Friday, August 25, 2023

Is Gospel Coalition Going Out Of Way To Justify Oppenheimer Smut?

Woketopian Religionists Condemn Those Failing To Celebrate Caucasian Demise

Woketopians Celebrating Drag Time Story Hour Call For Ban Of Breakfast Cereal Mascots

Was Larry Elder Denied Debate Opportunity Despite Meeting Arbitrary Criteria?

Will Church Of The Nazarene Yield To Carnal Licentiousness?

Will Southern Baptist Functionary Embrace Leftist Apostasy To Retain Carnal Access To His Woketopian Wife?

Neither Men Nor Women Should Settle For Sloppy Seconds

Apostate Lutheran Condemns Jesus As Racist

Was Mutineer Mercenary Assassinated In Mysterious Plane Crash?

Medical Establishment Pimped To Push Plague Cult Alchemy

Plague Cult Fanatics Shouldn’t Be Forgiven Until They Shut The Hades Up

Will AI Come To Dominate Biblical Interpretation?

Is Government Suppressing Hawaiian Wildfire Evidence?

Woketopians Prefer Birthing Persons Of Diminished Posteriors

The Handbasket To Hell Upgraded To Megachurch Roller Coaster

Plague Cult Revivalists Plot To Retyrannize Humanity

The Heart Of Anglicanism

Covid Tyrants Are Hoping For Obedience Again

The Reinvention of Retirement

The Ethics Of Espionage

The Dark Side Of Bible Prophecy

Battle Of The Planets Explored

Defining What It Means To Be An Evangelical Fundamentalist

Fundamentalism: Past Roots, Present Types

Reclaiming Biblical Fundamentalism Through Writing

Church Age Chaos Setting The Stage For The Antichrist’s One-World System

The Leaven Of False Teaching

What Kind Of Religion Do You Have?

Aliens Among Us?: A Christian Extraterrestrial Expert Weighs In

Will The Church Of The Nazarene Split Over LGBTQ Normalization?

How Jack Kirby’s Religion Influenced His Art

Jack Kirby & Will Eisner Talk Shop In Epic Conversation

Jack Kirby: The Epic Life Of The King Of Comics

Ayn Rand On The Press In A Free Society

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Hit & Run Commentary #144

 Washington DC Mayor Muirel Bowser is feigning concern over the violence that could potentially erupt in connection to a rally scheduled to support President Trump while Congress convenes to render a decision regarding the 2020 election. As such, the Mayor is requesting residents stay at home and as a precaution she is calling up the National Guard. If those are her concerns, why didn’t she implement the same decision to protect property against the Antifa and Black Lives Matter upheavals?

Operation Warp Speed, a reference to traveling faster than light from science fiction franchises such as Star Trek, has ground to a screeching halt. At projected rates, it could take until 2031 before the number technocrats deem necessary to achieve herd immunity could be inoculated and thus the human livestock allowed the possibility of once again living free. As a solution, it is being proposed that perhaps subjects could possibly get by with half or even a fourth of a dose. But if that is enough, doesn’t that mean people were being over drugged in the first place?

Juan Williams enunciated criticism of Trump’s tepid response to the shocking occupation of the Capitol building. Perhaps someone should show Williams a tape from 24 hours prior where he hypothesized that the threatening protest outside of a Republican legislator’s home was no big deal.

Interesting Biden had to address the issue of the Capitol being occupied by protesters within hours of the event but said nary a word about Antifa and Black Lives Matter pillaging for months on end.

Biden is concerned about the nation’s children viewing the hooliganism on display at the occupation of the U.S. Capitol. Apparently he had little problem with what the impressionable were soaking in as they watched the non-stop Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence that went on from about May through November and still thereafter with much of it downplayed with next to no condemnation even from many a pulpit claiming to be Evangelical in orientation.

Now was not the time for such vigorous resistance. Should have waited until the establishment of mandatory vaccination centers and proposed Coronavirus death camps.

The occupation of the Capitol was inexcusable. That said, still less property damage than the typical Antifa or Black Lives Matter incursion.

So will numerous pulpits this coming Sunday cry out in unison with homilies counseling how we ought to withhold criticism from the insurgents storming the Capitol and beseeching the Almighty for any slight chance they might have at any time in the past offended a Trump voter?

A number of legislators dropped their objection to the presidential vote in light of the Capitol Hill insurgency. So manipulated terrorism is indeed conductive to achieve political change.

In enacting her curfew edict, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser declared the actions of the insurgents attempting to occupy the Capitol as shameful and unpatriotic. But did she ever as unequivocally condemn the removal of statues an affront to her Afrosupremacist ideology that were no less public property than the Capitol?

Raphael Warnock is from a family of eleven children that grew up in public housing. Apparently most likely as a result of his parents’ lack of self control.

A sign plastered in a number of yards throughout a pervasively leftist suburb reads “Science Is Real”. Yes it is. That is why, just because the clock strikes 10 PM, a pathogen does not become instantaneously more deadly. It is because science is real that a mask with perforations larger than a microbe causing considerable consternation does not really serve as much of a barrier no matter how much citizen snitches and bureaucracies capable of destroying individual lives without flinching might insist otherwise.

Biden insisted that, if Black Lives Matter had been responsible for the Capitol Kerfuffle, the response would have been much more severe. Given that Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, doesn’t that speak to her own racism and that of the Democrats?

If Trump is morally responsible and should be removed from office over the Capitol Kerfuffle, shouldn’t the likes of Al Sharpton, Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo be removed from the airwaves for providing ideological comfort to Antifa and Black Lives Matter?

For decades, media elites have admonished that the producers of morally salacious content are not responsible for the reactions these narratives and images evoke in terms of the behavior manifested in the lives of consumers. After all, each person is ultimately responsible for their own decisions. Then why is Trump being blamed for the Capitol Kerfuffle when at no time did he order anyone to destroy public property, physically assault opponents, or crossover into restricted areas?

Biden responded that he was pleased that the outgoing President would not be attending the Inauguration. For that reason alone Trump ought to have changed his mind and shown up anyway.

Arnold Schwarzenegger let it be made known he is aware of Kristallnacht. Too bad he is not as aware apparently of the Reichstag Fire where the rights of an entire nation were eliminated over the action of an alleged single individual.

It has been suggested that roughnecks apprehended in connection to the Capitol Kerfuffle should be sent to Gitmo. Makes you wonder how long until such dissidents are turned into lampshades, bars of soap, and their gold fillings extracted given the fanatic glee in the eye of the aspiring totalitarians.

The mass communication conglomerates feigning shock at the Capitol Kerfuffle are the same ones producing the drama Snowpiercer that glamorizes violent revolutionary resistance.

Powerful media conglomerates are standing by the principle that violence is never a proper response to perceived oppression. As such, does Disney intend to renounce the fortune accumulated as a result of Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universe films?

It seems that a galvanizing consensus holds that, while one possesses freedom of speech, one must be held accountable for the repercussions of one’s rhetoric. Apparently that includes responses one did not intend or call for. Applying that sort of logic, a woman that says something and gets slapped by her brute of a husband bears a degree of responsibility for her own abuse.

So instead of Trump simply leaving the White House and passing into history, his enemies have ironically laid the groundwork for him as the central figure of a new religious movement.

In light of the crackdown on controversial expression on social media, those voicing a concern are admonished that they have no right to complain because these services are ultimately private enterprise. Conversely, it can just as legitimately be said that these businesses have no right to cry the blues if they lose a fortune over abandoning these customers.

Scores upon scores of conservatives are outraged over social media’s removal of President Trump along with numerous examples of their ideological kinsmen nowhere as prominent. But how is this selective respecting of speech different than what has taken place on the allegedly conservative news site FreeRepublic for nearly two decades now? At that webpage, you don’t even get the decency of the non-answer of your post violating some undefined “community standard”. On that particular forum, you just find that you are no longer able to post. You are pretty much left to sleuth on your own which of your posts constipated someone with a crossways turd or an associate you also know offsite can attempt to explain what asinine unwritten rule you were never told about beforehand you might have violated.

Interesting. Congressional Democrats applaud the deployment of the National Guard to protect the Capitol but oppose such to protect the border, businesses besieged by looters, or even other federal assets throughout DC.

Biden is demanding that the nation come together in unity. At this point, all that he should expect is for people to mind their own business and keep their hands off of other people’s stuff.

A reporter gushed that Biden is embracing America with his arms. We best watch out. The next step will no doubt be sniffing our hair.

By Frederick Meekins

Monday, August 21, 2023

Christian Youth Program Shames The Academically Inclined

 In a 2017 issue of Christianity Today, an article detailed how AWANA is changing its strategy from one of competition to more of study.

All well and good in order to help those less inclined to the program’s rigors feel that they are also a part.

But the way that this new approach was justified in the article was also disturbing.

One pull quote reads, “We need to tell the kid who is always raising his hand … ‘Can you sacrifice personal achievements for the sake of others?’”

But what if this is the only thing that the child excels at? 

AWANA is being altered so as not to push away the child not as academically inclined.

But what about pushing away the child that is wired in such a manner?

There is nothing in Scripture commanding that one attend AWANA.

So if the child that knows the answer is now being asked to stifle it for the sake of the COMMUNITY, will the child that is the better athlete be similarly compelled to step aside to allow the pupil not as gifted at sports to quarterback the championship game or pitch a critical inning? Likely not.

Many times in school I was told to put my hand down because, “We already know what you are going to say.”

Yet the same clique was usually allowed to monopolize physical education especially when it came to football and baseball.

By Frederick Meekins

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Plague Cult Technocrats Reluctant To Reveal Alchemical Elixir Likely Culling Young Adults

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Woketopian Therapy Automatically Blames White Males

National Scandalized By Jimmy Carter’s Impure Thoughts

Woketopians Declare Crusade Against Vacation Souvenirs

Godzilla To Appear In Streaming Service Series

Should Sandra Bullock Be Punished For Off Screen Behavior Of Character She Portrayed?

Carnal Reprobates Mount Andy Stanley’s Pulpit

Peruvian Face Peelers Stir Paranormal Speculations

Did Interdimensional Orbs Interdict Missing Malaysian Flight?

Plague Cult Fanatics Demand Return Of Slave Muzzles

Will Technocrats Record Every Time You Scratch Your Backside?

Outrage Over Biden Offering Children Ice Cream

Plague Alchemy Likely Takes Life Of Aspiring Athlete

Did Plague Deliberately Intend To Cull Population?

Will Deluded Masses Yield To Extraterrestrials As God?

Fantasy: The Illusion of Escaping Reality in a Labyrinth of Control

Cults: What You Need To Know

Why & How Should We Study Church History?

Bill Kristol On The Future Of Journalism & Conservative Politics

Emily Dickinson: Unraveling Her 20 Year Seclusion

Edgar Allan Poe: Tormented Genius?

Wesleyan Denominations: The Evangelical Methodist Church

Are The Extraterrestrials Liars, Lunatics Or Lords?

Christians Get Depressed Too

Goes a bit too far in the other direction in that, if you are not depressed, you are somehow missing out on God.

Gothard Cult’s Weird Sex Practices

Vatican Working With Extraterrestrials?

Print On Demand Posters: How To Sell Art Prints Online

Nineteenth Century Religious Cults

Threats Within The Church

H.P. Lovecraft: Biography, Psychology, Occult & Race

Artificial Intelligence & The Antichrist

A Christian Looks At Depression

Attributes Of God: Truth

Nightcrawler Of The X-Men’s Religious History & Christianity In The X-Men

Extraterrestrials, UFO’s & The Rapture Of The Church

Conservatism Is Alive & Well

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Lady Detective

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Esther Sermon Riddled With Disturbing Presuppositions

 A pastor invoked the account of Mordecai saving the life of the king in the Book of Esther to advocate passive submission to tyrannical authorities.

The pastor argued that is God that raises up and deposes who it is that God wants in power.

Yet history also teaches that the vast majority of those coming into power utilize means that cannot be categorized in any other way than as violent.

Therefore, how does one not know that it is not God’s will for Christians to remove ungodly leaders in a similar manner when other more peaceful means prove futile?

In a sermon on the book of Esther as a pretext to advocate passive submission to authority, a pastor admonished that to vote for particular unnamed candidates was to vote for abortion.

But if nonresistance to whatever is taking place in government office is advocated on the grounds that opposition by any available means is inappropriate because God is the one that ultimately raises up and deposes leaders, buy such reasoning, is not God the party responsible for putting into office functionaries implementing the policies anathema to His Own holiness of preferred values?

In a sermon on the Book of Esther, an independent Fundamentalist Baptist pastor emphasized as a theme submission to and honor of bad authority.

So in that narrative, was Queen Vashti rightfully punished for failing to cavort, many scholars believe even naked, as ordered by the king before drunken wretches?

If this degree of obsequious compliance that is to be expected of the sincere believer, no wonder the ecclesiastical movement of which this pulpit exegete numbers himself is plagued with molestation and sexual abuse scandals.

by Frederick Meekins

Saturday, August 12, 2023

How Private Enterprise Prostitutes Itself On Behalf Of Totalitarian Technocrats

Red China Conspires To Undermine U.S. Elections

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Wayne Brady Aroused To Fornicate With Anything That Moves

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Pastrix Celebrates Sacrificing Her Children To Moloch

Technocrats Design Artificial God In Attempt To Control Humanity

Plague Cult Pontiff Accused Of Continuous Dissembling

DeSantis Sugar Daddy Intends To Ride Out Tribulation In Private Space Station

Thought Police Consume Former Leftist Stalwarts Rowlings & Dawkins

Might Carlson Presidency Be The Ultimate Revenge For Ousted Broadcaster?

Whiskers Apparently Not Only Thing Hacked Off In Controversial Razor Commercial

Bankers The Backbone Of Pending Dictatorship

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Woketopians Infiltrate Missouri Synod Lutherans

Obama Advocates Corrupting Youth With Filthy Books

Was Red China Operating A Biowarfare Lab On American Soil?

Southern Baptist Potentate Allies With Moloch & Sodom Against Patriotic Christians

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Is Obama As Indecisive In Regards To His Sexual As His Policy Preferences?

Jesus Man, Jesus Man: Does Whatever The Messiah Can?

Will King Charles Bow Before Extraterrestrial Messiahs?

Plague Cult Evangelists Agitate For Slave Muzzle Revival

Whoremongering Pastor Accuses Christ Of Vocational Malfeasance

The Eternal Youth Of Pee Wee Herman

Candidate Clings To Heathenism Despite Catholic Indoctrination

How Important Is Church History?

Why Plastic Is Good For The Planet

Immigrant Child Molesters, Drug Dealers & Murderers

Rethinking Our Perceptions Of UFO’s