An Associated Press article datelined Beijing described how the world
fell into a state of shocked lamentation over the gun violence and
racism believed to plague the Untied States in light of the horrific
Charleston Church Massacre.
A number of the bewildered questioned how a liberty such as the right to
bear arms as enshrined by the Second Amendment could be allowed in the
U.S. Constitution. Precisely to serve as a protection and bulwark
against the systematic execution of dissidents as has transpired in the
People's Republic of China throughout that regime's history.
The Mexican newspaper La Jornada was quoted as saying that the United
States has become a “structurally violent state where force is
frequently used domestically and internationally to resolve
differences.” Mind you, Mexico is a Latin American country where it is
not uncommon for narcoterrorists to role decapitated heads out onto
disco dance floors in order to intimidate their opponents.
Law enforcement in that corrupt land are little better. Often, there,
so-called public safety officers sexually brutalize immigrants from
other nations while the leadership of this neighbor to our south
lectures us as to why we are to lavish upon the riffraff fleeing that
failed state with the proverbial three hots and a cot while they await
their single family split-level which they will proceed to stuff to the
rafters with half the population of their native village.
And speaking of severed heads, dead beats from the Islamic world also
proceeded to weigh in on the Charleston Church shooting as if violence
never breaks out in regions where the majority of the population
embraces that particular errant religion.
One Indonesian intellectual bemoaned that the tragedy shocked many. But
more so than the decapitation and ghastly execution videos perfected by
Al Qada and now the organization's ISIS spin off as a propaganda
The article went on to say, “In Britain, the attack reinforced the view
that America has too many guns and too many racists” and “the obscene
proliferation of guns only magnifies tragedies.”
For you see, the residents of Britain tend to be a bit old fashioned
when they want to kill someone for harboring beliefs with which they
disagree. They just grab personnel from a nearby military base and
knife them along the side of the road as they proceed to videotape a
pronouncement drenched in their victim's blood. This must be considered
across the pond the epitome of artisinal craftsmanship and civility.
Of the shootings, an interviewed Japanese patent attorney reflected,
“Racially motivated killings are simply something the Japanese as a
people cannot understand.” As an ethnicity inclined towards economics
and efficiency, one supposes so. After all, why outrightly murder
someone when they can make perfectly acceptable sex slaves first, a fate
inflicted upon numerous Koreans forced to serve as “comfort women”.
Critics will respond that that atrocity was decades ago. Indeed it was.
Just as were the shortcomings that assorted minority front groups and
agitators continue to harp upon no matter how many set asiides and
entitlement programs are lavished upon them.
Of the shooting, a Philippine human rights activist said, “That would be
no different from a suicide bomber. For a jihadist says, 'I will be
with Allah if I do that.' The other says, 'I am proving white supremacy
That comparison depends upon how you look at it.
The comparison between the jihadist and mass murderer Dylan Roof is
accurate from the standpoint of each of these terrorists having embraced
false belief systems inspiring each adherent to perpetrate the vilest
of acts violating God's eternal absolutes in the pursuit of a Satanic
objective. However, there are also differences that the astute observer
of this kind of phenomena must be diligent to point out.
Across America, even those willing to take a stand on behalf of the
Confederate flag (despite the almost dictatorial opposition galvanized
against this symbol of Southern heritage) are repulsed and sickened by
the actions of human pus wad Dylan Roof. If anything, these “rednecks”
and “hayseeds” are among the few trodding this earth consistent in their
call to apply the death penalty against anyone that takes an innocent
human life.
However, things are markedly different in the Muslim world. There, on
9/11, exuberant Palestinians took to the streets in celebration. The
way children were given candy to commemorate the event brings to mind
the prophecy in the Book of Revelation when gifts will be exchanged to
celebrate the Anti-Christ executing the Two Witnesses whose bodies will
lie in the streets of Jerusalem until they are risen from the dead for
all the world to see.
To his credit, one Indonesian intellectual said, “Terrorism and
radicalism can appear in every strata of society under various guises
and in the name of ethnicity, religion and race.”
Those pulling the trigger or lighting the fuse to harm the body and
stoke the initial fear are obviously the most guilty in regards to this
profound variety of crime. However, the greater injury inflicted might
instead be by those attempting to capitalize on these tragedies to
manipulate those freedoms much easier to surrender than they will be to
back once the immediate danger has passed.
By Frederick Meekins
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