If a transgender person is mentally incapable of psychologically
adapting to the body into which they have been created, what makes one
think they can adapt to the traumas of military combat?
On an episode of his broadcast, Jim Bakker prophesied that this
would be the last Fourth of July as we know it. Given that every day is
composed of a unique set of contingencies and causalities, isn't that a
little vague to insist upon as a prophecy?
Jim Bakker's call to stockpile food in light of pending calamity
might seem more sincere if he wasn't the one selling the survival
rations. In the commercial, it is insinuated that, with these
provisions, the hoodwinked will be able to acquire enough to endure the
Tribulation. So will countermeasures be sold to protect against starved
zombie hordes and the Anti-Christ's electronic surveillance system
likely to be roving the planet at that time?
Apparently Kate Steinle did not look enough like Mooch Obama to merit the sympathies of the White House.
Tolerancemongers are calling for the removal of a statue honoring
the Confederacy in a park near the courthouse in Rockville, Maryland. It
is said that the memorial is no longer needed and that the COMMUNITY
should have a calm discussion to decide what should be done to resolve
the issue. That translates roughly as anyone holding to a position other
than the destruction of the monument is guilty of hatespeech and do not
possess any rights that ought to be respected in a regime valuing
diversity above all else. If history is no longer to be a reflection of
what happened from a variety of perspectives but rather consist solely
of social utilitarian propaganda that furthers the agenda of a
prevailing elite, what is to prevent the arrival of a day when Black
History Month would no longer be appropriate?
It is supposedly breaking news that a Univision poll (the network
that is to illegal aliens what Al Jazera is to jihadist sympathizers)
that the majority of Hispanics don't like Trump. And what about polls of
Whites in traditionally conservative areas?
In conclusion of Ramadan, President Obama praised Muslims that used
the celebration to draw closer to God. This was the very same President
that at one time condemned Pennsylvanians in particular for clinging
bitterly to their guns and their God.
The mass casualty incidents at a number of Chattanooga military
instillations are being categorized in certain instances as “terrorist
inspired” rather than as an act of terrorism per say. Is this a
semantics game designed to deny the attacked and their families benefits
and recognition as was the decision in categorizing the Fort Hood
attack as “workplace violence”?
Did Sojourners Magazine write gushing reviews of the minor
character Ms. Marvel when the character was a White blond rather than a
Central Asian Muslim?
“Christian” lesbian Chely Wright proclaims that straight White men
lack empathy and kindness. And one supposes it was a humanitarianism
that motivated the aspiring jihadist to open fire at a number of
military facilities in the Chattanooga area taking the lives of four
Isn't saying that the Confederacy fought only for slavery akin to
saying that Martin Luther King marched for racial equality solely for
the purposes of making it easier to facilitate extramarital affairs with
White women?
According to Rick Warren, God only speaks to those that determine
beforehand to do whatever it is that God asks. But what about the
examples of Moses that struck the rock rather than speak to it for the
purposes of extracting water and Jonah who ran away from Nineveh
intentionally upon being instructed to go that reprobate metropolis?
The same ones chastising those for suggesting a person armed at the
church might have prevented a greater loss of life at the Charleston
Church are the same ones that will heap condemnation upon you if you
stop going to church for fear of copycat violence.
Regarding the prepackaged meals Jim Bakker is peddling advertised
to get the customer through the Tribulation. Are these dehydrated? What
good will they do you when the water is turned to blood as prophesied
during the Apocalypse?
John Kasich said, “If we weren't born to serve others, what were we
born to do? Hopefully along with that admonition it was also explained
that there is nothing wrong with financial compensation in exchange for
such service, that service can be done on behalf of one's own family,
and that most of the service rendered ought to take place within the
context of one's paid employment. Usually when public figures talk like
this, it is in defense of the compulsory COMMUNITY service scam.
Speaking before a convention of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars,
President Obama assured that the Chattanooga jihadist would not
fundamentally transform the American way of life. Obama has pretty much
reserved that role for himself.
Chris Christie insists that he is the only candidate to have
prosecuted terrorists. As governor, he was also quite lax in his stance
against Islam.
Media propagandists are insisting that peddling fetal organs is an
act of generosity rather than of commerce. So if a fugitive slave hunter
engaged in that profession to uphold the law and the good of the social
order, they ought to be applauded and only condemned if they were
engaged in the pursuit in the hopes of securing the bounty?
If dealing in prenatal human organs is placed along the moral
spectrum somewhere between neutral and positive, why can't someone make a
profit from such transactions? Doesn't the revulsion most feel at this
shocking news testify just how wrong this biomedical development happens
to be?
It was suggested in a Christian podcast that, if children talk more
about Jurassic World than the “things of God”, this is possibly a
symptom that they might be slipping into idolatry. But could it also be
that God designed children to be more fascinated by dinosaurs than
potluck suppers or lengthy meditative expositions where they are ordered
to sit with heads bowed and eyes closed pretending to have a
conversation where honestly the deity does not respond directly? Call me
a heathen, but a T-rex battling it out with a velociraptor is just more
exciting than a lengthy exposition on someone's mechanic's accountant's
taxidermist's bunion removal.
It was observed in a Christian podcast on media consumption that,
if children watch a movie Friday night, in all likelihood they will want
to watch a movie on Saturday night as well. And the problem is? Most
people are awake between 12 and 18 hours per day. Does all of that time
need to be focused on direct Bible study or related religious exercises?
This is an especially valid question if they are going to get a big
dose of church the next day anyway?
On The Five, Juan Williams denounced the documentarian exposing
Planned Parenthood organ harvesters on the grounds that the video
politicizes a profoundly personnel matter. So did he denounce the
businesses that penalized Paul Deen for verbalizing with her husband a
profound trauma in the privacy of their own home?
In an address to the Veterans Of Foreign Wars, President Obama
spoke of the urgent need to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental
illness. But in undermining the Second Amendment rights of those needing
counseling as they transition back into civilian life and now proposing
to take the protections of the Second Amendment from the elderly
requiring clerical assistance to navigate the no doubt complicated
Social Security system, hasn't his regime erected barriers that will
spark a hesitancy among the afflicted that might otherwise seek help to
return to optimal emotional well being.
It is claimed that murder rates along the border are less than
American cities elsewhere. Is the media insisting that Black people are
more prone to homicide than Hispanics?
Hillary Clinton points out that one of her merits and qualification
for the presidency is that she is a woman. But has it been proven
beyond a shadow of a doubt that Hillary doesn't posses a Y chromosome or
a penis?
Apparently “good Catholic” Nancy Pelosi doesn't have much of a problem with organ harvesting.
A headline announced that Jeb Bush calls upon the GOP to embrace
Latinos and African Americans. That translates as the patrician
establishmentarian demands Whites beneath his class to be self-loathing
and to applaud increases in crime and welfare checks.
In his book “Swords Into Plowshares”, Ron Paul writes, “Religion
has been hijacked by nonbelievers and used to support war.” However,
Christianity does not equal pacifism. The title of Paul's book is itself
the hijacking of a Biblical principle for, lack of a better term,
secular purposes. The reference is in regards to a characteristic of the
Millennial Kingdom directly implemented by Christ Himself upon His
return.. It is not something humans can ever achieve on their own no
matter how pious or even redeemed they might be.
Those opposed to the Trump campaign for presidency have
hypothesized that, should the billionaire win the office, he might apply
his particular brand of verbal pugilism to various world leaders. As if
the bowing and scraping of Obama's multi-year worldwide apology tour
are wracking up an impressive number of foreign policy victories. Isn't
an aversion to articulating the truth bluntly on the part of the
diplomatic establishment responsible in good measure for the mess that
the world is in today?
Mike Huckabee is being condemned for suggesting that Obama's
Iranian nuclear agreement could possibly lead Israelis to the doors of
the ovens. The allusion was to the horrors of the Holocaust. Elites have
admonished that one should only refer to the Holocaust when referring
to the Holocaust, meaning it should not be referenced in connection to
other concerns or developments. So if we aren't to draw any lessons from
the Holocaust applicable to other situations, what is the point of
studying the Holocaust? Are the global elites reluctant for the average
citizen to contemplate the role of these shadowy rulers in what is
considered one of history's greatest atrocities so as to truly make good
on the imperative of “Never again”?
So if precedent has been set that memorials that offend the
sensibilities of riotous and subversive minorities can be vandalized
with impunity, why is the Satanic idol on display in Detroit worthy of
respect? And if Satanists view morals such as respect for property as an
unacceptable imposition upon might making right, on what grounds can
they invoke Christian principles should something disagreeable take
place from the perspective of those embracing the most outright form of
A fatal stabbing occurred at a church in Urbana, MD. Police assure
that the suspect was taken into custody without incident. But what about
the assault that led to the injury of a woman and the murder of her
husband? Isn't that an “incident”? So apparently violence is only
appalling when directed against law enforcement. Will we now be
subjected to continually social conditioning on the need to surrender
our cutlery for the good of the COMMUNITY or do the victims
insufficiently resemble the President?
In speaking about vandalism to a Confederate memorial near the
court house in Rockville, MD, a government propagandist admonished that
the statue was no longer appropriate because it is “no longer 1913” when
the statue was erected. Using that logic, in the year 2913 if the
prevailing consensus is that Blacks should be slaves and Jews ought to
be herded into camps, one really doesn't have much of a moral leg to
stand on.
In a podcast discussion on the infantilization of American youth,
it was suggested that young people need to learn to serve. Fair enough.
But as the discussion progressed, this Christian leader spoke of sending
youth to camps where they would learn this lesson by shoveling manure.
Would this labor be compensated at a fair market wage? If not, this just
sounds like a scheme to swindle free labor out of people by slapping on
a pious label to spiritually manipulate dimwitted parents. This
Christian leader in his tirade said that, in his day, the church youth
were sent to these religious work camps deep in the woods all summer to
learn “how to die to self”. I don't know about back then in the
particular instance referred to, but these days that is increasingly
becoming a euphemism for being conditioned out of saying “no” to the
carnal advances the youth pastor is probably making on those under his
oversight in the shower house.
The Obama Regime is proposing that those that need assistance
navigating the Social Security administration should be denied their
Second Amendment Rights. Once the Second Amendment is taken away from
such individuals, what protections will remain to prevent the Regime
from handing down a related decree that those needing assistance
navigating Social Security should also be denied healthcare because such
individuals in decline are of diminishing social utility?
On The Five, Geraldo admonished that researchers were almost
morally obligated to poke through the remains of discarded fetuses
because the cures to horrible diseases such as cancer might be contained
within such bio-slurry. To not take advantage of such material at hand
would otherwise be wasteful. Didn't Dr. Mengle make similar arguments?
In a podcast on the infantlization of the nation's youth, it was
suggested that parents and the church had something of a Christian
obligation to shatter the dreams of children that might not be good at
something that they otherwise enjoy. But won't life kick them in the
teeth soon enough anyway? Wouldn't it be wiser parenting to ensure that
the youth have character enough to settle for a job they don't care for
that they will be miserable at when what they had hoped for doesn't pan
In a discussion on the infantilization of the culture, it was
suggested that those that cannot do so by human standards shouldn't be
allowed to sing special numbers in church. But how is that attitude
markedly different than those that select leaders on the basis of
appearance or physical stature? If the person's heart is in the right
place, what's so wrong with allowing them such a ministry from time to
time? How do we not know God might enjoy that more than a highly trained
performance artist? The churches certainly don't mind taking money from
those not deemed “good enough”. If those falling into such a category
feel that they don't have a place in ministry, would those insisting
that everything presented in church must be “just so”, would they rather
loose the individual to another congregation? Will these churches that
pat themselves on the back for having done a righteous thing in their
eyes by crushing someone's dreams also assist the individual in finding a
ministry that the person finds spiritually satisfying other than
dropping money into the collection plate?
Regarding these hardline disciplinarians and even freemarketeers
that constantly gripe about peewee athletic leagues that give all the
participants some kind of ribbon whether they are winners or not. Why
shouldn't such a child receive some kind of recognition for showing up
when there is nothing saying that they even have to show up in an era of
expanded entertainment and recreational options. Because if these kids
don't feel appreciated and recognized, what's to prevent them from just
staying home and either playing X-Box or watching the hundreds of hours
of quality on demand dramatic programming on TV?
If Donald Trump is a sexist pig of the first order according to
Rolling Stone Magazine, doesn't that make the women that romped in the
sack with him willingly big time whores?
Regarding reports of Taliban leader Mullah Omar's alleged demise,
fuss is being made that he had only one eye. Would it have been pointed
out if he had an undescended testicle or suffered from erectile
dysfunction? Is his ocular disability any more relevant than Hillary
Clinton's bosom starting to whither and sag?
The Georgetown Safeway sponsoring a chicken wing eating contest
will probably during the holiday season guilt-trip shoppers into
contributing to a variety of homeless rackets.
It is warned that, following the death of Cecil the Lion, the next
highest ranking male will likely slaughter Cecil's cubs in the attempt
to manipulate the females into mating. So basically a pride of lions
operates like an inner city ghetto.
From the classified ads in an issue of Analog Magazine, it seems
most science fiction conventions run nearly $100 per ticket. Some nerds
must be raking in the money from somewhere. $10 for a movie ticket makes
me think twice as to whether or not I actually want to see a particular
On Gotham, if Detective Gordon's mentally unhinged wench Barbara
doesn't turn out to be the mother of his daughter Barbara Gordon who
goes on to become Batgirl and he does not marry another woman named
“Barbara”, both Detective Gordon and whoever eventually marries Jim
Gordon have got to be crazier than the Joker and the Riddler put
Instructive. Huckabee's references to the Holocaust are condemned
as distasteful but the remarks of the Iranian leadership expressing
their desire for another of these atrocities are overlooked and
Hillary Clinton pointed out that Planned Parenthood provides health
services for women. And the Nazi party also provided soup lines for the
destitute and recreational enrichment programs for youth.
A bill before consideration in Congress would still fund women's
health services through Planned Parenthood. Would a men's organization
that assisted men in evading their child support obligations continue to
receive funds to provide men's genital health? Perhaps an even more
pertinent question to ask would be is there any organization funded by
Congress specifically for the purposes of keeping men's plumbing
pristine and functional? After all, why is it less of a tragedy for a
man to die of pestilence-ridden privates than a woman?
Humus is just something for beatniks thinking themselves too good
for dip to put on their chips or whatever it is such deadbeats snack on.
On Fox Business network's “Kennedy”, Greg Gutfeld disdainfully
sneered at those that pursued self-publishing. Not all of us can whore
our books shamelessly during appearances on Fox News. Therefore, we use
the technologies at out disposal to promulgate our wit and observations.
In this instance, how is Gutfeld appreciably different than the Pope
that the pundit badmouths for opposing a variety of innovations made
available through the development of the free market system?
Regarding these celebrities that admonish how $50,000 to hunt Cecil
the Lion should have instead gone to charity. It is lamentable that
such a creature was killed solely for sport (as with this catch I am
sure 7 Eleven could have improved the quality of their hot dogs). But in
terms of charitable donations and frugal living, are you going to tell
me that these bigshots eat ramen noodles, purchae their clothes at Good
Will, and drive used automobiles pushing 20 years old? I doubt their
vacations consist of trips across state lines to purchase discount
outdated cereal.
If the Republicans that received campaign contributions a number of
election cycles previous from the hunter that slew Cecil the Lion are
being viewed as partially responsible for this act of felinicide, does
that mean that every campaign receiving donations on behalf of Planned
Parenthood or the organization's operatives should be viewed as culpable
in the infant organ-harvesting scandal?
If it would be inappropriate for a heterosexual man to sleep
overnight in a tent with Girl Scouts, why is it appropriate for a
homosexual man to sleep overnight in a tent with Boy Scouts?
In a sermon on the dangers of schism in the Body of Christ, Pastor
James Cooley admonished that believers are not to let those outside of
the church know what is going on inside the church particularly in
regards to disagreements and conflicts. So does that include abuse
allegations and scandals? Even if not mentioned by name unless the
transgressions rise to the level of the criminal, why shouldn't the
public be warned that there are some churches that strive to honor the
freedom found in Christ while others attempt to stifle such with
elaborate system of pious-sounding man-made rules?
If the lives of military personnel cannot be protected with
firearms amidst a violent assault, then why should that of the
In an oration justifying the imposition of an environmental
dictatorship, Preisdent Obama insisted that Black children were more
likely to suffer from asthma. Maybe that is because their parents are
less likely to get off their lazy backsides to clean house.
Regarding those such as Bob Barker that insist that the death
penalty should be imposed upon the hunter involved in the slaying of
Cecil the Lion, do these extremists call for a similar punishment for
PETA operatives that have been caught in the questionable terminations
of animals under the organization's care?
Pastor David Platt suggested that one should not think of small
groups so much as a class imparting information but rather that a group
is there to be aware of your besetting sins. All the more reason not to
participate or instead to keep church members at a distance. Especially
when in the same sermon one of the punishable sins included was
As part of an accountability group, the president of the Southern
Baptist Mission's Board David Platt suggests writing up a sheet of
questions. Included among these was how well you have loved your wife
this week. So long as you aren't loving on someone else's wife or
backhanding yours across the face, is this really any of a small group's
On “Your World with Neil Cavuto”, a Democratic Party propagandist
applauded a California municipality that appointed two illegals to
positions on a civic advisory board. The hypothesized that we aren't
going to be able to exclude these individuals from society anyway. So if
the Chinese Red Army landed an invasion force along the West Coast,
should the nation automatically surrender territory since, in the words
of this political strategist, “we [would] have to learn to work
It is claimed that Republicans and allied conservatives exposing
Planned Parenthood's organharvesting side hustle are engaged in a war
against women. If this is what a number of women are engaged in, why
shouldn't they be warred upon? Should child support enforcement be
curtailed since such laws are as much about penalizing men as they are
about providing for children?
A Christian broadcaster denounced online friendships as shallow and
superficial. How is that markedly different than most offline
By Frederick Meekins
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