Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
On 10/11/11, I predicted that the Emergent Church crowd would eventually come out insisting it was our Christian obligation to provide nutritional provisions to the freeloaders of the Occupy Wall Street insurgency. On October 14th, the Sojourner's Magazine email alert urged recipients to donate food to these shiftless deadbeats. But not only that, it is also our duty to learn from this rampaging mob. You know, the same thing this propaganda rag most fit for lining birdcages urges in regards to homicidal Communists and jihadist Muslims.
Occupy Wall Street ringleaders should be held responsible for ambulance passengers whose health has been compromised as a result of their terrorist activities. Yes, if you block the streets for political purposes, it should be deemed an act of terrorism. Could you block in a hostile manner the Presidential motorcade without profound legal consequences?
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Jesse Jackson Jr. Calls For The Establishment Of An Obama Dictatorship
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
It is one thing to explain in a primary why religion played a role in prompting you to select one candidate over another. On the other hand, it is something else if you live in a state where your vote actually counts to say that you aren’t going to vote for one of the viable candidates at all because neither contenders espouses your professed religious preference. We are not yet at the point where the only alternatives are between a Muslim and a cannibalistic Satanist.
Being Meanest Dog On Block Imperative
But it is exactly because of these kinds of conspiracies why you need to take out a number of these closet pork eaters from time to time.
To maintain our relative safety, we have to promote the assumption that, if you mess with us, you will be met with such overwhelming force that it is not worth the effort.
That is why Toby Keith's "The Angry American" is one of the greatest contemporary country songs.
Granted, there is only one path of salvation. However, I thought true Reformed theology held that certain amounts of Common Grace were available to all men. I've posted some wild things in my time, but equating a vote for a Mormon (who isn't even suppose to drink coffee) with a Satanist (who kills cats, drinks blood, and commits necrophilia) stretches things beyond credibility.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The National Park Service will allow the Beatnik Insurgents to lay siege to a Washington DC park for four months. Eventually, we'll be hearing from apostates such as Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren and the Emergent Church crowd how it is our "Christian" obligation to lavish nutritional provisions upon these freeloaders.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Beatnik Rabble Attempt To Lay Waste To Air & Space Museum
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Bill O'Reilly ridiculed parents that curtailed their children's outdoor meanderings for fear of child molesters. Yet the public has never seen a picture of O'Reilly's wife or progeny. So apparently like Obama, the Fox News broadcaster doesn't think the steps you believe must be taken to optimize the survival of your family are necessary but that you must instead put them in danger in order to promote the agendas of assorted social planners while they cower behind gated communities and perimeter checkpoints.
Were Homicidal Teens Part Of A Vampire Cult?
On the show, the story is depicted in such a way that whatever vampires do must be allowed and that it is the Christians opposed to them that are in the wrong even when the lead character Mitchell slaughters an entire subway car of people just because some girlfriend of his does him wrong.
Will be interesting to see if this novel application of the First Amendment is continued in the future as Vampirism moves beyond the literary realm into becoming an alternative religious movement or form of spirituality.
Friday, October 07, 2011
Are those crying a river over the elimination of Al Awlaki because he was never convicted in a court of law themselves willing to die as this judicial procedure is conducted? Or is this yet another obligation to be imposed upon those Americans not happening to rank among the “Elect” however one might decide to define that particular term.
Government Lackeys Hope More Men Drop Dead Of Prostate Cancer
PBS To Air Catholic-Produced Series On Catholicism
However, Protestants should watch carefully.
Firstly, they should begin right away developing a series of their own along the same lines of similar production value.
Secondly, they should stand ready to make a major fuss if PBS is open to one of the branches of Western Christianity but not the other.
We are each guilty of doing so in out own way. However, I wonder if Calvinists have ever stopped to reflect how they have possibly pushed people further away from God through their call to volitional and intellectual passivity in regards to the claims of salvation and even more importantly by depicting God as an arbitrary thug hardly anyone in their right mind would want to love anyway. It is one thing for a Holy God to provide sinners with only one path to eternal life with Him. However, this soteriology posits a deity so callous that He deliberately creates individuals for the sole purpose of tossing into Hell and then blame them for it.
An informative episode of "Decoded" on The History Channel about the possibility of there being no gold in Fort Knox. Would have been even more interesting if videotape revealed if the security patrolling the grounds was Chinese. Best to try and watch this installment before it mysteriously disappears for good like the FEMA detention camp episode of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Broadcast Sports Declares Robust Debate Out Of Bounds
For example, Hank Williams Jr. --- a number of whose own songs revel proudly in bawdy behavior such as boozing and smoking --- has been removed from the opening sequence of Monday Night Football for comparing Obama to Hitler.
This reprisal will certainly go a long way in laying to rest the old canard about Jews controlling the media.
In a number of ways, Obama is like Hitler.
Both men would have liked to have seen the nation of Israel removed from history and not above forming alliances with fanatic Muslims in order to do it.
Both men undermined the value of the individual in the name of the COMMUNITY.
Both of these men exerted the coercive power of government to curb free expression. Need one remind of the Administration's pressure applied against the Ford Motor Company to pull an ad referencing the auto bailout stimulus?
It's just that Hitler was more decisive in implementing his agenda.
Regarding his remarks, Williams assures he has always respected the office of the President.
And what if he didn't?
Apart from not threatening the Commander and Chief, there is virtually no legal obligation to harbor any specific sentiment regarding the office.
Did Whoopi Goldberg respect the Presidency when she used the "F-word" in regards to Ronald Reagan?
Did Bill Ayers exhibit fitting homage towards the Executive Branch when he bombed the Pentagon?
Yet today both of these figures are counted among Obama's sociopolitical allies, with Obama actually launching a campaign for political office in the domicile of the one actually given over to physical violence and the destruction of public property.
It will be no doubt be pointed out that, as a business, the NFL is not obligated to respect the First Amendment rights of those under its contract or employ and technically that is correct.
However, it must be remembered that this blurring of governmental and industrial interests is also among the first steps towards the Fascism that apparently no one is suppose to talk about.
by Frederick Meekins
Hyper-Calvinist Reconstructionist in apoplexy over the elimination of Al Alwaki because of his citizenship are crying crocodile tears. They are not telling you that under their theocracy far more would be put to death for far less serious offenses committed by this terrorist ringleader. In their ecclesiastical regime, you are not granted any rights if you do not belong to sanctioned state churches.
Monday, October 03, 2011
Sunday, October 02, 2011
There is no pleasing certain foreign policy ultraperfectionists. You send in mass armies and they complain about the widespread disruption to the lives of the innocent people of these dungpile nations. You devise a more precise strategy of utilizing advanced technology to better pinpoint actual terrorists and they become even louder that you are taking out these sterling examples of humanity as they play the "Way We Were" in the background to photo montages of these fester sores on the backside of civilization
There is no pleasing certain foreign policy ultraperfectionists. You send in mass armies and they complain about the widespread disruption to the lives of the innocent people of these dungpile nations. You devise a more precise strategy of utilizing advanced technology to better pinpoint actual terrorists and they become even louder that you are taking out these sterling examples of humanity as they play the "Way We Were" in the background to photo montages of these fester sores on the backside of civilization.
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Idahoan Fined For Refusing To Let Grizzly Consume His Children
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
If one posts a link bemoaning that 90% of public school children don't attend church, you are in fact exposing the inconsistency of your own Calvinist soteriology. For were not these students predestined not to go to church. And if Calvinism holds true, you might has well not point it out since no one can technically be persuaded to go to church.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Did Obama Participate In An Occult Ritual At Denver International Airport?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Obama goons have threatened the Ford Motor Company over a commercial mentioning the auto bailout. Ford was requested to censor the advertisement because Il Duce's minions assumed the spot "denigrated" the stimulus program and cast aspersions on the Obama presidency. For supposedly being among the brightest people to ever walk the earth, these statist bureaucrats certainly have the hardest time comprehending the simplest of phrases such the right to free speech shall not be infringed.
Articles in the International Journal Of Humor Research with titles such as "Humor In The Collectivist Arab Middle East" certainly don't sound funny. And I thought I was a dullard to be around. I guess the old adage that those who can, do and those who can't, teach can now be extended. It now includes that those who can't teach publish journal articles only about five people in the entire world will read.
U.S. Citizen Ship Extended To Mexican Drug Dealer's Child
Monday, September 26, 2011
Eugenicists Declare Voluptuous Unworthy Of Reproducing
However, eventually prenatal care will be denied to any woman that does not measure up to the physiological standard extolled by the New World Order.
Ultimately any woman over a certain size reproducing will be charged with child abuse.
By eliminating from the gene pool woman that actually look like women rather than malnourished teen boys, the technocrats are moving the world closer to the unisex ideal applauded by cultural elites having forsaken the Elan Vital.