Friday, May 18, 2012

Leftists In Uproar Over Unproduced Ad

Assorted leftists are in an uproar that a PAC favorable towards Romney considered producing an advertisement reemphasizing the relationship between Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright.

Critics claimed the television spot would be potentially racist and that candidates ought to refrain from negative campaigning.  

So if there was a theoretical Republican conservative that held membership in the World Church of the Creator or some other Christian Identity congregation for over 20 years and considered the pastor an ideological mentor for much of that them, would such a religious shortcoming be quietly overlooked by the mainstream media?

If a candidate was running against Hitler, would it be improper to expose the links of National Socialism to anti-Semitic secret societies?  If one was running against Stalin, would it be an outrage to point out that tyrant's past as a bank robber?

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