Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
In the third presidential debate, Obama said the United States needs to think strategically about space. But it was under the Obama regime that NASA was gutted and the final frontier surrendered to totalitarian hegemonies such as Russia and Red China. Obama himself decreed that NASA’s most important mission was to make sure that Muslims felt good about that civilization’s accomplishments in math and science centuries ago.
In the third presidential debate, Obama emphasized conferences held to encourage entrepreneurialism in Egypt. Too bad the President isn’t as eager to encourage a similar spirit of free enterprise among Americans. Instead he conspires to strangle capitalism in the United States with his healthcare mandates.
Monday, October 22, 2012
In the third presidential debate, Obama emphasized the need for "nation building" at home. Nation building often involves altering the fundamental worldview of what is to perceived to be of a backward and undeveloped people often through the use of armed military forces occupying the targeted region.
Car Free Day Foreshadows Vehicular Tyranny
Often in their attempt to engineer our lives whether we want them to or not, contemporary liberals have a tendency to hand down any number of psychosocial laws or principles since most of them view us as little more than animals to herd into a corral. It seems that their behavior is often just as predictable.
For example, one of the cardinal principles to understanding contemporary liberalism is that the policies that they initially enact as voluntary will ultimately be enforced as mandatory..
Gaining in popularity in large cities and metropolitan areas across the United States is an occasion called “Car-Free Day.” It is pretty much as it sounds. For no other reason than that they have duped most into believing that they are better than everybody else, social planners have told us that we are suppose to voluntarily forego the use of our personal automobiles for a day in favor of public transportation and bio-locomotion (forms of transit such as walking where we want to go or riding a bike).
Eventually, this will go from occasional and voluntary to mandatory and permanent. Some will denounce such a conjecture as typical conservative and conspiracy fearmongering.
But is it? It seems more like rational analysis of the mass media.
In a Washington Examiner column titled "Car-Free In DC In Your Future", Harry Jaffe makes this very proposal. Specifically he contends, "Why not make Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to the foot of the U.S. Capitol car-free on Sundays? Imagine the inaugural route, America’s Main Street, a peaceful parade of strollers, bikers, and walkers.”
Another law of human nature is that what is called for (especially when the demand involves extending control over the lives of other human beings) is never enough.
Those opposed to the automobile won’t be satisfied with Pennsylvania avenue closed on Sundays. Eventually the call for it to be closed everyday will go out and ultimately this policy will engulf larger and larger portions of the city.
Such a policy could very well come to engulf much of the population of the United States. Impossible, the skeptical scoff. But once again, is it?
Already in the most blighted portions of Detroit and in Katrina-devastated New Orleans, a protracted campaign of systematic low grade depopulation has been underway for sometime. For instead of sending in SWAT teams to interdict and remove criminally recalcitrant segments of the population, municipal authorities need only deny those utilities necessary to enjoy a technologically advanced standard of existence.
The argument is made that too many resources would be expended to maintain or repair such infrastructure. Residents would be relocated to areas of higher population density where police and bureaucratic operatives do not have to exert themselves to as a great of an extent (we wouldn’t want to interrupt those coffee breaks and doughnut runs). The abandoned properties would be reforested or whatever the lovely sounding word of the month happens to be for infringement of property rights in the name of the environment.
Yet another law regarding how liberals tend to behave manifests itself in regards to the car free issue. That is none other than that liberals tend not to abide by the rules imposed upon and the deprivations expected of the rest of us.
For example, one enthusiastic supporter of Car Free Day so much so that he extended the festivity to an entire week is Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. In 2011 on the very first day of the commemoration, however, he was caught riding in an automobile wherever it was he needed to go.
Those that have surrendered their free thought in return for what Mark Levin refers to as the proverbial government cheese will respond, “But a governor is so much more important and must get wherever it is that he needs to go in a safe and timely manner.”
But in terms of your own life and in the lives of your family members, aren’t you just as important and in many ways even more so than the assorted governmental figureheads and functionaries?
For example, if you are fired for getting to work late or too far geographically from the places of gainful employment, is this governor going to put food on your table? If you are unable to get to your progeny quickly after school, will the youngsters be given a police escort home to ensure they are not victimized by child predators?
Celebrations are about much more than having a good time. Such commemorations also convey the values those holding them want to build civilization and morality around.
For example, Mother’s and Father’s Day uplift the importance of children honoring their parents as well as parents providing the kind of nurturing care deserving of such respect. Christmas and Easter remind that there is a God who so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten Son. And in its own dark way, Halloween reminds that we only get to enjoy the life in this world for a brief while so we had better get thinking about what lies beyond.
Throughout much of the modern and now into the postmodern era, the value of the individual has been increasingly downplayed. It is only to be expected that the celebrations commemorating what these epochs herald as the ideal would reflect as such. By discerning this, the astute patriot is better able to comprehend and counter these exact threats to our liberty.
by Frederick Meekins
Friday, October 19, 2012
Walmart Smiley Frowns At Shutterbugs
I was in the "Holiday" section taking pictures of some decorations.
Some withered crone of a manager jumped all down my throat, asking me what I was taking pictures for.
I responded for my own pleasure.
She replied it was not permissible to take pictures in Walmart.
Are they afraid I was going to document them mistreating their employees?
Maybe I was taking the pictures to send to the Chinese slave children that made the ornaments but don't get to enjoy Christmas.
I guess a multibillion dollar corporation is afraid me making a dollar or two trying to sell the pictures at some rinky-dink craft fair is going to collapse their corporate structure.
I replied that I did not realize Walmart was so PISSY and walked off.
Those that worship at the altar of big business rather than common sense will reply that Walmart can set whatever policy it wants.
I am just as free to bad mouth them over my experience as much as I want.
From that smoking hag's response, you would have thought I was in the lady's lingerie department aiming my camera up under the fitting booth.
There wasn't even anybody else in that part of the store where this encounter took place.
Walmart needs to advance with the times on this issue.
We are well into the second decade of the 21st century.
Likely over half of those walking into these stores already have photographic technology on them in terms of either their smartphones, their tablet computers, or even stand alone pocket cameras.
You can't tell me other people don't take pictures of things in these stores that catch their eye. Perhaps some brave souls should start Take A Picture In Walmart Day.
by Frederick Meekins