Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Friday, May 30, 2014
Anti-Dating Pastor Who Says You Can't Leave A Church Exposed In Sex Abuse Allegations
Christian Luddites Heap Condemnation Upon Those That Socialize Primarily Online
Liberty Students Denied LIberty To Exempt Themselves From Cultic Indoctrination
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Global Elites Lament World Obesity Statistics
While the U.S. still has the largest number of “obese” people, surprisingly an increasing number can be found in the Middle East and North Africa.
So at least we shouldn’t any longer have to hear about these people starving to death in the attempt to shame the industrialized world regarding our widespread prosperity.
One headline for the story read, “Report On World Obesity Just Dismal”.
Would those categorizing the report in such a manner prefer children go to bed starving or perhaps rather a bit on the portly side?
On BBC America’s Robin Hood, in an episode the Sheriff of Nottingham remarked that lean and hungry people were more exploitable than the well-fed.
As such, a great many are not lamenting world obesity statistics from the standpoint of individual health but rather because it may take more than mere crumbs or table scraps to manipulate the masses into complying with any number of social engineering policies and agendas.
by Frederick Meekins
Beatnik Youth Ostentaciously Flaunt White Liberal Guilt For Millennial Day Of Service
Diversitymongers Rampage Over American Girl Dolls
An example of the Kobayashi Maru.
If the manufacturing offers a racially diverse lineup of dolls, they will be condemned of “cultural exploitation and appropriation”.
However, if they discontinue the line they are condemned for “exclusion and insensitivity”.
From the impression I got from listening to an anti-Transhumanism podcast, I get the impression that some of those arguing for preservation of natural baseline human beings would just as easily see my kind eliminated as would those advocating the creation of genetic hybrids and cyborgs. I don’t see it written anywhere that all men must excel at agriculture and hunting.
In a podcast about Transhumanism, a caller insisted that adults should not play computer games and especially shouldn’t dress up in costumes for comic book conventions. Granted, some cosplayers go overboard. But how are these activities any worse than tailgating or going hunting to blow the head off an animal in a recreational setting?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
In his condemnation of a man that ducked from a baseball bat hurling in his direction, Allan West heralded the woman that caught the bat as a “true Valkyrie, a strong woman of Sparta”. Besides mixing his mythologies, shouldn’t we now stop to ask some serious questions about Allan West if he intends to uplift Sparta as some kind of ideal to aspire to? It must be pointed out that Sparta was among the most communal of Greek city states where unfit children were deemed unworthy of continued existence, where youth were subject to state sanctioned pedophilia, and wife swapping was common. Apart from military prowess, Sparta actually had quite a bit in common with the platform of the Democratic party. If Colonel West finds it appropriate to mock a man instinctively getting out of the line of fire, should he be elected President, does that mean that he intends to forego Secret Service protection?
A Facebook meme commences with a cartoon depiction of Satan enunciating the following: “God loves everybody. God wants everybody saved. Man has a free will to accept Christ.” Apparently these Calvinists know more than the Scriptures. God [really didn’t] for so love the WORLD (John 3:16). Neither should we take at face value II Peter 3:9 which deceives us that “The Lord is…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” And finally, Joshua 2:15 is a total waste of time if the text is not an admonition to “choose this day whom you will serve” if this has no bearing whatsoever on the life of condemned or redeemed alike.
A Facebook meme consisted of the following Spurgeon quote: “I believe that one reason why the church of God at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence over the church.” Shouldn’t predestinarian Calvinists rejoice since that is exactly how their version of God sovereignly willed things to be?
A Facebook meme insinuating that salvation is not determined by whether or not one places faith in Jesus Christ but rather if one submits to Calvin’s soteriological ruminations reads “Preaching predestination is like preaching in a cemetery…there are a lot of folks around…but no one is listening.” Technically, is this hermeneutic is the correct one, that is nobody’s fault but God if the individual has no choice in the matter.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
An Associated Press study concludes that the average CEO earns over $10 million per year. WMAL pundit Larry O’Connor remarked that these individuals are deserving of such reimbursement for all of their hard work. But are such individuals rewarded for their labor or for embracing the platitudes and presuppositions of the globalist elite contending that the common dregs of America have too much, must have what little property they have seized for redistribution, and that those permitted to survive after a systematic depopulation campaign be herded into relocation settlements?
White House Sciece Fair To Focus Primarily On Plumbing
What else should be expected from a President chosen only because he's half-Black.
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Monday, May 26, 2014
Are Critics Of Intelligent Design As Intelligent As They Propagandize?
The caption beneath the illustration reads, “The Intelligent Design God is something of an underachiever.” He apparently also has a high tolerance for guff as very few have poked as much fun at the venerated spokesman of a particular world religion with a fetish for explosives and flying jetliners into skyscrapers.
In all seriousness, the cartoon is a jab directed at the work of biochemist Michael Behe who popularized the flagellum in “Darwin's Black Box”. It was the likes of the Darwinists and the naturalists who first categorized the single cell and assorted microscopic organisms as “simple” in comparison to other biological, geological, and astronomical phenomena considered to be complex.
With the concept of irreducible complexity, pioneers of the Intelligent Design movement such as Michael Behe and Phillip Johnson popularized the concept how these simple cells and organisms were anything but with their entire systems breaking down unless all of the components work in tandem and likely worthless without the others. Likewise, these functions are of a magnitude so beyond the sum total of the constituted parts that it is unlikely that they would have arisen on their own over time through the minuscule accumulation of random genetic modifications.
It is not that the proponents of Intelligent Design have totally ignored these other scientific curiosities such as stars, galaxies, and other mind boggling wonders of the physical universe. In fact, a number of these are presented in a marvelous manner that can be appreciated by the scientist and understood by the enthusiastic non-technician alike in “I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist” by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler.
Adherents of the worldviews of naturalism and scientism often stand behind their lecterns before their blackboards clicking their tongues how religious faith and its corollaries of intelligent design or some kind of creation theory cannot be categorized as true science because it is doubtful that the faithful believer would ever renounce their preferred theology no matter how overwhelming the evidence arrayed against traditional revelation and dogma. However, the subtitle of the organization's own newsletter is “Defending The Teaching Of Evolution And Climate Science”.
Just what evidence will adherents of these perspectives accept before themselves surrendering to the epistemological or paradigmatic inevitable?
For example, the newsletter's Dec 2013 cover might spoof the Intelligent Design movement's flagellum fetish. But haven't the Darwinists been harping their finches, fruit flies, and peppered moths even longer?
At the end of the day, no matter how much these creatures might change over the generations, they pretty much remain fruit flies, finches, or peppered moths begetting other fruit flies, finches, or peppered moths respectively not that dramatically different on the genetic or molecular level where it counts from the original. So should geneticists dig deep enough that it is discovered that, despite the considerable material similarities between the species, it is impossible for a chimp to make the leap to human being, will multitudes of academics come forward to renounce many of Physical Anthropology's cherished foundations?
The second area of focus in the mission statement is defending the teaching of climate science. There is hardly a Christian out there walking free this side of the funny farm fence that condemns meteorological forecasting. Even if they don't catch the segment on the 11 PM news or fiddle around with Doppler radar and satellite imagery, even the Amish probably consult their own methods to get some kind of idea what the weather will be like the next day.
The National Center For Science might go out of its way to position itself as one of Feurbach's cultured despisers of religion. However, what this organization really means by the term “climate science” is instead the faith of global warming and environmental extremeism.
And as in the case of the most diehard adherent of traditional theism, there will be nothing to dissuade these zealots that man (especially of the White industrialized variety) isn't the cause of climate change.
Had a warmer than usual winter? It's global warming's fault.
Had a colder than normal winter? That's global warming's fault also.
Had a summer or winter where the weather was for the most part within the range of what one should expect for that particular season? Surely, it was the fault of global warming.
Like any good revivalist, the goal of the ideologues at the National Center for Science Education is not so much to dispassionately impart a set of objective facts for the recipient to then make up their own minds as to whether they will accept them into their existential epistemic framework and then determine how these should be applied to life and policy. For example, it is doubtful the newsletter publishes articles detailing how the world really hasn't warmed for over a decade and how, when changes take place, they are more the fault of solar activity than the failure of the American people to willingly embrace a lifestyle virtually indistinguishable from that of Third World squalor.
One of the greatest gifts parents and educators can bestow upon a child is to cultivate an awareness of the assorted charlatans that will attempt to take advantage of the weak-willed and simpleminded. A considerable number will appear wearing the cloaks of a great many religions. However, just as dangerous are those wearing lab coasts that instead attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the unsuspecting by rattling off numbers presented as statistics and obtuse obscure verbal formulations masquerading as facts.
By Frederick Meekins
Does the grieving parent blaming the NRA for the CA mass murder incident also intend to convene a press conference blaming parents attempting to purchase their children's love with increasingly lavish material mementos to the point where the offspring is incapable of coping with life's routine disappointments and letdowns?
Would a school punishing a student for seeing a gun in the clouds have punished him if he said that the meteorological formation reminded him of a giant floating penis? If schools don't like the responses provided by students when asked what the clouds look like to them, then don't ask the question.
Friday, May 23, 2014
World Leader NOTHING Like Hitler Planning To Spread Empire In Yet Another Direction
Episcopal Hierarchs Blame The First Amendment For Income Inequality & Unemployment
Bring Every Thought Captive: The Case For A Comprehensive Worldview Apologetic
Critics Of Transhumanism Denounced As "Non-Christian"
Similar to the logic of the early Christians being persecuted for being atheists. Click On The Headline
Thursday, May 22, 2014
NBA Owner Condemned For Unwillingness To Sacrifice Himself To Trayvonite Hoodlums
A California Christian school finds itself in a heated legal quandary. The question at hand is whether or not the civil rights of educators were violated when they were terminated from their positions for being Roman Catholic. The school claims students should only be exposed to teaching in compliance with the sponsoring church’s doctrinal statement. The fired teachers insist that they did not attempt to manipulate students into embracing Roman Catholic peculiarities. In all fairness, unless the teachers were deceptive about their denominational allegiances or switched teams mid game, the school ought to be punished for extending an offer of employment only to snatch it back once revivalistic fanaticism sweeps through the institution.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Insufficiently Brainwashed Bob Jones University Students Placed On "Character Probation"
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014
It was claimed that there is no quicker way to clear out a church than to preach election and predestination because doing so supposedly separates the sheep from the goats. Within that statement is also the assumption that non-Calvinists are going to Hell. However, why is someone obligated to remain in a congregation that will do little more than create mental despair and emotional depression? Because in such congregations, not only is one constantly berated and belittled for the least little offense but are constantly beaten over the head that God created you for no other reason that to let you fall into the Hellfires of eternal damnation.
Monday, May 19, 2014
In an interview about his new book “What Works”, Cal Thomas remarked that movie goers are tired of “car chases and violence”. Unless it’s a Rod Sterling-esque masterpiece where two characters are describing some pending horror, what man is going to pay to see a movie where the characters do nothing but drone on about their “feelings”. If a movie does not have a gun, sword, robot, spaceship, or a dragon, its barely worth watching.
Former Archbishop Of Canterbury Echoes Pope's Call To Destroy The Middle Class
Delegate Eleanor Homes Norton is to speak at a news conference urging federal authorities to refrain from interfering in the District’s local affairs such as gun control and pot legalization. Does she intend to as enthusiastically guard the constitutional prerogatives of states to prohibit sodomite matrimony?
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Friday, May 16, 2014
Isn't Claiming Boko Haram Isn't Islamist Akin To Insisting The SS Wasn't Nazi?
Obama Administration Denies Entrance To Christian Nigerian Victimized By Jihadists
Town Official Shouldn't Have To Apologize For Calling Obama Anything He Wants To
Shouldn't we even be more outraged at the advent of the surveillance state where private citizens rat fink over overheard conversations? Click On The Headline
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Italian Bishop Calls For The Acceptance Of Homosexuality, Abortion & Euthanasia
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
In an interview with Anderson Cooper, LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling remarked that Magic Johnson did nothing for the Black community. In response, Magic Johnson replied that he has dedicated life to “urban America”. Since it has been admitted that these two categories are synonymous, shouldn't Johnson be condemned as a bigot for not doing anything for “rural America” or White people? Would an athletic figured be allowed to deliberatly targer their efforts at economic improvement and development purposefully at Whites and not receive any backlash for such efforts?
British School Children Forced To Pray To Allah Under Threat Of Academic Reprisals
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Is a 15 year old’s life in America really so onerous in America that standing for a minute in honor of liberty and justice under God creates an overwhelming ethical conflict? If this is an age where we are suppose to embrace the wisdom of other cultures, perhaps we should consult what the Red Chinese do to those refusing to participate in their simple civic rituals. One might ask if those supporting this form of protest would enjoy life under the Taliban or Boko Haram. Unfortunately, there are some from the extremist wings of Christianity that probably look to those movements as worthy ideals to aspire to in terms of actualized social policy.
A Texas teen received a two day, in-school suspension for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Interesting how the values the flag stands for are no longer good enough for this brat to pay respect to but the government teat is still succulent, supple, and sweet enough to suck off what musters as education.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Will Transhumanists & Anarchists Form Alliance To Destroy Traditional Morality?
What Freedoms Will Christians Be Duped Into Surrendering In The Name Of The Environment?
Will Former Iranian Dictator Enjoy The Academic Freedom His Regime Would Deny Others?
Not One Mention Of Islam In Frau Obama's Plea For Release Of Nigerian Schoolgirls
NFL Player To Undergo Mental Reconditioning For Disapproving Of Sodomite Osculation.
Normal Fathers Denied Benefits Extrended To Members Of Thw Fudge Packers Guild
Friday, May 09, 2014
Marion Barry Shouts Racism At Whites Daring To Expose His Incompetence & Corruption
In a podcast discussion of doctrinal distinctives, a caller remarked that like an oak tree, once you have been planted in the church, you don’t leave. That is until they carry you out after have swigged from the doctored Kool-Aid or carried out on a stretcher following the ATF raid. You leave anytime you feel in your spirit that things aren’t up to snuff.
In a podcast discussion regarding doctrinal distinctives in the church, it was remarked that one should not seek a likeable pastor. That said, neither is one obligated to remain in a church with one where you constantly bash heads or where one feels belittled. If you aren’t careful, Jonestown can result.
Pope Insists Deadbeats More Deserving Of Property Than Those That Actually Earned It
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Thursday, May 08, 2014
Will The Heritage Foundation Dilute Its Message To Reach Moderate Audience?
Interesting. Licentious progressives demand such uniformity of mindset that those privileged to be spotlighted in the media targeting that particular demographic must not be allowed to formulate streams of cognition contradicting this ethical hegemony even when these reflections are not highlighted in the information such personalities are contracted to convey. For example, HGTV removed from its lineup a new program titled “Flip It Forward” because the Christianity espoused by the hosts of the program opposes gay marriage and abortion. Never mind the fact that it would be Christian beliefs that would motivate an individual to assist the destitute in acquiring shelter. That should teach the hosts a lesson. Perhaps they should just use their skills at carpentry and real estate to accumulate wealth for themselves with those unable to do so allowed to fritter into destitution and ruination in compliance with the Darwinian hypothesis. Yet when there is the possibility that a small segment of the media is at least open to the possibility of allowing for the expression of a broadly traditionalist or theistic perspective in a public format, these very same licentious progressives rampage how this one outlet is suppressing dissent. This is particularly evident in liberal opposition to Fox News. Derangement against that news organizations is so widespread and vehement that some time ago, liberals about pulled their hair out how the network was featured in episodes of 24 (a drama that tends to skewer conservative in terms of its viewership) even though Fox (the network upon which 24 aired) and Fox News are owned by the same company.
Real Estate Tycoons Not Fit For Televsion For Failure To Embrace Depravity
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A pastor condemned a fellow minister for making an idol technology because he did not return a phone call after several attempts but replied to a text within 30 seconds of receiving one. What we have here is not so much a sin but rather a difference in personal technological preference. So would condemnation on part of an Amishman or a Luddite of the minister conducting his communications through telephone rather than through written correspondence or perhaps face to face also be valid or would that simply be viewed as fanatic overkill? And what of those that condemned the proliferation of the printing press during the days of the Reformation?
An article title in an academic journal laments “The Still All-White World Of Children’s Books”. In an age of self-publishing, don’t minorities have no one to blame for that but themselves? In light of reaction to Cinco De Mayo celebrations on the part of certain disgruntled agitators, frankly if White authors wrote about minority characters, those of such a literary inclination would probably see their lives threatened and any good name they had ruined with the charge of “cultural misappropriation”. Like the new euphemism of “climate disruption”, the allegation sounds like a crime worthy of a Nuremberg tribunal but ultimately doesn’t really mean much of anything. Lastly, if minority children don’t want to read about White characters, why should White children want to read about minority characters?
Interesting. In terms of coercing compliance irrespective of whether or not that which being called for is a clearly delineated issue, pastors often emphasize the Hebrews 13:17 calling for obedience of those that rule over you so that their task might be joyful. What about the verse where those in authority (especially parents) are urged not to provoke those under them to wrath?
A Facebook status update claims that because of a Michelle Malkin column exposing the perversions of alleged pedophile Bryan Singer, we will never be able to view the director’s films the same way again. So does this same standard apply to the allegations we hear surfacing about Bob Jones University and Pensacola Christian College. Or when these sorts of shocking surface in our own camp, we are suppose to turn a blind eye?
Hispanics are jacked out of shape when an establishment attempts to brownnose them by having employees wear sombreros and serve foods such as burritos for Cinco de Mayo. Shouldn’t such outrage be granted about as much respect and legitimacy as members of Ku Klux Klan staging a protest over waiters dressing up like Pilgrims and serving turkey on Thanksgiving?
In justifying why a pastor must never be seen in a Hawaiin shirt, a fundamentalist Baptist insisted that the world needs to see that we are like God and not the world. So how is such a perspective markedly different than those that insist ministers should wear clerical collars and vestments rather than business suits? Isn’t it that the business suit is the clerical collar and vestment of most hyperlegaistic fundamentalists?
A number of questionable assumptions were expounded in an elocution on national repentance based upon the Book of Joel posted on For example, for true repentance to come about the pastor insisted that first one was required to first conduct a “fast of the spirit”. Apparently, it is not enough to abstain from that which is merely sin. One must also abstain from those desires that find their origin in the flesh but are otherwise legitimate. So does that mean if your backside itches, you can’t scratch it? Giving up that which one is not required to does not earn brownie points with God. If anything, it merely takes one dangerously closer to works-based righteousness “at best” and at worst might push one over into a proto-gnosticism that denigrates materiality and embodiment. Secondly, this pastor went out of his way to spoof those that prefer to deal with there in the pew any conviction they might be under from the Holy Spirit rather than going forward to make a, shall we say, spectacle of themselves in the front of the church. Instead, in times of judgment, repentance must be made public. So apparently, not only can’t you scratch your own backside, you’ve got to cop before an audience to each time you’ve stolen a glance of someone else's backside Frankly, on what grounds do these variety of Baptists then complain about Roman Catholic ritualism such as confession, unnecessary penance, and bodily mortification?
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Obamaphiles Warn Ecological Collapse Imminent Without Environmental Dictatorship
A Facebook meme was posted insisting that fear of punishment and desire for reward are weak motivations for accepting Christ. But without these, what is the point? More importantly, why do preachers arguing such rail on incessantly about sin and often against things that really aren’t sin after all?
Emergent Church Propagandists Insist Life After Death An "Unbiblical" Concept
But why are those that work at regular jobs obligated to support these beatniks.
They also badmouth the notion of self preservation and defense.
That means when Jim Jones passes the Koolaid, you are obligated to slurp it down.
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Is It Anakin Skywalker's Virgin Birth Celebrated In Vancouver Church?
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Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Father Handcuffed For Questioning The Efficacious Nature Of Bawdy Literary Sex
Whites Derided As "Racist Assholes" For Lifting Up The American Flag On American Soil
In a discussion of the impact of digital media on the family, it was observed that many contemporary youth have little contact or awareness of the “adult world” up until the age of 28 or thereabouts. If that means these youngsters are not engaged in some kind of gainful employment, that is wrong. However, if that is a nebulous reference to realities the speaker is not willing to discuss further such as the adoption of an affectation of contrived stuffiness, does it really matter? There is nothing requiring you to dress like an old person or take up golf if you don’t care for the game in the first place. Most adults aren’t all that willing to relinquish much of the status or power that they would naturally lose as part of an expanded social circle anyway.
Monday, May 05, 2014
Fanatic Homeschooler Insinuates Those Without Multiple Talents Barely Worthy Of Survival
Apparently Latinos But Not Nordics Permitted Drunken Debauchery On Cinco De Mayo
Nancy Floreen of the Montgomery County Council is demanding that more residents participate in the Capital Bike Share Program. Apparently to these liberals out to control every aspect of the lives of those that they rule over, it is no longer enough to ride bicycles. Now these vehicles should not be one that you own but rather one that is lent to you by the COMMUNITY.
Saturday, May 03, 2014
Friday, May 02, 2014
But Is Racism As Bad As It Use To Be?
Thomas omitted the “s” from “nutcase”.
So should he mockingly be asked if he went to public school as he does to others that fumble their words or make grammatical flubs?
Granted. I often make similar typos.
However, all I am or ever will likely ever be is a blogger, a wordsmith in a class Thomas has repeatedly expressed contempt for for taking attention (and thus revenue from his pocket) of establishmentarian media outlets.
Thomas' advice does ring with validity. However, what is defined as a racist or a nutcase is continually being redefined by the liberal elite.
No longer are the racists we are to separate ourselves from those burning crosses on their victims lawns. Now, according to, condemnation should be heaped upon you if you limit your ethnic preferences on a dating website.
In another incident, one likely Obama voter and Trayvonite sympathizer went proverbial ape excrement on a White restaurant owner demanding free service as compensation for slavery.
As to a concern about associating with nutcases, should Christians distance themselves from religious doctrines that seem perfectly acceptable to that particular profession of faith such as monogamous heterosexual marriage or the divinity of Christ that both baffle and infuriate the world?
For daring to enunciate a run of the mill analysis of atheism that could have been endorsed by nearly any monotheistic religion, I was in essence told by one Tea Party group that I would be kicked out the door if I ever again verbalized such theological bigotry.
by Frederick Meekins