Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Friday, March 14, 2014
Are Perverts & Radical Minorities Taking Over Transhumanism?
Click On The Headline
Thursday, March 13, 2014
An Internet meme distributed on Facebook by Occupy London depicts a U.S. soldier with an assortment of corporate logos plastered over his uniform such as Exxon and Mobil. The caption reads, “900 bases in 153 countries isn't fighting for freedom. It is an empire.” Without secure fossil fuels, would these beatniks be able to operate the mobile communications devices and online social networks they adore or prance around at farmers markets? If it is wrong for oil companies to rake in money, do they also begrudge the billions raked in the Facebook or Twitter executives? More importantly, if this wing of the Occupy movement is outraged over 900 military bases in 153 countries, do they get as jacked out of shape over their fellow activists expressing themselves through the vandalism of private businesses, the desecration of churches, and the defecating upon police cruisers?
Scholastic Deadbeats Demand Drunken Rampaging Be Embraced As Expression Of Irish Culture
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Lent: Renewing Oneself In The Spirit Of God
Fundamentalist Admits Fundamentalists Themselves Could Be Running The Young Away
Temptation, Ministry & Lent
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Those supporting breast cancer research apparently think it is appropriate for students to wear apparel declaring “I Love Boobies”. These days, one is not to dare question the health initiatives favored by assorted feminists. I pointed out such articles of clothing would be as appropriate in an educational setting as items with the slogan “I love nuts” blazoned upon them in order to raise testicular cancer awareness. For making this comparison, I was sent an email message how someone’s nephew suffers from this affliction and how it is caused by a gene similar to that which causes breast cancer. I sympathize with those afflicted with these diseases, but the point otherwise being? So since I’ve had family members with prostrate cancer, does that mean I am justified in walking around in a t-shirt that reads “Up Yours!” since that is the primary way that particular disease is initially screened?
So on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., was the body in suspended animation that Coulson stumbled upon suppose to be an extraterrestrial or what was left of Coulson’s body following his death in the Avengers film with the being now known as Coulson a clone of the original with the original’s consciousness downloaded into the cloned body or a brain programed with the original Coulson’s memories?
Monday, March 10, 2014
Thoughts Regarding Updated Robocop
If one was required to show one's hands to the robots in order to be categorized as non-threatening, since the movie was already saltier than it needed to be in terms of profanity, someone should have given the droids the finger.
Samuel Jackson is amusing in his spoof of Bill O'Reilly.
The scene where the senator was kicked off the "Novak Element" was quite reminiscent of the Fox News pundit interrupting guests he doesn't agree with.
Despite the relevancy of the underlying ethical conflict, the film wasn't necessarily an improvement over the 1980's version in all respects.
The more mechanized voice of the title character in the original and Murphy having done to him whatever his corporate masters wanted without any notion of consent on the part of his family since he was "dead" in eyes of the law and thus without any rights was a more dramatic portrayal of the threats posed to fundamental assumptions of humanity by radical cybernetic life extension technologies allowed to get out of control.
Gun PICTURES Don't Kill People, People Kill People
So what?
There are probably just as many photographs of teens getting drunk if one digs deep enough and accounts are notorious of errant spouses utilizing this revolutionary communications technology to abet adultery.
There are valid arguments made from both positions as to the propriety of gun sales facilitated over social networks.
But what is the big fuss over a gun picture?
Online, those guns are probably about as real as the bosoms of the scantily clad models attempting to entice you to click on links for a wide variety of products and services.
Perhaps the most appropriate advice is adapted from the moral libertines any time a parent or even a concerned citizen raises a reservation about the amount of exposed flesh or non-marital boudoir frolicking depicted in the contemporary media.
If you don't like to look at pictures of guns, don't look at them.
By Frederick Meekins