Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Those already jacked out of shape of the possibility of folks skipping church this upcoming Christmas morning need to take a chill pill. Is it that they are enthusiastic for the House of the Lord or can't stand the prospect of people making a decision different than their own in regards to something that will ultimately be inconsequential. There are 52 Sunday's a year. A missed handful really aren't going to matter all that much.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Department Of Homeland Security Denounces Frying Turkey As A Public Safety Threat
No doubt the first step in conditioning the American people into accepting the ultimate prohibition of fried turkey.
Is this really the kind of thing the national government was instituted to handle?
Eventually, all food preparation in the home will be forbidden since technocrats will conclude we are no capable of handling the life threatening task of selecting and handling our own nutritional sustenance.
Is this really the kind of thing the national government was instituted to handle?
Eventually, all food preparation in the home will be forbidden since technocrats will conclude we are no capable of handling the life threatening task of selecting and handling our own nutritional sustenance.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
DC Welfare Deadbeats Demand Bribe From Walmart
Mind you, these are the same people that whine incessantly about inner city ghettos being "food deserts". So, by simply being in the jurisdiction and that these stores are going to be robbed blind anyway by these concrete savages is all the COMMUNITY benefits that Walmart ought to extend to anyone.
Playground Kiss Results In Police Raid
Interesting how in an era where we are assured morality doesn't exist and one is free to have one's privates jiggled by nearly anyone one pleases, things have grown so prudish that incidents that in the past would at most simply result in a pedagogical admonishment to desist from a certain behavior now result in police intervention.
Very little prevented these students from being entered into a sex offender registry that would compell the children to seek residence deep in the woods with what amounts to the postmodernist equivalent of a leper colony or under a bridge.
Very little prevented these students from being entered into a sex offender registry that would compell the children to seek residence deep in the woods with what amounts to the postmodernist equivalent of a leper colony or under a bridge.
In The Land Of The Free Ought The Government Care Whether You Caught A Fish On A Hook Or In A Net
You know what. There will be some set off by this headline not so much because of the curtailment of a basic liberty such as the ability to earn a living for yourself but because I used the word "damn".
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Are Vodka Tampons The Latest Intoxication Danger?
So, eventually, as in the case of certain nasal decongestants, will consumers be forced to show their identification for entry into a government database to prevent them from purchasing what bureaucrats have deemed to large of a quantity of this particular medical product?
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Radio Hosts Insist Regulations More Important Than Innocent Human Life
Alleged conservatives on the WMAL morning show applauded the termination of a Walgreen's pharmacist who stopped a robbery with a concealed weapon.
The hosts insisted the decision was correct because a workplace policy was violated.
So will slavishly adhering to workplace policy miraculously prevent brigands from taking the lives of those that abide by managerial decrees above all else?
Better yet, should a similar incident occur at the radio station, given the choice would these broadcast personalities rather ne'er-do-wells take their innocent lives or be saved by someone competent to use ballistics technology to neutralize the threat?
by Frederick Meekins
The hosts insisted the decision was correct because a workplace policy was violated.
So will slavishly adhering to workplace policy miraculously prevent brigands from taking the lives of those that abide by managerial decrees above all else?
Better yet, should a similar incident occur at the radio station, given the choice would these broadcast personalities rather ne'er-do-wells take their innocent lives or be saved by someone competent to use ballistics technology to neutralize the threat?
by Frederick Meekins
Elderly Or Pregnant Occupiers Deserve No Special Police Handling
If pregnant teens and the elderly don't want to be pepper sprayed, perhaps they ought not to be rampaging in the streets.
If these beatniks don't any other time think an unborn baby is alive anyway, why should we care if a pregnant woman is sprayed over any other individual?
The reprimanded woman claims she is only two months pregnant.
Other than her claims, is their any verifiable proof other than her word that she is with child?
And if she is part of this rabble, that's not very trustworthy to begin with.
If these beatniks don't any other time think an unborn baby is alive anyway, why should we care if a pregnant woman is sprayed over any other individual?
The reprimanded woman claims she is only two months pregnant.
Other than her claims, is their any verifiable proof other than her word that she is with child?
And if she is part of this rabble, that's not very trustworthy to begin with.
Interesting that a fanatic Reconstructionist that says a true Christian can never support torture and celebrates the Puritan legal/penal code says very little about the punishments provided for in that system such as the placing in the stocks of a man that kissed his wife publicly after having been away at sea for 3 years. If one is going to condemn waterboarding, doesn't one also have to criticize the dunking stool of that era in question? Interesting those advocating such think women that gossip should be treated more harshly than Islamists piloting jetliners into skyscrapers and other attacks of mass destruction.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
A public pool in Columbia, Maryland has set aside hours for women only in order to placate Islamic patrons. If Muslims don't like mixed swimming, they should either stay home or construct a pool of their own at a private facility. What if someone didn't want to get in the water with Black people? Public facilities funded by all taxpayers or residents should not go out of their way to brownnose philosophical foolishness.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Pastor Equates Living Independently With Moral Degeneracy
According to Tom Cunningham on the 10/27/11 edition of Viewpoint with Chuck Crismier, it is not enough to remain abstinent.
You are little better than a fornicating reprobate if you have delayed marriage.
This likely means that, as a youth, Cunningham was likely the greatest whoremonger among his peer group.
Usually, those having lived the most debauched lives prior to finding salvation in Christ are the ones that end up imposing legalistic demands found nowhere in the pages of Scripture.
For example, in the interview Cunningham equates living independently with the "doctrine of demons".
Instead this pastor admits to pressuring youth into getting married between their junior and senior years of college.
But when those heeding his counsel don't have enough to pay their bills, is he going to bail them out of eviction and a ruined credit score?
If churches are going to increasingly come to the conclusion that singles are less than welcome, than neither should our tithe dollars be in the collection plate.
Balanced theologians have suggested that where the Bible is silent, that perhaps it would be best if we followed a similar course.
As God's complete revelation, His word teaches that, whether married or single, life is a mix of blessings and curses.
Perhaps the American family would not be in the mess it is in today if meddlers did not pry into matters best left to individual decision rather than to the preferences of clergy racked by guilt from their own questionable life choices.
by Frederick Meekins
You are little better than a fornicating reprobate if you have delayed marriage.
This likely means that, as a youth, Cunningham was likely the greatest whoremonger among his peer group.
Usually, those having lived the most debauched lives prior to finding salvation in Christ are the ones that end up imposing legalistic demands found nowhere in the pages of Scripture.
For example, in the interview Cunningham equates living independently with the "doctrine of demons".
Instead this pastor admits to pressuring youth into getting married between their junior and senior years of college.
But when those heeding his counsel don't have enough to pay their bills, is he going to bail them out of eviction and a ruined credit score?
If churches are going to increasingly come to the conclusion that singles are less than welcome, than neither should our tithe dollars be in the collection plate.
Balanced theologians have suggested that where the Bible is silent, that perhaps it would be best if we followed a similar course.
As God's complete revelation, His word teaches that, whether married or single, life is a mix of blessings and curses.
Perhaps the American family would not be in the mess it is in today if meddlers did not pry into matters best left to individual decision rather than to the preferences of clergy racked by guilt from their own questionable life choices.
by Frederick Meekins
A Yahoo headline asks why Penn State students lashed out violently. The article goes on with fancy psychological gobbledygoop. But it all boils down to that these pissants have too much time on their hands and not enough to do in terms of school work or in working to pay for their education as most are likely on some kind of government handout.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Duggers Apparently Don't Know When To Quit
If no one is suppose to comment on the Dugger parents procreating out of control, then perhaps the couple should refrain from making public appearances.
No one is forcing the family into the spotlight.
If not for making a media circus of their fecundity, could they afford so many progeny?
Hypernatalists will remark none of this is the concern of outsiders since the Duggers provide for themselves.
Fair enough.
If so, perhaps leaders of the homeschool movement such as Kevin Swanson and sympathetic theologians such as Albert Mohler should also keep their noses out of the affairs of others and stop insisting that you don't really love children if you have fewer than five or are not married by 22 years of age.
Often those sympathetic to high birthrates applaud migrants both legal and criminal for families of multiple children.
However, if entitlement handouts were cut to these constituencies, the fertility of these demographics would fall more in line with that of Americans that actually earn their way in life.
Children can indeed be a blessing from the Lord.
So is chocolate.
And as any one that has overindulged in that delightful confection knows, you can reach a point where you have too much of a good thing.
by Frederick Meekins
No one is forcing the family into the spotlight.
If not for making a media circus of their fecundity, could they afford so many progeny?
Hypernatalists will remark none of this is the concern of outsiders since the Duggers provide for themselves.
Fair enough.
If so, perhaps leaders of the homeschool movement such as Kevin Swanson and sympathetic theologians such as Albert Mohler should also keep their noses out of the affairs of others and stop insisting that you don't really love children if you have fewer than five or are not married by 22 years of age.
Often those sympathetic to high birthrates applaud migrants both legal and criminal for families of multiple children.
However, if entitlement handouts were cut to these constituencies, the fertility of these demographics would fall more in line with that of Americans that actually earn their way in life.
Children can indeed be a blessing from the Lord.
So is chocolate.
And as any one that has overindulged in that delightful confection knows, you can reach a point where you have too much of a good thing.
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Lessons In Apologetics #9: Theism
The next worldview examined by Geisler in "Christian Apologetics" is Theism. Theism is the belief that a transcendent God created the universe as a reality distinct from Himself but which He actively sustains through both a system of natural law which He created and through divine intervention at the moments He deems such action appropriate for the accomplishment of His divine will. It is Geisler's intention that, since the other worldviews thus far are contradictory and therefore false, Theism is the true worldview.
However, Geisler does not leave readers dangling by requiring them to embrace Theism simply for the lack of another viable alternative. Instead, Geisler provides an argument more positive in its orientation incorporating analytical and evidential components.
The argument is stated as such: "(1) Some things undeniably exist. (2) My nonexistence is possible. (3) Whatever has the possibility not to exist is currently caused to exist by another. (4) There cannot be an infinite regress of current causes of existence. (5) Therefore, a first uncaused cause of my current existence exists. (6) This uncaused cause must be infinite, unchanging, all powerful, all knowing, and all perfect. (7) This infinitely perfect being is called "God". (8) Therefore, God exists. (9) This God who exists is identical to the God described in the Christian Scriptures. (10) Therefore, the God described in the Bible exists.
Borrowing from Descartes' conclusion "cogito ergo sum", Geisler posits that, in order to deny that one exists, one must exist in order to do so. From reflections upon the nature of our own existence, one concludes that our nonexistence is possible. For even though we do not like to admit it, there was a time when the world was at least able to hobble along crippled without us in it.
We know that whatever has the possibility of not existing is currently caused to exist by another. Each of us resulted from the physical union of the genetic material of our respective parents who in turn came from the union of their parents, etc, etc. However, physical laws such as those of thermodynamics point out that this chain must have a cause that does not need to be caused. To accomplish this, the uncaused cause would need to be infinite, unchanging, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all perfect. Anything less would be unable to be this uncaused cause.
It is appropriate to call this cause "God" since it possesses the attributes traditionally assigned to divinity. Therefore, God exists.
Geisler further argues that the God affirmed by this proof is the God described in the Bible because there can only be one infinitely perfect and changeless eternal being. However, at this point in the apologetic task Geisler is careful to point out that, "This does not mean that everything the Bible claims that this God said or did, he actually said or did. Whether or not what the Bible says about this God is another question. What we conclude here is ... the God described in the Bible exists; second, whatever the Bible claims for this God that is not inconsistent with his nature, it is possible that he did indeed do and say (250)."
Having reached this conceptual plateau, the apologist can rest for just a moment before he must begin the sectarian and denominational wrangling to make the case that the Christian path into fellowship with God is indeed the correct one.
by Frederick Meekins
However, Geisler does not leave readers dangling by requiring them to embrace Theism simply for the lack of another viable alternative. Instead, Geisler provides an argument more positive in its orientation incorporating analytical and evidential components.
The argument is stated as such: "(1) Some things undeniably exist. (2) My nonexistence is possible. (3) Whatever has the possibility not to exist is currently caused to exist by another. (4) There cannot be an infinite regress of current causes of existence. (5) Therefore, a first uncaused cause of my current existence exists. (6) This uncaused cause must be infinite, unchanging, all powerful, all knowing, and all perfect. (7) This infinitely perfect being is called "God". (8) Therefore, God exists. (9) This God who exists is identical to the God described in the Christian Scriptures. (10) Therefore, the God described in the Bible exists.
Borrowing from Descartes' conclusion "cogito ergo sum", Geisler posits that, in order to deny that one exists, one must exist in order to do so. From reflections upon the nature of our own existence, one concludes that our nonexistence is possible. For even though we do not like to admit it, there was a time when the world was at least able to hobble along crippled without us in it.
We know that whatever has the possibility of not existing is currently caused to exist by another. Each of us resulted from the physical union of the genetic material of our respective parents who in turn came from the union of their parents, etc, etc. However, physical laws such as those of thermodynamics point out that this chain must have a cause that does not need to be caused. To accomplish this, the uncaused cause would need to be infinite, unchanging, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all perfect. Anything less would be unable to be this uncaused cause.
It is appropriate to call this cause "God" since it possesses the attributes traditionally assigned to divinity. Therefore, God exists.
Geisler further argues that the God affirmed by this proof is the God described in the Bible because there can only be one infinitely perfect and changeless eternal being. However, at this point in the apologetic task Geisler is careful to point out that, "This does not mean that everything the Bible claims that this God said or did, he actually said or did. Whether or not what the Bible says about this God is another question. What we conclude here is ... the God described in the Bible exists; second, whatever the Bible claims for this God that is not inconsistent with his nature, it is possible that he did indeed do and say (250)."
Having reached this conceptual plateau, the apologist can rest for just a moment before he must begin the sectarian and denominational wrangling to make the case that the Christian path into fellowship with God is indeed the correct one.
by Frederick Meekins
Afrosupremacists Plot Buchanan's Demise
Don't efforts like this prove Buchanan's claims?
Interesting how minorities can plot for cultural dominance yet Whites aren't even suppose to express concerns regarding their own survival.
Say what you want about Pat if he convicts you about participating in the demise of your own race, but he would never call to have someone removed from the media for merely expressing an opinion.
Interesting how minorities can plot for cultural dominance yet Whites aren't even suppose to express concerns regarding their own survival.
Say what you want about Pat if he convicts you about participating in the demise of your own race, but he would never call to have someone removed from the media for merely expressing an opinion.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Litigation Whore Gloria Allred Interjects Herself Into The Cain Witch Hunt
I guess a witch hunt should have a real witch involved.
The accuser's name is pronounced "Buy-A-Lick".
Some headlines just write themselves.
The accuser's name is pronounced "Buy-A-Lick".
Some headlines just write themselves.
If false detention is defined as consisting of unlawful restraint against the will of an individual's personal liberty or freedom of locomotion and the Occupy DC protests were perpetrating this against vehicles of a perceived economic status such as luxury automobiles and SUV's, shouldn't this human excrement be charged with a hate crime? This act is not all that different than inhibiting the free movement of a targeted ethnic minority.
Sunday, November 06, 2011
And What If We Do Begrudge?
Apart from being the first President elected primarily for the color of his skin rather than the content of his character, Barack Obama will be remembered for a number of other peculiarities as well.
Foremost among these is wallowing himself in a number of opulent luxuries he believes you as a mere commoner ought to curtail and possibly even be denied.
Often, when those in the press pool, who have to be leery when steeping off a curb afterwards, point out the incongruities of a Chief Executive that called for shared sacrifice while the First Family enjoys pleasures the rest of us can only dream about, we are told that the American people would not begrudge the President a vacation.
But what if we do?
Barack Obama, not the American people, was the one lamenting that we eat what we want, drive around in SUV’s, and keep our homes climate controlled at 70 degrees.
Barack Obama, not the American people, is the one with a deep sense of elation each time fuel costs rise. After all, he was the one that told us that, under his system of cap and trade, utility bills would necessarily skyrocket anyway.
As part of the fleet of presidential vehicles, the Secret Service unveiled to the public two modified passenger buses.
These alterations included security enhancements such as armor plating and state of the art electronics. It does not take an engineering degree to realize that neither of these contributed to the mileage and fuel economy of the vehicles in a positive manner.
So while Obama will ride around in comfort and safety, you (on the other hand) if you dare have the nerve to step outside the house since you aren’t really suppose to go anywhere these days, with all the propaganda extolling the wonders of locally grown produce and social planners corralling people into developments of higher population density, are to ride around in rolling death traps that provide little protection whatsoever.
Around the time of the debut of these behemoth additions to the presidential motorcade, Obama announced that fuel efficiency standards were being raised to 54 miles per gallon.
A true leader does not require of those he is charged with overseeing things he is not willing to require of himself.
Barack Obama might hold the highest elected office in the United States. However, he does not do so as a true leader one would gladly follow irrespective of whether or not he was the one that had all the firepower and lawyers at his disposal.
by Frederick Meekins
Foremost among these is wallowing himself in a number of opulent luxuries he believes you as a mere commoner ought to curtail and possibly even be denied.
Often, when those in the press pool, who have to be leery when steeping off a curb afterwards, point out the incongruities of a Chief Executive that called for shared sacrifice while the First Family enjoys pleasures the rest of us can only dream about, we are told that the American people would not begrudge the President a vacation.
But what if we do?
Barack Obama, not the American people, was the one lamenting that we eat what we want, drive around in SUV’s, and keep our homes climate controlled at 70 degrees.
Barack Obama, not the American people, is the one with a deep sense of elation each time fuel costs rise. After all, he was the one that told us that, under his system of cap and trade, utility bills would necessarily skyrocket anyway.
As part of the fleet of presidential vehicles, the Secret Service unveiled to the public two modified passenger buses.
These alterations included security enhancements such as armor plating and state of the art electronics. It does not take an engineering degree to realize that neither of these contributed to the mileage and fuel economy of the vehicles in a positive manner.
So while Obama will ride around in comfort and safety, you (on the other hand) if you dare have the nerve to step outside the house since you aren’t really suppose to go anywhere these days, with all the propaganda extolling the wonders of locally grown produce and social planners corralling people into developments of higher population density, are to ride around in rolling death traps that provide little protection whatsoever.
Around the time of the debut of these behemoth additions to the presidential motorcade, Obama announced that fuel efficiency standards were being raised to 54 miles per gallon.
A true leader does not require of those he is charged with overseeing things he is not willing to require of himself.
Barack Obama might hold the highest elected office in the United States. However, he does not do so as a true leader one would gladly follow irrespective of whether or not he was the one that had all the firepower and lawyers at his disposal.
by Frederick Meekins
Saturday, November 05, 2011
From the contemporary pieces in the Smithsonian Museum of American Art, that's a good racket if you can get break into the field. You've got people really snowballed if you can have fortune and accolades heaped upon you for pieces with less artistic merit than a dog turd steaming in the grass on a cold winter's day.
Patient Forced Back Into Abortion Clinic
If pro-lifers cannot block the entrance to an abortion clinic, pro-deathers should not be allowed to block egress from one.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
A policy proposes holding federal employees in the DC Area in place, to be released in a staggered fashion, during a weather emergency such as a snowstorm. And what is going to happen if they just get up and leave, taking the absence off their sick leave, and especially if it is after the time of their normal dismissal?
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Interesting. The ostentatiously pious heap Hellfire condemnation upon those committing the “sin” of voting for Romney when there is no other viable alternative. They then categorize as foolish those backing candidates with Evangelical testimonies such as Herman Cain or Michelle Bachmann. Yet little is said about Ron Paul advocating the legalization of hardcore narcotics such as heroin and likely sodomite matrimony or prostitution along with it.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Teach Immigrants About America Rather Than America About Immigrants
In previous eras, those coming to the United States were the ones obligated to learn about and open their minds to a culture other than their own.
In this era of political correctness where Westerns particularly of a Northern European extraction are to be blamed for every disappointment known to man, it is now we Americans that are not only obligated to go out of our way to familiarize ourselves with the backwards peculiarities of the new arrivals but to also degrade our own cultural standards.
A flier for a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration sponsored by a suburban Maryland municipal agency admonishes, "Join us in honoring the traditions and heritage of our Hispanic/Latino neighbors...You will be introduced to the songs and rhythms of Latin America in an exciting interactive performance for the entire family."
No thank you. Many have already had this experience, irrespective of whether they wanted it or not, at two or three o'clock in the morning thanks to rowdy neighbors that civic authorities are extremely reluctant to tell to tune it down for fear of appearing ethnically insensitive but whom would just as easily crack down on you with SWAT raids and tear gas for removing a tree from your own property if failing to make the proper procedural oblations on bended knee before assorted eco-bureaucracies.
Though few possess the cahonies to say it, it is doubtful that many actual Americans still even remain in the area where this concert is being held. Most of those that will likely attend will be Hispanic to begin with.
Basically scarce public money is being expended in what amounts to little more than Hispanics wallowing in their Hispanicness.
In the present day, tolerancemongers would never permit government funds going to finance an activity to lavish praise upon White people over how wonderful White people are by asking minorities to fawn all over White people for simply being White.
If there is tax money burning a hole in the public pocket that just has to be spent on Hispanics, perhaps it should done in such a way that acclimates this population to our bizarre American ways.
The average American wasn't consulted as to how many migrants both legal and illegal would be permitted entrance into the country because immigration policy is crafted to meet the needs of elites rather than the good of the nation as a whole.
Perhaps high on that list of things to be taught ought to be not playing music so loud at 3 AM that it rocks windows half of a block away.
By Frederick Meekins
In this era of political correctness where Westerns particularly of a Northern European extraction are to be blamed for every disappointment known to man, it is now we Americans that are not only obligated to go out of our way to familiarize ourselves with the backwards peculiarities of the new arrivals but to also degrade our own cultural standards.
A flier for a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration sponsored by a suburban Maryland municipal agency admonishes, "Join us in honoring the traditions and heritage of our Hispanic/Latino neighbors...You will be introduced to the songs and rhythms of Latin America in an exciting interactive performance for the entire family."
No thank you. Many have already had this experience, irrespective of whether they wanted it or not, at two or three o'clock in the morning thanks to rowdy neighbors that civic authorities are extremely reluctant to tell to tune it down for fear of appearing ethnically insensitive but whom would just as easily crack down on you with SWAT raids and tear gas for removing a tree from your own property if failing to make the proper procedural oblations on bended knee before assorted eco-bureaucracies.
Though few possess the cahonies to say it, it is doubtful that many actual Americans still even remain in the area where this concert is being held. Most of those that will likely attend will be Hispanic to begin with.
Basically scarce public money is being expended in what amounts to little more than Hispanics wallowing in their Hispanicness.
In the present day, tolerancemongers would never permit government funds going to finance an activity to lavish praise upon White people over how wonderful White people are by asking minorities to fawn all over White people for simply being White.
If there is tax money burning a hole in the public pocket that just has to be spent on Hispanics, perhaps it should done in such a way that acclimates this population to our bizarre American ways.
The average American wasn't consulted as to how many migrants both legal and illegal would be permitted entrance into the country because immigration policy is crafted to meet the needs of elites rather than the good of the nation as a whole.
Perhaps high on that list of things to be taught ought to be not playing music so loud at 3 AM that it rocks windows half of a block away.
By Frederick Meekins
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Muslims Claim Crosses At Catholic University Violate Human Rights
Didn't these towelheads realize the university was Catholic before they matriculated there?
Interesting how Christians sporting crosses at a private university violate Muslims rights but Muslims killing Christians doesn't violate human rights.
I guess no ones human rights were violated when Jihadists flew airliners into the World Trade Center.
Interesting how Christians sporting crosses at a private university violate Muslims rights but Muslims killing Christians doesn't violate human rights.
I guess no ones human rights were violated when Jihadists flew airliners into the World Trade Center.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Does Vatican Realize It About To Open A Socialistic Pandora's Box?
Speaking on a Vatican proposal to restructure world finance, a Cardinal declared, "We should not be afraid to propose ideas even if they might destabilize pre-existing balances of power that prevail over the weakest."
And does this include the position enjoyed by the Vatican as well?
Or is this yet another example of the "don't do as I do, do as I say" mentality that prevails among globalist elites?
Before calling for the redistribution of global wealth, shouldn't an institution calling for such divest itself of its ostentatious finery that, despite having a certain beauty, wasn't necessarily part of the founder's original business plan when operating in the field?
Before lecturing the rest of us how we need a goodly portion of what we have taken away in the name of the downtrodden, how about telling the downtrodden to exercise a little control over themselves by refraining from having so many children that they can't afford?
Isn't that the greater act of selfishness, going through with one's own carnal enjoyment despite knowing the that the life of the resultant progeny will be likely destitution?
Shouldn't one of the world's foremost moral authorities instead be calling for more independent creation of wealth rather than the centralized bureaucratic redistribution of such resources?
The Vatican insists such reforms are required in order to make the world economy more responsive to democracy.
So what is going to protect Vatican assets when the enemies of all forms of Christianity vote to confiscate that institution's vast and historically varied holdings?
For the sake of sound doctrine and human liberty, patriotic and Tea Party conservatives should be no more reluctant to speak out against the Vatican's call for the redistribution of wealth than they would be of any other politician or institution proposing a similar policy that has historically resulted in the infringement of basic civil liberties and even the significant shedding of innocent blood.
by Frederick Meekins
And does this include the position enjoyed by the Vatican as well?
Or is this yet another example of the "don't do as I do, do as I say" mentality that prevails among globalist elites?
Before calling for the redistribution of global wealth, shouldn't an institution calling for such divest itself of its ostentatious finery that, despite having a certain beauty, wasn't necessarily part of the founder's original business plan when operating in the field?
Before lecturing the rest of us how we need a goodly portion of what we have taken away in the name of the downtrodden, how about telling the downtrodden to exercise a little control over themselves by refraining from having so many children that they can't afford?
Isn't that the greater act of selfishness, going through with one's own carnal enjoyment despite knowing the that the life of the resultant progeny will be likely destitution?
Shouldn't one of the world's foremost moral authorities instead be calling for more independent creation of wealth rather than the centralized bureaucratic redistribution of such resources?
The Vatican insists such reforms are required in order to make the world economy more responsive to democracy.
So what is going to protect Vatican assets when the enemies of all forms of Christianity vote to confiscate that institution's vast and historically varied holdings?
For the sake of sound doctrine and human liberty, patriotic and Tea Party conservatives should be no more reluctant to speak out against the Vatican's call for the redistribution of wealth than they would be of any other politician or institution proposing a similar policy that has historically resulted in the infringement of basic civil liberties and even the significant shedding of innocent blood.
by Frederick Meekins
A legalistic Facebook evangelist has condemned a church for selling pumpkins. Who was it, though, that created the pumpkin? Does the Bible not say that God created all foods to be enjoyed with the thanksgiving of those that decide to partake of them? I guess some of these preachers know more than God as to what time of year nature ought to make the pumpkin ready for harvest. If one sees a pumpkin an automatically assumes some kind of innate evil to it, doesn't that speak more to the evil in the heart of the one making that assumption rather than those attempting to spread this bit of organic autumnal cheer?
On the cover of the 11/11 issue of the Humanist, the winner of the 2011 Humanist of the Year Award urges readers to study philosophy "Because it teaches you to question everything." But are Humanists as supportive of such wide-ranging, unfettered inquiry when such intellectual scrutiny exposes the flimsy basis of militant atheism that turns an increasing number in that particular discipline to some kind of traditional theism?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Before lecturing the rest of us how we need a goodly portion of what we have taken away in the name of the downtrodden, how about telling the downtrodden to exercise a little control over themselves by refraining from having so many children that they can't afford? Isn't that the greater act of selfishness?
I can tell little difference in what the Muslims are calling for and the penalties that the Christian Reconstructionists would implement under their idealized regime. At least the Muslims are bold enough to declare openly their policy agenda. Point these kinds of things out to a Reconstructionist and they threaten to report you to Facebook admins or accuse you of "despising God's justice".
Monday, October 24, 2011
Vatican Calls For Wealth Redistribution
Before the rest of us are compelled to give up our private property, shouldn't some of the Papal jewels be put into hock?
As part of a comprehensive sex education program, New York students will be required to learn about sado-masochism. Chinese students learn to program computer viruses for the purposes of crippling the technological infrastructure of their enemies. Since in the future we will likely be chained and whipped, I guess this curriculum is to teach us to enjoy it.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Tax break proposed for companies that hire convicts. So not only will these deadbeats be exempt from the jury duty inflicted upon you every three to five years, but now they will likely be granted gainful employment ahead of you. Those of us without criminal records can only hope that they will rob their employers blind.
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