Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pumpkin Scarecrow

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Trump Condemned For Failing To Embrace Planetary Tyranny

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Is Josh Harris Slipping Into Drug Abuse?

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Green New Deal Invoked As Way To Eliminate White Conservatives

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Ingraham Condemned For Failure To Applaud Totalitarian Eco-Youth

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Princess Thanos Allowed To Hold World Intellectually Hostage

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Christian Publishing: Past, Present and Future

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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Pastor Horny For Threesome

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Rural Farm

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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David Brooks Edges Towards Christian Theism

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Will Doctor Doom Become The Next Feel Good Movie Of The Year?

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Will The Mark Of The Beast Directly Download Into The Human Brain?

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Marvel Developing Movies For Characters No One Cares About

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How Much Probing Did Prostitute Enjoy At Area 51 Rally?

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Preparing For Bivocational Ministry

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Monday, September 23, 2019

Where Do You Find High Quality Women?

Snoopy and Oscar Get Into Altercation

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Jimininy Cricket Leads Therapy Session

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Islamists Threaten To Contaminate American Food Supply

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Priest Of Moloch Decorates Hovel With Ritualistic Mementos

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Did Elites Release Modified Mosquito As Vector For Systematize Depopulation?

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Dimwits Vow Not To Contaminate Gene Pool

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Theological Snowflakes Now Gripped In Psychosis Over Exploitation Of Plants

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Southern Baptists On The Verge Of Pandering To Radical Islamists

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Cathedral Hosts Fashion Show Featuring Whorish Apparel

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Southern Baptists On The Verge Of Pandering To Radical Islamists

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The Abduction of Barney and Betty Hill

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Skanks Demand Right To Let It All Hang Out

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County Declares Jihad Against The White Race

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

If Women Can Be Picky, Why Not Men?

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Mourning Dove

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Walter Martin, The Cults and The Church

Friday, September 13, 2019

Bible Condemned As Caucasoid Propaganda

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Ruby Cross

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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How To Choose A Second Act Career

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John Bolton Speaks At The Federalist Society (Sept 2018)

Drug Cultist Ready To Croak

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Pot Calls Kettle Black In Trump Outrage Over Foul Language

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Transhumanism: The Final Phase Of Man

Monday, September 09, 2019

Hit & Run Commentary #124

Joe Biden insists that the only thing making his history of tactile constituent interactions wrong now yet appropriate at the time are changing social norms. So what he is saying is that such behavior and even much worse will be perfectly acceptable when America falls to Islamist radicals because of the failure to crack down at the border because of similar multiculturalist drivel. If one wants to hold that Biden’s actions are always wrong, one can only appeal to an absolute and transcendent morality, the only legitimate of which is found in traditional Christianity.

Pundit Matt Bai warns in a column titled “Stephen Miller Stokes Trump’s Nationalist Vision”. So would he prefer an internationalist alternative? That would mean America’s future would not necessarily be determined by those holding to traditionalist conceptions of human freedom and constitutional liberty. Rather, just as much say would be granted to those that value perpetuation of the regulatory bureaucracy at the expense of the individual and even to some thinking that those not holding to particular conceptions of God or even notions of dress deemed acceptable by anyone with a lick of common sense should be eliminated in the most brutal ways imaginable.

Did those now tossing a fit that Turning Point USA functionary Candace Owens allegedly glossed over Hitler’s atrocities get similarly jacked out of shape over a Chairman Mao ornament adorning a White House Christmas tree during the Obama regime? Unlike anyone connected with the decoration of that particular sprig of Yuletide foliage, Candace Owens is a private citizen. Mao killed more than Hitler. Or are Chinese lives not as valuable as Jewish ones? Do those outraged at Candace Owens get as worked up when they see youth inspired to advance the cause of world Bolshevism often at the behest of their tenured pedagogues wear Che Guevara shirts? For that particular figure was quite explicit in regards to his disgust for Black people.

If migrants from beyond America’s borders only enhance the nation and, contrary to what President Trump insists, are not criminals but only truly remarkable people of robust health, why are the advocates of open borders and sanctuary cities less than enthusiastic about the opportunity the President is allowing these jurisdictions to add this diversity to their own regional distinctiveness? Interesting how when it is the backyards of radical multiculturalists on the line that they become as territorial as any member of the Tea Party or Minuteman movements.

If the undocumenteds are not wanted in sanctuary cities, isn't that proof these jurisdictions are not in a warped fashion about the well being of the migrants but rather about the virtue signalling of the subversives undermining border security in this fashion?

Did any of those now bellyaching how criticism of Lady Mao (aka Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) leads to an uptick in death threats ever come out with as much righteous indignation in opposition to the Antifia insurgents that insinuated bodily harm to the wife of Tucker Carlson while pounding on the family’s door?

President Trump is reportedly not too pleased that Fox News held a town hall with Bernie Sanders. Though the President is allied with a number of pundits on the network, he does not deserve so much influence over that particular media outlet so as to determine programming content. If anything, Fox News and Senator Sanders are to be commended for sharing a willingness to appear in the same venue despite profound ideological differences.

In detailing the origins of the Islamist front group CAIR, Representative Ilhan Omar said the organization “was founded after 9/11 because they recognized some people did something, and that all us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” To remind people exactly what that something was, the New York Post graciously published an edition with a cover photo of the jetliner flying into one of the World Trade Center towers. For this act of responsible and accurate journalism, the newspaper has been accused of “dangerous incitement”. So if it is now unacceptable to reference documented events for fear that such might instigate hatred against Muslims, does that mean Black History Month should be similarly downplayed since a significant reason for that commemoration is to agitate animosity against Whites?

If a medication for excessive underarm perspiration is advertised as also causing urinary retention, inability to regulate body temperature, and blurred vision, I think I’ll just settle for the sweaty armpits.

If Donald Trump legitimately wrote off nearly a billion dollars in losses, isn’t this an instance of “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”? Shouldn’t even greater ire be directed towards the legislators and regulators that set up such system in the first place?

Too bad PETA is not as concerned about lowering the euthanasia rates in their shelters as they are about expunging the English language of phrases such as “opening a can of worms” or “letting the cat out of the bag”.

One can understand conservatives standing against transgenders infiltrating women’s sports. But how are these Fox News pundits jacked out of shape over these types getting business set asides intended for women much different than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson begging for Affirmative Action and assorted handouts for minorities? If true to their convictions, shouldn’t they oppose someone being granted a beneficence for an occupation where it does not matter whether you’re reproductive orifice is an outie or an innie? By insisting that women should be the beneficiaries of these sorts of programs, isn’t that an admission that women are not as good at business as men? If the response is that private corporations should be allowed to lavish benefits upon whomever they please, do these voices then intend to advocate similar set asides be lavished solely upon men or at that point do they intend to rampage in the street?

Nancy Pelosi is outraged that President Trump believes merit should play a key role in immigration decisions. The Speaker countered that, throughout American history, most immigrants did not arrive with merit. But neither were they lavished with extravagant government handouts and benefits for simply arriving here. Many were even denied entrance for failing to comply with explicit health guidelines.

Lady Mao, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, laments that the Alabama abortion law forces a woman to be pregnant against her consent. How is that different than child support laws which make men pay against their consent?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pitched a fit that Game Of Thrones was obviously written by men because the ultimate victor apparently wasn’t a women. Interesting you heard no complaints from her about the gratuitous unnecessary sex scenes for which the drama is infamous that do not likely comply with MeToo rigors regarding consent and disparities of gender power or assorted related drivel.

Regarding those that do not want the women that get abortions punished. Do they intend to similarly coddle fathers delinquent in meeting their child support obligations? At least those neglected kids are still alive.

Given that the debt is on the verge of surpassing the entire worth of the U.S. economy, irrespective of party, where exactly are the funds for infrastructure investment supposed to come from?

Migrant hordes are being released by literal busloads into American cities. That’s certainly a much more effective policy upholding national security than a wall built around the border.

It was said in a sermon that perhaps an individual does not have wealth because God cannot trust you with it. This means wealth might cause an individual to fall into sin. Relatedly, could it also be said that God does not want certain churches to increase in terms of attendance numbers because such could similarly go to the head of a particular pastor or congregation?

In manipulative propaganda disguised as a razor blade commercial, a transgendered is admonished that shaving is about confidence. Actually, shaving is nothing more than the removal of facial hair to comply with grooming standards imposed as social norms either by employers and members of the opposite sex or preferences of individual appearance and comfort.

Regarding steak and cheese Hot Pockets advertised as "high protein" as if the customer is being done a favor. Aren't steak and cheese high protein to begin with?

If humor is to be devoid of racial reference as epitomized by the tolerancemonger outrage now directed towards the cinematic classic “Blazing Saddles”, where is the sustained ongoing protest against the Comedy Central series “The New Negroes”?

Regarding the presidential contenders jacked out of shape about Biden working with segregationists in the past. Are they as outraged over their supporters that wear Che apparel or Representative Omar’s links to radical jihadists?

In Taylor Swift’s propaganda video in favor of the Equality Act, those opposing her endorsement of wanton licentiousness are depicted as unenlightened hayseeds and trailer park trash. Islamists take an even harderline stance against the acts of carnality depicted in the video. An activist number go far beyond touting protest signs to commit what Westerns would consider unconventional forms of capital punishment such as the tossing of the accused off multistory buildings . As such, does this naive minstrel intend to produce a video ridiculing those of this additional religious persuasion that wear distinctive apparel such as burkas, hijabs or keffiyehs?

By Frederick Meekins

Fanatic Homeschooler Equates Those Grumbling Against Tyranny With Dope Fiends & Porn Addicts

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Saturday, September 07, 2019

Extraplanetary Warfare No Laughing Matter

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Does The U.S. Need A Space Force?

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Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Friday, August 30, 2019

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cat In Drain

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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