Source: via Frederick on Pinterest
Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
What is one defining as a “good work”? Shouldn’t every day you go to work unless you are involved in some inherently immoral occupation be considered doing good works? Some will respond that such deeds cannot be considered such because one is compensated monetarily for such labor. By such a definition, nothing done by a member of the professional clergy can be considered a good work since such hirelings are receiving compensation for their ministry efforts.
Isn't heaping condemnation upon those that struggle with social anxiety, the dislike of crowds, and the like for not being fanatic church attenders the same as passing disparaging judgment upon the dimwitted for not having read hundreds of books or pursing higher level degrees? Should the non-scholastic have their devotion to Christ called into question or is that just for those not under the surveillance of prying ecclesiastical operatives.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
What Else Would Drudge Like Done The Red Chinese Way?
However, at that point in the games, did a few more gold medals with other medal counts being near equal with the United States constitute "Domination"?
Perhaps Drudge ought to emphasize the price in terms of human dignity and liberty expended to achieve that slight advantage.
As someone that depends on the free flow of ideas and unhindered access to the Internet, one would think Mr. Drudge would be a little more guarded in his enthusiasm for the Red Chinese way of doing things.
It is a shame. Olympic officials and enthusiasts fly into an outrage over a number of athletes realizing that the way to get ahead might not be by really putting their best foot forward; yet very little is done to condemn a system that produces athletes in facilities barely better than high tech slave labor camps where the parents of the inmates are so afraid of diminishing the glory of the state that they conceal the hardships and tragedies befalling family members.
by Frederick Meekins
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Thoughts On Vice Presidential Selection
Because if he serves even two terms in the Romney Administration, he will only be about 50 years old.
That is well below the mid 70's or even early 80's he would compel the remainder of us to toil to probably if he has his way.
At least Romney didn't select Maro Rubio.
If he did, all we would have heard about is an Hispanic who is technically no darker than the average Italian, Jew, or even run of the mill Caucasian with a good tan.
In one ABC Radio News account of the Sikh Temple Shooter Wade Michael Page, there was no other point to the story than that the mass murderer was unfriendly prior to the incident. No other evidence was given in the broadcast version. The online version provided the clarification that, about a week after moving into his apartment, "Page's smiles went away." So how much pandering and catering to the neighbors is now required to prevent one from being added to law enforcement or intelligence agency watchlist? I suppose it is also up to the discretion of the neighbors whether or not Michael Savage or Ann Coulter can be displayed on your bookshelf without the action triggering a Waco style raid.
Ugly Mexican Syndrome
The customer was informed that he could not be understood.
The customer then called his supervisor who then proceeded to chew out my associate how disrespectful it was for service not to be rendered in Spanish.
We constantly hear about the "Ugly American Syndrome".
Is about high time we had an awareness campaign of the "Ugly Mexican Syndrome".
Friday, August 10, 2012
Many Christian schools are charging nearly $8000 in tuition per student. Thing is, if you point out you don't have that in terms of finances, you are denounced as materialistic and greedy. It's is a shame certain parents insist upon eating on a regular schedule and wanting a roof over one's head other than one shared with the local bridge trolls. Unlike many missionaries, some of us just aren't inclined to out stretch a hand and guilt trip those within earshot into putting something in it. Perhaps it should be pointed out that the advertisement for a specific school in the local newspaper education supplement probably didn't come cheap.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
There is considerable hullabaloo that the Sikh Temple Shooter was a member of a “White power” musical ensemble. And how is White supremacist rock morally worse than the debauchery and Afrosupremacism of many varieties of rap and the glorification of Satan and suicide endemic to many forms of heavy metal?
Being Viewd As Hate Group By Southern Poverty Law Center Close To Meaningless
A fuss is being made that the Sikh Temple Shooter Wade Michael Page was known to be a member of organizations categorized as "hate groups" by the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.
However, what is not being pointed out is that such a nefarious distinction may be easier to obtain than even a trophy from one of these Little League teams where everyone is considered a winner.
All you have to do is have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on your car, admit to voting for Chuck Baldwin, or believe that Jesus as the only Begotten Son is the only path to eternal salvation.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has armed gunman patrolling its headquarters while advocating the curtailment of the average American's Second Amendment rights.
Should the organization be placed on a terrorist watch list?
Monday, August 06, 2012
Huckabee Applauds Gay Kiss-In
Is he that naive that to these people that simply means a peck on the cheek or a brief puckering of the lips? To these pervs, a parade means meandering down the street 4/5's naked.