Thursday, June 14, 2007

Who Is The Silver Surfer

Hispanosupremacists Call For Lebensarum

Listen to this episode of the Terry Anderson Show, especially around the 27 minute mark.

Polygamist Sect Depleting Its Gene Pool

Ethanol Filthier Than Gasoline

Ethanol Filithier Than Gasoline

Some Ho's Worse Than Others?

On the season premiere of Last Comic standing, a comedian named Mel Silverback whose schtick was wearing a gorilla mask said primate researcher Dian Fossey was a whore.

Will there be as much outrage over this comment as that enuniciated by Don Imus, and if not, why not?

Marvel Comics Announces A Plethora Of Cinematic Adaptations

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fundamentalist Mormons Seek To Legalize Two Girls For Every Boy

Now there's a movement worth standing behind (or in front of for that matter or even between).

If we are to adhere to the "consenting adults" mantra constantly invoked to justify all kinds of other perversions and pecularities, so long as no one is coerced into the practice and no undue discounts on insurance and the like are extended to them, who are we to judge if someone is virile enough to bag more than one spouse (wink wink).

English Schools Take The Fun Out Of Childhood

English children are having the very zest for life conditioned out of them, I bet you the vigorous tendencies of the Islamic youngsters are being encouraged unabated.

For while English children cannot exert themselves of the simplest of games exhibiting the slighest hint of competition, one can find, according to a March 2002 Washington Post story I referenced in my column "Underneath The Turban Of Deceit: Reading. Writing & Revolution", in British mosques books on how to break limbs, twist arms, and slit throats.

Will Battlestar Galactica Movies Pick Up Classic Storyline?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Daycare Urchins Exhibit Less Civil Behavior

Environmental Dictatorship Descends Over Denver

Time Magazine Tosses In The Towel Over Immigration

In its June 18, 2007 coverstory Time Magazine essentially tosses its hat in with the leftwing hordes (which comes as no surprise) calling for amnesty.

Wonder if this publication would be so quick to do so if posh correspondent jobs were farmed out to foreigners willing to do them for less or if the migrants flooded into their fashionable liberal enclaves driving up housing costs while diminishing quality of life through playing rowdy music all hours of the day and night and boozing it up the edge of the sidewalk as these people seem to have a hypnotic attraction to congregate in mass at any border be it the Rio Grande or simply the property line at the edge of the sidewalk.

Ben Gay Overdose?

Would have never thought a mere cream could kill you.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Coulter Warns Immigration Will Lead To White Genocide

Jerry Brown Lays Groundwork For Environmental Dictatorship

Mohler Badmouths Those Not Submitting To The Fate Of A Child Bride

While Dr. Mohler is correct that one cannot have it all, I find it interesting he then insinuates that those not wedding by the time they are 21 have made the wrong decision.

Does he care to take on C.S. Lewis and the choices the famed author made?

Seems to me he led a productive life without procreating or spreading his seed indiscriminately upon coming to Christ.

Frankly, why should either a man or a woman have to settle for an inferior partner just to have children?

For a woman, is a child worth the price being a beaten spouse; for a man, is reproducing worth the price of wedding a shrew who will later leave you, hose you for child support payments beyond anything you can afford, and then conspire to keep you from seeing your kids when its suppose to be your weekend according to the custody agreement?

by Frederick Meekins

Olympic Logo Causes Pokemon Affect

Islamic Congressman Cavorts With Known Terrorist Front Groups

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hillary At Forefront Of Bilingualism

Crosstalk America broadcast.

Now Your A Sinner If You Retire Or Don't Leave Your Kids A Sizeable Inheritance

While his comments extolling debt-free living were commendable, Kevin Swanson's remarks about how one is obligated to leave one's children a sizeable inheritance and how it's a sin to retire are just not realisitic.

For starters, it's nearly impossible to save up much money these days when even the small homes Swanson thinks you should be jammed into (he admires Patrick Henry for raising 15 children in a 400 square foot house, causing one to conclude that Henry wanted something other than liberty at least from the little woman) run close to $350,000 these days with tax bills pushing close to $5,0000 annually with possibly going higher when all the new environmental fees are calculated in. Mind you, the Generation's Radio sect also heeps an additional condemnation upon you if you do not wed by the early 20's and pump out at least a half dozen children.

Maybe Christians should sock into their own bank accounts the money they would nomrally send to these kinds of ministries.

As to the retirment comment, perhaps he should realize that not every one derives the same sense of satisfaction as he does from his payed employment.

by Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pizzeria Dishes Up Big Slice Of Monetary Subversion

Observant critics of the illegal immigration plague sweeping across the United States point out the irony that, while those sneaking across the boarder often have no desire to acclimate to the culture into which they are intruding, they have little problem accepting American money. However, if a policy implemented by one business catches on eventually, those sneaking into this great land will more likely find an odious trashphile rather than a shining city on a hill.

A Texas-based pizza chain has instituted a program to accept pesos as payment for the eatery’s wears. The company claims it is implementing the program to tap into the Hispanic market (and in the very same breath those advocating such a marketing strategy would admonish the rest of us that they never consider ethnicity in reference to social matters).

For decades, the American people have been cowed into not only accepting but also applauding any policy exempting certain groups from the regulations and expectations imposed upon the rest of us for fear of being labeled with one of those nebulous yet ominous chastisements such as “racism” or “intolerance”. However, things have gone so far and even though it’s probably too late to do anything as the time to have corrected the problem was back when Pat Buchanan brought up the issue in the early 90’s, average Americans are just about sick of the demise of their country and are finally speaking out against this demographic and linguistic foolishness. However, as usual, they are the ones being lectured and castigated by various elites for not applauding the cultural surrender of the United States.

The pizza joint’s owner is quoted in a January 9, 2007 entry titled “Pesos For Pizzas” posted on USA Today’s “On Deadline Blog” as saying, “You know what’s really sad is we’ve received a number of emails at our website...and many of them are just filled with hate and it’s very sad...People are linking it to patriotism, people are linking taking pesos for a hot pizza to illegal immigration.”

Critics are not the ones making the most to-do over the policy. Some falderal trotted out to commemorate the promotion at a number of these eateries included banners not simply reading “Pesos accepted for payment” but rather gushing “Welcome Countrymen”.

Though the effort to merge all of North America into a continuous Third World ghetto steams along, Mexicans are not yet our countrymen. Furthermore, anyone crossing the border to the extent that they haven’t or refuse to learn English still see Mexico rather than the United States as the nation to which they are ultimately loyal.

The owner of the pizzeria muses, “I just didn’t realize there was that much hate out there.” If he thinks the worst of it is about failure to applaud the economic subversion of the United States, he has no idea whatsoever of the hate that is actually out there, much of it emanating from those enabling those this misguided restaurateur heralds as his fellow countrymen.

In his classic Death Of The West: How Dying Populations & Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country And Civilization, Pat Buchanan points out that while Caucasian Americans are basically forbidden from enunciating but the most colorblind of sentiments, the same does not apply to the forces of Hispanosupremacism before which spineless liberals cower. The slogan of MECHA, a socialist organization spreading the message of violent insurrection among college students especially, is, “For our race, everything. For those outside our race, nothing (130).”

So no matter how much the owner of this pizza parlor might want to brownnose these migrating insurgents, they will never share his sentiments of a common transethnic nationhood. If other revolutions throughout history are any kind of indicator, this Chief Boyardee’s head will be among the first finding his head atop a pike when these violent swarms decide to finally show the country their true colors.

In all fairness, this is not the only business undermining this nation in pursuit of filthy lucre. Some of the nation’s most prominent financial institutions are undermining this great country as well.

While most assume that it is the politicians that have the ultimate say, one could very well make the argument that this is rather a distinction belonging to the bankers of the world. For while the politicians are in theory accountable to the people, the bankers for the most part only answer to themselves and may in fact control the politicians to an extent as the bankers control access to the money that the politicians crave.

A while back, I went to the bank. While waiting to take care of my business there, I picked up a sheet listing the kinds of identification acceptable for opening an account.

Among these documents requiring people to prove their right to be here included a driver’s license, passport, and voter registration card. However on the list was a document known as a “matricular consular” which are distributed by the Mexican government in what essentially amounts to an act of war so that its population so might be able to circumvent our laws and undermine our economy.

Americans --- citizens of the United States --- are told under the banner of the lofty sounding legislation such as the Patriot Act and the like that they must willingly submit themselves to a litany of new surveillance programs such as more stringent requirements to obtain a legitimate ID. However, its seems foreigners not even having enough class or character to come here in the proper manner are going to pretty much be handed the rudimentary tools necessary to function and prosper here without even having to fully prove who they really are. Thus in the final analysis, such regulations are not so much about keeping troublemakers out as about keeping those with the right to be here corralled and controlled.

It is argued that America (or rather certain businesses) need a steady stream of migrant laborers to do jobs Americans refuse to do or rather to keep wages low and depressed. Now that businesses one by one are beginning to take in both dollars and pesos, what is to stop them from eventually arguing that because of the administrative costs of having to deal with both currencies they can only afford to hire workers willing to accept payment in pesos? If those in the highest positions of influence are willing to set aside this nation’s socio-linguistic foundation in their attempt to establish a new brand of feudalism, couldn’t they also just as easily implement two tiers of currency as well?

An old adage admonishes to put your money where your mouth is. Those willing to accept an inferior tender over that of their own country are just a few notches above Judas Iscariot and at least he had enough sense to demand precious metals and not worthless paper.

by Frederick Meekins

Environmental Taxes Proposed

Immigrants Predicted To Swell Welfare Rolls

Apologies For Slavery Will Lead To Demands For Handouts

Alex Jones Exposes Thumbscanners

UFO Abductions & Ancient History

An interesting discussion by Beth Vegh of Ancient Future Radio and Guy Malone of

Emergent Church Movement Exposed As A Socialist Front

Jericho Likely To Return To CBS

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Obama Threatens Violence

Leftwing Christians Generous With Other People's Money

Libby To Become Big House Scooter

Interesting New Species Discovered

As with women that wear such colors, usually attractive but posionious (ha ha).

Historian Eugen Weber Passes

Majority Of Americans Endorse Bastard Parenthood

The overly-tactful might object to the use of a certain term above.

However, one might say that it is a "legitimate" dictionary use of the word, which is more than can be said of those pursuing this route of procuring a family.

The crux of the issue is not so much that this kind of thing happens as mistakes occur and we're all only human.

The concern arises when no one feels any guilt about such lapses anymore, expects all kinds of accolades and handouts from the rest of us, and then turn around and do it again as if they've learned nothing from the first go round.

Things have gotten so bad that, at a Heritage Foundation roundtable discussion on the problems facing Black Americans, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson relayed an anecdote where a church he knew of was holding a babyshower not for an errant young girl that became with child prior to marriage but rather for a deaconess that had numerous children outside of marriage. Can anyone tell me why the garments bestowed upon the previously offspring weren't good enough for the newest edition?

Those entranced by the incessant invocation of judge not lest ye be judged these days to coverup a litany of popular shortcomings will no doubt be appalled by these apparently strident comments.

But something has to be said when those snickered at during extended family gatherings are not the ones with two and three illegitimate kids in tow along with their assorted concubines and manwhores whom even the octogenarians of the clan have been conditioned into accepting as husbands and wives of the next generation though nary a marriage license can be found among them but rather those that have avoided the temptation to copulate with anything that moves.

by Frederick Meekins

Roswell Considers UFO Theme Park

Swiss Suicide Clinics Provide Express Service For The Emotionally Depressed

Hollywood Adorates Communism's Greatest Butcher

Monday, June 04, 2007

Pat Buchanan & Alex Jones Discuss The End Of America

Human Scum Beseige German Police

An alliance of Anarchists and Communists seek to disrupt world summitt.

While difficult to determine whether the bigger crooks are inside or outside the hall where the negotiations are scheduled to take place, there are better ways to vocalize one's discontent at this point in world history and the system likely to be imposed by these malcontents would be even more oppressive than that currently in place.

Swansonites Claim Those With Fewer Than Five Offspring Don't Love Children

If this headline seems familar, it is because this sect seems to drone on about this issue incessantly and I think it needs to be exposed before it grabs hold in the broader Evangelical community as this group has amicable relations with more respectable Christian personalities such as Ray Comfort and Ken Ham.

Does this group love children or rather the desire to control the lives of other Christians?

Interesting how this mindset is only imposed upon those of us lower down the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

C.S. Lewis didn't have any children of his own and on top of that married a divorced woman; Pastor Swanson care to address that one.

I don't care either way, but I am not the one telling you how to live your reproductive life inside of your own marriage either.

I suppose we'll eventually get a lecture how us single folks are suppose to pick up the bill.

Reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons that poked fun at both sides of the fecundity issue in which Homer said, "We would have never had all these kids if we knew we were the ones that had to pay for them."

Other Networks Interested In Jericho

It worked for Jag in the past, which started out on NBC in Saturday night no-man's land to later make the jump to CBS where it enjoyed something like nine seasons.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Nuclear Power Plant Benefits Wildlife

Liberalism Infesting Evangelical Movement

An informative discussion by Jan Markel of "Understanding The Times".

Spelling Bee Protested

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Presidential National Emergency Authorization Directive

Medical Establishment Refuses To Confront The Body Bug Epidemic

A disturbing video that will make your skin crawl (but not as much as these suffering souls).

Illegal Relocation Camps To Detain American Citizens

I wrote about this in my column Contract Granted For American Concentration Camps.

Wonder what those calling me a kook about this have to say now.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Chavez Consolidates Dictatorship

Evel Knievel Latest Has-Been Celebrity To Convert To Christianity

While only the renowned daredevil can speak to the sincerity of his profession, isn't Robert Schuller the last person qualified to judge as to its veracity as it has been reported that the Hour of Power host had no problem if his grandchildren one day became Musilms.

Ecclesiastical Compromisers Urge Docility Of Rhetoric

United Methodist Congregation Retains Minister With Sex-Change

Hispanosupremacits Jeer Miss USA

Friday, May 25, 2007

Apparently I’m Not The Only One With Bad Grammar & Poor Logic

I came across a blog entry on the Net where I am criticized for criticizing Emergent Church kingpin Brian McLaren.

Foremost among the grievances rank alleged grammar errors and lapses in logic.

As to the grammar errors, perhaps so and frankly I don’t care because in light of the number of illegals that are going to be allowed to stay here in the coming years if so-called immigration reform passes, any English flowing from my pen is by default on par with Shakespeare.

When people start paying me a million dollars for these columns, I’ll waste what few years of eyesight I have left to ferret them out.

But the most comical thing about that criticism is that the allegation has been levied by someone that uses “i” rather than “I” throughout the entire blog entry. Isn’t the capitalization of “I” about one of the first rules of grammar one learns in first or second grade if one’s school has not been given over to wasting the scholastic day brainwashing students with viewings of “Brokeback Mountain” and the like?

Or maybe such a glaring mistake is deliberate and merely a manifestation of the rampant communalism infecting the Emergent Church movement.

For you see, “I” has traditionally been capitalized in the English language to denote the importance of the individual. However, in many of these churches, the congregations have been so beaten over the head about the dangers of individualism that they have begun to think of themselves only as members of the group or COMMUNITY and to forego personal recognition; unless of course you happen to be one of the bigwigs running one of these hovels of heresy. Then of course by all means you get to have your name up in lights and fritter across the countryside telling the troglodytes paying for your airfare why they are so evil for driving SUV’s and living in single family houses.

The second criticism is even more ironic than the first in that they accuse me of faulty logic.

For those not familiar with the tenets of the Emergent Church movement, it is the contention of this particular theological perspective that the genius of Christianity is not to be found in the LOGICAL or FACUTAL accuracy of its truth claims but rather in how warm and fuzzy its NARRRRRATIVE makes you feel.

And if some other system of thought floats you boat such as Hollywood style Buddhism or a particular doctrine of Christianity makes you uncomfortable such as those that reject Christ are sent to Hell, that’s no biggie either since in the end we’re all gonna get to Heaven anyway but that’s not important anymore either as the point of salvation is not to enjoy a splendid afterlife in the presence of the Almighty reunited with dearly departed loved ones but rather to have our income redistributed to a bunch of lazy bums unwilling to get off their rear ends and provide for themselves.

Besides, in this postmodern age, whose to say who’s right and who’s wrong?

Why the Emergent Church crowd of course, especially if you happen to disagree with one of their head honchos who are accorded a disturbing degree of deference for a movement claiming to be about tearing down traditional hierarchies.

If there is nothing more to religious expression than the thrill one gets from tooting one’s on horn, then why are they raising such a fuss if my column does not hold up to a correspondence theory of veracity? Haven’t the postmoderns in Emergent circles been the ones to popularize the notion that the only truth that matters is that which we ourselves hold?

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Literature Distribution Classified As Hate Crime

For years, devotees of liberty have warned that eventually hate crimes laws would be invoked to halt the disemination of thought and ideas.

The sophisticated brushed aside such insinuations claiming that such a scenario could never happen in the United States.

What do they have to say for themselves now?

The next step down this slope of degeneracy is no doubt forbidding certain portions of Scripture within our houses of worship and the forcing of churches to allow outright buggerists in their pulpits.

The War Against Suburbia & The Abolition Of Human Liberty

The idea to shelve human beings like sardines in a can is no longer a dream held only by lunatic social planners.

I first caught wind of the disdain for the suburbs creeping in to respectable religous thought in a sermon at a Bible church of all places back around 1998.

Interesting how the elites such as John Edwards are allowed to cordone themselves off on multi-million dollar estates while the rest of us are supposed to embrace cramped living according to bureaucratic, academic, and even ecclesiastical elites.

Those concerned about private property and skyrocketing housing costs will find this Heritage Foundation lecture quite informative.

Maryland Electric Bills Increase By 50%

This might not be so bad if you have three or four families living in one house as is common with the increasing number of immigrants, but how can anyone afford this if they live like a proper American with a single family to a house?

Leno Celebrates 15 Years As Tonight Show Host

His Monday headline segment and the Jaywalking segment where people on the street can't answer the simplest historical questions have to be some of the funniest things on television.

Simon Cowell Tiring Of American Idol

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

24 Might Not Focus On Terrorism Anymore

According to the Boston Herald, considerable changes are in store next year for “24”.

Why, the villain might not even be a terrorist, and according to a similar story in TV Guide, CTU might not place as prominent a role.

If next season is any reflection of the way in which the current one concluded, it seems this show may be heading into decline.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Nephilim Army This Year’s Smallville Finale McGuffian.

Many works of speculative fiction employ a story element known as a MacGuffin device around which the plot develops. Usually this happens to be some kind of weapon of mass destruction.

However, the 2007 season finale of Smallville decided to take the concept in a decidedly different direction with interesting parallels to current biotechnical developments.

In the episode, Lex Luthor is bent on creating an army of enhanced soldiers to combat the growing menace of superpowered humans (as well as to no doubt line his own pockets and enhance his own political status).

Yet what makes this episode stand out is that it is revealed that the success of these experiments is linked to capturing a disembodied entity (a demon if you will) that escaped from the Phantom Zone, the netherworld utilized by the people of Krypton as a workaround of their stance against the death penalty for the planet’s worst criminals. For you see, the entity alters the genetic code of the human host it possesses and Luthor believes the alterations can be mass produced.

However, things do not work out as intended and the entity eventually gets a hold of Clark Kent’s DNA and morphs into what the creature itself describes as a “more bizarre version” of the Man of Steel. As the being flies off, coupled with that comment and the white powdery appearance that comes over its face in mid-flight, it is apparent the character is meant to be Bizarro.

Interestingly, in past incarnations of this warped version of Superman, he comes about as the result of a direct botched cloning. Those following developments in transhumanism where the Doctor Frankensteins of the early 21st century hope to meld all manner of creatures be they animal, human, or nonterrestrial together will no doubt note the parallels of this new interpretation in the episode to the events alluded to in Genesis about the mingling of distinct orders of being in the hopes of bringing about the elusive ubernmensch as the character is the result of the fusion of the biological and the extradimensional.

Fans will also enjoy typical season finale hijinks and as usual will be left wondering all summer whether Lana or Chloe will survive their annual excursions to death’s door and just whose side Lionel Luthor is really on.

By Frederick Meekins

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Baltimore Councilman Proposes Small Scale Dictatorships

Website Hopes To Keep Jericho From Tumbling Down

Website even suggests farming series out to another network.

After Life Of Extravagence & Debauchery, Madonna Demands World Conform To Ecological Asceticism

I wonder if she paddles a canoe when she crosses over from the United States to Great Britian where she acquired that fake accent. Better yet, does she walk to the Dark Continent when she goes raiding for orphans in Africa?

Emergent Pastor Evasive On Details Of The Afterlife

If a preacher ain't gonna answer questions on this subject, frankly would use is he?

An informative Crosstalk America broadcast.

CBS Replaces Jericho With Drama About Swingers

Quality programming replaced by smut once again.

Makes you wonder what is going through the mind of CBS executives as they had no problem firing Imus whose comments might have been rude but not profane but are standing by shock jocks Opie and Anthony despite their obscene remarks that just about warranted a Secret Service investigation.

Amazing Race is also being shunted to the status of midseason replacement, as the network tires of its "conservative image".

FEMA Trailers Poisonous

Teen Shot By Whacking Bullet With Hammer

Corsi Considers Presidential Bid

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Middle Class An Endangered Species In Maryland

With the reassertion of the monopoly of the Democratic Party over Maryland politics which for the previous four years had been what amounted to a party-and-a-half system, the jurisdiction jokingly referred to as “the Free State” is well on its way to becoming a socialist nightmare where only the hyper-rich or the fashionably impoverished having suppressed their own dignity to enjoy a life of entitlement program luxury will be able to eke out an existence there.

In my column “People’s Republic Of Maryland Taxing Its Subjects Into Submission”, I wrote about plans to enact legislation that will end up costing motorists about $2000 more just to purchase an automobile so that new vehicles in the state will be in compliance with California emission standards Now plans are being announced to sock residents even harder in the gut all in the name of protecting the environment.

According to the Green Fund Proposal, developers would be accessed a fee of $0.25 per square foot for any impervious surface that water cannot percolate through such as a roof or driveway. And the fee can go up as high as $2.00 per square foot for structures built outside of designated growth areas. Theoretically those in the market for a new home could be levied a fee as high as $20,000 according to a Match 6, 2007 Maryland Daily Record article titled “Debate Heats Up Over Green Fund Fee”. One does not have to hold an endowed professorship in Economics to realize that developers are not going to absorb this fee out of their own sense of philanthropy but rather pass it along to homebuyers.

Those favoring this kind of nonsense locked away in their gated communities or on their palatial estates will condescendingly snort that, even if the fee is as high as $20,000, it is a small price to pay for environmental restoration (the latest bureaucratic euphemism for spending increases as the monies will go to pay farmers to plant winter cover crops and to further bloat agencies such as the state departments of agriculture and the environment). Of course, it might not seem so much when you make in a week what the average person makes in a year but it is a significant chunk of change when you are saddled with a 30 year mortgage on a house pushing nearly $500,000.

With taxes in some Maryland counties pushing $3000 a year and projected to go as high as $6000 by 2010, one must ask what in Sheol’s nomenclature is being done with all that money. Isn’t it about time tax revenue went for actual needs such as this alleged crisis of restoring the Chesapeake Bay rather than for things that should be private sector expenses such as “Shakespeare In The Park” festivals paid for from funds provided by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, the City of Hyattsville, and the Hyattsville Community Development Corporation (all entities having the same people unfortunate enough to reside in their respective jurisdictions) and African vacations euphemistically categorized as “trade missions” for petty yet self-important local officials that in the end are about transferring still more resources out of the United States into the hands of deceitful bureaucrats and even more maniacal tyrants.

There is more of course to the exorbitant extraction of revenue to fund questionable government programs or even to transfer resources from those deemed by the elite to have to those alleged to have not. For whenever social engineers invoke what they have labeled the lofty goal of income redistribution, is has nothing whatsoever to do about elevating the downtrodden but about dragging the average American down to that level of destitution.

Though they need to stop and think who will be left to do their menial labor for them unless the next phase of their grandiose development plans include massive relocation camps where laborers will be imported from abroad and warehoused sight unseen away from the lords of the new order like human livestock and beasts of burden, those once considered parts of the working and lower middle classes will find virtually no place in the brave new Maryland on the drawing board. For example, in Hyattsville, Maryland planners are conniving to shed the municipality’s image as a suburban haven just outside Washington, DC for blue collar tradesmen and low level government functionaries to that of a hovel for artists (with government subsidized housing for those types insisting upon smearing elephant dung on portraits of the Virgin Mary, submerging crosses in jars of urine, or other assorted blasphemies and obscenities that would not otherwise find support in a free marketplace and claiming its fine art) and cramped townhouses pushing half a million dollars for the uppercrust that get a buzz living in squalor sheek all the rage these days among the effete.

Communist revolutions around the world came into power promising to create a classless society. However, what they put into place was a system where all but a tiny elite were suppressed equally. Back then, such regimes accomplished their diabolical agendas through violence and fear.

For the moment, the ideological heirs of those that believe the flames of liberty must be extinguished and the aspirations of the individual curtailed for the alleged good of humanity have grown more sophisticated in their methods of getting the people to comply with their agenda. However, as Americans draw ever closer to the breaking point of just how much they are willing to put up with as frankly we are fast approaching the threshold where there is precious little left for the state to steal, we must ask with concern will the aspiring despots among us resort to the violent tendencies of their philosophical progenitors in the attempt to bring about socialism’s ultimate triumph.

by Frederick Meekins

Size Does Count, Admonishes Post Office

Tolerancemongers Snipe At Jerry Falwell

British Geneticist Insinuates Redheads Should Be Aborted

Though he does not have the courage to come out and say it, when asked if hair color should be grounds for terminating a pregnancy, Gedis Grudzinskas of London Bridge Fertility, Gynaecology and Genetics Centre ruminated it should be considered because hair color can be a cause of bullying which can lead to suicide.

I ask you, dear readers, those with what hair color are most prone to ridicule if for no other reason than because of jealousy of the beauty of their flowing fiery tresses?

Friday, May 11, 2007

Baltimore Official Endorses Politically Motivated Vandalism

Would his attitude been the same if the image of Martin Luther King or some other minority icon been defaced?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Will LIberals Protest Pakistan Border Fence

Pakistan is setting up a fence along its border with Afghanistan in an attempt to deter Taliban raids.

I wonder if liberals are going to make a fuss or is it only the United States and Israel that aren't allowed to protect its borders.

Jericho Whacks Major Dad

An Analysis Of Individualism

An informative Heritage Foundation lecture in defense of individualism which observes that this ethical perspective (contrary to assertions of the Emergent church crowd and even in more orthodox congregations such as the PCA church I attended for awhile where lack of membership was a greater offense than being an ecclesiastical booze hound)actually orginates out of Christian virtue.

Newseum To Charge Admission Fee

This is a bit of a disappointment as I had been looking forward to this opening for several years now.

While the original was free to visit, the new Newseum will charge an admission fee of $17.95.

Those administering this tourist trap are going to have to stop and ask themselves, once people have already been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt (provided this piece of apparel isn't priced through the roof either), at that cost are people going to return for a second visit?

If the Newseum charged a more modest fee, one would think one would more likely encourage return visits on the part of locals, many of whom are increasingly reluctant to go downtown anyway since (despite the image the propaganda tries to promote) much of the city looks more like a Third World slum than the capital of the free world.

Though I'd be reluctant to plop down money for either, you are probably better off paying just a bit more to go to the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

by Frederick Meekins