Monday, June 03, 2013

The Nixon Centennial

All Star Superman

In the attempt to garner Republican support, initially immigration reform proposals would have required illegals seeking amnesty to pay backtaxes for those years these deadbeats suckled freely off the teats of Lady Liberty. However, it's now suggested that such a task might be too difficult. One guesses so with the agency's resources dedicated into harassing conservatives regarding what books they are reading and if any family members intend to exercise their civic rights to run for public office.

In the attempt to appear more pious and religiously enthusiastic, it has been suggested that Christians seeking church membership should have to present evidence more rigorous than making a profession of faith and assenting to the foundational doctrines of the faith. One cannot help but notice that these legalists never provide up front a clearer idea of what exactly this would entail. Shouldn't one's word regarding one's relationship with Christ and what that means be sufficient grounds until the individual proves otherwise by a major transgression? And that lapse should consist of something more than someone going to a move theater, women wearing pants, or a tendency not to come to Wednesday prayer meeting. One shouldn't have to complete the labors of Hercules in order to be extended the hand of fellowship. But I suppose even making an allusion to classical mythology would be enough to get me kicked out of many of these churches.

Will CNN Banish Wolf Blitzer For Being Too Old, Straight & White?

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Saudi Prince Charming Rapes, Murders & Dumps Snow White's Body In The Street

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Islamists Plot Nerve Gas Attack

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Is The Commodification Of Fanfiction A Bad Thing?

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The President's Brother Smoozes With Sudan's Dictator In Obama's Name During Dechristianization Efforts

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Government Pervs Authorized To Harvest Your Genetic Material. If I am to be swabbed, can I at least thumb through a few Polaroids as to whom I would like to do it?

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Deranged Academic Urges Violence Against The NRA

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Why Shouldn't Cops Illegally Barging Into Your Home Be Shot?

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Christian Peacemakers Denounced As Repugnant

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Is The Golden Age Of Fanfiction Set To Commence?

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Phyllis Schlafly Urges Republicans To Stop Brownnosing Radical Minorities & Baby-Killing Tramps

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Michael Douglas Blames Debauchery Rather Than Alcoholism For Throat Cancer

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Leftwing Lutherans Select Gay Bishop

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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Dying for an Answer: An Attempted Theodicy to the Problem of Evil

It is perhaps one of the greatest intellectual stumbling blocks in all of religious thought. As much as any soul would like to avoid the topic all together, sooner or later each person will be forced to grapple with the seemingly incongruous realties resulting from the simultaneous existence of both a sovereign God and the prevalence of evil in the world. To some, the disconcerting existential trauma of suffering in their lives and in the lives of those around them is enough to make one come down in the negative in their answer to the God question. However, upon deeper reflection one is forced to realize that --- though still mind boggling --- it is not necessarily inconsistent for both evil and the Biblical conception of God to exist at the same time.

In the hopes of gaining just a bit of perspective into such an overwhelming universal mystery, it is probably best to start out by formulating the problem in a summarized written form. Norman Geisler in “Introduction To Philosophy: A Christian Perspective” states the problem in the following manner: “(1) If God is all-powerful, He could destroy evil. (2) If God is all-good, He would destroy evil. (3) But evil exists. (4) Therefore, there is no such God (Geisler, 274).” To establish a credible defense to these charges, the Christian must show that evil does not necessarily upset the divinely appointed applecart and is allowed to exist because of the purpose it serves in subordination to higher, more important realities even if these do not always make sense to finite human sensibilities.

At the heart of this debate is a discussion as to both the nature of God and the nature of evil. As to the ethical nature of God, Matthew 5:48 instructs the reader, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect.” However, that goodness is not like unto that of a saintly grandmother, though kind and loving in all of her intentions, who is helpless to prevent the world from deteriorating all around her.

In the spirit of the Rooseveltian axiom of speaking softly and carrying a big stick, God has the power necessary to carry through implementing how He thinks things ought to be. Colossians 1:17 says, “And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” This is further elaborated and extended in Acts 17:28 which reads, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being...”

Pretty much nothing happens without God knowing about it and at least allowing it to happen by not intervening to prevent it even if He himself does not endorse the action, behavior, or event in question. Evil, by its very nature on the other hand, is a thought or deed violating God's nature of absolute goodness as expressed in the form of His natural and special revelation to those who inhabit the universe He created.

Yet, if God really does have the whole world in His hands as the old spiritual suggests, there needs to be a bit of explanation on the part of the apologist or theologian. For if God really is in sovereign control, one must show how this fits together with passages such as I John 1:5 which says, "This then is the message we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."

The first step in eliminating the apparent contradiction arising between the existence of both God and evil is to show how evil might serve some purpose or be allowed to exist as the unfortunate byproduct of some more comprehensive good. Perhaps the best response Christian thinkers have provided thus far over the centuries is probably the so-called "Free Will Defense".

The underlying assumption of the Free Will Defense posits that the fault and consequences for evil in the world lies solely on the shoulders of those who commit moral transgressions and exhibit ethical shortcomings rather than upon a God imposing them upon the world from the outside. Scripture bears much of this idea out in passages such as Romans 5:12 which reads, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned..." Thus, it is pretty much our own fault as a species as a whole for the misery rampaging across the face of the earth and in individual lives.

While such a theory might help account for things such as crime, war, and even sickness since none of us have escaped the stain of sin, by itself it does not provide enough explanation to account for the tragedy arising from natural disasters (often referred to as so-called “acts of God”) or why God does not normally intervene to prevent ne’er-do-wells from inflicting pain and suffering upon their victims innocent in terms of instigating these particular acts of malice. Both of these quandaries find their answer in what Ronald Nash calls the “Natural Law Theodicy” or what John Frame refers to as the “Stable Environment Defense”.

Frame notes in “Apologetics To The Glory Of God” that a stable environment is fundamental to human existence (164). Ronald Nash writes in “Faith & Reason: Searching For A Rational Faith”, “Free rational action requires a world of natural objects governed by natural laws (200).”

C.S. Lewis adds to this perspective in “The Problem Of Pain” , “But if matter is to serve as a neutral field it must have a fixed nature of its own ... if you were introduced into a world which thus varied at my every whim, you would be quite unable to act in it and would lose the exercise of your free will (19).” Lewis continues in the following paragraph, “Again, if matter has a fixed nature and obeys constant laws, not all states of matter will be equally agreeable to a given soul, nor beneficial for that matter which he calls his body (20).”

Thus in essence, the same system of reasonably stable natural laws that allows man to survive and even thrive in an otherwise hostile universe can also end up allowing the very same components of nature that man requires for his very existence to be turned on him and to inflict harm upon him. Lewis points out how fire can either warm the flesh or burn it.

This is wrought with consequences as to why both nature and man seem capable of raining down misery with impunity. As to the issue of natural disasters, Romans 8:20-22 explains, "For the creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it... We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time (NIV)." Thus, the very physical setting of creation is under the curse not unlike that imposed upon humanity for the fall of the species into sin.

Though the providence of God no doubt often spares certain individuals from befalling the ferocity of a world out of control, the system of physical laws through which the natural world is governed is usually left in place for the overall benefit of finite kind. For we would be unable to adjust in our current condition to a constantly changing and fluctuating cosmos. This principle readily applies to those bent on using physical matter to inflict their own corrupt wills upon secondary by-standing parties.

For example, one can use a baseball bat to enjoy an afternoon of leisurely recreation or to work someone over during an armed robbery. While we would all like God to intervene to prevent physical matter and natural forces from wreaking havoc upon us, in all likelihood doing so would inflict even greater harm upon the human species and the world in their current condition than simply allowing these contingent entities to continue on until the so-called end of history and the beginning of eternity.

Much of this theodicy is focused upon the preeminence of freedom in the relationships established under the terms of the divine economy. But some might argue that it is at this point of imbuing the actors in the universal drama with their own sense of freedom that God erred in His drafting of the cosmic screenplay. However, it is because of His absolute goodness that God has seen fit to grant some degree of say-so to those He loves the most.

It is because of the overwhelming sense of importance placed upon love that freedom must take precedence over order and control though freedom and love take place within the boundaries established by this order and control. For as any lovesick high school student turned down for the prom eventually realizes, love must be given freely or it is not true love.

The Scripture says in Joshua 24:15, "....choose you this day whom ye will serve." The text does not say that the decision will be thrust upon you. The Lord will hear enough whining on the Day of Judgment. He does not need to make His task more difficult by assigning the responsibility for our eternal fates and destinies to any party other than ourselves.

For centuries, skeptics used the problem of evil to chip away at the foundations of theism. However, the fact that the objection can be raised at all points towards the affirmative in its conclusion to the God question.

Human beings recoil in horror as they do to the pain and unfairness of the world since it is such a shocking affront to the way things were originally intended to be. Atheism uses this reaction deep within the soul to make its case for a totally naturalistic universe. But if evil, pain, and suffering are simply a part of the natural order, on what grounds are we justified in railing against it, and for that matter, how are we even capable of determining something has gone awry in the first place?

If evil is nothing more than part of the backdrop against which life plays itself out, man should barely notice it. For example, most normal people do not lie awake at night wondering why there is oxygen in the world or work themselves up into having an anxiety attack despairing as to why they will have to eat breakfast in the morning. The ability to complain about and speak out against evil points to the reality of some transcendent standard existing above the fray by which to justify this innate tendency towards making judgments.

One might counter that these standards simply exist within the individual as personal conscience. Yet both the daily news and the pages of history are replete with examples of how competing interpretations of these principles differ considerably and the conflicts that often arise without appeal to a yet higher arbitrating authority.

Thus, some external standard must exist in order to tell the difference between right and wrong. The only sufficient basis for this criteria is found in God. Alister McGrath provides the following proof in “Intellectuals Don’t Need God & Other Modern Myths“: “(A). Unless there is a God, there cannot be objectively binding moral obligations. (B). Objectively binding moral obligations exist. (C). Therefore, there is a God (40).”

At this point, the Christian thinker ought to take the problem of evil, invert it, and turn it against the critics of faith. John MacArthur writes in "Terrorism, Jihad & The Bible", his response to the September 2001 terrorist attack upon the United States, “The question we ought to ask is not why disasters happen sometimes. What we ought to ask is why don’t disasters happen all of the time (65).”

The problem really is not so much the problem of evil but rather the problem of pleasure. For human beings have done such a superb job messing up the world, that if God did not exist, how does any pleasure exist at all? And if God does exist, why does He continue to bless mankind despite the rebellion, animus, and contempt characteristically displayed on the part of the species to its benevolent Creator?

James 1:7 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” No matter how wretched life can get, somewhere along the way most people can recall at least a single moment of fleeting kindness in their lives and usually more.

Even if the Christian takes the time to carefully delineate the case that God is not responsible for the existence of evil in the world and how the existence of phenomena morally classified as such does not contradict His nature of absolute holiness, this is often still not enough to satisfy some of the more rigorous skeptics. These voices will counter that, even though the above theistic assertion might be true, God is still the bad guy in this story. In their eyes, He has not done enough to use His immense power to rectify the situation.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. God has been far from passive in solving this problem He did not create.

Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman write in "An Unchanging Faith In A Changing World: Understanding & Responding To Critical Issues Christians Face Today", "God has embraced this in the most intimate way possible through the abusive treatment His Son received when he was tortured and crucified (81)." These apologists continue, "Thus, the real problem of evil --- ...whether anything can be done to overcome it and bring good out of it --- has been answered (81)." In essence, the problem has already been solved. The thing is that we are so mired in the flow of time that we are not yet able to fully enjoy the effects of this resolution.

God did not run away from the problem, but instead tackled its resolution head on in the most enthusiastic manner imaginable by allowing pain and evil to be visited upon Himself and in the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Nor did God gloss over the reality of evil in the attempt to buttress His position by spinning the matter in His favor by downplaying our pain.

God comes at the issue in such a straightforward manner that His blunt forthrightness would make plain-spoken newsman Bill O'Reilly blush. Job 14:1 declares, "Man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble."

God could very well quote the following from that old country song when we grow weary of the troubles inherent to life in this world: "I beg your pardon. I never promised you a rose garden." He does, however, promise to do away with them in the next world where He will wipe away every tear according to Revelation 21:4. If God really was little more than a fairy tale, would the authors of Scripture include those texts that do little to sooth the troubled soul about the bleakness this side of Heaven and instead force the individual to confront some rather starting realities?

The problem of evil has plagued the mind of man at least since the day the first parents were expelled from the Garden of Eden for disobedience. However, the problem is not so much that God is a messed-up illogical being but rather that man is so limited in his capacity for reason that he is unable to ascend to the level of understanding necessary to comprehend the operational totality of the universe at the level of cosmic completeness.

God let's a whining Job have it in Job 38:3-4 and beyond when the Lord inquires, "Gird up now thy loins like a man [translated as "brace yourself' in the NIV]; for I will demand of then an answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare if you hast understanding."

And while man can theodicize until he is blue in the face, such answers provide only a modicum of comfort when one befalls ill health, when a family member passes away, or when religious fanatics fly airplanes into skyscrapers. During such trials, the best one can hope for are the reassurances found in Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purposes."


Boa, Kenneth and Bowman Robert. "An Unchanging Faith in a Changing World: Understanding and Responding to Critical Issues That Face Christians Today." Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997.

Frame, John. "Apologetics To The Glory Of God: An Introduction." Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian & Reformed Publishers, 1994.

Geisler, Norman & Feinberg, Paul. "Introduction To Philosophy: An Introduction." Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1980.

Lewis, C.S. "The Problem Of Pain." New York, New York: MacMillian Publishing, Eighteenth Printing, 1973.

MacArthur, John. "Terrorism, Jihad & The Bible: A Response To The Terrorist Attacks.: Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2001.

McGrath, Allister. "Intellectuals Don't Need God & Other Modern Myths: Building Bridges To Faith Through Apologetics." Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1993.

by Frederick Meekins

Muslim Teen Stoned To Death For Participating In Beauty Pageant

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At the car show, an announcement was made the winner of the youngest hotrodder award went to a FOUR WEEK OLD BABY. Given that the weather was well over 90 degrees, those parents should be lucky they weren't slapped with a child abuse charge. Trailer park rednecks for you.

The series finale of BBC's Merlin was left speculatively open ended. In the concluding scene, an obviously aged Merlin is depicted wandering just beyond the outskirts of Avalon from whence Arthur restfully awaits to return. The viewer then sees a truck speeding down the road. Though one of Arthur's titles is the Once and Future King, apart from C.S. Lewis' "That Hideous Strength" where Merlin returns and DC Comics' "Camelot 3000", there do not seem to be that many authors that explore that particular aspect of these tales and legends.

Will Federal Thought Police Prosecute Word Crimes Against Muslims

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Stan Lee Reflects Upon His Life & Work

Rumsfeld Wanted To Soft-Pedal War Against Terror

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New Bra Measuring System Thrust Into Consumers' Faces

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Will MagLev Tubes Promote High-Speed Travel To China?

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Lesson Plan Holds Pity Party For Terrorists

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Are Southern Baptists Propagandizing On Behalf Of Islam?

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Educators Likely Opposed To Toy Guns & War Play Conduct School Transvestite Day

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Brats Brainwashed By Emasculated Educators Terrified By Lego Gun

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Insurance Rates Could Rise 150% So Sandra Fluke Can Stay On Her Back With Legs Spread In The Air

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Do Obama's Vehicles Shut Down Automatically To Control Particulate Emissions?

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Alex Jones Calls Out O'Reilly As A "Rat Bastard"

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Since the human mind is one of the most powerful weapons in the world, public schools are well on their way to do their part to disarm the populace of this looming threat.

Are Taxpayers Forced To Fund Bilderberg Orgies?

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Did Pope Francis Coopt Eucharist Homily To Advocate Income Redistribution?

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Would Radiation Posioning Kill The Martian Pioneers?

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Woman killed in the Syrian civil war wouldn't be dead if she had stayed in the USA.

Uppity Obama Voters Rampage Across America

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McCain's Islamist Chums No Better Than His VC Captors

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Presbyterians Indoctrinate To Spark Social Upheaval

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

"I'm Waxing Enthusiastic"

McCain's Buddies Slaughter Entire Christian Village

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Mohler On Tirade Against Women That Make More Than Their Husbands

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Are Police Using Green Beret Tactics Against Americans?

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Will Facebook Allow An Open Season Against White People?

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Turncoat Guard Demands Terrorists' Release

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The Hooters Of Frozen Yogurt: Straight From The Cow

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Georgia Church Flees Episcopal Apostasy

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Russia Arms Syria

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Disneyland Saboteur Arrested

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Does A Disappearing Penis Qualify As A Superpower?

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Will Evangelical Alternatives To The Boy Scouts Replace Outdoor Activity With Indoctrination?

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UN Warned Of Pending Robot Uprising

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Muslims Go On Machete Rampage In British Barbershop

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wonder Woman TV Show Being Developed

Aussie Whackjob Claims To Be Jesus

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In these Calvinist churches where those in attendance are told that they are such vile sinners that they are to remain in a state of absolutist passivity until moved by the hand of God, is it made clear that the pastor and others in authority are as every bit the vile reprobates that the working slob emptying his pockets into the collection plate on command?

Isn't abuse the expected outcome in church settings where memebers of the congregation are constantly berated regarding "total depravity" and where they are informed that their only hope is not so much making a decision to rely upon Christ but rather to surrender to assorted ecclesiastical authorities?

Biometric Intelligence Collected Without Parental Permission

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Bloomturd Declares Eating Outside A Threat To Public Health

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Presbyterian Minister Busted As Call Girl: Did The Deacon Board Administer A Few Smacks Or Licks Of Church Discipline?

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Mohler Comes Down Harder On Unmarried Singles Than He Does Those Abetting Pedophiles

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Gay Episcopal Bishop Insinuates Down Under That Jesus May Have Been A Sodomite

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Ecumenical Convocation Calls For The Abolition Of Free Speech

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Baptists Emulate The Vatican Tactics They Claim To Abhor

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Will Bank Impose No Hoods & Hats Policy Upon Muslims?

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Pope Calls For Deep Heartfelt Faith

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Will Cyborgs Enslave Humanity?

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The Dominicans Celebrate G.K. Chesterton's 139th Birthday

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Illustrations Used By Social Media Theologians Jump The Track Of Sound Doctrine

A photo is making its way around Facebook of a railroad crossing and a locomotive.

The crossing light is labeled "Street Preacher" and the locomotive is labeled as "Wrath Of God". Interestingly, this graphic is being promulgated by a group of Calvinists.

However, if that variety of soteriology is the correct interpretation, there is no point for the light to blink its warning.

For if the oncoming train represents the wrath of God, that would mean that the conductor of the train is also the one depressing the accelerator keeping the car hurdling towards the tracks since the only ones capable of stopping have been pre-selected by the conductor.

Advocates of the system respond that the purpose of the blinking light is not to save lives in the analogy but rather to glorify God.

So in essence, those holding to this viewpoint advocate a God so vain that He demands to be glorified by mangled corpses having no say in the matter.

And in some ways even worse, those hypothesizing this illustration as a model through which to comprehend cosmic truths are actually upholding a God so petty that He is not beyond deception in order to have His own ego stroked.

The light is supposedly there to warn motorists as to the danger of the oncoming train, but it ends up being a way for God to proverbially toot, or perhaps rather flash, His own horn.

Sometimes when you read what some of these deluded theologians post, you can't help but gawk in befuddlement wondering if they ponder the fanaticism of what they spew.

By Frederick Meekins

Will Obama Be Added To Mount Rushmore For Emerging From His Mother's Womb Half Black?

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

National Review, 6/3/2013

Bishop Schori Equates Herself With Mary Magdalene While Insisting The Remainder Of Humanity No More Valuable Than Microbes

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Pat Robertson Insists Tornado Victims Didn't Pray Hard Enough

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Calvinistic, Holy-Roller Pedophiles Continue Their Thrust Into The Southern Baptist Convention

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Chinese Teen Vandalizes Egyptian Landmark (Liberals Will Probably Still Find A Way To Blame It On America)

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Apostate Episcopal Subverts Traditional Marriage & Constitutional Liberties

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Supermarket Vomit Not Likely Authentic Bee Vomit

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Fanatic Homeschooler Giddy Victims Killed In Tornado

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World Journalists Scared Excrementless To Cover Bilderberger Confab

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Egyptian Butcher Sells His Wife As Lamb Roast

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Was Hillary Angered That Bill Cheated With Monica Or That Hillary Wasn't Invited To Join In?

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Guess with the Lone Ranger movie set to debut, we will be subject to a whole slate of sermons and blog posts how wicked he is for tending to stay to himself and not submitting to the preferences of the COMMUNITY.

Russell Crowe is to play Superman's father Jor El in the film "The Man Of Steel". That seems fitting. He mumbles his lines as nearly as much as Brando who played the same role in the Superman film from the late 1970's.

Is The President's Brother An Islamic Pimp?

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Vatican Admits That Pope's Statements Aren't So Infalliable After All

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Senator McCain Backs Al Qadea Sympathizers

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Are Demonic Spirits Rampaging Across Europe?

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Doctor Who Condemned As Racist For Failing To Contract Jungle Fever Over Martha Jones

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If No Money To Maintain War Memorials, How Come New Ones For Blacks Keep Popping Up All The Time?

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Army Magazine, June 2013

In an interview conducted by Marvin Olasky at Patrick Henry College, columnist Cal Thomas confessed to not liking the word “Christianity” because that term is not found in the Bible. If we are going to go this hyper-technical route, neither is the word “Bible” really found in the Bible. Does Thomas profess belief in the Trinity? Because that term isn’t found in the pages of Holy Writ either.

The cover story of the June 2013 issue of Scientific American was titled “Tiny Engines Of Evolution: Millions Of Years Ago Phytoplankton Powered The Explosion Of Life”. Talk about a one hit wonder. These organisms have certainly been resting on their laurels since then. If these tiny creatures were what sparked evolution and still serve as the bottom rung of the food pyramid, where are all of the emerging forms of life or transitional forms that should still be popping up all over the place?

The cover story of the June 2013 issue of Scientific American was titled “Tiny Engines Of Evolution: Millions Of Years Ago Phytoplankton Powered The Explosion Of Life”. Talk about a one hit wonder. These organisms have certainly been resting on their laurels since then. If these tiny creatures were what sparked evolution and still serve as the bottom rung of the food pyramid, where are all of the emerging forms of life or transitional forms that should still be popping up all over the place?