Monday, March 11, 2019

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Reformation Insights Into Social Media

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Wednesday, March 06, 2019

St. Patrick and Mary

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Understanding Cults

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Theological Ignoramuses Toss Fit Over Private Church Sign

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Monday, March 04, 2019

Why It Is Important To Get American History Correct

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Camo Truck

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Tan Motorcycle

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Saturday, March 02, 2019

Cat In Dress

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Reparations A Down Payment On National Decline

History teaches that, when candidates are swept into office largely as a result of promising the electorate significant outlays from the treasury, the particular regime in question is at its death knell and on the verge of collapse.

In an attempt to pander to Blacks in this sort of manner, Elizabeth Warren --- identified by Reuters in the account of this policy proposal as White so we can be relieved that the leftist press has settled this brouhaha as to whether or not she's actually an American Indian --- has come out in favor of reparations.

In particular, the Senator is backing legislation that would assist minorities in making a down payment on a house.

But if it is wrong to deny someone access to housing on the basis of race, why is it right to assist an individual to procure housing when it is obvious that the person does not deserve to own a house on the basis of meritorious achievement?

Conversely, why is a Rustbelt or Appalachian White barely getting by as a box store cashier obligated to provide the taxes so the likes of Jussie Smollet, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson can be provided a down payment on a house?

If targeted populations were lavished with these handouts, would they shut up once and for all regarding historic mistreatments they never directly suffered or will they continue to invoke these in the ongoing attempt to extort additional concessions from gullible and easily manipulated Whites?

Providing government housing to vast swathes of the population benefits neither those it is lavished upon nor the areas in which such individuals come to reside.

The squalor endemic to numerous public housing projects is testament to this truth.

If Elizabeth Warren really was an Indian, you'd think she'd already be familiar with this sad reality.

By Frederick Meekins

Whites Condemned For Not Squandering Wealth On Swanky Shoes, Gold Teeth and Hair Extensions

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Friday, March 01, 2019

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

Baffling Artifacts Deepen Mysteries Of The Ancient World

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Even Chelsea Wishes America Had Been Spared Clinton Horror

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Vocations Of Magistrate & Missionary Divergent At Core

For decades, secularist and religious progressives have urged their more theologically conservative counterparts to recognize a distinction between those that administer the affairs of the state and those that administer the affairs of faith.

However, with the Trump Presidency, it has become evident that what is meant by that admonition is that those that hold to traditional notions of piety are instead obligated to surrender to leftwing policy proposals.

This is particularly evident in an article posted at titled “Why evangelicals should rethink Trump gospel”.

For example, the article says, “The Great Commission assumes the the faithful make disciples everywhere, including so-called S-hole countries.”

No Christian says otherwise.

However, the vocation of the President is not that of the frontline missionary.

The role of the President foremostly is to protect the well being of the nation he governs and those legally dwelling within its boundaries.

Nowhere in Scripture are entire nations obligated to lower their standard of living because others are insufficiently governed.

One of the most prominent critics of the Trump Presidency is none other than Pope Francis.

So before CNN gets on its high horse about Evangelical voters, if the Pope is such a fan of unbridled immigration and refugees, shouldn't the world's most influential media organization ask why the physical holdings of the Vatican are not being utilized to house these weary souls but instead remain open as what is essentially one of the world's oldest tourist traps?

God is not the one that needs those finely furnished structures.

After all, Acts 7:48 assures that God does not dwell in houses built by the hands of man.

Perhaps as the alleged Vicar of Christ, it is about time the Pope did the same.

By Frederick Meekins

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Penguin Family

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Public Educators Prepare Youth For Islamist Conquest By Censoring Firearms Images

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Lady Mao Caught Wallowing In Capitalist Decadence

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LaRouche Passes At 96

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Lad Likely Not The One Wanting To Attend Daddy/Daughter Dance

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High Medieval Economy and Society