Sunday, December 06, 2020

Workshop Santa

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Thursday, December 03, 2020

Trustee Warns Southern Baptist Flagship Seminary Totters Along Apostasy

Can You Start A New Career After 50?

Biden Propagandist Calls For Elimination Of First Amendment

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Manwhore Minister Back To Pounding Pulpits After Pounding Prostitutes

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UFO’s, Politics & Religion

Plague Cult Threatens To Withhold Basic Necessities From The Unvaccinated

Plague Cult Strategizes To Tighten Grip On Power

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How to Pivot Industries Using a Blog and a Podcast

Brannon Howse Advocates Military Dictatorship

If Brannon Howse is endorsing the establishment of a military dictatorship in response to Biden election shenanigans, how is that any different than the abridgements of liberty he harps about in his videos and podcasts? One would think that someone that markets themselves as a worldview expert would be discerning enough that when one advocates the suspension of habeas corpus, there really is nothing to prevent than from being turned against one’s own church, affiliated ministries and assorted ideological allies.

Anti-Lockdown Music Legend Condemned For Comments Nearly Half Century Old

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Biden/Harris Regime’s Racism Exposed

The History & Theology Of Independent Fundamentalist Baptists

American Protestant Denominations

What Does Psychology Have To Do With Theology?

Plague Cult Threatens Liquidation Of Dissidents Refusing To Embrace New Gospel

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Plague Cult Conspires To Impose Perennial Dictatorship

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Willie Brown Demands His Whore Be Replaced With Another Black Wench

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World Population Rallies Against Vaccination Tyranny

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Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Fireman Santa

Photo by Frederick Meekins

Monday, November 30, 2020

Caroler Figurines

Photo by Frederick Meekins


Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Political Philosophy Behind The Global Resent

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Jabba The Hutt Conspires To Destroy Last Vestiges Of Freedom In The So-Called “Free State”

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Former Plague Cult Bishop Suggests Extent Of Second Covid Wave Possibly Fake News

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Plague Cult Sacrement Likely To Spark Symptoms Supplicants Attempting To Avoid

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Transhumanism: Should We All Be Microchipped?

Multimillionaire Select To Guilttrip Americans For Having Too Much

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Is Russell Moore A Soros Operative?

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Plague Cult Gestapo Interdicts Freedom Of Movement

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Pope Lavishes Praise Upon NBA Racial Agitation

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The Cult Of Soft Totalitarianism

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Plague Cult Exaggerates Disease Threat To Maintain Stranglehold On Power

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The Fall of the Episcopal Church & the Rise of Biblically Faithful Episcopal Bodies

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Harvey Cox On The Future Of Faith

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Lady Mao Condemns Those Unwilling To Surrender As Revolutionary Sacrifice

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Could Plague VACCINES Potentially Kill Millions?

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The Next Battlefield: Connected, Augmented & Urban

Listen to "The Next Battlefield: Connected, Augmented and Urban" on Spreaker.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Heeping Helping Of Thanksgiving Parade Snark

In the opening of the 2020 Macy's Parade, Jimmy Falon remarks in light of the Pandemic, you can't take the Parade away from America. Ashame most aren't as adamant about the Constitution and basic liberties.

Why aren't the maskless announcers and dances at the Macy's Parade in violation of Commissars Cumo's concealed visage edicts?

NBC propagandist Savanah Guthrie assures parade viewers that all safety precautions have been taken. That is reassuring, given from her Presidential town hall performance we all know she wouldn’t spin the truth for her own advantage or that of her media overseers.

Given that the Macy’s Parade musical numbers are always lip-synched, forcing these court jesters to wear masks like the remainder of the serfs in the population would not have impacted the audio quality of the performances any.

Does Cumo intend to hand down a Castro-like performance in condemnation of parade dancers engaging in the sort of human contact he has created an atmosphere surrounding causing residents of his state to fear could run them afoul of law enforcement and over which sheriffs stating they will not enforce such edicts are viewed with more contempt in his eyes than Antifa and BLM subversives that he did next to nothing to stop?

A gay marching band being celebrated. Does each sort of fetish get to field a band? The gas mask freaks ought to be prominent right now. Those preferring partners of more substantial girth could march to the tune about liking big butts.

If the Plague is as virulent as technocrats insist, should a recent sufferer of cancer such as Al Roker be on the front lines of the parade?

Al Roker was closer than six feet from a parade performer dressed as a stick of butter. But don’t you dare hug a relative.

The dynamics of the Macy’s Thanksgiving spectacle are reinforcing the new cultural expectation that only those of sufficient importance will be allowed to appear maskless in public.

The Thanksgiving Parade commemorating the Puerto Rican Parade. Does the Puerto Rican Parade take time to acknowledge the Thanksgiving Day Parade?

Given that so many of the floats and performers at the Thanksgiving parade are going out of their way to beat viewers over their heads with minority supremacism, will there be any explicitly celebrating White accomplishments?

Given the extent to which so many of them probably have AIDS, shouldn’t these broadway types be wearing masks and standing more than six feet apart in their parade performances if the Coronavirus really is such a deadly threat that the rest of us can’t even eat Thanksgiving dinner around others without threats and fear of WACO style raids?

It’s your house. Do whatever the Hades you want in it in terms of dinner and who you eat it with.

Turkey is notorious in plugging a certain percentage of the population up with constipation. If the government issues an edict how we shouldn’t be eating it for Thanksgiving, should we simply acquiesce to that command as well?

If that balloon is being celebrated for being the first in the Thanksgiving Parade designed by a woman, perhaps its appearance is pretty much a testament why there have been no others.

During the Smokey the Bear Balloon presentation, it was pointed out that most wildfires were the result of human activity. Perhaps it should be pointed out that these fires --- both manmade and natural --- are now exacerbated by lack of human activity in that for whatever reason combustible debris is not being managed on these public lands, threatening wildlife, human lives, and property.

Lifetime Christmas movies? So the network has apparently expanded beyond the men are scum, kill your abuser fantasies.

If this goes down as one of the lowest rated Macy’s Parade’s in history, that can’t all be blamed on the Plague.

by Frederick Meekins

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Pilgrim Girl

Photo by Frederick Meekins   


Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanksgiving Owl

No photo description available.
Photo by Frederick Meekins

Friday, November 20, 2020

Luciferians Confer Yearning For Rise Of Antichrist

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What Is Apologetics?

Stealing Souls: The Grey Alien Agenda

Listen to "STEALING SOULS~ The Grey Alien Agenda" on Spreaker.

Does Edifi Christian Podcast App Allow Cyborg Vaccination Theories But Not Actual Theology?

Listen to "Edifi The Christian Podcast App" on Spreaker.

Fauci Urges Globe To Embrace Spirit Of The Antichrist

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Nephilim & DNA Experiments

The God We Need

WIll The Mark Of The Beast Be Justified As Plague Prevention?

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Mennonite Theology 101: Pacifism

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The Chronicles Of Narnia Turn 70

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Tolerancemongers Attack Americans Expressing Divergent Viewpoints

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Christmas Mistletoe, Yule Logs & Witches

Biden’s Plans To Destroy America

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Plague Cult Deems Blacks An Expendable Population To Be Experimented Upon

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Steven Anderson: Is He A Cult Leader?

Thursday, November 12, 2020

How To Become A Christian Apologist

Democrats & Their Mobocracy Dreams

Plague Cult Cleric Baptizes Acolytes With Sacerdotal Sputum

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Should I Get An MDiv Or An MA?

Duggar Barely Allowed Out Of House Accused Of Campaign Finance Violations

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Bible College Or The Liberal Arts

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Should You Get A DMin Or PhD?

Biden Regime Likely To Reimpose Coercive Anti-White Indoctrination

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Stephen Bedard What Theology Degree Should You Get?

The Nature Of Church History

H.P. Lovecraft: In His Defense

Sasquatch: Distant Relative Or Close Cousin?

Did Gospel Coalition Propagandist Telegraph That Election Would Be Hacked?

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Call For Unity A Veiled Threat To Suppress Dissent

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Voting Machines Linked To Virulent Democrat

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H.P. Lovecraft: Life, Atheism & Mythos

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Rusted Caboose Downloadable Card

Rusted Caboose Card image 0
Photo by Frederick Meekins


Biden Deserves No Reprieve From Trump Social Media Offensive

If Trump is compelled by election results to relinquish the Oval Office, the moment he steps out of the White House he should commence tweeting and podcasting in opposition to the shortcomings of the looming Biden regime.

For there will no doubt be many.

There should be none of this “a former President remains quiet for a year” hooey.

That is nowhere required by the Constitution.

It is a mere tradition.

The Democrats are the ones that have been threatening to undo any number of traditions in what will amount to little more than a third Obama term.

For whom do you think it will be guiding a President that most days couldn’t make it from the basement up the stairs into the living room?

Do those respecting tradition conspire to pack the Supreme Court or abolish the Electoral College?

Inflicting those changes upon the nation would do more to upend America’s precarious political balance than an once-elected official returning to the status of private citizen speaking his mind ever could.

By Frederick Meekins

Saturday, November 07, 2020

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Pilgrim Figurine

 No photo description available.

Photo by Frederick Meekins