Monday, August 11, 2014

To mollify terrorist sympathizers, the treasurer of the Virginia Republican Party was driven from office for simply questioning online President Obama's insistence that Muslims were the ones that built the fabric of American society. A spokesman for one jihadist front group remarked how profoundly offended his coreligionists across the country were at the comment. Is such outrage directed by Muslims at adult Muslim insurgents seizing girls as young as seven to be defiled as child brides or the murder on the streets of those failing Koranic trivia? It is fascinating that Obama would rhetorically celebrate Islam's alleged contributions to America yet go out of his way to insist on foreign soil that America is not a Christian nation. If elected officials cave so easily to the demands of these savages at this point, on what grounds ought we to believe that our government will protect the American people when these heathens commence their homicidal uprising?

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