Have Extraterrestrials Already Invaded Earth?https://t.co/rTbO138Ssi
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 26, 2023
Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Have Extraterrestrials Already Invaded Earth?
Will AI Result In Ruination?
Will AI Result In Ruination?https://t.co/EW1dUP9u6t
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 26, 2023
New Librarians Series Announced
New Librarians Series Announcedhttps://t.co/1JhVZNWOcC
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 26, 2023
Are Critics Of Thrift Store Shopping Aspiring Socialist Totalitarians?
Are Critics Of Thrift Store Shopping Aspiring Socialist Totalitarians?https://t.co/fV4meIpn7j
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 26, 2023
Little Mermaid Pandering To Woketopian Agitators Likely To Flop
Little Mermaid Pandering To Woketopian Agitators Likely To Flophttps://t.co/L6TTksADxP
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 26, 2023
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Lady Superhero #2
Lady Superhero. Imaged prompted by epistolizer pic.twitter.com/pIqgbCQnmC
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 22, 2023
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Lady Superhero #3
AI Image prompted by epistolizer pic.twitter.com/uRROgbwB2K
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 17, 2023
Lady Superhero #1
AI Image prompted by epistolizer pic.twitter.com/3oTwD2VRez
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 21, 2023
Monday, May 22, 2023
Whites Willing To Settle For Non-White Spouses Now Condemned As Racist
Whites Willing To Settle For Non-White Spouses Now Condemned As Racisthttps://t.co/H9fRqy7DgZ
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 19, 2023
Self Published Comics Distributed To Retailers
Self Published Comics Distributed To Retailershttps://t.co/pPtvBQrMdh
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 19, 2023
Senator Jesse Helms Career Review
Senator Jesse Helms Career Reviewhttps://t.co/0Pg8pf36lS
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 19, 2023
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Reprobate's Rectum Shredded During MRI Gone Awry
Reprobate's Rectum Shredded During MRI Gone Awryhttps://t.co/yuhJAO69Cu
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 18, 2023
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Hit & Run Commentary #142
In regards to medical professionals that question excessive Coronavirus response measures such as forced economic lock downs and compulsory countenance concealment, it is responded that the opinions of such physicians are invalid since their specialties are often not in pathology or epidemiology. Then why do those of Ezekiel Emanuel carry extra weight in justifying increased Plague Cult restrictions since he is an oncologist?
Of four Coronavirus tests taken by Elon Musk on the same day, two came back as positive and two came back a negative. If 50% of these were in error, why shouldn't we assume that the pandemic is half as bad as the Plague Cultists propagandize the nation into believing for the purposes of justifying the curtailment of a number of basic liberties?
That’s ironic that the CW commercial celebrating the becoming of one people again depicts that sentiment being expressed by this season’s primary villain on the network’s drama “The Outpost” who essentially uses black magic to impose that objective in a manner that is both cultic and occultic.
Citizen Obama lamented that questioning the election results undermines the foundations of American democracy. Does he intend to as unequivocally condemn the launching of fireworks into a crowd of diners for daring to express an opinion contrary to that preferred by technocratic elites?
Establishmentarian media is insinuating that physical attacks against Trump supporters at demonstrations is justifiable or at least understandable on the grounds that it is a provocative act not to remove a MAGA hat when ordered to do so by a riotous mob. Then on what grounds would it be an outrage to inflict a similar assault upon a Jew wearing a yarmulke, a Muslim wearing a hajib, or a Sikh wearing a turban?
My concerns are not assuaged by a commercial attesting to the integrity of the electoral process when it is narrated by the actor that portrayed gangster Don Falcone on “Gotham” and a Senator on “Person Of Interest” that supported the development of an Artificial Intelligence that was revered as a deity by its programmers and that was not above manipulating assorted social institutions in pursuit of its own agenda.
If a Plague is so deadly that an edict is promulgated that starting Friday evening restaurants must close by 10 PM, why is it healthy to eat at a restaurant the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights after the pending designated hour prior to that?
Fauci (along with other hierarchs of the Plague Cult) needs to be re-asked if he still supports anonymous gay hookups during the pandemic. If so, that would mean all this hullabaloo about not getting together during the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas is just part of a scam to fundamentally alter the American way of life.
Insisting that MAGA hats are to blame for provoking a violent response is akin to blaming a woman that was raped because she was wearing a miniskirt.
Regarding non-premium or non-streaming content on the digital cable menu. If you are paying over $100 per month for the service, the episodes might not be costing you extra but they certainly are not free as labeled.
If a virus has a 3% positivity rate, that might indeed be something to take note of. However, does it justify the upending of entire ways of life such as assorted civil liberties and holiday traditions?
If there are more in the hospital today as a result of the Coronavirus, wouldn't that most likely be the fault of Biden street celebrations participated in ironically by those the most jacked out of shape that Trump is not doing “enough” to curtail the Plague and the most eager to reimpose the police state tactics these partisans insist are necessary to forestall the spread of the pestilence?
If local governments are going to encourage (to be under understood as prefer) “houses of worship” to hold virtual services during the Coronavirus plague, isn’t it the responsibility of these municipal functionaries imposing this requirement to provide the high speed Internet access for those in these congregations?
Scripture admonishes the believer to pray for those in authority. However, nowhere does divine revelation forbid the petition from asking that incompetent leaders be removed from office.
So if this is a war against Covid as the rhetoric is formulated to justify the curtailments of basic liberties that would not be justified in less medically precarious times, will those mangled by the vaccination qualify for disabled veteran’s benefits?
In propaganda in support of the Coronavirus vaccine, the Surgeon General assured he won’t be submitting to this biochemical intervention simply for himself but also for the benefit of his COMMUNITY. So if the vaccination renders you a slobbering invalid, will the COMMUNITY provide for your disability care in a era of looming financial collapse with debt as every bit as devastating as the disease?
Apparently to question the outcome of an election is to undermine democracy. Yet to loot merchandise from retailers, pull down statues, and burn structures to the ground on behalf of approved agitated demographics now represents civic engagement at its finest.
Governor Larry Hogan proclaimed that one does not possess a constitutional right to walk down the sidewalk without a mask. Conversely, gubernatorial decrees disrupting in such a profound manner what it means to live as a free individual that have not been promulgated through the mechanics of the traditional legal process originating in a legislature are probably even more constitutionally dubious.
On The Five on Fox News, a pundit purporting to be a libertarian said that in regards to the vaccine that he was in favor of more professionals and less government. But in some ways, isn't that just as bad if not worse? In regards to government, you as a free citizen have at least a theoretical say. But in regards to those fields deemed to be professions, only a select few speak authoritatively on behalf of the discipline. Steep penalties are imposed upon those who attempt to do so that are not recognized members of the guild. What is needed from each of these forms of bureaucratic organization --- both the public and the private --- is a respect for individuality that will allow each person to decide for themselves their particular response to the profound pharmaceutical conundrum now facing each and every American.
Celebratory fuss has been made that the Biden communications team will be all female. What’s the big deal? Even Republican administrations have had female spokesmen such as press secretaries before Biden came along. If the Biden regime insists that its operations are to reflect America, shouldn’t nearly half of this team consist of men? If all White and/or men had been selected, isn’t that the sort of thing the mentally unstable rampage down streets over wearing hats of questionable taste representing the female reproductive tract while looting property and smashing windows?
The British Minister of Vaccines is suggesting bars, restaurants, and cinemas might require proof of vaccination before being allowed admission. So what is to prevent protesters from blocking access to such establishments or even retaliating with acts of vandalism? Such is not an endorsement but simply an observation as to what is likely to happen.
If those that refuse the Coronavirus vaccines are forced to wear masks at work or in public, is that morally different than Jews forced to wear yellow stars or sodomites pink triangles in an unspecified totalitarian regime of the early middle 20th century?
Forty-one at a swingers convention (deviants that swap spouses for carnal indulgence) attended by 2500 people who by definition were less than 6 feet a part while they romped in the sack contracted the Coronavirus. That is an infection rate of 1.64%. And this is the disease we are committing civilizational suicide over in terms of eliminating livelihoods and civil liberties? More than that probably walked away from the debauched event with crabs and clap.
Biden ranted that it is patriotic to wear a mask and to even analytically scrutinize the imposition is somehow not. Yet the contemporary Democrats were the ones that went out of their way to badmouth America and loyalty to it. And wasn’t Hillary the one that tossed a hissy fit screaming how patriotic dissent was? Does Biden intend to release an additional statement how it’s also not patriotic to burn businesses to the ground and loot retailers either?
If you believe the Biden mask mandate will only be for 100 days as the old coot promised, you are special kind of stupid that there is not much hope for. Need you be reminded we are heading into month nine of a ghenna that was promised to initially be for only 2 to 3 weeks?
Doesn’t suggesting that plague vaccination opponents ought to be denied basic rights of speech and public accommodations such as employment or travel and that they are likely bound for damnation in eternal hellfire pretty much confirm the suspicion that this invasion of our very biological ontology pretty much verify the concern that this could be the Mark of the Beast?
By Frederick Meekins
Monday, May 15, 2023
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Friday, May 12, 2023
Xenobots Emerge As Synthesis Of Amphibians & Robots
Xenobots Emerge As Synthesis Of Amphibians & Robotshttps://t.co/Y7Io8X5ddJ
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 12, 2023
Tucker Eager To Sling Excrement About Fox News
Tucker Eager To Slng Excrement About Fox Newshttps://t.co/BeXetJ0ajd
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 12, 2023
Pastor Keeps Church Despite Playing Long Game To Steal His Son’s Wife
Pastor Keeps Church Despite Playing Long Game To Steal His Son’s Wifehttps://t.co/RaloGEyuqt
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) May 12, 2023