Saturday, September 25, 2004

Some British Heads Up Their Rears Over Hot Cross Buns

According to Ken Ham in the September 2004 edition the Answers In Genesis Newsletter, hot cross buns won’t be quite so cross anymore in merry ole England because a number of local governments there have banned them because the shape of the pastries offends Muslims. Ham’s article does an excellent job explicating how such asinine policies are the result of an unbridled form of pluralism that goes beyond allowing different ideas to exist within one’s borders to actively undermine the foundations upon which Western civilization rests, thus allowing those alien beliefs the upper hand in determining how society is to be ultimately run.

If the politically correct are now going to get this jacked out of shape over the shape of a desert, maybe Christians should reciprocate the protest with one of our own by organizing a boycott of croissants. Croissants, you ask, the flaky moon-shaped masteries?

That’s right. Croissants are shaped like crescent moons, which are in turn the traditional symbol for Islam.

Such a boycott would show the multiculturalists and the Islamophants just how stupid this game really is.

The world over, radical Muslims are killing off Westerners and our allies left and right and the most important thing some limp-wristed tolerance monger can find to have a hissy fit about is some filthy heathen’s hurt feelings. If this is the extent to which our civilization has declined, perhaps it deserves to be taken over or to fall into the garbage can of history.

Copyright 2004 by Frederick Meekins

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