty?

Isn't the dignity or acceptance one displays in the face of what will be life’s most terrifying existential challenge as much a mark of Christian character irrespective of whether the Reaper awaits us below the hangman’s platform or outside a hospital room?

by Frederick Meekins

Homoerotic Ritual Results In Manslaughter

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Army Magazine Jan 2013

It was said that since Jesus died for us, we should lose our lives for Him. However, that does not mean we should go out of our way to deliberately become martyrs.

One accepts the Bible on faith. However, there exist evidences that point us in the direction of that acceptance. If there is not, on what grounds are the Christian Scriptures to be judged superior to that of the Book of Mormon, the Koran, or the Bagahvad Gita?

WIll The Obama's Control Your Bitch?

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Student Suspended For Failing To Die At Government Command

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Elderly Woman Denied CPR A Preview Of Things To Come Under Obamacare

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Department Of Homeland Security Stockpiles Nearly 3000 Tanks

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Lech Walesea Refuses To Meet With Transgendered Freak

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St. Patrick's Day With Uncle Sam

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

If Catholics would speak out against prominent Evangelicals that would have no problem being seen at public forums with Jack Chick or Ian Paisley, shouldn't Protestant speak out against Catholics at the highest levels not blinking twice about sharing speakers' platforms with known Communist sympathizers?

Military Unable To Deploy Carrier Battle Group Or The Blue Angels Has Funds For Dildos & Condoms

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As an advocate of global wealth redistribution, if elected to the Papacy, will Cardinal Peter Turkson divest the Vatican of its ostentatious riches or merely compel you to abandon your average middle class lifestyle on behalf of Third Worlders that either refuse to lift a finger on behalf of their own betterment or can’t keep their legs together in terms of the number of children they continue to produce despite living in squalor where they can’t possibly provide for such progeny properly?

The Obama Of The Vatican Hobnobs With Radical Leftists

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Saturday, March 02, 2013

Woodsy On The Rampage: The Ecology Of Radical Environmentalism

In this era of hyperterrorism where every Tom, Dick, and Abdul with a grudge against society because of a rotten childhood blows up a bus or shoots up a post office, many are not too concerned about the activities of other outcasts striving to save the spotted owl or kangaroo rat with methods outside accepted political procedure since the most violent terrorists create the more pressing security concerns. However, simply because radical environmentalists aren’t known for eliminating their opposition with explosives, that does not mean that this movement challenging many of the presuppositions of modern technocratic society is not worthy of our attention.

The radical environmental movement began in opposition to the growing establishmentarian attitude of mainstream environmental groups such as the Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, the Wilderness Society, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the National Wildlife Federation, the Izaak Walton League, the Defenders of Wildlife, the Environmental Defense Fund, the National Parks & Conservation Association, and the Environmental Policy Institute who are collectively referred to as “the Group of Ten (Scarce, 16). These organizations take a relatively pragmatic stand towards the preservation of the nation’s environmental treasures. For example, some of these mainstream groups agreed to let the government construct Glenn Canyon Dam in Arizona, and in other instances, these groups have been modest in the amount they demand be set aside for preservation.

This sense of compromise with government authorities in order to preserve at least a modicum of the nation’s natural resources has created a rift of ambiguity between the mainstream and the more radical environmentalist groups. On the one hand, radical environmentalists oppose compromise in the name of the environment on philosophical grounds. However, their own unreasonable demands are also part of an orchestrated strategy designed to make public officials more cooperative with the demands made by groups like the Sierra Club whose demands look reasonable in comparison to the ultimatums made by the radicals.

However, the radical environmental movement is more than a marketing ploy designed to win demands from government officials. It is also a school of thought drawing inspiration from various philosophical sources. One of the main philosophical schools that radical environmentalists draw upon is known as "Deep Ecology". According to this set of ideas, the conservation policies pursued by more mainstream environmental groups are incorrect because man is still used as the primary measure of all things, at least when it comes to environmental protection (Manes, 56). To the Deep Ecologist, every natural thing is on equal footing. Human beings are no better than moss or a pine cone.

Any assertion to the contrary is labeled anthropocentrism, which is an offense as allegedly as vile as racism. While this philosophy may make one feel neighborly towards the chipmunks down at the park, this way of thinking is fraught with a number of dangers. For example, it was asserted in one media account of a couple attacked by a rabid cougar, it was commented that no one had the right to kill the beast even though one of the mauled individuals lost several fingers in the attack. Needless to say, the person making the comment had never faced similar circumstances.

Coupled with this bio or eco-centrism is a disdain for technological development. Following in the footsteps of Herbert Marcuse's One Dimensional Man, radical environmentalists believe that technology allows man to dominate nature (Manes, 26). As such, he is dehumanized by his own inventions as existence is reduced to production and consumption. Never mind the fact that it is modern technology that allows individuals feeling this way to have the leisure time to devise and disseminates these thoughts. If dependence on technology can be reversed, it is thought, man will be able to reestablish his proper place in the natural world.

However, there is more to this worldview than abstract thinking and philosophical posturing. Being a physically active lot as many of the movement's adherents are avid outdoorsmen, much of the movement's theoretical underpinnings are based upon action and deed.

The primary action oriented text inspiring radical environmentalism is The Monkeywrench Gang by Edward Abbey who considered himself a "literary bum" destined to stand against the technological and industrial forces simultaneously arrayed against human freedom and environmental preservation (Scarce, 240). The Monkeywrench Gang is a novel about a group of live-hard outdoorsmen who roam the countryside in an old van performing various acts of ecological sabotage such a burning billboards, driving bulldozers over cliffs, pulling up survey stakes, and yanking out railroad tracks. The sequel to The Monkeywrench Gang, written shortly before Abbey's death, is Hayduke Lives! in which the gang reunites for one more spate of neo-Luddite shenanigans.

While these works help define the action-oriented aspects of radical environmentalism in a highly entertaining format, they also expose the inconsistencies at the heart of the movement. For example, throughout The Monkeywrench Gang, the characters rail against highways while tossing empty beer cans on to the side of the road; and while claiming to be at one with nature, the characters long for the showers and coffee at the Holiday Inn (Scarce, 240).

Another book with widespread popularity among radical environmentalists is Ecodefense: A Handbook For The Militant Defense Of Earth. Ecodefense is a how to on radical environmentalist tactics. In a sense, it is comparable to The Anarchist's Cookbook as it elaborates how to perpetrate mayhem by decommissioning bulldozers, pulling up survey stakes, and spiking trees as well as other tactics designed to stop the hordes of civilization seeking to pillage the wilderness (Scarce, 74).

Written by Earth First! founder Dave Foreman, Ecodefense was an immediate success with it being read by young environmental radicals from around the world. The book became so influential that the supervisor of the Williamette National Forest in Oregon testified in a Congressional hearing that he would consider closing the area under his jurisdiction if the tactics described in the book were carried out within the forest's boundaries (Manes, 83). And on a lighter note, "Ecodefense" was published by a firm called "Nedd Ludd Books" named in honor of the 19th century worker who participated in a campaign to destroy various forms of factory machinery.

The group that probably first and foremost put the principles embodied by this ideology into practice was Earth First!. The exclamation point is part of the groups name and not a grammatical construct symbolizing this author’s enthusiasm for the organization

Earth First! was founded by an assortment of individuals coming from a variety of backgrounds. Dave Foreman, who would later go on to write the aforementioned “Ecodefense”, started off surprisingly as a Republican and member of the Young Americans For Freedom as a supporter of Barry Goldwater. Foreman joined the Marines, but eventually went AWOL. He worked for a time for the Wilderness Society, only to leave the group disenchanted with what he perceived as the organization's moderation. Howe Wolke, who was considered by some as somewhat more of a libertarian, was a forestry student, bouncer, and oilfield hand, came to Earth First! from Friends of the Earth where he worked as a field representative attending public meetings and handling press relations. He quit that organization because that organization cut his $75 per month salary (Manes, 66). Mike Roselle was a radical involved with Abbie Hoffman's and Jerry Rubin's Yippy counterculture organization who himself later left that group because of its perceived political opportunism in order to establish the "Zippies". Other founding members of Earth First! included Bart Kochler, a former Wyoming Wilderness Society staff member with a knack for political organization as well as song writing, and Ron Kezar, a former seasonal U.S. Park Service employee who was trained as a librarian and an expert on the history of American military strategy (Manes, 68).

Groups such as Earth First! believe that the earth will be saved via anarchy which will topple modern industrialized technocratic civilization. In such a context, anarchy is defined as, "...the maximum possible dispersal of power; political, economic...and military power. An anarchist society would consist of a voluntary association of self-reliant self-sustaining autonomous communities (Scarce, 88)."

However, within the ranks of Earth First! there was a rift just how much anti-Americanism that the notion entailed. One faction led by group founder Dave Foreman held that anarchy was merely a means to an end which was the preservation of the biosphere. As such, flag burnings, an act of defiance preferred by some in the group, was seen as uncalled for (Scarce, 88). The other side of the dispute was led by ecofeminists, who combined the struggle against environmental degradation with the struggle against the patriarchy, and a splinter group originally called "Stumps Suck" but which ultimately settled on the name "Live Wild Or Die". Both of these submovements used their Earth First! activism as a broader platform to attack the wider consumer culture (Manes, 103).

Though often classified as "soft-core terrorist groups" by the FBI, many of the deeds committed by these kinds of organizations often border more on the juvenile than on the outright dangerous though still unquestionably criminal. Since many of these groups claim to ascribe to a code of nonviolent ethics based upon their own interpretation of Gandhian principles, many of these groups have turned to alternative forms of political behavior.

For example, one group calling itself the Revolutionary Ecoterrorist Pie Brigade tossed pies at timber industry spokesman at a convention. Another group put cow patties atop a Forest Service office building’s air conditioners in Washington State’s Okanogan National Forest (Manes, 104). And yet a another Earth First! splinter group called the Gross Action Group staged an event referred to as a “puke in” at a Seattle shopping center in 1988 when the activists ingested a vomit-inducing drug in order to shock holiday shoppers into realizing the disgusting nature of American consumerism, no doubt prompting sales to temporarily dip at the food court (Scarce, 89).

Despite these shenanigans, not all forms of radical environmental activism can be dismissed as good natured frolicking in the North Woods. Some of the tactics are downright life threatening.

One of the most common and dangerous activities engaged in by radical environmentalist groups is tree spiking where nails are driven into trees often slated for sale from national forests into private hands. The point of such an exercise is to discourage timber companies from extracting the wood because of the damage the nails could do to expensive equipment and not the mention the employees who would most likely be injured by flying nails, shattered equipment, or both.

To justify these actions in light of their “nonviolent” ethics, tree spikers often inform forestry authorities of their activities prior to harvest in order to avoid human injury. A prominent tree spiking incident occurred in May 1987 when a mill worker was injured by a band saw shattered by a tampered tree. Timber authorities roundly condemned Earth First! who denied involvement. Surprisingly, the injured mill worker publicly stated his support for Earth’s First!’s goals, and in an even bigger twist of events, it was learned that Earth First! had not carried out this particular tree spiking as has been concluded earlier. The perpetrator was actually an irate libertarian worried that timber companies logging near his property would want his land next (Manes, 11).

Despite this record, fears on the part of law enforcement are not without justification. Dave Foreman, one of Earth First!’s founders, did say, “It’s time for a warrior society to rise out of the Earth and throw itself in front of the juggernaut of destruction, to be antibodies against the human pox that is ravaging this precious beautiful planet (Manes, 86)." Pretty strong words, especially considering the fact than many in the group, while pro-environment, aren’t necessarily vegetarian or against hunting, with human beings being just another string in nature’s web no more important or distinct from any other animal.

Radical environmentalists have proven that they themselves are not above the use of violence. For example, one group calling itself Direct Action blew up a British Columbia electrical substation in 1982. A radical Greenpeace splinter group calling itself the Sea Shepherds has no qualms about ramming what the organization considers pirate whaling ships on the high seas (Manes, 86). Other groups get a kick from setting bulldozers and related construction equipment on fire.

The future of radical environmentalism and its accompanying deeds of quasi-violence and para-terrorism are the subjects of intense debate. Analysts are divided over the issue.

One perspective concludes that the violence will only get worse. A 1990 report released by the Heritage Foundation titled "Eco-Terrorism: The Dangerous Fringes Of The Environmental Movement" argues that eventually innocent people will likely be hurt by the fanaticism of this ideology that prefers moss over man (Scarce, 265).

The other side of this debate contends that, if such violent actions were taken, they would be counter productive as many law abiding citizens view environmental issues as quality of life issues. For example, residents of both Pennsylvania and Virginia have at times thumbed their noses at assorted development projects that would impact the historical and cultural distinctiveness of geographical treasures such as Lancaster Dutch Country and George Washington's boyhood home. Only time will tell if the true goals of radical environmentalism are simply about raising public awareness or about tossing a wrench into the gears of the technological society they claim to loathe for the purposes of tearing it down.

by Frederick Meekins


Manes, Christopher. "Green Rage: Environmentalism & The Unmaking Of Civilization." Boston: Little, Brown & Company. 1990.

Scarce, Rik. "Eco-Warriors: Understanding The Radical Environmental Movement." Chicago: The Noble Press, Inc. 1990.

Friday, March 01, 2013

A seven year old was suspended for molding a pastry into the shape of a gun. Had he had claimed it was a male appendage, he would have probably been bestowed with a government art grant.

Wonder how long Zero Hour will be on the air. It steps on too many toes regarding secret societies and the Apocalypse. Wonder if the young lad with the pet locusts is suppose to be the Anti-Christ as a child and is he a younger version of the main character that doesn't seem to yet realize he is the result of Nazi cloning experiments.

Did UFO Sacrifice Itself To Protect The Earth From Pending Meteor Strike

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College Rules Christian Group Obligated To Allow Non-Christian Leaders

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Was The Pope's Butler Obsessed With Freemasonry?

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Basketball Establishment Cuddles Up To Homicidal Dictator

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Sissified Republicans Endorse Queer Matrimony

Will Frau Obama Dictate The Menu Of Your Next Church Picnic?

She's certainly enough to make you lose your appetite. Click on the headline.

Restaurant With Pissy Attitutde Sends Woman Bill For Using Restroom

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Saturday Evening Post Cover, March 20, 1943

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bill O'Reilly was certainly combative with Roma Downy regarding the miniseries on the Bible she has produced for the History Channel. O'Reilly kept badgering her about Adam, Eve, and the Flood as being nothing more than allegorical. If these are merely stories, on what grounds does O'Reilly have that the accounts of Christ, the Resurrection, and future reward in the After Life aren't allegorical as well or is perhaps that is what he is banking on?

That's kind of sad the Pope deleted his Twitter account. He could still be an informative voice on world events and theological developments even if one differs with his interpretation on things.

Human Events has decided to cease print operations. My grandmother use to have a saying: "As modern as tomorrow morning's newspaper." Sadly, it seems that witty bit of rhetoric is no longer sufficiently modern. Will likely come a day when a generation won't even know what a newspaper is. At least in consolation, those of us that the traditional journalistic establishments wouldn't give the time of day to in terms of providing content can now ourselves cultivate our own media outposts in terms of blogs and other forms of social media. Those of us that do so now from a Conservative perspective take a moment to recall respectfully the inspiration each of us were provided by this stalwart publication.

Chris Matthews equated hoarders with homicidal gunmen. So will liberals next advocate the need to catalog in the name of homeland security and public safety how many cans of food are stored in people's pantries?

Does Celibacy Undermine The Priesthood?

Benedict Vows Unquestioning Obedience To Next Pope No Matter How Deplorable

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Leftwing Media Hopes New Pope Will Pander To Deviants & Babykillers

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Will "Skynet" Replace The World Wide Web?

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A St. Patrick's Lass

Source: via Frederick on Pinterest

Pat Buchanan At Nixon Centennial Celebration

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bob Woodward has been threatened by the Administration for daring to report on the President. Was the famed reported threatened this directly during the Watergate investigation?

If an illegal had leaped over the fence surrounding the White House, would they number among the horde being leased from prison to terrorize the United States for refusing to acquiesce to Obama’s budget demands?

Warped Youngster Sues For Right To Tinkle With Girls

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Harry Reid Heralds Film Celebrating The Shooting Of White People As An Artistic Masterpiece

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Bob Woodward Warns Obama Descending Into Madness

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Two female California state legislators are outraged over Seth MacFarlane’s Oscar performance. It is claimed his comments regarding nude scenes were degrading to women. Do these public officials intend to raise such criticism against nude scenes in general as well as MacFarlane’s other bawdy material. Did they say anything about “Family Guy” mocking Sarah Palin’s disabled child?

Idiot Queer Insists Pope’s Aptitude At Introspective Systematic Theological Reflection Indicates Homosexuality

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Biden Proclaims That Only The Criminally Suspect Fear The Infringement Of Their Constitutional Liberties

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What The Emergent Church Believes: Postmodernism and Deconstructionism

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Afrosupremacist Congressman Shows His True Colors On Hannity

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Is The Pope Resigning In Disgust At The Debauchery Of His Underlings?

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So there are sufficient funds for federal civilian law enforcement agenies to purchase millions of rounds military grade ammunintoon but not enough money available to keep violent illegals locked up?

"Women: Help America's Sons Win The War"

So apparently there are no funds to detain violent illegals but more than enough spare change lying around to fly Frau Obama to the midwest to spread her propaganda regarding communal calisthenics

The Cat Whisperer: Why Cats Do What They Do--and How to Get Them to Do What You Want

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Multiculturalism Deludes Christian Intellectual

On Facebook, a prominent Christian intellectual announced they were going to give a lecture contrasting the economic and cultural vitality of Asia with the economic and cultural degeneration of America.

Doesn't Christianity teach not to measure the spiritual health of an individual or society in the abundance of things?

That's at least what we are constantly reminded when the missionaries speak not so much as a way to encourage aide to the less fortunate but rather under the guise of bashing the American way of life.

Isn't this claim of a vital Asia made more so because this is the way assorted elites are conditioning us to think?

Asian culture is such a wondrous thing.

Recently, a Lebanese Muslim raped his sister and, when she got pregnant, he murdered her for disgracing the family.

Things are little better in other nations across the continent now being upheld as the ideal.

Female children are literally tossed aside unwanted in India and China.

And in other nation’s such as Thailand, others are sold into forced prostitution.

But I guess that’s also the fault of the average American that‘s never even set foot outside the United States.

Student Initially Flunked For Writing Report On Topic Of Own Choosing On Gunshow

Obama Releases Illegals To Prey Upon Innocent Americans

Jesuit Propagandists Call For The Repeal Of The Second Amendment

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Arguing that the good Christian does not celebrate birthdays because John The Baptist was beheaded as a result of shenanigans that went on at Herod’s birthday party is akin to suggesting that the ideal way for a guy to get a girl that won’t otherwise give him the time of day is to go ahead and rape her because of the statute set forth in Deuteronomy 22:28-29.

Did Eisenhower Negotiate With Extraterrestrials?

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Storage Wars: Terrorist Edition

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Some of these pastors thinking more should be taken away from many Old Testament narratives other than the history of Israel and Christ’s earthly lineage often exegete proscriptively more than what can be justified by the passage. For example, in a sermon, one pastor blamed the mess Jacob got into by marrying both Leah and Rachel on Rebecca because she did not defer to Isaac’s choice of a spouse for his son. Instead, the preacher suggests Esau should have been married off to Leah so Jacob could have Rachel, the one he wanted. Just because Jacob was more the son of promise, in this preacher’s idealized world, is Esau that obligated to ruin his life just so Jacob is satisfied?

Benny Hinn's Son Arrested For Bitch Slapping Deaf Mute

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Sequestration Won't Crimp Obama's Playboy Lifestyle

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The January 2013 issue of the Magazine of History criticizes Evangelical historiography in an article titled “Using The Past To Save Our Nation: The Debate Over Christian America”. Is the publication as eager to denounce politically correct approaches to the discipline not so much concerned about constructing an understanding of the past as it actually transpired but rather about coddling disruptive minorities that literally become destructive over a misconstrued glance or inflected pronoun?

Does The Third Fatima Secret Portend A Vatican Taken Over By Luciferians?

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The Scandal Of Christian Illiteracy

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Bruce Wayne's Bastard Bites Bullet

Bloomturd Bans Two Liter Sodas With Pizza Delivery

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Religious Fanatic Insists Gradeschoolers Passing Notes To One Another Engaged In Fornication

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Monday, February 25, 2013

So among these Emergent Church types that condemn the American middle class dream of individual achievement and accomplishment, do they ever denounce the European or Third World dream of the youthful able-bodied leeching off the public system?

The concept of "extreme discipleship" as advocated in the March 2013 issue of Christianity Today is just the latest euphemism concocted to brainwash the gullible into believing church authorities and deadbeats have a greater right to your property than you do. Why else does the illustration accompanying the article positively depict two pastors looking like filthy hippies hoisting aloft a red flag with a black “R” in a circle. Such blatantly anarchist and even Communistic symbolizing depicted in a positive manner should be as offensive as a swastika or Klan hoods.

In a radio news story about a prominent American Cardinal traveling to the conclave to select a new pope, experts speculated that an American pope would not be likely because of the status of the United States as a superpower. In other words, there is a strong anti-American element within the Vatican.

Cat Talk

Christianity Today Condemns As Idolators Those Refusing To Settle For Second Best

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Obama Minions Rampage In Chicago Mall

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The Templars: The History & The Myth

Obama Threatens To Perfect Mind Control Technolgoy

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Italian Press Claims Vatican Penetrated By Network Of Sodomite Subversives

Frau Obama Extols The Value Of Cinema In Brainwashing & Propagandizing