Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, September 19, 2013
In Calling For World Disarmament Does The Vatican Intend To Surrender The Swiss Guards?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Eventually, going out of one’s way to avoid direct contact with neighbors will be enough to get your firearms confiscated from you. And if you don’t own any, it will probably be enough to get some kind of conspiracy charge slapped against you because it probably means you never acquired any as a result of deliberation that the government was one day going to come after you anyway.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
On What Grounds Do Recreational Hunters Condemn Video Game Players
It is for this rather than for killing 12 people that he deserves to rot in Hell from the impression one gets from a remark made by a midlist conservative commentator and podcaster.
But on what grounds does someone that goes out of his way to point out to the public how much that he enjoys hunting criticize someone that enjoys video games?
It is one thing to hunt to provide food for one's family or to keep in check a species that would otherwise proliferate out of control due to a lack of natural predators.
However, is it really a measure of one's masculinity to travel across oceans and continents half-way around the world to blow the head of an animal that one clearly doesn't need for sustenance?
In fact, doing so might cause one to speculate just how deficient in certain areas those having to display themselves in such manners might just happen to be.
For nothing shouts manhood like participating in an activity just because it is an expectation of one's peer group.
by Frederick Meekins
Washington Post Grants Black Guy Permission To Notice The Navy Yard Shooter Black
Monday, September 16, 2013
President Obama remarked that the attack on the Navy Yard should be construed as another mass shooting. So does this mean that now it seems that military and former military personnel are carrying out these events, does this mean that military and law enforcement should be denied access to firearms in a manner similar to the way these elites conspire to disarm the American civilian population?
In regards to the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, President Obama assured that the service of the victims to the nation will be honored. Yet no doubt everything will be done by this President’s administration to deny these individuals benefits due those having been injured in combat or by acts of terrorism
Obama To Collect Files On Americans' Sex Lives
Legislators and bureaucrats have now reversed themselves, deciding that these private matters should now become part of the public record.
The Obamacare reforms will compel doctors to collect dossiers detailing the sex lives of their respective patients. Unless one is seeking medical attention over puss oozing from one’s privates, these sordid details of one’s life should not be pried into by the medical establishment.
And what of those that insist that they lead chaste and celibate lives?
Will they end up being charged with perjury and forced to undergo more intrusive forms of scrutiny?
After all, the true freak these days is the one that does not live like a harlot or a nympho.