Friday, May 13, 2022

Plague Cult Thespian Breaksdown In Verbal Apoplexy When It Pointed Out She Not Wearing Slave Muzzle Either

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Alchemical Eucharist Provides Diehard Plague Cultists WIth Little Soteriological Impact

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“Person Of Interest’s” Samaritan One Step Closer To Reality

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Scary Poppins Insists A Spoonful Of Manipulation Makes The Tyranny Go Down

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Coeds Become Brood Hens To Settle Student Debt

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Will Scientists Open Portal To Parallel Universe?

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Tolerancemongers In Apoplexy Over Jan 6 Nod With Approval Towards Marauding Molochites

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Disciples Of Moloch Eager To Loot Domiciles Of Jurists Failing To Embrace Diversity & Inclusion

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Over 100 Florida Churches To Join New Methodist Denomination

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Diseased Plague Cultist Reaffirms Unwavering Faith In Alchemical Elixir

The Link Between Cosmism & Artificial Intelligence

The Fall Of President Richard Nixon

Patient Hitler: Was He Really In Poor Health?

The Highs and Lows Of The Reagan Presidency

Extraterrestrials, The Illuminati, The Occult & Hollywood

Are Extraterrestrials Totalitarian?

Rethinking Our National Security System

Pastors, Apologetics & Campus Ministries

Hegel’s Philosophy Of History

Information Session On The Global Methodist Church

Women, Men & God

Punk-Ass Algorithm Monkeys

Our Transhuman Lives In A Make Or Break Century

The Dark Side Of H.L. Mencken

How To Spot Harmful Spiritual Leaders

Monday, May 09, 2022

Pastor Rhetorically Denounces Parachurch Organizations

 A pastor remarked that parachurch organizations are parasite organizations. 

Parachurch organizations are generally defined as Christian entities that work outside of and/or across denominational boundaries in regards to issues that a traditional church body might not be able to. 

Some pursue this manner of ministry because the church has no place for or perhaps even outright refuses such individuals the opportunity to exercise the talents and even the spiritual gifts with which God has imbued such believers. 

More importantly, in this particular sermon, the pastor said that he has no problem forbidding those he allows to speak in the pulpit over which he exercises guardianship from addressing particular topics. 

Foremost among these he ranked the broad category of “politics”. 

From that declaration arises the conundrum from whence will a Christian formulation to these sort of issues be articulated within the church proper if groups not the church are to be just about anathematized? 

This pastor on more than one occasion let it be known he has hobnobbed with Fundamentalist luminaries such as Lee Roberson and Jack Hyles. 

So when he stated that parachurch organizations are parasite organizations, does the pastor intend to direct such hardline vitriol against The Sword Of The Lord?

By Frederick Meekins

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Hit & Run Commentary #138

Technically, didn’t Biden find his way through grief by stealing another man’s wife?
Guess to Democrats, insurgents looting in the streets are about respect and dignity.
So are Biden’s BLM allies going to put in the hours of study needed for these “jobs of the 21st century” or is that acting “too White”?
Biden’s wife apparently “put their family back together” while their adultery tore her original marriage apart.
In his opposition to Russia, did Biden ever condemn the role played by the Soviets in selecting a young Barack?
Biden condemning the violence in Charlottesville three years ago. Ashame he has nothing to say about the violence erupting in America’s cities perpetrated by those whose ideology is not that appreciably different than the agenda endorsed by leading Democrats.
If Biden is so opposed to “systemic racism”, why did he enter the presidential campaign to begin with? Shouldn’t he have stepped aside in favor of minority candidates?
So deluded fanatics gather in a parking lot to watch on a screen the exact same oration that can be viewed on screen at home?
Weren’t the Democrats now insisting that it is patriotic to wear a mask without question at one time insisting that questioning the edicts of rulers represented the epitome of patriotism?
Got to love the commercials and news coverage that make you out to be some kind of subversive or mental defective if you are less than thrilled with the “new normal”.
Of course Biden isn’t going to say anything about China. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you or at least your dimwit child.
If it was safe enough to have fireworks at the Democratic convention, how come it’s apparently not safe to have the light pillar memorial for September 11th?
“Joe will bring us together.” Actually, there is next to nothing left to compromise over if this to remain a free nation.
“Joe will bring us together.” Ideological distancing is perhaps even more important than social distancing.
Science as defined by whom?
When he mentioned jobs, at least Biden did not proceed to spell it as a three letter word this time.
Too bad media not as concerned about preserving the Constitution and America’s foundational liberties as Jackie Kennedy's crab apples.
Pastor Robert Jeffres told Fox News that President Trump IS the Republican platform in that apparently the party has not published a traditional statement of belief in 2020. At this time, there is no other viable alternative to the anarchy and tyranny that would brutalize America under a Biden regime. However, I am rhetorically sorry, but if I would be appalled at such a verbal formulation especially coming out of the mouth of a pastor in regards to Barack Obama, I cannot endorse the concept of the führerprinzip in regards to Donald Trump. As a free individual, you ought to stand for an objectively stated set of beliefs, not unwavering fidelity to a mere human being who, while at the moment articulates a number of admirable policies, is clearly on the record of profoundly altering what he allegedly believes when doing so proves advantageous from a standpoint of existential utilitarianism. These are indeed sad times for America.
A commercial warns that, if you pay a babysitter more than $100 per week, you might owe nanny taxes. If that means per sitter, instead of paying one sitter $200, you’d be better off splitting between two sitters for $99.99 each.
A campaign advertisement for Senator Warner lamented Trump’s alleged threat to cut off funding for schools that do not comply with the President’s demand to open. But this administration cannot be blamed for developing such a hardline tactic. For when have federal funds never had strings attached? Why do schools not directly meeting the needs of students need funds in the first place?
NBA players and owners are forming a coalition to pursue social justice and racial equality. Does that include their exorbitant salaries being surrendered to be redistributed to those that have not achieved a similar level of accomplishment or who have barely even lifted a finger? Because social justice has very little to do with being an individual but rather about being part of a group.
Aren’t the ones concerned now about the negative things said about Bill Gates as the purveyor of compulsory vaccination propaganda and threats of punitive measures against those vowing not to submit to the policy preference of a mere private citizen the same ones that used to condemn him relentlessly for accumulating his wealth through making available reasonably accessible technology and over his less than rugged countenance?
In a sermon on the Creation Mandate, Pastor Sean Harris of Berean Baptist Church, where it is explicitly stated on the website that he himself has only one son and one granddaughter, remarked that usually those with large families go to small churches with other large families as they have often been shamed by side remarks and comments on the part of those with small families at large churches. Maybe those that have remained single as a result of any number of circumstances remain aloof from these churches with large families not only because of snide remarks about remaining single but because of the explicit equivocation in such environments of that relationship status with moral debauchery even when the targets of such derision have remained chaste by Biblical standards.
It might be a blessing for a family to have many children. However, it is the responsibility of that family and not everybody else to provide for these children.
The Baptists tossing the loudest fits about the unmarried are the same ones that get the most bent out of shape if one settles for someone outside a narrow band of churches in which there are barely any desirable singles to begin with.
So how is pointing out that the health of some will be irrevocably harmed as a result of the coronavirus vaccine a greater moral outrage than these pharmaceutical commercials that essentially say "Take this pill to prevent your hair turning gray. But by the way, one of the potential side effects is death by liver failure." At least with that medication you are given a choice without any potential of losing your job or freedom of movement for deciding not to take it. Apparently "science" no longer means the elucidation of all the facts irrespective of whether or not one likes them but rather the blind propagandistic endorsement of a predetermined policy and even religious agenda.
If there are riots over the nomination of the replacement of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, that probably means Democratic Party bigwigs are likely behind the upheaval. Antifa and Black Lives canon fodder don’t seem bright enough to even name a Supreme Court justice.
The friendship between Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Antonin Scalia is being celebrated as ideal, even by conservatives. So apparently the lives of the unborn aren’t that big of a deal after all. Ginsberg was more than someone that might have had an abortion in the past. Rather she has been one of the procedure’s foremost advocates. So just how chummy should the town rabbi get with the grand wizard of the local chapter of the Klan?
If we are really going to view the unborn as actual human beings, given the accolades extended to Justice Ginsburg even by a variety of prominent conservatives does that mean that from now on that whenever a prominent terrorist passes all that can be said about them is a favorable assessment of their tactical prowess and media acumen?
Media tolerancemongers are apoplectic that President Trump complimented a primarily Caucasian crowd in Minnesota for their good genes. And how is that any worse than these minority propagandists such as Al Sharpton that have to constantly remind viewers with perfectly acceptable visual acuity what color or ethnic extraction that they happen to be?
Will public commemorations of Ruth Bader Ginsburg be condemned as Coronavirus superspreader events like the Sturgis motorcycle festival or Trump campaign rallies?
By Frederick Meekins

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Couple Turns Bedroom Kink Into Public Lifestyle

Publishing Initiative Insists Quality Of Book Determined By Color Of Author

Thespian Insists Erotic Vampirism Key To Relationship Success

Friday, April 29, 2022

Amish Farmer Strongarmed By Government Goons

NASA Refutes Claim Agency In Contact With Extraterrestrials

Is Musk Still Bent On Selling Out Humanity To Borg Collective?

Naive Scientists Broadcast Attack Coordinates To Marauding Extraterrestrials

Israeli Homosexual Lays Philosophical Foundation For Liquidation Of Those Refusing Mark Of The Beast

You'd think a gay Jew would be somewhat more aware of where such deliberative dehumanization is likely to go. 

Plague Cult Alchemy Possibly Linked To Form Of Hepatitis

The Strange World Of Sid and Marty Kroft

Introducing The Reformation

The Career Of Martin Luther

Why Should Philosophers Care About Space Exploration?

Ray Bradbury In Relation To Science Fiction

The History Of Science Fiction In Literature

Science Fiction & Philosophy

The Path To A Purposeful Unretirement

The Beginnings Of Education In America

More On Techno-Authoritarianism

Are Luciferians Surreptitiously Sabotaging America’s Food Supply?

Christianity and Liberalism

Friday, April 22, 2022

 The Hundred Year War For American Conservatism

Lessons From Hitler’s Hidden Agenda

From UFO’s To Extraterrestrial Visitation

II Thessalonians 2:13-17: Hold To Things That Matter

Megatrends That Shape Our Future

Afterwords with George Will

Mark Twain: A Life

Introduction To Future Studies: An Overview

Has Organized Religion Failed?

Why Are The Students Unhappy?

George Will On The Impact Of Technology & The Conservative Movement

The Battle Ahead: Why Pathetic RINO’s Must Be Crushed

Building Your Theology: Exploring Christian Theology

Building Your Theology: What Is Your Theology?

Islamist Legislator Tosses Fit Regarding Mile High Worship Service

Russell Moore Dismisses Social Debauchery As No Big Deal

Woketopians Attack Theologian Preferring Hymns To Raucous Ditties

Is Robosexualism The Erotic Wave Of The Future?

Is Robosexualism The Erotic Wave Of The Future?

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Woketopians Attack Theologian Preferring Hymns To Raucous Ditties

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Russell Moore Dismisses Social Debauchery As No Big Deal

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Islamist Legislator Tosses Fit Regarding Mile High Worship Service

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Building Your Theology: Exploring Christian Theology

Building Your Theology: What Is Your Theology?

The Battle Ahead: Why Pathetic RINO’s Must Be Crushed

George Will On The Impact Of Technology & The Conservative Movement

Why Are The Students Unhappy?

Has Organized Religion Failed?

Introduction To Future Studies: An Overview

Mark Twain: A Life

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Afterwords with George Will

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Megatrends That Shape Our Future

II Thessalonians 2:13-17: Hold To Things That Matter

From UFO’s To Extraterrestrial Visitation

Lessons From Hitler’s Hidden Agenda

The Hundred Year War For American Conservatism

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Study Of The History Of The End Of The World, Part 4

 The early modern period roughly from the time of the Reformation up approximately to the time of the First World War could probably be considered an era of apocalyptic ambiguity. For it was during this time that interest in the Millennium and the End Times ebbed and flowed. It can also be observed that, though there was was a great deal of similarity in terms of the eschatological thinking of this particular era, such speculation was still characterized by noticeable variation with no single interpretation coming to predominate for the most part.

In light of phenomena such as the flagellants, the Taborites, and even Savonarola's exhortations against the corruption of the establishment, it was only a matter of time before more widespread movements erupted hoping to bring about needed ecclesiastical and political change. As has been repeatedly seen, when such disruption occurs the spiritually inclined are prone to conclude that what they are experiencing could very well be history's last hurrah. The discontent simmering beneath what appeared to be the unified Christianity of medieval Europe boiled over in what became known as the Protestant Reformation. The movement instigated by Luther and extended by other preeminent theologians such as Calvin and Knox assured the development of the modern perspective by nothing short of reconceptualizing the relationships between God, man, and the Church. Yet in terms of eschatological reflection, the mainstream of Protestantism did not go very far in breaking new ground.

Despite the divergences in Lutheran and Reformed theology, these outlooks were in agreement that the Antichrist was not so much a particular individual but rather the institution of the papacy. In regards to prophetic events such as the Millennium detailed in Scripture, most mainstream Protestant theologians tended to either allegorize these as symbolic depictions of the cosmic struggle between good and evil or to equate them with events in the past that had already transpired. Many of these leaders and thinkers believed that the world was now at the point where Satan had been released from the Pit with all that needed to be awaited was for Christ to appear to usher in eternity (Kyle, 62).

If the primary luminaries of Protestant thought offered an uninterested or detached analysis of the Apocalypse and the End Times, those considered to be along its fringes and lower classes provided interpretations considerably more passionate. Of those categorized as belonging to the more radical wing of the Reformation, Kyle writes, “In general, the radicals felt that the Lutheran and Zwinglian reforms did not go far enough. Of these diverse groups, the Anabaptists and the Spiritualists generated the most notable apocalyptic upheavals (58).” For the most part, the Anabaptists were in agreement that the persecution they endured at the hands of both Catholics and other Protestants was a sign that Christ's pending return was drawing nigh. As typical of that movement, most of its leaders such as Menno Simmons and Jacob Hutter urged quietist resignation before these events as they unfolded in God's due time. However, there arose among the ranks of the difficult to categorize ecclesiastical drifters and unaffiliated a number of rabble rousers that would give religious nonconformists as well as eschatological speculation a bad name for years and decades to come.

The first of these figures was Thomas Muntzer. Whereas most Reformation luminaries prided themselves on limiting the scope of their pronouncements to the revelation contained within the pages of Scripture, Muntzer believed that the Holy Spirit spoke directly to him as God's instrument for purging the ungodly. Muntzer saw his opportunity to stoke apocalyptic upheaval in what became known as the Peasant's War. Ultimately, Muntzer's assurance that this early form of class warfare would result in the Millennium proved to be idle but destructive bluster, resulting in his beheading at the hands of victorious German princes.

Adding to the sort of confusion that can often turn students off to the study of history, the next outbreak of noticeable apocalyptic violence occurred in the city of Munster. In the interim, Melchoir Hoffmann along the lines of a theory similar to that espoused by Joachim of Fiore argued that the third age of history was dawning with Christ soon to return to establish his kingdom in Strasburg. When such predictions did not transpire, his followers --- known as Melchiorites --- shifted focus to Munster.

Yet unlike Hoffmann who was content to peacefully await the Apocalypse and the Second Advent, Jan Matthys advocated the use of force in turning Munster into a theocracy. Both Protestants and Catholics mobilized to address the threat, eliminating Matthys in the confrontation. However, his successor Jan Bockelson proved to be even worse, proclaiming himself to be the Messiah and advocating polygamy (Abanes, 185-186). Before it was all over with, the extremists were executed, Anabaptists not even involved discredited as subversives, and both mainline Protestants and Catholics leery of where eschatological speculation might lead those susceptible to its promises.

With the practitioners of established respectable religion barely wanting to touch the subject of the End Times for years and decades to come, that area of theology became the provenance of a variety of thinkers that could only be described as bizarre at best and downright kooky at worst. Perhaps one of the most renowned individuals falling into this category was none other than Nostradamus. Born to a Jewish family that converted to Christianity, Michel de Nostredame was a physician that developed an interest in astrology and the occult.

The prophetic works of Nostradamus were compiled into ten books called The Centuries, each consisting of one hundred, four line verses known as quatrains. The staying power of Nostradamus and his prophecies can no doubt be attributed to the fact that most were so nebulous that they could be interpreted in any number of ways. Kyle also observes that Nostradamus probably ranked among the first in viewing the cataclysm of the End Times not so much as a result of divine intervention or judgment but rather as the outcome of secular forces (64).

For the most part, millennial and apocalyptic thinking became increasingly detached from Scripture. Interest in these topics was, if anything, sparked more by the assorted social upheavals occurring at the time. Kyle writes, “English millennialism peaked in the ... 1640's and 1650's. Millennarian ideas may have been more widely circulated during the English Civil War than at any time or place in history. Social, political, and religious forces all combined to produce this millennial explosion (66).”

This spirit was embodied by a movement known as the Fifth Monarchy Men. Deriving their name from the Book of Daniel as the kingdom of God that would end all earthly empires, Fifth Monarchists believed that the golden age would commence in England and spread across the Earth as Cromwell's army would destroy the Papacy and the Jews returned to the Holy Land to drive out the Turks (Kirsch, 175-176). The faction's aspirations never materialized and British millennialism became increasingly eccentric. For example, the “prophetess” Joanna Southcott became convinced at the age of 64 that she was to give birth to the second Jesus Christ in 1814. Oddly enough, physicians confirmed that her body did display signs of pregnancy, However, the child never materialized and she passed away by December of that year.

France was little different in linking political upheaval with speculation about the End Times. Attention there focused upon the French Revolution and the Napoleonic aftermath. In light of the anti-religious violence of that period, a number feared that such signified the commencement of the Tribulation. Those prone to such a perspective postulated that Napoleon was likely the Antichrist. Others such as Suzzette Labrousse did not necessarily fear or condemn the Revolution as negative but embraced the chaos as signs of God's pending reign (Kyle, 71).

It was not until John Nelson Darby that millennial and apocalyptic thinking was once again imbued with a degree of theological respectability and wrest from the hands of those so worked up into a fanatical froth that resulted in psychosomatic pregnancies convincing enough to trick the physicians of the day. Darby was born into an Anglo-Irish family and ordained as a minister in the Church of Ireland. Darby would eventually join the Plymouth Brethren under which he would devise a system of prophetic interpretation that would come to be known as Dispensationalism.

Darby espoused a form of futurism believing that events described in prophetic portions of Scripture such as Revelation were yet to transpire. Borrowing loosely from Joachim of Fiore, Darby hypothesized that God dealt in different ways with His people during particular eras in history. As such, Darby emphasized a distinction between those portions of Scripture pertaining to the future of Israel and those pertaining to the Church. In so doing, Darby was able to provide a system of eschatological interpretation that acknowledged that the return of Christ was imminent in the form of a rising to meet Him in the clouds known as the Rapture while conceding a complex series of events such as the assorted judgments foretold needed to take place before Christ would return in the sense to establish His earthly kingdom.

By Frederick Meekins


Abanes, Richard. End-Times Visions: The Doomsday Obsession. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1988.

Kirsch, Jonathan. A History Of The End Of The World: How The Most Controversial Book In The Bible Changed The Course Of Western Civilization. San Francisco, California: Harper Collins Publishers, 2006.

Kagan, Donald, Ozment, Steven and Turner, Frank. The Western Heritage Since 1789 (Fourth Edition). New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.

Kyle, Richard. The Last Days Are Here Again: A History Of The End Times. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1988. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1996.

Ladd, George. The Blessed Hope: A Biblical Study of The Second Advent and The Rapture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1956.

Thompson, Damian. The End Of Time: Faith and Fear in the Shadow of the Millennium.