Thursday, May 20, 2004

Thoughts On “60 Minutes” Tribute To Don Heweitt

Watched the tribute to “60 Minutes” executive producer Don Hewitt. Was pretty well done. Have not watched “60 Minutes” in quite a while. Ed Bradlee looking bad, even worse with that earring dangling from his ear.

The show brought back quite a few memories as my grandfather use to watch it quite a bit. Guess the world has him to blame in part for sparking my interest in news and politics as I remember him watching “The McLaughlin Group” especially. As a kid, I remember that classic story about the bulbous crook who turned back the odometers. Also, the first time I remember seeing Bill and Hillary Clinton was on that “60 Minutes” post-Super Bowl Interview in about 1992 where they tried to gloss over Bill's infidelities.

Watching this look back at broadcast history, I wondered if fifty years or so hence if there will be a counterpart special honoring the pioneers of Internet news. We could sit around lauding Drudge or tooting our own cyberhorns in praise of our own contributions to this new medium.

These tributes or retrospectives are usually quite interesting. They also give me an idea for a cable or satellite channel airing nothing but old news and magazine programs. The History Channel is already one of the most popular stations on cable. I am sure such a channel would find an enthusiastic audience. Of course, the idea probably wouldn’t get too far since it would primarily appeal to the elderly, the educated, or family-oriented viewers and you know they don’t count as viewers anyway.

Copyright 2004 by Frederick Meekins

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