Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Multiculturalists Oppose Feeding The Homeless

Normally, liberals and other assorted leftists love to make a display about how much they care for the indigent; however, it seems now in France such gestures of goodwill are only acceptable if the meals appeal to the dietary peculiarities of every immigrant falling off the boat.

Groups linked to the "extreme right" in France are offering pork soup to their countrymen needing a helping hand. Since certain religious groups don't consume pig products --- particularly Muslims --- the eleemosynary is being denounced as "racist".

However, the charities point out the soup is being offered to anyone that wants it. If Muslims decide to decline the offer, that is their choice.

It is bad enough that governments of the West are allowing their borders to be overrun by alien cultures and belief systems. Now we are being told what kind of charity we are to extend to those we might decide to take pity on.

Where will this all end? Will we be forced to give booze to a panhandling drunk on the street corner who refuses a cup of coffee?

It is nearly unprecedented in the annals of history for the people of a nation to be compelled to finance its own takeover and ultimate demise. According to the account, police surrounded these volunteers and confiscated their pottage. Ashame law enforcement is not as vigilant about interdict the immigrants before the border is breached.

If this rabble can't eat pork for fear of disobeying God but has no problem rioting, rampaging and murdering, perhaps the only charity they deserve is none whatsoever. They can either eat what the good people of France are willing to feed them or they can starve if they are unwilling to provide for themselves.

By Frederick Meekins

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