Friday, October 07, 2011

PBS To Air Catholic-Produced Series On Catholicism

It is a positive development that PBS is willing to broadcast programming that would depict religion in a positive light.

However, Protestants should watch carefully.

Firstly, they should begin right away developing a series of their own along the same lines of similar production value.

Secondly, they should stand ready to make a major fuss if PBS is open to one of the branches of Western Christianity but not the other.

We are each guilty of doing so in out own way. However, I wonder if Calvinists have ever stopped to reflect how they have possibly pushed people further away from God through their call to volitional and intellectual passivity in regards to the claims of salvation and even more importantly by depicting God as an arbitrary thug hardly anyone in their right mind would want to love anyway. It is one thing for a Holy God to provide sinners with only one path to eternal life with Him. However, this soteriology posits a deity so callous that He deliberately creates individuals for the sole purpose of tossing into Hell and then blame them for it.

An informative episode of "Decoded" on The History Channel about the possibility of there being no gold in Fort Knox. Would have been even more interesting if videotape revealed if the security patrolling the grounds was Chinese. Best to try and watch this installment before it mysteriously disappears for good like the FEMA detention camp episode of Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory.

At a local Farmer's Market, pickles on a stick are sold for $2.00 each. One could get an entire jar for that at Aldi's, Save-A-Lot, & probably even Walmart.

Steve Jobs mocked that Bill Gates would be more broadminded if he had tried LSD like Jobs had. Since Gates is still alive, who has the last laugh now?

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Broadcast Sports Declares Robust Debate Out Of Bounds

It seems that the only stereotypical male behavior broadcast sports won't put up with is free thought and the speaking of one's mind.

For example, Hank Williams Jr. --- a number of whose own songs revel proudly in bawdy behavior such as boozing and smoking --- has been removed from the opening sequence of Monday Night Football for comparing Obama to Hitler.

This reprisal will certainly go a long way in laying to rest the old canard about Jews controlling the media.

In a number of ways, Obama is like Hitler.

Both men would have liked to have seen the nation of Israel removed from history and not above forming alliances with fanatic Muslims in order to do it.

Both men undermined the value of the individual in the name of the COMMUNITY.

Both of these men exerted the coercive power of government to curb free expression. Need one remind of the Administration's pressure applied against the Ford Motor Company to pull an ad referencing the auto bailout stimulus?

It's just that Hitler was more decisive in implementing his agenda.

Regarding his remarks, Williams assures he has always respected the office of the President.

And what if he didn't?

Apart from not threatening the Commander and Chief, there is virtually no legal obligation to harbor any specific sentiment regarding the office.

Did Whoopi Goldberg respect the Presidency when she used the "F-word" in regards to Ronald Reagan?

Did Bill Ayers exhibit fitting homage towards the Executive Branch when he bombed the Pentagon?

Yet today both of these figures are counted among Obama's sociopolitical allies, with Obama actually launching a campaign for political office in the domicile of the one actually given over to physical violence and the destruction of public property.

It will be no doubt be pointed out that, as a business, the NFL is not obligated to respect the First Amendment rights of those under its contract or employ and technically that is correct.

However, it must be remembered that this blurring of governmental and industrial interests is also among the first steps towards the Fascism that apparently no one is suppose to talk about.

by Frederick Meekins

Hyper-Calvinist Reconstructionist in apoplexy over the elimination of Al Alwaki because of his citizenship are crying crocodile tears. They are not telling you that under their theocracy far more would be put to death for far less serious offenses committed by this terrorist ringleader. In their ecclesiastical regime, you are not granted any rights if you do not belong to sanctioned state churches.

According to the 10/10/11 edition of Newsweek, in China a number of eateries have opened glamorizing the Cultural Revolution. It would probably be best to stay away from such dining establishments. It has been claimed cannibalism went on during that period of violent upheaval.

Meredith Vieira had a cameo on the season finale of Doctor Who. That means one of two things. Either Vieira is a journalist and Doctor Who basically real. Or she is an actress and her news broadcasts are largely make believe. Take your pick.

The only way the ransom demanded by the insurgents occupying Wall Street for reforestation should be granted is if this beatnik rabbles agrees to serve as the fertilizer.

I guess Fran Tarkenton believes the mediocre should be left to starvation and destitution.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Idahoan Fined For Refusing To Let Grizzly Consume His Children

So if the Obama children are threatened by a grizzly, are the Secret Service agents suppose to simply stand by and allow nature to take its course?

White Notebook Paper Blamed For Lack Of Minority Achievement

Lesbians Rob Lad Of Manhood

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Did Obama Participate In An Occult Ritual At Denver International Airport?

If nothing sinister goes on there, why all of the Satanic looking artwork and statuary at that facility?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Is Chuck Schumer as in much of an outrage over the Census asking you how many toilets are in your house & what your utility bills are as he is over OnStar tracking cancelled customers?

Obama goons have threatened the Ford Motor Company over a commercial mentioning the auto bailout. Ford was requested to censor the advertisement because Il Duce's minions assumed the spot "denigrated" the stimulus program and cast aspersions on the Obama presidency. For supposedly being among the brightest people to ever walk the earth, these statist bureaucrats certainly have the hardest time comprehending the simplest of phrases such the right to free speech shall not be infringed.

Obama Goons Threaten Ford Over Commercial Mentioning Auto Bailout

Articles in the International Journal Of Humor Research with titles such as "Humor In The Collectivist Arab Middle East" certainly don't sound funny. And I thought I was a dullard to be around. I guess the old adage that those who can, do and those who can't, teach can now be extended. It now includes that those who can't teach publish journal articles only about five people in the entire world will read.

U.S. Citizen Ship Extended To Mexican Drug Dealer's Child

The child will no doubt receive all of the privileges and handouts it is due as a non-White baby.

Woman Injured By Exploding Government Toilet Seat

Consumerism is a condemnation leftists invoke when they think OTHER people have too much.

In a WMAL interview, a Case de Maryland propagandist said the organization gets government money to provide high quality services to the COMMUNITY. And how many of these were provided to run of the mill White people?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Doubtful The Washington Monument Will Ever Reopen To The Public

Educrats Force Coaches To Bend Knee To State Rather Than Bowing Head To God

Nurse Strike Results In Patient's Death?

Eugenicists Declare Voluptuous Unworthy Of Reproducing

For now, it may only be a discussion regarding those that need technical intervention to have a child.

However, eventually prenatal care will be denied to any woman that does not measure up to the physiological standard extolled by the New World Order.

Ultimately any woman over a certain size reproducing will be charged with child abuse.

By eliminating from the gene pool woman that actually look like women rather than malnourished teen boys, the technocrats are moving the world closer to the unisex ideal applauded by cultural elites having forsaken the Elan Vital.

To Frau Obama, "shared sacrifice" means settling for the $42,000 diamond bracelet.

Did Abbas say that the Palestinians were "peace loving" in that they want a cessation of conflict or "piece loving" in that they love to blow apart those they disagree with?

Just because Morgan Freeman has played God in a number of screen plays, it does not follow that his political opinions are Gospel handed down from on high on little stone tablets.

If over the counter asthma inhalers are bad for the environment, would medicinal reefer be even more so?

If states today track in the name of public health how much psuedoephedrine you purchase, what is to stop them from keeping similar tabs on sugar & salt in the future?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Exercise Kills Ted Kennedy's Daughter

Why the government needs to stamp at rigorous activity.  Her father made it to a riper age as a rotund whoremongering boozer.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sodomite Matrimony Penetrates Archie Comics

Sadly, Archie Comics use to be seen as so wholesome that the company was entrusted with the task of determining if all the issues put out by other companies lived up to the comics code.

Since this is now deemed acceptable, why not have Archie convert to the Warren Jeffes branch of Fundamentalist Mormonism with the famed redhead wedding both Veronica AND Betty.

Better yet, maybe the three of them can form a polyamorous triad.

It can be revealed that Jossey & The Pussycats are really lesbian furries.

And in one issue, Sabrina the Teenage Witch can be seen going "skyclad" (that's when Wiccans pounce around nude at their ceremonies) or getting it on with her demonic familiar, Salem the Cat

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Shaking Assumptions Regarding Natural Disasters

Though the event displays the wonder of God and His creation, no minister can hand down an edict one way or the other whether a particular earthquake other than the ones foretold in prophetic passages of Scripture such as the Book of Revelation was an act of retribution and judgment.

Countless congregations no doubt heard from the hyperpious among their number how they were disappointed the quake didn't result in total destruction and that any not so eager for it all to end aren't even worthy of the chewing gum stuck under the pew.

In response to the earthquake, it has been admonished that it id God and not government that saves you.  But should you need to be pulled from the rubble, is it the direct hand of God doing so or, in the vast majority of instances, is it more likely to be a policeman, firefighter, members of the National Guard or a group of average concerned citizens?   Taking this mindset to its natural conclusion, is it therefore wrong to express gratitude toward parents if they do something good for you?  Is it wrong to verbalize one's love to one's spouse if language can only be used in such an exclusivist and univocal manner?  Furthermore, if we are to wait on the direct divine intervention of God to determine what happens to us in such calamitous upheavals, does that mean we should not seek medical attention during times of sickness or to even prepare a meal to stave off hunger?

If earthquakes are to be viewed as God’s judgment, is one sinning if one takes steps to save one’s life during such an event?  Would hyper legalists such as Christian Reconstructionists and Dominionists advocating the perspective that natural disasters are to be understood as divine retribution insist that criminal charges be filed against those their elaborate spy network discover took steps to protect themselves?

Just because your family and spouse mean less to you than promoting your image as an uberChristian is not sufficient grounds for insinuating a lack of faith on the part of those that left work after the quake to check on loved ones and property.

A number of talk radio hosts and hyperpioitted to take.

It's easy, as in the case of these various radio personalities such as Rush Limbaugh, to sneer down your nose at those that may have overreacted at the prospect of losing their homes when you no doubt own several fortified compounds scattered across the United States.  Are those outraged over the nation's alleged lack of courage themselves willing to die to prove that Americans are not wimps?

Do those losing their lives and property think the calls for emergency preparation were overkill?  Are these individuals any less dead because predictions regarding the intensity of Irene didn't pan out?

Do talk show hosts encased in padded studios out of the elements and the hyper pious criticizing "excessive" hurricane preparation intend to pay the expenses incurred in the next disaster by those persuaded by such orators that living up to some arbitrary affectation of machismo is more important than survival?   Of course, some of the ostentatiously pious probably salivate at the prospect of a high casualty count in order to validate their rants regarding judgment and such.

Assorted foreigners are accusing Americans of self-absorption for paying attention to the coverage of Hurricane Irene rather than the uprising in Libya.  Isn’t it an even greater act of self-absorption to fly into a homicidal rampage when someone pokes fun at your religion?

A number of posts on the Washington Post website are lamenting the fact that consumers have stockpiled their pantries with "too much" food following Hurricane Irene.  For starters, who are they to determine how much food is too much for your pantry?  Can't the victuals just as well sit in your cupboard as on the store shelf?  What these elitists really oppose is the notion that a food supply of your own makes you less dependent on whatever agenda they may be attempting to implement.

Technically, isn't it a form of borderline Humanism to assume that the earthquake and hurricane were primarily a response to mankind's behavior.  God may have simply been focusing on natural processes, phenomena, and cycles with humans just being in the area when these events occur as a result of where we ourselves have decided to live.

It is interesting how those arguing that the Book of Revelation is not to be taken literally are among the most insistent that the hurricane and earthquake were God's judgment when He has not handed down any specific decree as to why these particular events took place.  At least those crazed Dispensationalists can point to a text that definitively tells them which earthquakes in history are to be viewed as retributive in nature.

God sets the weather into motion. He's bright enough to realize why you might not have been in church last week. Church authorities might have the say so whether or not there will be services. However, you are the one that has the final veto as to what transpires from your house to the church. No need to harang a congregation if most thought it more prudent to remain home following a significant storm.

I don't see how it logically follows that if you did not go to church last week because you did not know what the conditions were from your house to the church that you somehow don't care about learning about God. Church will still be there the following week. I thought the strength of Protestantism was suppose to be the individual following one's own conscience in regards to unsettled matters.

If I will be declared a heretic for thinking that the quake was not necessarily God's judgment, so be it. They can add it as another charge at my Inquisitional hearing.

by Frederick Meekins

Would VA Teen Been Arrested For Wearing A Mask If Muslim?

Obama honored 9/11 by volunteering in a soup kitchen. If I or a loved one was a victim of that atrocity, I'd rather the President spent the day blowing terrorists to Ghenna.

Backlash against Bachmann's STD vaccine concerns shows that either a # in the Teaparty are a bunch of pervs or that they are in the backpocket of big medicine.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Nutritional Assistance Leaves Bad Taste In Taxpayer Mouths

Social activists are outraged over a proposal in Michigan that would limit welfare benefits to four years in a lifetime.

Perhaps that limit might be a bit harsh given the state of the economy where often people find themselves unemployed for extended periods of time through no fault of their own.

However, given America's pending financial ruination, these very same agitators should be as outraged about the growing trend of permitting aide recipients to apply their benefit payments to restaurant tabs.

Since many of those on public assistance are unemployed, are you going to tell me that such individuals don't have to time to prepare victuals within their own domiciles?

Or, rather is such an inability yet another symptom of lazy burro syndrome?

If ramen noodles and frozen fish sticks or chicken nuggets are good enough for those working to provide nutritional assistance, why aren't these foods sufficient enough for those receiving public benefits?

The government might have a minimal public health concern in seeing that citizens do not starve to death.

However, the argument cannot be made that there is a compelling state interest in going to extraordinary means to see that your taste buds are titillated in a culinary fashion.

by Frederick Meekins

FEMA using wildfires to inflict scorched earth policy upon Texas

Interesting how the Oct 2011 issue of Astronomy magazine on the cover asking for a naturalistic explanation of what transpired prior to the Big Bang asks, "What Triggered Cosmic GENESIS". (Capitalized to make point clearer).

Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. says in regards to conservatives "Let's take out these sons of bitches." Didn't someone say something similar to taking out his father? I don't apologize for writing that questionable word this time as it is not my quote. What if he had called either of the Obamas this?

Monday, September 05, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Alec Baldwin Considers How He Twists Around Yoga Instructor Girlfriend As Profoundly Spiritual

Ragheads Rampage Over Headrags

If they think they have it bad here, at least we have amusement parks. Their beloved Taliban even forbade the flying of kites and even the slaughter of songbirds (made by their precious God one might note) for no other reason than that such things brought joy into life.

Bloomberg Gives God The Finger

Pissant that was hurling rocks at cars who was shot by a crossbow got exactly what he deserved.

Justin Bieber owns a $186,000 Ferrari. He'll be dead or in rehab in 5 years.