Commentary Telling It Like It Is To Those That Might Not Want To Hear It & Links To News Around The Internet
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Hit & Run Commentary #116
Interesting the number of periodicals hinting at Trump’s dictatorial aspirations with a caricature of him adorned in Roman regalia. Did the mainstream media depict Obama in a similar fashion? After all, was he not the presidential aspirant that delivered his nomination oration amidst Grecian columns and to whom school children sang what amounted to worshipful choruses? I don’t believe that was Donald Trump threatening the fundamental transformation of America from the standpoint of explicitly denigrating the Founding and to send around government agents door to door to forcibly access your weight. Nor was it Melannia threatening that we would not be allowed to return to our lives as we had previously known them.
An episode of Generation’s Radio analyzing the history of homeschooling glamorized the socioeconomic situation where sons continued in the vocational callings of their fathers. Note that the emphasis is on the callings of the fathers. That does not translate as that necessarily being the callings of the sons. For all we know, given that people died at notoriously young ages back when the described situation was the typical career path, they probably weren’t as satisfied or fulfilled as this podcast would try to lead listeners to believe. Most back then were probably quite miserable. It’s just that if anyone dared express how they felt, mob justice would have probably hung them for being demon possessed or as a homo if a man dared mention anything about his emotional state.
Does the mainstream media praising Senator McCain for being an independent thinker ever intend to praise President Trump for also being an independent thinker? Most of what McCain advocated was rehashed establishmentarianism. A number of Trump’s insights actually are bold and innovative.
In response to those banned or suspended from assorted social media platforms for posting content not necessarily obscene in the traditional sense but for being at variance with prevailing herd mentalities, it is correctly observed that these are private companies not necessarily bound by traditional understandings of free speech. However, what is to prevent this perspective from being applied to other commodities provided by the private sector such as food, shelter, clothing, and transportation?
It has been proposed that the Russell Senate Office Building be renamed in memory of John McCain. Senator Richard Russell, after whom the building is named, opposed a number of civil rights initiatives. So forty or fifty years from now when something sticks in the craw of whatever activists then are constantly mollified for fear of stoking a riot over what John McCain did, should his name in turn be removed from the structure? What if radical feminists decide that the memory of John McCain is no longer worthy of such an honor because of dumping his first wife in favor of a younger, leggier, and less crippled upgrade?
Many outraged over comedian Norm McDonald’s remarks referencing Down Syndrome most of the time rank among those suggesting the sufferers of that affliction should be denied continued existence.
Had Judge Kavanaugh not attempted to cop a feel as a youth, the reprobates now tossing a fit that he might have would turn around and insist he would be unfit to sit on the bench for lacking existential appreciation for the evolution sexual standards and morays.
Hank Hanegraaf posted a podcast episode titled “The Dangers Of Fundamentalism”. While a legitimate topic of apologetic reflection, does he also intend to record an episode as critical of the shortcomings of the Orthodox church as well?
Vacuous thespian Anne Hathaway in an oration denounced “white, straight, cisgender privilege”. As such, does she intend to forfeit the fortune she has accumulated for being about as White as you can get?
Even if Judge Kavanaugh got a little hands on as a teen, it’s not like he left a woman to die in a car crashed into a body of water and conveniently forgot to notify public safety officials until some time later.
Unless there is a photo of the incident, why ought allegations of Judge Kavanaugh’s indecent exposure over thirty years ago be believed?
The Baltimore Sun is downplaying the multiple casualty incident perpetrated by a transgender shooter. It is repeatedly emphasized throughout the report that the individual suffered from “emotional distress”. Wonder if such sympathy would be extended to a man resorting to a similar manifestation of outrage as a result of an inequitable divorce settlement or outrageous child support obligations beyond his means to afford.
By Frederick Meekins