Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Thursday, February 01, 2024
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Monday, January 29, 2024
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Hit & Run Commentary #148
Apparently good Fundamentalists aren’t supposed to go to movies for reasons of “separation” for “just because”. But when it comes to having Lord knows what impacted to our systems with long term biological and spiritual consequences, those esteemed as a cut above the regular carnal pewfiller certainly caved disturbingly quickly to the pressures of mammon and family. Any other time these same individuals would preach against such as a weakness any other time. Guess these sorts really don’t want to give it all up for Jesus as they insisted for years in their pulpit propaganda.
Interesting. Fundamentalists are to refrain from attendance at the cinema because someone heard a rumor that sometimes horny teens feel each other up under cover of darkness. Yet those stalwart advocates of “separation” for “just because” ranked among the first to have substances of dubious efficaciousness, edification and ethics injected into their very bodies.
If it is acceptable for the pillars of fundamentalist congregations to have injected into an aspect of their tripartite beings substances the result of transhumanist, technocratic, and materialistic presuppositions, why is it not acceptable if I am to be part of that Christian tradition to partake of fictional narratives that include superheroes, extraterrestrials, or even witches handled with care or to find spiritual edification from Catholic authors on those points where such thinkers are in accord with Biblical doctrines shared across assorted Trinitarian traditions?
Autarch Biden is proposing universal access to community college. Despite the education there being sufficient, a significant percentage of students there were slackers when the tuition came out of their or their parents’ pockets. Think how indolence will abound when the taxpayers are shouldering the entire bill.
Good nutrition also boosts the immune system and thus prevents the spread of microorganisms to others. Thus, does the government have the right to control what we eat under threat of violence? That is, after all, what ultimately enforces bureaucratic decrees as masquerading as benign “guidelines” under the assumption of the nauseating banality of “your mask protects me and my mask protects you.”
The Autarch decreed that the vaccinated can picnic together without a mask. And what is to prevent the unvaccinated from enjoying the outdoors without a mask? That is no more the legitimate business of law enforcement than the day of the monthly cycle of any woman selected at random.
If masks and vaccines are so effective, why were the assembled at the Autarch’s legislative oration so reluctant to touch hands Will there now be a consensus against carnal relations outside of matrimony which usually involves touching far filthier parts of the body?
So if the jobs promised by Biden are supposedly simple enough for high school graduates, why the need for government-provided “tuition free” community college?
Apparently “White supremacy” (never defined of course) is a form of terrorism and the Capitol Kerfuffle an “existential threat” in the eyes of the Autarch. Yet nary a word in criticism regarding the incessant vandalism and looting of Antifa or Black Lives Matter.
In his oration before Congress, Biden praised the technological advances that helped the United States stretch from shore to shore. But isn’t Manifest Destiny a foundational pillar of the “White supremacy” and “systemic racism” the regime berates the American people about constantly?
The Autarch assured that railroads will play a key role in transforming America. No doubt this form of transport will continue its historic tradition of conveying dissidents and ideological undesirables to relocation facilities for reeducation and to curtail movement regime functionaries do not deem essential in pursuit of the agenda.
A county executive assured that, the day of their vaccinations, his staff will be going out to share a meal together. Experimentation proves that immunity is not developed until a couple of weeks later. Therefore, wouldn’t such an act be an example of what is referred to as “propaganda of the deed” rather than an act of the SCIENCE the technocrat insist is the foundation of that creed or catechism?
If one questions the legitimacy of masks to begin with, it’s doubtful a decree regarding such by the Autarch are going to keep them on the visages of those leery of vaccines.
A public service announcement GRANTS PERMISSION for regime subjects to have questions regarding Plague Cult sacerdotal alchemy. The discerning will note that none of the questions listed in the propaganda address what are the possible side effects and how many lives will be irrevocably ruined by these reactions.
The Autarch decreed that there is a patriotic duty (an odd value to invoke on the part of a political party primarily known these days for how much it despises America) to get vaccinated. Does he intend to announce it is also a patriotic duty for those on unemployment to look for a job even if it means the resultant occupation renders a wage less than the received public benefits?
In official pronouncements, the Autarch cheerfully assured he supports Americans making an informed decision regarding the Plague cult alchemy. Will he remain as supportive when individuals reach a conclusion at variance with the lemmings rushing headlong over the cliff?
So do those intending to adhere to the "vaxed or masked" edict slavishly abide by every other health edict handed down by government functionaries? Should regime operatives interdict the pale caught outdoors without sunscreen and headcovering? Should sting operations in restaurants take into custody those pouring too much table salt on an entrée?
The Autarch assured that the unvaccinated are only being asked to remain slave muzzled in order that they might protect one another. You know, for reasons similar to why American Indians were herded onto reservations or why Jews were compelled to wear yellow stars. But shouldn’t this ultimately be an instance of “their body, their choice”? After all, apparatchik Fauci left anonymous gay liaisons up to the discretion of the participants.
So regarding the Urban One Honors, a televised award show for Black women. Do leftwing media types intend to toss a hissy fit regarding the lack of diversity pertaining to these the way they did regarding the Golden Globes?
By Frederick Meekins
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Decrepit Autarch & Cackling Crone Vow Sacrificial Libations To Moloch To Continue
Decrepit Autarch & Cackling Crone Vow Sacrificial Libations To Moloch To Continue
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 24, 2024
Will Transhumanist Billionaires Alter Species To Reflect Their Satanic Ideology?
Will Transhumanist Billionaires Alter Species To Reflect Their Satanic Ideology?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 24, 2024
Luciferian Globalists Forcing Americans To Finance Nation’s Invasion
Luciferian Globalists Forcing Americans To Finance Nation’s Invasion
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 24, 2024
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Technocrats Plot Next Systematized Culling Of Excess Population
Technocrats Plot Next Systematized Culling Of Excess Population
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 18, 2024
African Holy Roller Accused Of Being Notorious Sex Fiend
African Holy Roller Accused Of Being Notorious Sex Fiend
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 18, 2024
Was Martin Luther King An Accessory To Rape?
Was Martin Luther King An Accessory To Rape?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 18, 2024
Was David Platt Surreptitiously Funding Anti-White Woketopian Southern Baptists With McClean Bible Church Tithe Funds?
Was David Platt Surreptitiously Funding Anti-White Woketopian Southern Baptists With McClean Bible Church Tithe Funds?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 18, 2024
Martin Luther King Not That Godly
Martin Luther King Not That Godly
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 18, 2024
The Apostasy Of Martin Luther King
The Apostasy Of Martin Luther King
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 18, 2024
Friday, January 19, 2024
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Deluded Holy Rollers Herald Trump As Orange Messiah
Deluded Holy Rollers Herald Trump As Orange Messiah
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
Does Demented Autarch Also Intend To Condemn Parallel Supremacist Movements Such As Black Lives Matter & La Raza?
Does Demented Autarch Also Intend To Condemn Parallel Supremacist Movements Such As Black Lives Matter & La Raza?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
Trinity Denying Pulpiteer Condemns Taking Names But Applauds Swatting Hiny
Trinity Denying Pulpiteer Condemns Taking Names But Applauds Swatting Hiny
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
Why Are You Morally Obligated To Surrender The Seat That You Paid For?
Why Are You Morally Obligated To Surrender The Seat That You Paid For?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
Woketopians Declare Jihad Against William Penn
Woketopians Declare Jihad Against William Penn
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
Will Decrepit Autarch Compel Liturgical Oblations To Moloch?
Will Deluded Autarch Compel Liturgical Oblations To Moloch?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
DNA Evidence Refutes Evolutionary Propaganda
DNA Evidence Refutes Evolutionary Propaganda
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
Will Cracking Open Hell’s Peephole Unleash Unlimited Energy?
Will Cracking Open Hell’s Peephole Unleash Unlimited Energy?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 10, 2024
Tuesday, January 09, 2024
Hit & Run Commentary #147
If you hate America so much that you can't stand during the national anthem, perhaps you should not be on the U.S. Olympic team.
Leftwing propagandists are blaming Trump for the beating of an elderly Asian woman at the hands of a Black criminal released from confinement after having killed his mother. So how is Trump at fault when these sorts of individuals act out in the very ways he diligently tried to warn the nation about? Isn’t it more the fault of those failing to admit that the former President, despite his philosophical flaws, was essentially correct in his realist approach to policy and their refusal to implement the necessary punishments to deter such outrages?
The pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Superior, Montana in a sermon titled “Election Day Woes” admitted that the congregation’s livestream was available only to select individuals. Such a decision was made because other pastors making their homiletical content indiscriminately available to the general public now find themselves threatened by homosexual activists. Often discretion is the better part of valor. But then on what grounds does the minister criticize those reluctant to boldly witness in their workplaces or academic environments? Or on what grounds does he commence a sermon admitting his concerns into whose hands the message might fall at the end of the oration essentially close the message ridiculing pastors reluctant to physically subject their parishioners to the threat of the Coronavirus when technology allows the Gospel to be propagated by means other than meeting in person?
Major League Baseball is moving the All Star Game out of Georgia because of that state’s enactment of a voter ID law. But if it is out of line to require an ID in order to vote, it is just as much an outrage to require a ticket to enter an athletic event.
The athletes in apoplexy over the enactment of mere voter ID laws in American states are noticeably silent in regards Red Chinese deprivations of liberty such as forced abortions, the harvesting of organs, and forced relocation camps.
Will Pelosi retract her comments about the slain Capitol Hill Police Officer being a martyr for democracy upon learning that the murderer has more in common ideologically with Black Lives Matter and Antifa rather than the average Trump voter?
I guess Trump is still at fault for the Capitol Hill police officer slain in April even though the murderer was an avowed supporter of Afrosupremacist anti-American Louis Farrakhan.
So how is the fictive cause of “social justice” advanced by moving the All Star Game to a state actually with a more restrictive voting law?
It is revealing regarding the pervasiveness of technocratic totalitarianism that, when it is pointed out that facial recognition software has issues identifying minorities, that the reflective impulse is to turn to the lament about racism rather than questioning the prudence of even developing such technology in the first place.
A Fourth of July where one is restricted as to how one may celebrate under threat of government coercion honors neither independence nor liberty.
Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Seems that would be even more apropos regarding stabilizing braces as that isn’t even part of the mechanism that fires the projectile.
A Plague Cult public service announcement admonished that the best way to get families back together is for EVERYONE to acquiesce to invasive sacramental alchemy. Firstly, I am not risking MY health for you to see YOUR family. And if you seeing YOUR family is predicated on ME getting the vaccination, you obviously didn’t want to see them that badly in the first place.
In light of adverse reactions to the Coronavirus vaccination including suspected deaths, it is being pointed out that the rate for such an outcome is no more statistically significant than in regards to other medications. However, we are not constantly bombarded with propaganda how it is not only our patriotic obligation to acquiesce to the Plague cult elixir but how like in ancient Rome how failure to comply with this dictate of the regime brands one an enemy of all mankind.
Given the number of women he’s inserted his genitals into other than his wife, isn’t Geraldo the last one that should preach to us about “social distancing”?
A pastor remarked from the pulpit that he is recommending that those in the congregation be vaccinated and that he is promoting that THERE. Wonder how long until the unvaccinated are ostracized from the congregation.
Will the throngs gathered in the streets to celebrate the George Flloyd murder trial verdict be denounced as super spreader events? Yet come Independence Day, the Plague Cult will still insist upon determining how many will be allowed to assemble in your own backyard.
Does the Autarch intend to render a statement regarding every other murder trial in America? Wasn’t the incessant need to comment on issues beyond the immediate purview of the Oval Office invoked as justification for voting out the previous occupant?
Despite a verdict in the George Flloyd murder trial that the vast majority of both good will as well as subversives bent on stoking comprehensive transformative social revolution can support on some level, it seems the Autarch is to lecture the nation in a condescending way on the subject.
A Minneapolis church “just happened” to burn to the ground on the eve of the George Flloyd murder trial verdict. Does the Autarch intend to release in oration in sack cloth and ashes regarding this incident?
“Shut Yo’ Mouth” Maxine Waters edging protesters on to increased acts of violence (that’s what “getting more confrontational” means) is celebrated as an acceptable application of the First Amendment. Yet those rushing to this crone’s defense wanted Ted Cruz removed from office as an insurrectionist for simply insisting upon that the procedures of debate and verification surrounding the Electoral College vote be adhered to.
A gun show commercial announced tickets were only being sold online. That’s so there is a record who is attending and can’t anonymously purchase a ticket at the door. A shame that such a seemingly patriotic event has implemented Plague Cult rhetoric and procedures.
If residents of D.C. are that passionate about direct congressional representation, they could simply move to Maryland or Virginia. They’d probably enjoy a better quality of life if they did.
Categorizing human beings as infrastructure is more than a clever way to justify the expenditure of funds that the government does not have on projects that are not really needed. More importantly, such terminology is a subtle philosophical assertion that ultimately you are government property to do with as the government wishes and disposed of when the government no longer finds you useful.
By Frederick Meekins
Friday, January 05, 2024
David Platt Exposed
David Platt Exposed
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 5, 2024
McClean Bible Church Leftists Ostracize Lon Solomon
McClean Bible Church Leftists Ostracize Lon Solomon
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 5, 2024
Slob Pastor Denying Eternality Of Damnation & Undermining Biblical Morality Accused Of Sexual Assault
Slob Pastor Denying Eternality Of Damnation & Undermining Biblical Morality Accused Of Sexual Assault
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) January 5, 2024
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Are Black Radicals Itching To Do Whites What Palestinian Jihadists Are Doing To Israelis?
Are Black Radicals Itching To Do To Whites What Palestinian Jihadists Are Doing To Israelis?
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) December 20, 2023