Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why is pole dancing on the Ocean City boardwalk any more of moral outrage than the exposed tits and ass cheek portions jiggling beyond the perimeters of some skimpy swimsuits? There are probably professional pole dancers that perform with more concealed than some of these beachgoers.

Fox News’s Shephard Smith is being criticized for referring to Robin Williams as a coward for taking his own life. While it is commendable that light is being shed exposing the despair of depression, it should be remembered exactly who Williams is and what exactly it is that he has done. It’s not like this is the 1800’s and Williams has broken down into fits of uncontrollable crying that he can’t explain nor has he just birthed a baby. It’s not like he was unaccustomed to seeking professional help. How many other acts ought to be excused and praise lavished upon the individual because they feel irresistible impulses within their minds prompting them to behaviors outside the social norm. Applying the example of Robin Williams, instead of financially destroying Paula Deen for confessing to the utterance of a questionable word in the privacy of her own home where not a single human life was lost, shouldn’t she be honored and celebrated like never before? And what about child and wife beaters? Not comparable liberal elites will snap. But hasn’t Williams abused his family in about the worst way imaginable?

If Michelle Obama can rearrange our lives because she thinks we are fat, then why can’t psychiatrist Keith Ablow suggest that the First Lady is fat? In response, meteorologist Janice Dean snapped as to the impropriety of a man telling a woman to drop a few pounds. If mouthy broads don’t want comments made, they should keep their mouths shut regarding those areas in which they don’t want to hear criticism.

Supposedly we are suppose to excuse Robin Williams taking his own life because he "couldn't help himself". But neither can most serial killers, child molesters and wife beaters.

Regarding Dan the Auctioneer from Storage Wars, was he actually "out of town" when those episodes were filmed or was the euphemism for his nearly being killed by a brain aneurysm?

Trayvonites Declare Only Racists Oppose Riots

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Satanists Conspire To Defame Christ On Public Property

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What bug crawled up Eric Boling's backside and died for him to condemn James Okeefe for masterfully donning an Osama Bin Ladin mask to prove how easily homicidal sandheathens can violate the border? Okeefe is a documentary filmmaker. He can't do anything to change actual policy.

Evangelical Hierarchs Demand Silence Of Those Unwilling To Embrace Death By Ebola

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Brookings Institute Invokes Transhumanism In Attempt To Destroy The Constitution

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Should Pastors Monitor Favored Sex Positions Of Those Under Them?

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Schumer Insists Religious Dissidents Should Be Destroyed

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Do Religious Lunatics Hope Ebola Will Destroy America?

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A report on WMAL warned it was going to announce disturbing details regarding the hanging of Robin Williams. Do they as softly tip toe around the details of every other homicide (most at least at the hands of someone else) in this area?

United Church Of Christ Sponsors Sodomite Olympiad

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Assault Rifles Turnback Trayvonite Uprising

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Mother Brags About Dragging Offspring Down With Her Into Hell

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The FBI to probe the police shooting of unarmed St. Louis teen. Does the agency also intend to investigate the police shooting of a 95 year old Chicago-area nursing home resident that refused to go to the hospital or was he not Black enough?

The Coming War Of Christian Vs. Christian

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Albert Mohler Calls Down Hellfire Upon Ann Coulter For Exposing The Religious Fanaticism Of Certain Missionaries

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Trayvonite Insurgents Liberate Supplies From Capitalist Bloackade

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If the little Sandheathen is holding a severed head, why are his eyes being blacked out if we are expected to stomach the sight of a detached cranium? This brat’s face should be exposed for all the world to see and a drone missile prepared with the brats name on it.

Southern Baptist Functionary Insists Christians Obligated To Contract Ebola

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I guess the Christian exuding all of the politically correct platitudes one is expected to enunciate if one is to be embraced as an acceptably docile member of the COMMUNITY will lavish praise upon the Trayvonite insurgents in St. Louis for liberating the people’s goods blockaded by the capitalists.

Regarding misisonaries. Ann Coulter did not verbalize anything the average God-loving pewfiller hasn’t thought as missionaries on deputation denigrate America attempting to guilt-trip you into filling the collection plate so they can return to the heathen lands where they will proceed to pump out another half-dozen kids.

Preparing For Ebola

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I guess eventually, if you are given to spurts of comedic insight interspersed between periods of melancholy, that will be grounds to be taken into custody by the mental health establishment.

CNN propagandist Don Lemon assures that he understands the St. Louis riots even if he does not agree with such actions. Did he extend such dismissive sympathy to Paula Deen when, in proper Maoist self-denunciation, she confessed to verbalizing a questionable word in the PRIVACY OF HER OWN HOME to her husband after a gun was held to her head? Not a single business was pillaged by Paula Deen. Would Lemon express such solidarity with this ghetto rabble if had been the CNN studio torn to Sheol?

A Facebook theologian posted “We need to return to the era where men and women were very easily distinguishable by dress and appearance.” Such a sentiment sounds reasonable in an era with exposed knockers jiggling about so much that they could easily poke someone’s eye out. However, just as often the platitude is invoked in many a fundamentalist sermon as justification why women can’t wear pants and in some circles why they shouldn’t be allowed to cut their hair. Women should probably also be forced to wear a corset to the point of catatonia for good measure. To those invoking such rhetoric, who gets to determine what just isn’t sufficiently moral but adequately feminine, just other men?

Should Market Have Milking Stall?

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Monday, August 11, 2014

Does Christian Compassion Demand Uncritical Exposure To Ebola?

In an episode of the News In Focus program produced by the Berea Baptist Church posted at, Pastor Joey Kellett offered a few remarks regarding the ebola outbreak.

For the most part, the minister condemned those such as Donald Trump as well as a number of Christians that questioned the wisdom of bringing into the United States a number of missionaries that have contracted the pestilence but not yet succumbed to the ravages.

According to the Pastor, politeness and compassion are more paramount than health and survival.

It probably won't be long if one does not want to be excommunicated that the sincere believer will be expected to sip from the same communion chalice as the souls with this particular affliction.

Those such as Rev. Kellett justify their position with appeals to passages admonishing mercy for the suffering and the examples set by these missionaries that fell ill as a result of their ministerial outreach to the less fortunate.

But what about verses and teaching that counsel the protection of one's own family as one's highest earthly priority?

Human empathy and spiritual sensitivity prompt the believer to hope and pray that these servants of God make a full recovery.

However, these missionaries made their own respective choice about subjecting themselves to these dangers.

That choice is not one being extended to the average American, whom this pastor is telling those that do not agree with flinging the doors wide open to the most horrifying of diseases, to sit down and shut up.

These average Americans (not the elites implementing these transformational policies who will be whisked away to lavish underground resorts in a time of crisis) who will be gunned down in the streets by FEMA purification squads or forced to languish in hemorrhagic agony in quarantine death camps.

For decades, the average Christian has sat quietly in the pews enduring many an outlandish claim and denunciations of the American way of life by these missionaries that expect the harangued to bankroll their pietistic wanderlust.

We should at the very least be granted the courtesy of being allowed to voice our concerns when these adventures abroad result in the most vile forms of Third World death being brought to the hallowed shores.

By Frederick Meekins

The same ones insisting that they can't afford basic school supplies for their children at late summer discount prices probably have the latest Iphone though. If you are that poor, perhaps you ought to refrain from the copulative act that results in procreation.

Tip of the day: don't go to the Montgomery County Fair the first weekend. Most of the exhibit halls were closed for judging and seemed like most of the animals had yet to arrived. Officials certainly don't mind charging full price for 1/2 a fair.

A toddler breached the White House perimeter. Given the paradigm applied by President Obama to border violators, shouldn't the child now be granted lifetime residency there?

To mollify terrorist sympathizers, the treasurer of the Virginia Republican Party was driven from office for simply questioning online President Obama's insistence that Muslims were the ones that built the fabric of American society. A spokesman for one jihadist front group remarked how profoundly offended his coreligionists across the country were at the comment. Is such outrage directed by Muslims at adult Muslim insurgents seizing girls as young as seven to be defiled as child brides or the murder on the streets of those failing Koranic trivia? It is fascinating that Obama would rhetorically celebrate Islam's alleged contributions to America yet go out of his way to insist on foreign soil that America is not a Christian nation. If elected officials cave so easily to the demands of these savages at this point, on what grounds ought we to believe that our government will protect the American people when these heathens commence their homicidal uprising?

Is WorldnetDaily Slipping Deeper Into Eschatolgical Buffoonery?

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Michael Jackson's Home Was As Filthy As His Depraved Soul

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Young Skull Full Of Mush Eager To Wed Charles Manson Over His Environmental Philosophy

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Public Educators Celebrate Hispanosupremacist Takeover

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So if the President or the First Lady were to visit the Dartmouth campus, would their Secret Service detail be required to leave their firearms off the property?

Maybe Pro-Immigration Brian McLaren Can Warehouse Border Violators On His Spacious Burtonsville, MD Church Property

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A Lutheran Review Of The Movie Hercules

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The Eastward Movement Of Western Theology

Holderites Stoke Upheaval

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Does The Road To Mars Pit Stop At The Moon?

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So apparently now its perfectly rational for Christian to accept the legitimacy of ghostly encounters but something to be ridiculed if Christians believe in a seven day creation?

Obama Declares Jihad Against Christian Education

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Don't Let Ecclesiastical Elites Keep You From Ministry

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Obama Voters Rampage In St. Louis

Colored Folks Logic. You destroy the property of an uninvolved party because you don't like the actions of a police officer.

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Obama Denounces Freedom Of Expression

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Should Abusive Pastors Deploy Their Offspring As Theologial Human Shields?

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If Huckabee is so keen on the ebola victims being brought back in, maybe they can room with him in that Florida mansion he had built.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Comic Store Heroes

Jihadists Perpetrate Ecclesiocide

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Nancy Pelosi Gripped By Fit Of Psychotic Penis Envy

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Tycoon Warns Maleovent Artificial Intelligence Could Destroy The World

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Does Rachel Madcow Want Immigrant Plagues To Wipe Out The White Race?

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Jihadist Filth Beseige Jewish School Bus

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Is The Obama History Curriculum Stoking Race War?

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Is Religon Dangerous?

The Campaign To Eradicate Individualism

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Defying Retirement

John Kerry Celebrates Mass Starvations & Property Rights Infringements As "Creative Solutions"

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Pedophile Employs Religious Indoctrination To Satisfy Perverse Appetites

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Pastor Insinuates Americans Should Gladly Die For Ebola Infected Missionaries

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Education For Uncertain Futures

Michael Savage Warns That Government Ebola Policies Endanger Us All

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Journalists Threatened With Arrest For Filming FEMA Concentration Camp

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Will Obama Solidify Dictatorship?

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Baby Killers Clash With Mutilated Freaks

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In reference to Jesse Ventura's legal verdict against the widow of a murdered Navy Seal, a Tea Party organization posted on Facebook, “Jesse Ventura has to live with the fact that if he runs into any Special Forces people (regardless of their branch of service), he'll get the crap beat out of him. Live long and suffer, you big mouthed jerk.” So apparently it is now appropriate to applaud members of the armed forces inflicting bodily harm upon Americans with which they disagree politically or morally. On what grounds do members of the Tea Party endorsing such an action complain should liberal thugs inflict a similar crime upon someone from that movement enunciating an unpopular perspective?

A theologian posted on Facebook, “The Beatles. No Christian should listen to them.” Before complying, shouldn't the reason be given a reason why? Or are we mere pewfillers expected to obey without question? Also, since we are to be led about like dimwitted herd animals to exist in a continual state of cultural panic, will there be a list provided of tunes we are allowed to listen to? And for the grand question that would probably get me stoned by some religious fanatics, if Christians are expected not to listen to the Beatles with no reason provided, how is it that those we are expected to obey without question happen to know so much about the moptops from Liverpool?

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

How To Start A New Ministry

Thought Police Prohibit Silent Prayer As An Act Of Religious Terrorism

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Human Cow Sets Breastmilk Record

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Is Nancy Pelosi Aroused By Obama's Dark Cholcolate?

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Does Bishop Schori Get Her Freak On For Lesbian Communes?

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Will Jihadist Vermin Emerge From America's Sewers?

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Christian Diva Tosses Hissy Fit On How Dare Pewfiller Rabble Publish

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Rowan Williams Shoves His Nose Up Islam's Backside

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So long as Obama’s vacation is not disrupted by ebola, that is the thing that really ought to concern us at the moment.

Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson laments that bookstore sales have plummeted since 2007 and that people aren’t reading anymore. That does not necessarily follow. Why should I blow twenty plus dollars on a book when I can get it for around $5 often within six months of its release at Ollies? Furthermore, for better or worse, many now acquire their reading material electronically. Many might not find that ideal or preferable, but one can’t issue a blanket condemnation about people not reading. Maybe some that use to read like fanatics as youths, as they grow older that no matter how much they read, they really aren’t getting anything out of it in terms of position, status, or increased bank account no matter how much effort they expend.

So apparently it is more productive to sit amidst a group of people you aren’t even related to or that don’t have anything worthwhile to say to you than to play a video game or watch TV.

As a Jew, Geraldo says he is allowed to criticize Israel’s defense against Hamas attacks. By that standard, does that mean only White people can criticize other White people?

Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson suggested that, instead of video games (and by extension probably other forms of media) youngsters should spend time with parents. And what if the parents and the child don’t really share that many interests?

Are Terrorists Building An Ebola Bomb?

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Performance Artist Shoots Painted Eggs Out Her Vagina

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Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson castigated Baby Boomers for relying on Social Security more than other generations. And exactly how are they supposed to survive if companies either eliminate pensions or eliminate workers before the qualify for pension plans? If they are to keep working, are the likes of Swanson going to keep their mouths shut when the man at McDonalds obviously has urine soaking his pants because of a botched prostate surgery or the person taking the order is so blind that they can’t either operate the cash register or even see the currency clearly enough to make change?

Monday, August 04, 2014

Turpitude Or Lack Thereof Should Have No Bearing On Asylum For Illegals

A blurb accompanying the lead editorial of the 8/6/2014 issue of the Christian Century admonishes “The children crossing the border are refugees, not criminals.”

Unless an instantaneous background check is conducted, how can that conclusion be made for certain?

Is one to conclude that the migrants with the facial tattoos are simply expressing their childhood enthusiasm for the Mexican equivalent of Bozo the Clown or Ronald McDonald?

Liberal academics and clergy often berate the American public for what such relativists consider the impropriety of applying our own standards to other cultures.

Thus, why are we to assume youngsters crossing at the border are sweet and innocent?

Years ago, a 15 year old and a 13 year old threatened to murder me for not assuming a sufficiently docile posture upon crossing their path.

That is well within the age range that the Obama administration and the immigrant concessions racket insist we are to refrain from scrutinizing with our critical faculties.

Even if those violating the border were of a character that would make the Virgin Mary seem like Jezebel or Delilah in comparison, that is not the issue.

The United States can only allow admittance to a select number in an orderly manner to be determined by the American people or it will eventually cease to be a viable nation-state altogether.

By Frederick Meekins

Intellectual Discipleship

Summa 2.0: A New Generation Reads Aquinas

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