Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shining The Light On Laser Pointer Penalties

The Federal Aviation Administration has announced plans to impose fines as high as $11,000 upon those caught shining laser pointers into airplane cockpits.

Exposure to the beam emitted by such a device can result in temporary blindness, thus theoretically resulting in a major air catastrophe if a flight crew were unexpectedly incapacitated.

In a sense, such a regulation is all good and called for.

However, one can't but help ask the question how the perpetrators of such malfeasance can be identified at such a distance.

One account categorized the proposed penalty as civil rather than criminal in nature.

As such, it should be pointed out that the threshold to impose such are often lower and occasionally do not afford those they are leveled against with the traditional procedural protections of the judicial system.

In light of the way certain regulations regarding drug possession are implemented, these enforcement operations could end up being as much about raising revenue and seizing desired property as it is about making the skies a friendlier place to fly.

For example, under certain instances of civil penalties and forfeiture, those ultimately cleared of any criminal wrong doing in regards to the drug offenses leveled against them do not necessarily have their property returned to them despite never having been convicted as a part of due process.

Often assorted agencies end up retaining the seized objects and parcels or require those such possessions should rightly revert back to to go through additional bureaucratic procedures that consume both time and resources. This for the purpose of pressuring the individual to relent to the seizure of their property and to further enrich the lawyers for whom the regulatory behemoth was ultimately designed to benefit.

The reasoning is that such property could potentially be used in a future crime. And in the case of an automobile seized from the owner despite the fact that it was being driven by someone else at the time of a contraband interdiction, the standard reply goes something like, "Well, you should have been more careful as to whom you let borrow your car so we are going to auction it off now anyway ."

Thus, will fines for the shining of laser pointers into jetliner cockpits be issued against the person actually aiming the device or rather the title holder of the land from which the beam originated?

Eventually, if an area has a disproportionate number of laser pointer incidents or even the potential for a disproportionate number of laser pointer incidents, the government will step in to preemptively snatch the property in question. What they then decide to do with the disputed parcel may have nothing whatsoever to do with enhancing air travel safety but more about rewarding contributors in real estate development.

Vigilance against the terrorist menace out to destroy the American way of life is essential. However, perhaps even more imperative is keeping an eye on those that would use this threat to undermine life, liberty, and property.

By Frederick Meekins

Ron Paul is unconcerned if the budget crisis causes federal workers to go unpaid. Does this include himself and his staff as well. But I guess he'll be needing drug money as a fan of unrestricted access to hard narcotics.

Ron Paul is unconcerned if the budget crisis causes federal workers to go unpaid. Does this include himself and his staff as well. But I guess he'll be needing drug money as a fan of unrestricted access to hard narcotics.

5 Amish die in New York car crash. Would we have had denominational affiliation pointed out to us if these passengers had been Baptist, Presbyterian or Catholic?

Law enforcement should be no more immune from criticism than any other government agency. To say otherwise lays the first stone upon which a tyranny, also known as a POLICE STATE, is built. It must be remembered that the Gestapo and KGB were law enforcement agencies

Pepco is urging costumers to keep their AC set at 78. Wonder what temperature the White House thermostat is adjusted to.

Monday, July 18, 2011

You Haven't Seen The Last Of Wiener

With a pending financial collapse, you might have to spend your declining years selling pencils on a street corner.

It will likely help you feel a bit warmer though, that we haven't heard of the last of wiener in connection to the federal government.

The Traditional Value Coalition has uncovered tax money going to a study determining how penis size in gays influences whether they played the part of the pencil or that of the sharpener, if you get my meaning.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Leftists Plot Materialistic Afterlife

Futurist Ray Kurzweil, Former Vice President Al Gore, and Bill Maher are scheduled to take part in an all-star panel discussion titled "Transcendent Man” broadcast to select theaters across America.

The forum will in part discuss the merging of man and machine for the purposes of indefinitely extending the human lifespan.

No doubt listening to Al Gore drone on and on will definitely make it feel like an eternity has elapsed.

Apparently, overcrowding isn't the pending calamity he often makes it out to be. That is unless of course, his friends in the New World Order are planning a culling of the human herd.

Other than a profound hatred of God and a contempt for those that believe in an omnipotent creator, what qualifications does Bill Maher posses to speak as an authority figure on such an ethically complex subject?

The fool has said in his heart that there is no God.

How else does it explain that an individual can belittle the prospect of Heaven in one breath and then grasp at straws in the hopes of delaying the inevitable by either hooking oneself up to a ghastly array of machines or somehow electrochemically uploading the memories we have accumulated our few brief years upon the earth as some kind of accumulated database that might eventually animate some android duplicate of our own visage?

G.K. Chesterton is said to have quipped that the danger when we no longer believe in God is not that we won’t believe in anything but rather that we will end up believing in anything.

by Frederick Meekins

Mind Your Own Condiments

As a part of bread and circuses designed to keep the workers from revolting, an associate's employer bought the staff lunch.

The sandwiches were procured from an establishment that went out of its way to point out that mayo, mustard or catsup would not be available.

Why does everything have to be elevated to the level of some grand struggle poking the average American in the eye regarding the things most of us enjoy?

If you regularly patronize such an establishment, in all likelihood, you are one of these types that believe your own gastronomical peculiarities should be imposed upon everybody else.

If this was just all about free enterprise, wouldn’t the true entrepreneur allow the consumer to make their own policy in regards to condiments?

by Frederick Meekins

A suburban MD eatery called Rhode Island Reds in honor of Communism is closing in part because of the owner's disillusionment with overwhelming bureaucratic intrusion. Isn't that exactly what you deserve if you are going to glorify the most homicidal & liberty destroying ideology to plague modern man?

The printed book may be the preferred or superior conveyance of information. However, that does not mean we third tier intellects should remain silent and shun the electronic means at our disposal to propagate our ideas & perspectives.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Did Lack Of Pollution Spark Global Warming?

Interesting how when America burns coal, we are contributing to global warming, but when Red China does, they are applauded for halting this climate change phenomena.

If school books have profanities in them, concerned parents should be able to read the books verbatim before school board meetings.

America is essentially surrending the space station to the Russians.

Obama Administration Allies Itself With Homicidal Pedophile

To those claiming bad things will happen to Americans in other countries if we do not abide by these diplomatic technicalities, perhaps Americans ought not to be going to these hellhole countries.

Scientists predict people to live to be 1,000. Isn't this season's Torchwood suppose to address this kind of topic?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

The Halperin Hullabaloo

An MSNBC analyst called Obama a BLEEP. As spineless as the President is, one shouldn't be so sure he should be categorized as anything so distinctively male.

In the sex-dominated culture of the leftist media, wouldn't calling Obama a BLEEP actually be the highest possible compliment?

Calling Obama a male appendage is no worse than calling anyone else that.

The President is owed no more verbal deference than anybody else.

White House propagandists insist it's inappropriate to refer to any President as a BLEEP. Are you really going to tell me no one ever giggled at the double entnde of referring to Nixon as "Tricky Dick". Or that Clinton was only called "Slick Willy" because of his political acumen and not his philanderous nature.

If the President is this sensitive as to be profoundly disturbed by a single reporter enunciating a reaction to what was definitely not the rhetorical high point of Obama’s public career, how can this President ever hope to stand up to Al Qaeda, the Red Chinese or the Russians?

So long as you don't threaten violence, it is not the concern of the White House how you refer to any president.

How come our ears will shatter if we hear Obama referred to as a BLEEP but there isn't second thought about sending out more information over the airwaves regarding feminine hygiene products and male erectile dysfunction than most members of the respective opposite sexes ever cared to know?

Why on MSNBC is it deemed an outrage to refer to Obama as a "BLEEP but referring to conservatives as "teabaggers" is worthy of a hearty chuckle?

Shouldn’t Americans be more offended that Obama minions called MSNBC in an intimidating manner rather than that Halperin called Obama a BLEEP?

There is nothing in the Constitution authorizing any branch of government to determine the propriety of what names a citizen may call the President. Seems to me one of the document’s primary provisions cautions against the government from doing such a thing.

Maybe if more Americans had the courage to tell a President he’s been acting like a BLEEP, this country wouldn’t be as in bad of shape.

Since Halperin’s elocutionary faux pas, broadcasters have been tripping over themselves as to the necessity of respecting the President. How about the President respecting the American people for a change?

by Frederick Meekins

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chris Matthews snidely ridiculed the Protestant Reformation. Could he have alluded to Islam in a similar fashion without losing his job or without being in fear of his life?

How come our ears will shatter if we hear Obama referred to as a "d--k" but there isn't second thought about sending out more information over the airwaves regarding feminine hygiene products and erectile dysfunction than most members of the respective opposite sexes ever cared to know?

So long as you don't threaten violence, it is not the concern of the White House how you refer to any president.

White House progandists insist it's inappropriate to refer to any President as a "d--k". U really going 2 tell me no one ever giggled at the double entde of reffering 2 Nixon as "Tricky Dick". Or that Cliton was only called "Slick Willy" because of his political acumen & not his philanderous nature.

In the sex-dominated culture of the leftist media, wouldn't calling Obama a d--k actually be the highest possible compliment?

Elites thinking Americans should pay higher taxes should simply refuse the lavish deductions they are permitted.

A Harvard study asserts that celebrating the Fourth Of July is more likely to turn participants into Republicans. No wonder leftist COMMUNITIES place more emphasis on "International Festivals" which are often Hispanosupremacist fronts.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Headline Potpourri #21: NYT Phrenologists, Mr. Turtle Shackled, & Rampaging Huffington

A New York Times correspondent insists that Americans living in the middle of the country have sloping foreheads. Weren't the Nazis also obsessed with equating cranial shape with intelligence?

The Washington Post labeled Glenn Beck as a "creature" in regards to his pending rally in Israel. I thought bastions of tolerance such as the Post use to warm that such linguistic dehumanization was the first step taken by the Nazis.

Since the average American is no longer able to go much of anywhere because of gas prices, environmentalists are now set to declare against home entertainment devices. It is claimed that these machines use too much electricity. Before it's all over with, they will probably summarily execute those of us wearing eye glasses and march everyone else out to toil in the rice paddies. It will likely fall under Frau Obama's "Let's Move" campaign.

Arianna Huffington heralds rampaging mobs as "democratic". When this Communist rabble comes to loot her wealth, will she still feel as cheerful?

Is it that kiddy pools represent a threat to the youth of America or is this about creating a panic to justify a new revenue source when the permits required for large pools are extended to shackle Mr. Turtle?

The Zero Seconds Initiative insists that is how long a child should be left alone in a car. While this sounds enlightened, given the way other kinds of zero tolerance policies are enforced such as those banning plastic utensils in school cafeterias, are cops & bureaucrats on powertrips going to charge parents as negligent if the trip from the front of the car to the back takes more than one second?

If natural disasters in America are the result of the U.S. government backing a two state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as certain theologians insist, why do these tragedies strike the heartland of the country where the common folk have virtually no sway over foreign policy rather than a particular building in Foggy Bottom. You'd think an omnipotent God would have better aim.

CNN asked presidential candidates Coke or Pepsi. There will be neither when we are all living in FEMA slave camps.

Bob Ehrlich operatives that utilized robocallers to deceive Maryland Democrats into not voting could get decades in prison. Black Panthers that actually threatened at polling places those not voting for Obama were set free and likely continued to receive any assortment of public assistance programs.

Miracle Grow has been linked to pot cultivation. So will consumers be required to have their photo ID's verified to purchase the chemical the way we are in regards to nasal decongestants?

New Yorkers should be more concerned about Commissar Bloomberg curtailing basic gastronomical liberties such salt levels rather than how Sarah Palin decides to eat a slice of pizza.

If parents are not allowed to spank children according to one Texas judge, then why should bailiffs or deputies be allowed to use physical force if a litigant in that particular judge’s courtroom gets out of line?

Since most stadiums employ facial recognition recording technology, the Immigration Service should deport every single person that booed the American team in favor of the Mexicans at the soccer match in LA.

If the USA isn't good enough to cheer for in a soccer match, don't leech off America economically (especially if that entails some kind of public assistance handout).

The 2011 Smithsonian Folk Life Festival is highlighting the nation of Columbia. Will this include authentic narcoterrorist kidnapping reenactments?

China ranked in a survey as the world's happiest nation. Anyone saying that they felt otherwise has no doubt been "dealt with accordingly".

by Frederick Meekins

Arianna Huffington heralds rampaging mobs as "democratic". When this Communist rabble comes to loot her wealth, will she still feel as cheerful?

Guess if some have their way, the mediocre would be denied the means of subsistence and survival.

Communists Occupy Acropolis

Was John Lennon Trending Conservative?

Obama insinuates food supply & weather to be undermined if his economic demands are not met. Didn't Cobra Commander use to make those kinds of threats on cartoons in the 80's?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lessons In Apologetics #7: Panentheism

The next worldview examined by Geisler in "Christian Apologetics" is Panentheism. Whereas Deism postulated a God detached from His creation for the sake of transcendence and Pantheism claims that God and the world are coterminous for the sake of immanence, Panentheism attempts to conceptualize a God that is distinct from yet part of the world.

To the Panentheist, God is to the world what mind or soul is to the body (193). Like many of the worldviews and methodologies already discussed, Panentheism can be traced back to the days of ancient Greece.

Perhaps one of the foremost examples of Panentheism would be the Demiurge of Platonic thought. Whereas the Judeo-Christian God created matter out of nothing, Plato’s Demiurge did not create the world out of nothing but rather shaped and crafted it out of independent eternally existent matter.

Since the matter which coexists with this version of God is just as eternal as God, God does not necessarily have the ultimate say. As such, Panentheism is also known as finite godism or process theology.

According to Alfred North Whitehead, God is bipolar. No, that does not mean God is depressed though you might be if this system posited is the best man can hope for. The theology of bipolarity hypothesizes a God with one end in eternity where His potentiality and the things He hopes to accomplish are located and His other end located in the temporal world where His actuality is manifested but not always to the extent He might intend as His creations possess their own autonomy.

Since the world and those in it are able to exhibit a degree of independence thwarting God’s will and ends, the bipolar theory of God is also a form of process theology or finite godism. According to process theology, God changes over time, must rely on us for the accomplishment of His plans in the world, and cannot assure from eternity past that He will ultimately prevail.

In his analysis of the theory, Geisler writes, "How can anyone worship a god so impotent that he cannot even call the whole thing off? Is not such a god so paralyzed as to be perilous (210)?” If the Christian has no assurance that God will triumph, from the way the world appears to be going, one would be better off hedging one’s bets by siding with the Devil or sitting the whole thing out all together.

by Frederick Meekins

Extremeist Christian Reconstructionists wanting to reintroduce the death penalty for adultery need to answer a few questions before the Evangelicals like myself they'd condemn as cryptoheathens even considered the idea. Under their regime, if somesome took a gander at a particularly luxuirious backside or bosom, would they be hauled into police headquarters for interogation?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Then They Came For The DVR's.....

Since the average American is no longer able to go much of anywhere because of gas prices, environmentalists are now set to declare against home entertainment devices.

It is claimed that these machines use too much electricity.

In light of this mandatory asceticism, before it's all over with they will probably summarily execute those of us wearing eye glasses and march everyone else out to toil in the rice paddies.

All of this will likely fall under Frau Obama's "Let's Move" campaign.

The Obama Administration provided Mexican drug cartels with high-powered assault weapons. However, the Secret Service confiscated the silverware at a banquet where Frau Obama was scheduled to speak.

Apparently some are so overly pious that, in their disdain over the concept of seeing an acceptably conservative woman assume the presidency, they would rather Obama be reelected.

Sodomite Terrorists Perpetrate Hate Crime Against Pawlenty

Fed Flies Fag Flag

Fed Flies Fag Flag

Bill Nye the Science Guy says you are unpatriotic if you deny global warming. Bill Nye is such a has-been that for him to be called 1999 would be such an advance in his time stream for him that the temporal shockwave might cause him to shatter into a million chronotons.

Obama to play another round of golf this weekend. With the economy the way it is especially in terms of gas and food prices, when was the last time you got to do what you use to do to relax?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When The Residents Are Away.....

With the closing of California highway 405 for repairs, the mayor of Los Angeles is suggesting that residents evacuate the region to avoid being stuck in their homes.

But with that area of the country infamous for its gang violence, do authorities intend to assure homeowners that during their absences steps will be taken to prevent their property from being looted or to prevent squatters from seizing homes outright?

The road is no doubt in need of repair.

Social planners are also no doubt looking at this as an experiment to see if denying infrastructure access could serve as a viable strategy to voluntarily depopulate an area authorities no longer want contaminated by human habitation.

If gold goes to $5,000 per ounce as some have projected, brigands will deliberatly knock the teeth out of the mouths of unsuspecting victims just to quickly look for the precious metal.