Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Michael Savage calls for recomposition of the House Committee On UnAmerican Activities.
Doesn't he realize that, under the current Congress, the targets would be talk radio, the Tea Party movement, and independent bloggers?
Frau Obama Denounces Daughter As Overweight
No doubt a dry run for the Khmeresque plans they have for the rest of us where, in good Communist fashion, we will be forced to sit in a circle and criticize our friends and family as our Maoist overlords look in, taking careful notes for each of our files.
If Sarah Palin was the one upset by Rahm Emanuel's comments, why does his apology to Special Olympics settle the matter?
Thought the Scott Brown election proved pleasing the Kennedy's was no longer the highest purpose of the American political system.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Obama Destroys Space Program
Heaven forbid we actually have a branch of government that projects power. Have to brown-nose our new Chinese overlords.
Monday, February 01, 2010
British Market Bans Nightwear & Clothing That Makes Customers Unfcomfortable
A British supermarket is banning nightwear and any other clothing that makes customers uncomfortable.
However, will this regulation be enforced against Africans and Middle Easterners that essentially wear their nightshirts all day long or is this going to be yet another rule that is imposed only on White people?
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Twitterian Analysis Of The State Of The Union 2010
Obama certainly looks down his nose in a condescending manner. Why do I hear "KNEEELLLLLLLLL BEFORE ZOD!!!" from Superman II in my ear?
In opening the State of Union, Obama mentioned the Speaker of the House, the Vice President and the American people. What, no acknowledgement of illegal aliens? Obama apparently is not as tolerant as made to appear.
Isn't Chris Matthews forgetting that Obama is Black more offensive then Harry Reid saying "negro dialect"?
By invoking Bull Run & the Bloody Sunday of the civil rights movement in the State of the Union, Obama implies disagreement with him is racist.
Obama claimed he took office amidst growing government debt. It's getting even worse under him.
Biden certainly seemed gleeful about hosing the banks. Biden looked like a bobblehead the way he couldn't keep his neck still.
Guess we’ll see at tax time if Obama is blowing smoke up our rears about not raising taxes.
If Obama is supposedly one of the greatest orators of world history surpassing Bush’s limited elocutionary abilities, why did he use the word “cops” rather than “police”?
President plans to toss $30 billion here; $30 billion there. Reminds me of the Simpsons bit about Internet stock.
And what if the job bill Obama demands “without delay” is delayed?
I guess all that clean energy technology China is inventing was the cause of all that smog at the Beijing Olympics.
Will Obama really allow offshore drilling or is this a phantom promise like clean-coal technology?
Pelosi’s grin is scarier than the Joker’s.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Naplotano applauds like a lethargic Walrus.
Why does Obama pronounce “Colooombia” with an Hispanic accent?
If everyone needs a college education since Obama decrees that high school is no longer enough for career success, won’t college become as worthless when the government “gives” it to everyone?
Why should future government workers have their student loans forgiven sooner than those in other occupations?
Obama promised to make mortgages more affordable. Didn’t steps like this cause the housing and banking crisis to begin with?
Frau Obama is to lead a purge against childhood obesity. May start out as pleas to exercise more, but will likely end with the government monitoring what youngsters eat, threatening to remove from parental custody those not within established guidelines, and eventually the program will be expanded to include adults. As a former porker now out to change the world, Huckabee will likely endorse this as he also thinks your weight is the government’s business.
If Bush’s prescription drug program was expensive, wouldn’t Obamacare be even more so?
If we are freezing government spending with the exception of outlays related to national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, is that really freezing any government spending at all?
Why is $250,000 considered ostentatiously rich?
Obama's said "The more that TV pundits reduce serious debates to silly arguments, big issues into sound bites, our citizens turn away." This really means that to disagree with Obama is subversive. Look for more attempts at resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine in the name of diversity, national security, and assorted communitarian drivel.
Are Obama's comments about pundits spreading cynicism "respectful". Why don't these "turn people away from the process"?
It is claimed that the military will be out of Iraq by the end of August. Expect the next Iraqi uprising to begin the first of September.
When Obama's claims the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department is once again prosecuting civil rights violations and employment discrimination, does this include cases on behalf of White people whose rights in the workplace are trod asunder? If the case of where the charges of voter intimidation were dropped against Black Panthers threatening White folks on election day 2008, it is highly doubtful.
While our values "allowed us to forge a nation made up of immigrants from every corner of the globe", those values did not originate from every corner of the globe. Like it or not, those are largely Western in that they are predominately Judoe-Christian and Greco-Roman.
Obama should be ashamed if he accepts the donation to Haiti from the 8 year old boy. Notice how Obama did not recommend people send their charitable donations through a private organization instead.
America still faces a potential Obama dictatorship. His attitude towards the Supreme court is quite chilling. Now leftists are condemning Justice Alito for not taking his rump kicking with a "Please sir, may I have another."
Congress needs to get a handle on this presidential executive order thing irrespective of the administration issuing these decrees or our Republic is through.
In the Republican response, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell used "her" as a universal pronoun. If one is not using designations for both genders, "him" is the grammatically correct one to use.
Fox News counted 86 rounds of applause. I tabulated 93 instances of clapping. Some of it seemed more subdued than in previous years.
Karl Rove claimed Obama said "I" 96 times. Reminds me of that scene in the series finale of the original Prison. In my college days, one usually got points deducted for overuse of the first person personal pronoun. At least Bob Dole had the decency to begin his sentences with "Bob Dole".
by Frederick Meekins
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Governor Castigated For Telling It Like It Is About Welfare
If government assistance doesn't encourage profligate procreation, lets cut out additional subsidies for each additional child.
If it is objectionable to liken human beings to animals, then why are these very same liberals the same ones pushing Darwinian evolution in the public schools and that nature, unconstrued through any kind of divine revelation, is to be the source of our morality and ethics.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Funds Diverted From Brighter Students To Provide For Dimmer Minorities
One must also ask are these students academically deficient through no mental or biological defect inherent to their own ontology or rather is it because they are just lazy and think "the Man" will fund their way through life.
Female Chauvnist Wants Men Tossed Out Of Congress
If a male member of Congress said they could get more done if women and other assorted miniorities were sent home since these tend to be the demographics that tend to think the government owes them a living even if they could provide it for themselves, we'd never hear the end of it.
If Leftists are going to give the green light for the propagation of stereotypes, one of the inferences of Rep. Carol Shea-Porter must be addressed.
In her remarks she insinuates that only the female members of the legislative body have been responsibile for taking care of family.
It should be pointed out men that go out to work each day are also taking care of their families.
Anyone that argues otherwise should support the abolition of child support laws as well as govenment welfare handouts and see just how long children thrive without any kind of material and nurtitional sustenance.
This brings us to yet another observation.
It is safe to say that most of the female members of Congress did not come from the ranks of scrubwomen earning minimum wage.
As such, many no doubt possess professional backgrounds where they actually placed their careers over and above that of their children.
Rep. Shea-Porter (with her hyphenated last name indicating her identity derived from that of wife and mother is not sufficient for her) can pull the public leg all she wants; however, it is actually the babysitters and nannies that have taken care of the female members of Congress.
Thus, when this Novemeber rolls around, we should toss out both genders also irrespective of how the plumbing is hooked up.
By Frederick Meekins
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Environmentalism Not About the Earth But About Control, Part 2
Those still not convinced should ask themselves before they run off and join such groups how much control they want to cede over their lives to the beneficence of the collective. For once one signs over the very right to ownership to one’s dwelling and possessions, where does it end?
Willing to relinquish rights to the conjugal affections of your spouse to the group? Don’t snicker.
In many cults, those not willing to surrender their spouses to the group are labeled as being insufficiently devoted to the group or "too individualistic" in orientation. Interestingly this allegation is invoked increasingly in the churches of today as they totter ever closer to the edges of apostasy and unbelief.
Those enamored with their own smug progressivism will claim such excesses are more characteristic of the religious mindset. Secularists would never stand for such outrages and the infringement on the most basic of relationships?
Think so do you? Though he might have started off religious, before the last drop of Kool-Aid was slurped, Jim Jones' position on the Scriptures and the beauties of socialism had more in common with the National Counsel of Churches than Moral Majority or the Christian Coalition. And for those that think Marx is the cat's whiskers, what do they have to say about this thinker's proposal that the individual family and private marriages should be abolished?
And even if one happens to have a proclivity to these bizarre living arrangements without all the kinky wifeswapping and such, on what grounds does one object when these compounds lay claim to your children? Some of these COMMUNITIES conspire to undermine familial bonds between parents and offspring in a group setting or by minimizing the time parents spend alone with their biological progeny.
Yet one does not have to be locked away on some dope-smoking commune to be influenced by this kind of childrearing mentality. The perspective is already prevalent throughout the social welfare establishment that children do not belong to the parents but rather to the COMMUNITY as manifested by the state. If anything, a child enjoys a status barely above that of a library book since the parent is granted permission to enjoy the child for a time but forced to surrender the youngsters to the state on the terms of the state as evidenced in laws establishing lower and lower ages for mandatory preschool and bureaucratic homevisits.
With America's relative prosperity, citizens are pretty much able to ignore such kooks. But what will happen when these lunatics acquire more and more power unto themselves and connive to impose their cherished deprivations upon the rest of us?
For if these neo-primitives have their way, you won't even be permitted to procure the same quality of sustenance to which you and your family are accustomed. Rather, you will be compelled to gnaw on the twigs and shrubs beneath your very feet if you are fortunate to be deemed worthy enough of the privilege of continued existence.
For a while now, it has become popular in eco-socialist circles to whine incessantly about how far food must be transported to reach the masses of humanity. Instead of marveling at the bounty and variety of food available year round and in the most hostile of climates, environmentalists lament this fact.
Anybody that is anybody these days has a website (I wonder if the ones run by these people function on moonbeams and fuzzy thoughts since the rest of us are suppose to cutback on electricity), an organization, and a cadre of propagandists to spread the message. The mass starvation racket (or the inconvenient food syndicate) is no different.
One such outfit fomenting this hooey is Slow Food USA, described as “supporting and celebrating the food traditions of North America.” Let me point out they are not referring to a burger, fries, and a Coke.
The organization’s executive director Erika Lesser (“lesser” is the amount of food you’ll be eating if her organization has its way) gave a lecture titled “Live Slow: On The Path To A Delicious Future”. Those in attendance were invited to “Join the slow food table on biodiversity issues and the benefits of good, clean, and fair food." This ought to be considered because, "Education in taste is the first step towards transforming consumers into co-producers who can help safeguard food traditions and the health of the environment. By choosing wisely and eating with pleasure, you --- as well as your community and the planet --- can reap the delicious and healthful rewards of responsible coproduction.”
From that litany, the primary thing that stands out is how the consumer will be “transformed” (New Age socialistic euphemisms meaning revolution imposed from above whether you want to participate or not) into a “coproducer”. In other words, it is the intention of this to drag you out into the fields for a little conscripted labor.
For some reason, upon reading about being transformed into being a coproducer, I can’t get out of my head images of what I’ve read about the placards that use to hang on the gates of the concentration camps run by the Nazis reading “Work shall make you free” or how the Khmer Rouge use to march the people out to labor in the rice paddies. You know, the entire reeducation through labor bit (or as it is called today, “community service”).
Though slow food fronts disguise themselves in an agrarian or proletarian cloak, as with most that make playing unscrubbed revolutionary their life’s work, the movement is quite elitist in nature. For example, on the website the organization laments the advent of low-cost chickens consumed by the masses.
Rather, the group advocates more expensive breeds. Most likely since the consumption of meat will be limited to the revolutionary vanguard whereas those of us deemed to possess a consciousness of insufficient awareness and sensitivity will be compelled to simply piddle in the dirt for a root or a grub; but we will probably be forbidden that as well since disturbing the soil to even a miniscule extent will be an example of the butterfly affect that could lead to an erosion-based environmental disaster.
As with most of the other groups mentioned in this epic epistle, Slow Foods USA has a phobia about people doing things by themselves. This is for pretty much the same reason the Nazis did not want people listening to the radio alone. When you are alone, you are more likely to be critical since in that context you are more apt to pay attention to the message rather than taking cues on how you are to respond from those around you.
Rather than eat alone, the socially responsible are obligated to join and take their gastronomical orders from a group called a “Convivium”. Since everything to these people is group and movement oriented, if food is now to go in one end in the presence of the group, I guess it won’t be long until one will be obligated to have the remnants emerge at the other end in the presence of the COMMUNITY. After all, only those with something to hide want privacy we are constantly reminded by the radical communalists.
Use to be, one ate meals with one’s family. Maybe if these hags had not aborted themselves into sterility, supper time would not have had to be turned into an act of COMMUNITY service measuring one’s devotion to the good of the cause.
Slow Food USA prides itself on being everything fast food is not. Thus, one good thing about the movement is that the shrill biddies comprising the membership might be forced back into the kitchen where hussies with too much time on their hands belong and won’t have enough energy to undertake their idiotic activism.
As stated, left to themselves and cordoned off from the rest of us, these radicals would not present all that much of a problem. However, as with other useful idiots manipulated by the elites, these halfwits play a vital role in bringing an end to life as we know it when they form strategic alliances with the other mouthpieces of perdition for the purposes of getting the American people to surrender their freedom with a wink and a smile.
To the regular American blissfully ignorant of the ideological struggle being waged all around, television news outlets and correspondents exist to convey in an objective manner information of use and importance to concerned citizens. However, often these communicators and the interests they represent are as partisan as those blatantly seeking to persuade you as to the veracity of a particular opinion.
Prominently featured in the top half of page 10 of the 2006 edition of the Green Festival program was an advertisement for a panel discussion conducted by WRC-TV news personality Wendy Rieger. From the text, the reader learns that Rieger’s “Going Green segment features green lifestyles and products.”
However, had Rieger earned a reputation for grilling adherents of this movement and exposing the fallacies in the arguments endangering the nation’s very standard of living, it is doubtful she would be given a place, the promotional literature categorizes, as on the “main stage”. Furthermore, if Rieger is snuggling under the mulch with environmentalists, how can we be sure the remainder of her reportage is not as slanted?
Would the Green Festival allow a correspondent more critical of the celebration’s claims to ascend the rostrum such as John Stossel or Rush Limbaugh? Tolerancemongers will snap, “But its a private function and the organizers are not required to invite anyone they don’t want.”
And they are absolutely correct. Perhaps we should remind them of that as these Reds drag out notions such as the Fairness Doctrine in the attempt to silence Conservative talk radio.
Conversely though, if we are suppose to trust some dyed-blonde newsgirl in the green movement's pocket, would those having no problem with that be as quiet if some newsgal was in Jerry Falwell’s back pocket getting chummy with the Moral Majority gang at one of those kinds of shindigs? The aging beatniks do not consider what they believe to be a bias as anyone that does not believe as they do will be carted off to electroshock therapy once they ascend to unrivaled power.
Some will dismiss this clarion warming, claiming it has gone all over the map and too far afield. However, Francis Schaeffer once pointed out that a shortcoming of the Judeo-Christian mind and thus the conservative worldview as an extension of that perspective is the failure to view reality as a single comprehensive unit.
As such, if the free peoples of the earth give a foothold to these Communitarians in one area, by curtailing our innate liberties in that particular area, it won’t be that long in terms of the totality of history until we will have surrendered all the areas that make life worth living. If today we allow these so-called “guardians of the earth” to alter driving patterns and the like, what will prevent them in the future from coming back to take our cars and even our homes away all together?
by Frederick Meekins
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Apostates Evangelize Door To Door For Mother Earth But Not Father God
Frankly, I'd rather have cleancut Mormons knocking at my door than some overly-manly "clergywoman" bent on haranguing by buying "locally grown" victuals.
In the spirit of ecumenicalism, don't open the door for anyone you don't know.
Will Haitians Be Subject To Same Limitations As Americans?
Rush Limbaugh is being condemned for raising the issue of whether or not Haitians will be subject to the same kind of assistance limitations as Americans such as healthcare review boards populary referred to as "death panels" based upon their power to deny life saving treatment to those of marginal social utility.
Why isn't this a valid question?
If the first purpose of the United States government is to provide for the general welfare of its citizens however one might decide the scope of that notion, shouldn't foreigners irregardless of the desperation of their their circumstances be subject to similar rigors?
While the victims of the earthquake in Haiti deserve sympathy and charity, engaged patriots must not allow the elites to use this tragedy as an excuse to blunt the discerning criticism of good citizenship.
by Frederick Meekins
Fox Might Produce American Version Of Torchwood
Goat Barges Into Strip Club
Wonder if this will replace the old adage about the bull in the China shop?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Indigent Murders Pedestrian
In Washington DC, crimes directed against the homeless can receive a stiffer sentence.
However, what is to protect the domiciled from these rampages.
There will no doubt be leftists out there who will claim we should thank these vagabonds for these attacks.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Unless Obama can resurrect the dead & multiple loaves and fishes (which he likely can in his mind), him visiting Haiti will do no real good.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Students Learn What A Fraud Obama Is
Now, they'll just need to figure out how they are being manipulated by their teachers since from the story is seems they thought themselves worthy of presidential recognition simply for being what color they were.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
White House Garden Toxic
Guess the Obamas aren't the only thing full of it at the White House.
I wonder if they will be leveled a hefty fine and blocked from their home as is the fate that often befalls many of those having contaminated land.
TSA Nominee Sees Christians As Bigger Threat Than Muslims
It's going to be little old grannies rather than ragheads that are going to be harassed in airports.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
It's pretty self-explanatory what a "Negro dialect" is. It's just that everyone is too afraid to admit it.
Frankly, this battle was lost when this gibberish was elevated to the status of a dialect.
Catholic Immigration Policy Undermines U.S. Borders
If we are to loosen criteria as to whom we let into the United States, shouldn't the Papacy follow a similar policy as to who can be admitted as a good Catholic or even the priesthood?
School Bans Lads Locks
Not to sound like a hippy or something, but unless one can invoke the Bible (which you apparently can't in public school) on what grounds does one ban long hair on a boy but not a girl?
What regulations are there to make sure girl's retain a traditional gender appearance?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Avatar Denounced As Racist
Some racemongers are not going to be satisfied until the last White person is dead.
Even stories where the White guy ends up siding with the downtrodden minorities are now denounced.
I hope they miss their welfare checks when we are all gone.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Ugandan Heathens Sacrifice Children
Guess we'll end up sending these people foreign aide payments. No doubt good Obama voters and supporters.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Obama Nazifies Christmas
Some may claim that this headline is a little strong. But if one goes back and studies history, one finds that Hitler also deemphasized the religious aspects of Christmas in deference to a generalized "winter holiday".
This was only Obama's first Christmas in the Oval Office. Yet the President has already tried to de-Christ Christmas in at least two instances.
It has come to public's attention that the White House considered not putting up its Nativity display. Instead, plans were considered for a "more inclusive" Christmas.
G.K. Chesterton said "Religious liberty might suppose to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it." So in the vain attempt to feign a posture of expansive sensitivity, the Obama administration was on the verge of excluding those who had someone sitting on the throne of their hearts other than Barack Obama.
The President provided more insight into his theology at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree on the Ellipse just beyond the White House. Obama said, "Tonight, we celebrate a story that is as beautiful as it is simple. This story of a child born far from home to parents guided only by faith, but who would ultimately spread a message that has endured for more than 2000 years --- that...we are each called to love one another as brother and sister."
That is only part of the story. While Christ did come into the world to teach us that we are to love one another, more importantly, that love is only possible as a result of the part of His message that Obama deliberately omitted. That is that Christ came into the world to die for our sins and to rise from the dead so that whosoever would believe in Him would have everlasting life.
However, Obama is not even content to allow Christians to bask for a moment in the glory of a watered down version of their holiday as something unique this particular belief system has given to the world. He has to take that away from them as well, and in so doing, Obama reveals the most dangerous aspects of his worldview.
Obama continued, "While this story may be a Christian one, its lesson is universal. It speaks to the hope we share as a people. And it represents a tradition that we celebrate as a country --- a tradition that has come to represent more than any one holiday or religion --- but a season of brotherhood and generosity to our fellow citizens."
It is interesting and revealing to compare Il Duce's minimalist recognition of Christmas and the Christian message as merely a generalized world religion with "universal themes" with him being all a flutter earlier in the year during the White House Ramadan celebration over the contribution of Islam to civilization. Of this faith, Obama said, "Islam as we know is part of America. Like the broader American citizenry, the American Muslim community is one of extraordinary dynamism and diversity. On this occasion, we celebrate how much Muslims have enriched America and its culture in ways large and small.”
What is it exactly that Islam has done for America? One might make a case that the Muslim world played a role in preserving the collected learning of Mediterranean civilization during the Dark Ages.
But that was about a thousand years ago. How much longer are they going to slide by on this accomplishment and hold it over our heads? Though many Muslims live respectable and unassuming lives, for the most part Islam has become more of a liability than an asset to the United States.
At this point in his administration, one has to admit that Obama has not yet crossed the line to become a Hitlerian figure. However, there are a number of mechanisms in place such as expansive versions of COMMUNITY service and a litany of advisors with an appallingly low view of individual human life such as Cass Sustein, John Holdren, and Ezekiel Emanuel that would easily allow for the transition into such a nightmare scenario should a fortuitous calamity just happen to transpire.
For even though Nazi Germany will forever serve as a warning as to the ultimate outcome of ethnic hostility and suspicion allowed to fester out of control unchecked, this was far from that regimes only shortcoming. A common characteristic of all forms of collectivism is a fundamental hostility towards God as the ultimate authority and a propensity to subordinate the traditional accoutrements of religion to the state as a result of this presupposition.
For example, in an address at Georgetown University (an explicitly religious institution of higher learning), Obama, like a vampire unable to look upon a cross, demanded that images or references to Christ be covered over with a black cloth. Even more disconcerting is the commentary compliance with this request makes regarding the spineless nature of contemporary Christianity. Though it might have cost them the photo op, university administrators should have told Obama to go to Sheol (or perhaps at least Purgatory since this was a Catholic school).
One can assume that how one’s Christmas tree is decorated is a reflection of the things an individual holds most dear. For example, a perfectionist will have a tree where the ornaments are all the same and placed at uniform distances all just so. Someone that places a high value on family and memories will have a hodgepodge of treasures spanning the decades that barely go together aesthetically yet bring tears of joy to those that hold such knick-knacks dear.
One must, therefore, ask what does it mean when someone allows an ornament of Chairman Mao and one of their own visage superimposed upon Mount Rushmore placed upon a tree under that person’s authority? Some might dismiss the matter, saying that there are all kinds of eccentric decorations (after all, I have a Garfield bike reflector from a box of 1980’s cereal on my tree).
However, one cannot help but be a bit more concerned when one learns that the queerly decorated tree (there is also a transexual ornament dangling from its branches) is found in the White House? For victims of the public school system, Mao was the Communist Chinese dictator whose regime killed even more that Hitler’s did.
So isn’t this the equivalent of placing a swastika atop of the tree? This is even more disturbing when it is considered in conjunction with the ornament of Obama’s countenance elevated to Mount Rushmore status.
Anyone that would place a Mao ornament upon a tree no doubt admires those wielding absolute power who do not care at all how many lives are destroyed in the attempt to remake reality in compliance with some ideological vision. Anyone of political significance allowing an ornament with themselves added to Mount Rushmore on their tree believes that they ought to be the one to remake society.
From an objective historical standpoint, what we know as Christmas grew out of originally pagan celebrations that were imbued with new meanings as society came to embrace more explicitly Christian values and perspectives. It is thus only natural that, as society slides downward morally, the one heralded by the reprobate as something akin to a post-Christian messiah would want to metaphorically see himself in the manger rather than the Christ that reminds each of us just how far short we all fall of glory of God.
by Frederick Meekins
Why Some Effigies Wrong But Not Others?
Albert Mohler's sidekick Russel Moore denounced the Obama Effigy as "Satanic".
Was this theologican as outspoken in condemning similar outrageous attacks against President Bush.
More importantly, would he now care to speak out against the Founding Fathers for similar protests against King George during the Revolutionary War, or is this form of protest only immoral when directed against a Black person?
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
NYC Teaches Junkies How To Shootup Dope
Yet it must be pointed out that this is the jurisdiction where scholastic bakesales are on the verge of prohibition and where, if city officials had there way, table salt would be frowned upon apparently more now than hard narcotics.
French Thought Police Plot To Invade Private Homes
This is to be done in the name of preventing "psychological violence".
However, what advocates of this law might not be telling you is that, to the left-leaning man-haters out there, this offense consists of little more than simply disagreeing with a woman, verbally boring into a woman during a spat started by a woman, or merely speaking to one when they've basically told you to shutup.
It should be interesting to see how this law plays out.
For you see, France is being overrun by Islamic immigrants and it is part of their religion to beat their wives and even kill them when they get out of line.
Since France is a Western European social democracy, in most instances these multiculturalists lack the spine to declare that a foreign culture is in the wrong.
Therefore, what will happen will be that the Muslims will continue to do whatever it is they do to their women and it will be the European male that will be further denuded for fear of criminal prosecution.
Beck Mocks Those Raising Concerns Over Obama's Birth
Wonder how long until those he was whipped into a froth turn against those raising this important avenue of inquiry.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Public Schools Embrace Debauchery & Apostasy Over Christmas Music
Most Americans would agree that freedom of conscience ranks among our most cherished liberties. As such, the state should protect this particular right by almost any means necessary and reasonable (especially for citizens).
In California, an initiative has been undertaken to get a ballot before voters to determine the propriety of Christmas music in California public schools. Within the measure is a clause that would require schools to notify parents 21 days before the specified tunes would be played or performed so that students can opt out of being exposed to such material.
Those having embraced a rigorous interpretation regarding the separation of church and state will applaud the measure as a enlightened compromise as these voices will be among the first to point out that, in these swinging days of free thought, not everyone embraces the Christianity espoused by these Yuletide harmonies. One must ask then would the exponents of the unsullied conscience be as outspoken in defense of those wanting to be excused from exposure to more progressivist causes and material.
Absolutarian relativists claim that, in order to ensure the scholastic neutrality of the classroom, not even a whiff of religious material can be permitted to waft across young impressionable minds. That might be what is claimed in theory, but the reality falls far short as an exclusionary objectivity is applied only to Christianity with other worldviews and religions actually imposed upon students.
Any rational person will admit that, in order to have the most comprehensive understanding of the world possible, one must have an understanding of religion as one of history’s most influential motivating forces. However, there is a point at which education becomes advocacy.
For example, it has already been stated that even if authorized, traditional Christmas music will be categorized as quasi-subversive in nature as one has to admit exposure to these lyrics could potentially alter the very spiritual identity of those exposed to them. However, such caution is not exercised in regards to Islam.
According to a story titled “Islamic studies required in California district” posted 1/2/02, students there are required to learn about this prominent world religion. However, students were not going to be doing this via the traditional social studies methodology of reading a standard text detached in tone about the tenets of this system of belief and its impact upon the world in terms of history, geography, and culture. Rather, the curriculum required students to live out Islam. This was to be achieved by having students memorize Koranic verses, praying in the name of Allah, adopting an Islamic name, and staging a pretend jihad.
Wonder if the name Nadal Malik Hassan mmmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm is available with students able to pretend to shoot up an army base. When one takes all this into consideration, the above lesson plan sort of looses its grade school charm, doesn’t it?
Mass death brings up yet another disturbing point. According to Islamic teaching, all one has to do to become a Muslim is to say with conviction that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.
Parents need to seriously investigate if this is one of the Islamic phrases being chanted in the public schools where an accommodationist approach to the study of Islam has been adopted, and if it has, parents need to be quite insistent as to having their children removed from the program even if it means withdrawing from the particular school all together. For you see, to a sizeable percentage of Muslims around the world, one is justified in murdering someone that apostasizes or leaves the faith.
To many, this may seem like theological nitpicking on the scale of debating how many angels can dance on the head of a needle. However, should we, with little resistance, be giving these fanatics another reason with a straight face to kill Americans?
Numerous Muslims will insist that their faith does not condone the slaughter of innocent people. They just don't tell you that their definition of innocent is much narrower than ours. Never has an insincerely or regretfully sung Christmas Carol resulted in anyone’s death.
The hypertolerant will sneer that this extremism of either Christians wanting everyone to sing Christmas tunes or Islamists demanding students recite the Koran and even miss recess as a simulated form of Ramadan fasting are shortcomings inherent to the traditional religious mindset irrespective of the belief system in question. However, the agnostic reprobate can’t resist to impose their belief on everyone else either.
To both the pagan who sees the natural world as God and the materialist who believes in nothing beyond the natural world, there is nothing as important as the reproductive pleasure cravings we all posses and know as the sex drive. Since it is claimed that there is no absolute truth in these particular worldviews, the "is" automatically becomes the "ought" and however the libidinous impulse manifests itself is acceptable upon the particular social context. Therefore, those wanting a world with the fewest taboos possible have a vested interest in convincing the greatest number possible to this perspective.
And unlike the Christian and even the Muslim for all that matter, this persuasion is not so much for the benefit of the soul of the person whose mind the adherents of these respective outlooks are out to change. Rather those trapped in lives of carnal destitution are so wracked by personal guilt that they cannot bear the thought of others disapproving of their individual predilections. That is why students cannot be permitted to privately make their own decisions about what we are continually reminded are private decisions.
When it comes to matters of traditional religious belief, the secularists believe that children should not be exposed to theology until they reach maturity. However, when it comes to conjugal relations, indoctrination is suppose to commence nearly the first day of kindergarten.
In June 2009, a California school district approved a mandatory homosexual appreciation curriculum. As part of the curriculum, five year olds will study a book titled “And Tango Makes Three” about two “gay” penguins that hatch an egg together. They name the chick “Tango” because “ takes two to make a Tango.”
This propaganda will cause mental damage that will take years to undue if it can be done so at all. Likely contrary to the mantra of the illustrated tractate, these were not the two that made Tango.
Like it or not, a male and a female penguin had to copulate together in order for little Tango to be brought into existence. All the two penguins in the story can do is raise him.
Do four and five year olds really need to be exposed to the intricacies of human relationships and reproduction? Most can barely tie their own shoes.
The lessons learned about the biological impossibility of a child having two parents of the same sex and what ought to be a legal impossibility as well since two unmarried people shackedup should not be permitted to simultaneously adopt the same child will not stop in kindergarten. They will be expanded upon from year to year as the student progresses through the statist school system.
In the first grade, according to WorldNetDaily, the book “Who Is A Family” will dupe students into believing that “in our school and our community there are many different kinds of families that provide love and care to each other. Remind the students that all family structures are equally important.”
Do these “equally valid family structures” include fundamentalist polygamist Mormons? Does this also include radical Islamist families where the fathers murder their daughters in so-called “honor killings” for exhibiting such proclivities towards harlotry such as wanting to pursue higher education and not wanting to wear burlap bags over their faces? After all, even if we find these practices abhorrent, it must be reminded they fall under the rubric of “all” family structures being equally valid.
Technically, a number of the social arrangements being promoted as such aren’t even families. But Western society has become so unhinged morally that only the most daring are publicly willing to enunciate these observations.
A family consists of a married man and women and any children that might result from their fecund union or any children such adults united together might adopt. If one is feeling especially innovative and cutting edge, one might be able to expand the definition to include the unmarried propagating offspring via fornication.
However, no matter how much we might want it to be so, the non-biologically related unmarried adult residing in the home with the actual parent is not part of the family. They might be the concubine or harlot of the adult residing in a particular domicile, but they can only be a friend or acquaintance of the child not all that different in terms of relationship than the next door neighbor.
Even if the laws are altered to let anyone live anyway they want with all the accompanying tax breaks and even welfare handouts to which they claim they are entitled, it will not be enough. The consciences of those living in manners contrary to both theology and biology are so pricked that they will not be content letting you simply put up with the iniquities they have wrought but also compel you to applaud and embrace these appalling decisions.
Fourth graders will be required to read an essay titled “My School Is Accepting -- But Things Could Be Better”. Along with this assignment, elementary students will be required to define “gay”, “lesbian”, and “LGBT”. By the way, to the pure of mind, that acronym is not a reference to a deli sandwich.
About all children need to know about human reproduction at that age is that babies somehow grow inside women’s stomachs. My grandfather didn’t know what the word “pregnant” meant until after he got married in his early 20’s and he came from a family of ten kids that lived on a farm. Things might not need to be that hushed over, but neither does everything need to hang out in the open classroom either.
As part of the curriculum, students will be extended the opportunity to learn of the warped affections of Elton John, Ellen Degeneres, Christina Aguilera, and Lance Bass. Are we going to also learn about the preferred bodily orifices of other historical figures such as Thomas Jefferson’s alleged bout of jungle fever?
In all likelihood, his name won’t even come up in class. Familiarity with the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and third president might fortify students against the efforts to deprive them of their liberty.
In their preparation for world conquest and hegemony, do Red Chinese pupils sit around discussing what celebrity likes what hole? Maybe if American students spent less time on these frivolities, educators would find the traditional 180 day school year sufficient and no longer need a reason to threaten an extended academic calendar.
It is claimed such acculturation (more accurately indoctrination) is necessary to prevent bullying. However, wouldn’t a generalized policy of don’t make fun of anyone at school without bogging down young minds with things that would make even grown adults blush and giggle in mixed company be enough?.
Familiarity breeds contempt. Though social engineers might try their hardest, human nature is pretty set within established parameters and as such these educators might end up stirring up the very animosities this ideological indoctrination is suppose to prevent.
Whether this contraindicated outcome is what is actually desired or not could be open to debate. The state benefits even more when the results are the opposite of peace and understanding as activists believe they are then justified in calling for additional restrictions on speech and thought.
Isaiah 5:20 warns, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" American society is swiftly approaching the point of no return when those that run our educational institutions would rather the nation's children be acquainted with the most shameful of deeds and desires rather than the noblest of truths that have inspired the highest of ideals of millennia
by Frederick Meekins
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
DC Cop pulling gun on snowball mob ought to be commended rather than condemned.
Had the frozen projectiles beeen hurled at Obama's limo, the officer would have only been following procedure.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Student Suspended & Ordered Sent To Headshrinkers For Drawing Cross
Had the lad placed his art work in a vat of urine he could qualify for a government grant or, if he peed on it himself, he could get his own HBO sitcom.
School officials claim the child is guilty of drawing a "violent picture".
Newsflash, boys --- unless you want them emasculated and docile --- draw violent pictures.
With China on the move around the world and the Towelheads constantly on the rampage, these scholastic sisses better pray boys keep drawing violent pictures if they want this great country to surive as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
Trashpile Nations Demand Environmental Handouts
One cannot help but feel a sense of relief when these kinds of negotiations fall apart.
However, since Obama can't recuse himself from brown-nosing these backward Third Worlders, one has to ask how long until he goes crawling on his knees to deliver the concessions his internationalist masters demand.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Oral Roberts hospitalized. Should we assume this is the result of a lack of faith?
If a faith healer can't heal himself, he better keep his mits off of me.
University in a tizzy that only 20% of bicyclists female.
Is amazing the things that will set the Leftist mind into a handwringing depression. Before it's all over with, bet men will be chewed out for doing even environmentally aware things.
Peacemongers Rampage At Climate Summitt
I guess the flares don't give off greenhouse emissions or I guess "carbon offsets" have been purchased that go straight into Al Gore's pockets.
More importantly, I guess this human debris walked to the summitt.
Congress to probe if scholastic admission standards lowered for men. Did they investigate when the criteria lowered for Blacks?
And for that matter, is Congress also going to investigate young men having to pay higher insurance rates when even insurance agents today will admit the contemporary female is as every bit as scatterbrained as her male counterpart?
And even if they weren't, doesn't the emphasis on "egalitarianism" dictate in the name of fairness the same price irrespective of how the plumbing is hooked up?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Apostates Devise New Ways To Spoil Everyone’s Christmas
One of the shortcomings I remember the most about the Christian elementary school I attended was how a number of the less-than dedicated educators would punish all of the students for the misbehavior of a single pupil. To this day, I remain convinced this had more to do with lazy teachers preferring not to mess around with recess than correcting actually delinquency.
As miniature societies, the dynamics of schools often reflect the processes that govern nations and countries. Unfortunately, the good students --- or rather citizens in the macrocosmic case --- are having something that is by every right their's taken away just because those in charge don't want to deal with those out to ruin things for everyone.
For nearly 15 years (or at least since I've been writing about the topic annually), Christians and allied conservatives have waged a noble effort against secularists claiming the First Amendment, through an expansionist interpretation of the Separation Clause, forbids the erection of Nativity scenes and even less conspicuously devout Christmas symbols on public property.
Since Christmas has become a pivotal component of our culture, most Americans instinctively recoil at efforts to banish the beloved winter festival even if they are not particularly religious. Thus to be successful, secularists realized they would need to pursue a different strategy.
One of the foundational dictums (feigning a posture of sophistication, those of this mindset eschew the notion of creeds) of radical ecumenicalism is that, if you can’t beat them, join them. However, the ecumenicalist does not seek union or compromise with the more thoroughgoing traditionalist for the purposes of common ground but rather to eventually wear down the traditionalist to the point where the traditionalist capitulates to the original demands of the ecumenicalist.
For example, realizing that Americans aren’t willing to give up the public recognition of Christmas yet esteem the idea of fairness nearly as much, a number of wily atheists decided on a new strategy. These hostile unbelievers surmised, “Fine, we will allow you to have your religious display provided we are granted equal access to put up a display depicting our beliefs as well.”
Frankly, in some ways they had a point as it is often through verbal conflict one not only comes away better knowing what one’s opponent believes but what you believe as well. After all, Americans --- both devout and apostate alike --- are often complacent in regards to both theology and politics.
However, a critical populace of an analytical inclination is the last thing the government wants. And in the clamp down to prevent an outbreak of citizens thinking for themselves rather than handing the process of ratiocination over to leftist bureaucrats, even more radical academics and the media dupes of each, victory by default is handed over to the more malevolent brand of secularist.
It is pretty much the establishmentarian consensus that public displays commemorating America’s religious roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition cannot be directly set up by the government. Rather, in most instances, a public forum is established with a mad dash being made by adherents of the respective viewpoints to get permits to sponsor the annual display or to divvy up the space equally.
Thing of it is there is only a finite amount of space in most government buildings even if the power of the agencies housed therein often is not while the number of worldviews clamoring for public acclaim in an age of pluralism is nearly infinite. The rational American at their noblest wanting to see the greatest number possible satisfied and at their most base just wanting the incessant whiners to shut up would probably be willing to accept a Nativity with a snowman, a Menorah, and possibly even a flying spaghetti monster to please the acolytes of evolutionist Richard Dawkins though most would be rolling their eyes and mumbling under their breath about it.
In an age where every viewpoint is considered equally valid, who is to say more eccentric belief systems are not as worthy of exhibiting their own Yuletide emblems? For example, upon opening their display space to both the glory and Hades bound alike, the Washington State Capitol saw the erection of a Festivus pole, a fabricated holiday popularized by the minds behind Seinfeld, at least one of whom now thinks it is comical to urinate on artistic portrayals of Christ.
Where does it end? Since Star Wars has also weaved itself into the Christmas fabric of many that grew up during the 70’s and 80’s (just recall the fan film “Christmas Tauntauns” as well as the Star Wars Christmas special Lucas is claimed to have seldom acknowledged the existence of with its Wookie Life Festival), are we going to allow a display to this as well?
In the name of getting a handle on this, the Washington State Capitol has banned all holiday displays from the building. Leesburg, Virginia tried to pursue a similar policy, but rescinded the edict after citizen outcry against the abrupt ending of a tradition that extended back decades.
Of those of the mind that we must downplay the acknowledgement of certain statutorily recognized holidays because certain elements of the population finds them disturbing, does that mean we also eschew all other civic commemorations because a scant few find these others distasteful as well? For example, should Martin Luther King Jr. festivities transpiring on or near public property be cancelled since there a few that know this figure was hardly the godlike personage he is portrayed to be in the popular memory but rather someone with questionable Community ties and faulty theological assumptions no matter how laudable certain aspects of his philosophy might have been.
More importantly, what about Black History or other assorted ethnic supremacy months? One reason no one is suppose to mention Christmas since to do so is to be "divisive" because it is not a celebration that everyone embraces.
So because around three percent have an attitude problem, the rest of us are suppose to sit around with out lips sealed shut. Few would admit it for fear of losing their jobs or having rocks hurled through automobile windshields as I can assure you does occur when one enunciates positions on these kinds of subjects other than the one insisted upon by the diversitymongers. However, there are definitely more than three percent of the Caucasian population that, if you could assure them that there would be no repercussions, would admit to opposing these fill-in-the-flavor-of-the-month history months.
As Ann Coulter, I believe it was, once remarked the United States is not a bus stop. All should be free from violence and deliberate mistreatment even if their ideas fall outside the norm. However, as a nation, Americans should not have to cower in shame before a few disgruntled malcontents whose rights have otherwise been upheld and protected.
by Frederick Meekins
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Now Racist To Mispronounce Names
Just think, if Rep. Jan Schakowsky was properly domesticated and went by her married name of Creamer, we wouldn't be having this problem.
One hopes these ethnic rackets will spend as much time castigating their respective memberships that refuse to learn English.
Open Degenerate Elected Bishop
They always look the part too.
We all sin, but why should we heed the call to righteousness by someone that doesn't even feel shame for their flagrant shortcomings but rather wallows in them with pride.
But then again, about the only things still labelled sins these days is insisting that sin exists, failure to become a mindless drone of the COMMUNITY, and for thinking America as envisioned by the Founding Fathers is not the source of all the worlds troubles but rather one of the few places where most of these ills are kept reasonably at bay.
by Frederick Meekins
Obama Nazifies Christmas
Some may claim that headline is a little strong.
But if one goes back and studies history, one finds that Hitler also deemphasized the religious aspects of Christmas in deference to a generalized "winter holiday".
Interesting how Il Duce was all agush over the contributions of Islam to civilization during the White House Ramadan commemoration.
Yet Christianity is giving minimalist recognition as merely a generalized world relgion with "universal themes".
Obama's initial desire to forego the Nativity display altogether lends further confirmation to my theory that, like a vampire, he cannot stand the name of God and more specifically Christ.
by Frederick Meekins