Sunday, January 22, 2023

Antifa Terrorists Launch Atlanta Attack

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Friday, January 20, 2023

Faith Healing Charlatan Cops To Pacemaker

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Thunberg Exposed As Media Whore

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Religious Circus Extols Reprobate Apostate As Pseudo-Messiah With Anthem Composed By Lesbian

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Platt Insists He Cannot Be Legally Prevented From Denominationally Screwing Over McClean Bible Church

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Youth Castigated For Abstaining From Booze

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Creationist Think Tank Dissects Dangers Of Transhumanism

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Are Davros Technocrats Directed By Interdimensional Intelligences?

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Rapine Minorities Demand Right To Pillage In Nation’s Capital

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Plague Cult Evangelist Unable To Elude Alchemical Culling

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Traditional vs. Self-Publishing

How To Write A Bestselling Mystery Novel

What’s Your Unretirement Plan?

The Dark Mysteries Of Hitler’s Nazi Manifesto

What Is Apologetics?

The Demonic Globalist Marxist Agendas

Unretirement: What Is It? What Can You Do?

Nine Predictions For The Future Church

What Was Life Really Life Like For A Medieval Peasant?

The Future Of Spirituality: Spiritual Science, New Age & The Evolution of Consciousness

Righteousness & Journalism

Six Tips For Writing Thrillers

Friday, January 13, 2023

Did Russian Military Shoot Down UFO?

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Will Interdimensional Entities Be Invoked To Unify Humanity?

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Thrift Store Shopping Denounced As Economic Misappropriation

 Have been going to thrift stores since the mid 80’s as a youth.  

Took a break from them during the height of the bedbug scare. 

 Been going back regularly since mom passed away.  

Am not passing up a $100 Orvis or L.L Bean Shirt for less than $10 because of leftwing propaganda. 

There is no place more free market and egalitarian where races and classes mix in harmony in pursuit of their individual interests.  

Perhaps that is why the elites are now ticked off at this form of commerce.

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Will 2023 Be The Year Of Skynet?

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Plague Cult Priestess Reaffirms Faith In Alchemical Elixir Despite Death Of Otherwise Healthy Spouse

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Urbanist Subversives Connive To Swindle Resources From Dimwitted Caucasians

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Questions About Independent Fundamentalist Baptists

The Spirituality Of Age

Christians Discuss Transhumanism

Dividing Up The United Methodist Church

The Cult Of The Emergent Church & The New Age

Should We Be Compassionate Or Militant Conservatives?

Young, Restless and Reformed & The Emergent Church

How To Create A Unique Comic, Manga Or Webtoon

Critical Warning: Bethel Church, The New Age & The New Apostolic Reformation

Experimentation & Mutant Futures

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Introduction To Exotheology: The Worldview Implications Of UFO’s & Extraterrestrials

The Testimony Of Oliver Greene

Biblical Time Management

Public Intellectuals, The Public Square & The Common Good

What Is Digital Ministry?

Lizard Lick’s Ron Shirley Discusses Son’s Murder

How Catholic Can I Be Without Being Catholic?

Emergent Church Leftists Condemn Parents Not Wanting Kids Reading Smutty Books As Racist

Saving Local Journalism

Thinking Like A Futurist

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Hit & Run Commentary #141

Propagandist Juan Williams remarked in light of the Biden takeover that we must all now exhibit a spirit of graciousness and national unity. Yet Republicans and conservatives have not been the ones looting businesses, setting property ablaze, and tearing down statues since May.

If Biden was elected in part because of his proposed approach to the Coronavirus, why are the candidate's partisans celebrating in the streets violating the social distancing measures they want imposed upon the remainder of the population with a renewed ferocity?

Many demanding we congratulate Biden were the ones wearing vagina hats as they marched down the street in protest of the Trump inauguration.

In statements heralding the advent of his regime, Biden decreed now is the time to leave behind anger and divisive rhetoric. I'm not finding that obligation anywhere in the Constitution or statutory law. So we are supposed to surrender the basic exercise of the First Amendment when Biden hemmed and hawed in addressing Antifa/BLM pillaging for as long as he could.

Apparently Trump rallies and motorcycle conventions constitute superspreader events but street demonstrations celebrating the election of the candidate that condemned these forms of social interaction are not.

May those taking to the streets to celebrate the Biden victory rank among the foremost whose lives will be upended and ruined by his policies.

When the Biden regime attempts to force Americans back into house arrest referred to as lock downs, he should be asked why he took no rhetorical measures to discourage his partisans from swarming into the streets in violation of local edicts forbidding or discouraging large scale events.

One wishes one’s nation success. One only wishes an elected official that so much as his professed intended policies will bring about that nation’s success. If they will not, one does not. One only prayers for protection from the projected incompetence or malevolence.

If Biden partisans swarming into the streets in celebration of the election victory contract Coronavirus, is it still Trump’s fault since these are the activist sorts that preen the most about how concerned they are regarding Plague mitigation?

Sure, I'll back Ezekiel Emanuel's alleged proposal that the rest of the world get access to the Coronavirus vaccine before the common rabble of the United States. That way we can see if the pharmaceutical concoction mangles Third Worlders before it maims Americans.

Members of the leftist intelligentsia such as Thomas Friedman and Andrew Yang are suggesting that as many as possible should move to Georgia for the purposes of voting in the Senatorial runoff election. But aren't these the same sort of ideologues that condemn those that migrate from so-called Blue States in order to take advantage of the lower tax rates and costs of living believed to characterize a number of rural and southern states?

To manipulate Americans into Lock Down, it is being argued that, if we embrace this failed strategy for Thanksgiving, we will be able to have Christmas. Yet these are the same technocrats that assured that the initial shut down would just be for three weeks to flatten the curve, then until we got a vaccine, and now it is being suggested masks and social distancing should be imposed every year under threat of government violence even once Coronavirus is eradicated to address the common flu because these snowflakes are too precious to ever endure a sick day.

Senator Schumer has condemned Republican reluctance to acquiesce to the alleged 2020 election results as a temper tantrum that undermines the democratic process. Yet his condemnation of Antifa/BLM theft and destruction of property is virtually nonexistent.

Mayor Beetlejuice of Chicago is asking residents to cancel Thanksgiving celebrations. Would she ask for the same of Martin Luther King Day or one of those other fake Afrosupremacist “holidays” most White people are too afraid to call the subversives out on?

By Frederick Meekins

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Promises Of Convenience Invoked To Justify Ecological Dictatorship

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Plague Cult Reimposing Slave Muzzles Despite Scientific Futility

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Kinless Seniors A Growing Trend

 Will likely end up as one. 

 Contrary to some, I fail to see how this is the fault of me being some sort of godless moral reprobate as is often insinuated.   

Some people were just undesired in young adulthood so they don’t end up with children.. 

 So if the response is that I should look to organized religion to provide for my care needs as I age, why would I settle for the one that is doctrinally correct that doesn’t have much use for me when I am in my good health  rather than the one that has the most resources whose peculiarities could be tolerated if one pinches closed one’s theological nose?  

Trinitarian Jesus is Trinitarian Jesus.

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Imagining Different Worlds: Science, Ethics, and Faith in Science Fiction

The First Order Of Greys & Warrior Extraterrestrials

Now Is The Time To Teach

Setting The Stage For The Ultimate Tyranny

Theology Of Digital Ministry

Climate Lockdowns Coming

C.S. Lewis, Technology & Human Flourishing

Ecstatic Religions & The Roots Of Rock: The Bolshevik & Sexual Revolutions

Reimagine Retirement

St. Paul Christian University

What Is A Conservative?

The Masculinity Crisis & How The Church Must Respond

A little harping of the verse of you don’t work, you don’t eat would go a long way to correct the issue.

Also, if you sire a bastard, you get saddled with the expense.

Also, frankly, young women need to be taught that if these are the deadbeats that they throw themselves at in their youth, don’t expect much of a life beyond bottom rung charity.

People of both genders need to be encouraged to provide for and take care of themselves.

I also take issue with the remark that men go off to war to protect their families.

Actually, most men go off to war because they are threatened with punishment on the part of the state if they do not comply with the order to.

In conclusion, the hardest truth that one is likely to ever have to come to accept is likely that no one desirable is likely to want you back.

But you are much better off when you come to embrace that truth.

You are better off alone than with someone that is going to make you miserable.

An Evangelical Exodus?

Probably tired of the woketopianism.

Is likely a desperation of there not many other places to go.

Can’t stand the liberalism but neither can the any longer stomach reactionary nonsense such emanating from fundamentalist pulpits such as boys that pick up dolls or cry after being bullied should be “whooped”, meaning physically punished with severity.

These souls will probably slide back out of the pew upon realizing the extent to which anti-American/anti-Caucasian ideology has also infiltrated Catholicism.

Science Fiction, Christianity & The Search For Truth

Kent Hovind Shuns Wife In Favor Of Criminal

Confronting Liberal Protestantism & The Dictatorship Of Relativism

Friday, December 30, 2022

Response To Capitol Kerfuffle An Excuse To Curtail Free Speech

 In light of the Capitol Kerfuffle, powerful elites are vociferously suggesting that those questioning the outcome of the 2020 election should be banned from social media or even forced to resign from elected office.

So what other notions considered to be historical truths should we be forbidden from questioning if we as individuals wish to retain our tenacious grip on what few diminishing liberties and opportunities we will be allowed by technocratic elites?

For nearly two decades now, it has been suggested that those that question global warming or climate change should be charged with no less than crimes against humanity.

If today one cannot question an election in which a significant number of Americans have raised a variety of valid concerns, what punishments or sanctions will be imposed upon citizens with the courage to question the legitimacy of racial reparations when such scams are pushed through the federal legislature?

In light of the Capitol Kerfuffle, progressives are at the forefront of rallying to the defense of a structure propagandists now categorize as “beloved” and as “a symbol of democracy”.

It is amazing how a comprehensive narrative can flip in less than the span of a single news cycle.

For those espousing leftwing ideology not that long ago were calling for the demolition of federal city edifices no less impressive as the Capitol such as the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial.

Even more importantly these radical activists agitate constantly for the implementation of the very revolutionary Marxism that has destroyed lives and liberty around the globe.

by Frederick Meekins

Thursday, December 29, 2022

MASK Theme

Is The GOP Losing Its Will To Fight?

 A story in the 10/3/22 edition of the Christian Science Monitor is titled “In Arizona, a major test of GOP unity: Will Republicans follow Barry Goldwater or Donald Trump?” 

But in the contexts of their respective particular historical moments, were these figures viewed that differently by their respective Party establishments and leftwing media critics? 

After all, was it not Goldwater that intoned that extremism in the defense of liberty was no vice and that moderation in the defense of justice was no virtue? 

In retaliation, the Johnson campaign produced the infamous Daisy Ad in which a young girl was seemingly incinerated in an atomic explosion. 

Say what you will about the alleged differences between Trump and Goldwater. 

However, one is forced to admit that a wall is inherently more peaceful than a nuclear deterrence can ever hope to be.

By Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

DC Comics Celebrates Marvel's Stan Lee

Celebrating Stan Lee

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Thursday, December 22, 2022