Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Sunday, May 09, 2021
Saturday, May 08, 2021
Friday, May 07, 2021
Thursday, May 06, 2021
Wednesday, May 05, 2021
Tuesday, May 04, 2021
Plague Cult Urges Parents To Brainwash Children That Sacramental Alchemy Only Way To Be Liberated From Slave Muzzles
What parents need to tell children is that since more will be allowed to do things without slave muzzles they will also be doing more without slave muzzles outside even if they are not vaccinated.
If asked if they are vaccinated that they will respond that they are even if they are not.
For unless the person asking has the power to take you away in handcuffs, the person is not entitled to that degree of honesty from you. If they have friends whose parents are that wrapped up in the Plague Cult, perhaps you as a parent need to rethink who you are letting you children hang out with.
After all, these same thralls of the regime would have no problem cutting you or your child out of their own lives should they learn that you yourself advocate a more conservative or libertarian worldview.
And if you tell them that Mommy and Daddy are vaccinated it is only because the Bad Guys have taken over and that it is the only way Mommy or Daddy can continue to make money to buy you things like food, shelter and toys.
If the tiniest of children are supposed to be told about the mindwarping aspects of existence such as transgenderism and the specifics of sexual mechanics, there is no reason they can’t be taught about the rudiments of tyranny and how sometimes we have to struggle to win back freedom in surreptitious ways.
Monday, May 03, 2021
Saturday, May 01, 2021
Dogmatic Pluralism Results In Operational Intolerance
An old adage contends that it is all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Something quite similar could be said regarding living by the “live and let live” philosophy espoused by many early twenty-first century relativists thinking they are too cool and hip to be stifled by any one religious creed.
In a letter to the editor regarding an 4/27/2010 USA Today article analyzing the tendency of young adults not to be devoted to a particular faith, a respondent observed this trend is the result of being more educated than previous generations and “exposed to the realities of life in the twenty-first century.”
But rather than thinking for themselves, what may be taking place among the youth such as the letter's author is their indoctrination or brainwashing by those educators the young are spending record time around.
The correspondents on this topic claim to applaud and embrace an iconoclastic eclecticism. But in reality such souls do little more than parrot the notions expounded upon and bandied about the typical college lecture hall.
The author writes, “Who seriously believes that an infinite God, who created the vast complexities of the cosmos, can be understood by finite humanity, let alone be reduced to a statement of faith that's subject to the limits of human understanding?”
Some of humanity's greatest minds actually. It's actually a concept not all that difficult to get one's mind around.
The assumption that finite man cannot fully comprehend an infinite God is (to use a much maligned term) absolutely correct. Isaiah 55:8-9 says God's thoughts are not our thoughts.
However, though we cannot fully know God, it does not follow that God cannot fully know man. Since the infinite is beyond the finite, it is not beyond the realm of the possible for the infinite to reveal of itself what it knows the finite is capable of comprehending of that which is beyond our meager understanding.
In the New Testament, God's only Begotten Son Jesus Christ took on human form by being born of a virgin so that He might dwell among us, die upon a cross for our sins, and rise from the dead so that we might have eternal life if we admit that we are sinners and accept His free gift of forgiveness and salvation. In essence, God condescended to our level so that we might know Him.
When asked why evolution caught on as a theory of origins among the intelligentsia, a popular anecdote posits that Julian Huxley responded that Darwinism supported the sexual morays of that particular social class. Thus, all the grandiose proclamations against the dogmatism of the Almighty and the seeming existential nobility of the libertines ends up being a cover to sleep with whomever you want with the hopes of no regret the next morning.
One of the letters to the editor reads, “Beyond that is the nasty habit of many Christian fundamentalists to deny basic human rights to those who don't agree with them theologically.”
And what “basic human rights” might those be? Just about nowhere in the United States are “fundamentalist” Christians denying anyone the traditional rights such as freedoms of speech, creed or property where an ACLU media whore is not before a network news camera within a hour of such an alleged transgression transpiring.
When articulated by a progressive, the phrase “Fundamentalist Christians denying basic human rights” is actually a euphemism for daring to stand in disagreement of the trend towards sodomite matrimony or refusing to enforce preferences for certain groups simply because they are favored minorities. If anything, Christian “fundamentalists” are the ones having their “basic rights” curtailed and infringed upon here at home in America and most certainly around the world.
One cannot name a single regime around the world today where the rulers hold to an explicit traditionalist Christianity that abuses its power by persecuting its population. If anything, Christians unwilling to give up and compromise these truths that they hold dear by refusing to participate in the rejection of moral absolutes are more likely to be the ones persecuted (ironically by the ones that whine the loudest about the church's curtailment of postmodernist understandings of human liberation.
For examples, secularists and radical ecumenicalists applauded the decision on the part of the Department of Defense to disinvite Franklin Graham to the Pentagon's commemoration of the National Day of Prayer over his comments that Islam is an evil and wicked religion as evidenced by the 9/11 attacks and the treatment of woman in lands where that creed prevails.
For you see. Franklin Graham made the mistake of concluding that the First Amendment is something to live by rather than a abstraction to talk about in vague generalities. As Chesterton is credited with saying, the problem with the freedom of religion is that people end up discussing everything but religion.
It is of this fear of appearing impolite and offensively stepping on someone's toes in a manner that delicate psyches will never recover from that our society has come to such a screeching halt that it can become an act of considerable courage to simply state the obvious. And this is something the enemies of this great nation have learned readily.
For example, Eboo Patel, founder of the Interfaith Youth Core, in a 5/10/10 USA Today column titled “Graham's Anti-Mulsim Jabs Hurt Islam and America” applauded CAIR's public statement emphasizing the American value of “differing faiths united in shared support of our nation's founding principles” rather than the “message of intolerance that Graham advocates.”
But while CAIR puts forward a public face espousing tolerance and cooperation, the groups and individuals the organization supports behind the scenes advocate something else entirely. For example, CAIR has supported Islamic extremists such as Hamas who not only advocate a form of religious exclusiveness that goes far beyond anything advocated by Franklin Graham but also endorse violence against those with whom they disagree.
An old country song admonishes that you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. Should Americans continue down the path imposed by cultural agnosticism, the result will not be a relaxed, easygoing paradise. Rather, the result will be the establishment of a sociopolitical milieu where the deceptive will manipulate the weak to undermine the liberty of all Americans.
By Frederick Meekins
Friday, April 30, 2021
Geordi LaForge Assimilated By Borgish Collectivism
Geordi LaForge Assimilated By Borgish Collectivism
— epistolizer (@epistolizer) April 30, 2021
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Witch Queen Of Michigan Condemns Travel To Florida Despite Going There Herself
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Does Plague Cult Intend To Scramble Fighter Jets Against Peaceably Assembled Patriots?
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Did Plague Cult Alchemy Claim Broadcast Correspondent As Sacrificial Offering?
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Monday, April 26, 2021
Friday, April 23, 2021
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Southern Baptist Functionary Demands Borders Be Throne Open To Diseased Migrants
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