Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, May 29, 2014
From the impression I got from listening to an anti-Transhumanism podcast, I get the impression that some of those arguing for preservation of natural baseline human beings would just as easily see my kind eliminated as would those advocating the creation of genetic hybrids and cyborgs. I don’t see it written anywhere that all men must excel at agriculture and hunting.
In a podcast about Transhumanism, a caller insisted that adults should not play computer games and especially shouldn’t dress up in costumes for comic book conventions. Granted, some cosplayers go overboard. But how are these activities any worse than tailgating or going hunting to blow the head off an animal in a recreational setting?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
In his condemnation of a man that ducked from a baseball bat hurling in his direction, Allan West heralded the woman that caught the bat as a “true Valkyrie, a strong woman of Sparta”. Besides mixing his mythologies, shouldn’t we now stop to ask some serious questions about Allan West if he intends to uplift Sparta as some kind of ideal to aspire to? It must be pointed out that Sparta was among the most communal of Greek city states where unfit children were deemed unworthy of continued existence, where youth were subject to state sanctioned pedophilia, and wife swapping was common. Apart from military prowess, Sparta actually had quite a bit in common with the platform of the Democratic party. If Colonel West finds it appropriate to mock a man instinctively getting out of the line of fire, should he be elected President, does that mean that he intends to forego Secret Service protection?
A Facebook meme commences with a cartoon depiction of Satan enunciating the following: “God loves everybody. God wants everybody saved. Man has a free will to accept Christ.” Apparently these Calvinists know more than the Scriptures. God [really didn’t] for so love the WORLD (John 3:16). Neither should we take at face value II Peter 3:9 which deceives us that “The Lord is…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” And finally, Joshua 2:15 is a total waste of time if the text is not an admonition to “choose this day whom you will serve” if this has no bearing whatsoever on the life of condemned or redeemed alike.
A Facebook meme consisted of the following Spurgeon quote: “I believe that one reason why the church of God at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence over the church.” Shouldn’t predestinarian Calvinists rejoice since that is exactly how their version of God sovereignly willed things to be?
A Facebook meme insinuating that salvation is not determined by whether or not one places faith in Jesus Christ but rather if one submits to Calvin’s soteriological ruminations reads “Preaching predestination is like preaching in a cemetery…there are a lot of folks around…but no one is listening.” Technically, is this hermeneutic is the correct one, that is nobody’s fault but God if the individual has no choice in the matter.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
An Associated Press study concludes that the average CEO earns over $10 million per year. WMAL pundit Larry O’Connor remarked that these individuals are deserving of such reimbursement for all of their hard work. But are such individuals rewarded for their labor or for embracing the platitudes and presuppositions of the globalist elite contending that the common dregs of America have too much, must have what little property they have seized for redistribution, and that those permitted to survive after a systematic depopulation campaign be herded into relocation settlements?
White House Sciece Fair To Focus Primarily On Plumbing
What else should be expected from a President chosen only because he's half-Black.
Click On The Headline
Monday, May 26, 2014
Are Critics Of Intelligent Design As Intelligent As They Propagandize?
The caption beneath the illustration reads, “The Intelligent Design God is something of an underachiever.” He apparently also has a high tolerance for guff as very few have poked as much fun at the venerated spokesman of a particular world religion with a fetish for explosives and flying jetliners into skyscrapers.
In all seriousness, the cartoon is a jab directed at the work of biochemist Michael Behe who popularized the flagellum in “Darwin's Black Box”. It was the likes of the Darwinists and the naturalists who first categorized the single cell and assorted microscopic organisms as “simple” in comparison to other biological, geological, and astronomical phenomena considered to be complex.
With the concept of irreducible complexity, pioneers of the Intelligent Design movement such as Michael Behe and Phillip Johnson popularized the concept how these simple cells and organisms were anything but with their entire systems breaking down unless all of the components work in tandem and likely worthless without the others. Likewise, these functions are of a magnitude so beyond the sum total of the constituted parts that it is unlikely that they would have arisen on their own over time through the minuscule accumulation of random genetic modifications.
It is not that the proponents of Intelligent Design have totally ignored these other scientific curiosities such as stars, galaxies, and other mind boggling wonders of the physical universe. In fact, a number of these are presented in a marvelous manner that can be appreciated by the scientist and understood by the enthusiastic non-technician alike in “I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist” by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler.
Adherents of the worldviews of naturalism and scientism often stand behind their lecterns before their blackboards clicking their tongues how religious faith and its corollaries of intelligent design or some kind of creation theory cannot be categorized as true science because it is doubtful that the faithful believer would ever renounce their preferred theology no matter how overwhelming the evidence arrayed against traditional revelation and dogma. However, the subtitle of the organization's own newsletter is “Defending The Teaching Of Evolution And Climate Science”.
Just what evidence will adherents of these perspectives accept before themselves surrendering to the epistemological or paradigmatic inevitable?
For example, the newsletter's Dec 2013 cover might spoof the Intelligent Design movement's flagellum fetish. But haven't the Darwinists been harping their finches, fruit flies, and peppered moths even longer?
At the end of the day, no matter how much these creatures might change over the generations, they pretty much remain fruit flies, finches, or peppered moths begetting other fruit flies, finches, or peppered moths respectively not that dramatically different on the genetic or molecular level where it counts from the original. So should geneticists dig deep enough that it is discovered that, despite the considerable material similarities between the species, it is impossible for a chimp to make the leap to human being, will multitudes of academics come forward to renounce many of Physical Anthropology's cherished foundations?
The second area of focus in the mission statement is defending the teaching of climate science. There is hardly a Christian out there walking free this side of the funny farm fence that condemns meteorological forecasting. Even if they don't catch the segment on the 11 PM news or fiddle around with Doppler radar and satellite imagery, even the Amish probably consult their own methods to get some kind of idea what the weather will be like the next day.
The National Center For Science might go out of its way to position itself as one of Feurbach's cultured despisers of religion. However, what this organization really means by the term “climate science” is instead the faith of global warming and environmental extremeism.
And as in the case of the most diehard adherent of traditional theism, there will be nothing to dissuade these zealots that man (especially of the White industrialized variety) isn't the cause of climate change.
Had a warmer than usual winter? It's global warming's fault.
Had a colder than normal winter? That's global warming's fault also.
Had a summer or winter where the weather was for the most part within the range of what one should expect for that particular season? Surely, it was the fault of global warming.
Like any good revivalist, the goal of the ideologues at the National Center for Science Education is not so much to dispassionately impart a set of objective facts for the recipient to then make up their own minds as to whether they will accept them into their existential epistemic framework and then determine how these should be applied to life and policy. For example, it is doubtful the newsletter publishes articles detailing how the world really hasn't warmed for over a decade and how, when changes take place, they are more the fault of solar activity than the failure of the American people to willingly embrace a lifestyle virtually indistinguishable from that of Third World squalor.
One of the greatest gifts parents and educators can bestow upon a child is to cultivate an awareness of the assorted charlatans that will attempt to take advantage of the weak-willed and simpleminded. A considerable number will appear wearing the cloaks of a great many religions. However, just as dangerous are those wearing lab coasts that instead attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the unsuspecting by rattling off numbers presented as statistics and obtuse obscure verbal formulations masquerading as facts.
By Frederick Meekins
Does the grieving parent blaming the NRA for the CA mass murder incident also intend to convene a press conference blaming parents attempting to purchase their children's love with increasingly lavish material mementos to the point where the offspring is incapable of coping with life's routine disappointments and letdowns?
Would a school punishing a student for seeing a gun in the clouds have punished him if he said that the meteorological formation reminded him of a giant floating penis? If schools don't like the responses provided by students when asked what the clouds look like to them, then don't ask the question.
Friday, May 23, 2014
World Leader NOTHING Like Hitler Planning To Spread Empire In Yet Another Direction
Episcopal Hierarchs Blame The First Amendment For Income Inequality & Unemployment
Bring Every Thought Captive: The Case For A Comprehensive Worldview Apologetic
Critics Of Transhumanism Denounced As "Non-Christian"
Similar to the logic of the early Christians being persecuted for being atheists. Click On The Headline