Monday, July 02, 2018

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Antifa Terrorists Attack Peaceful Patriots

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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Old Liberal Protestantism and New Progressive Christianity

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Flip Flop Pot

Yellow Feet

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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More Off Target With Moonie Offshoot Than Firearms

On an episode of A&E’s “Cults and Extreme Belief”, correspondent Elizabeth Vargas profiled an offshoot of the Unification Church called the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary.

Instead of detailing how the sect’s theology differed from that of orthodox interpretations of Christianity or even the questionable recruitment techniques utilized by Moonie organizations, the episode spent an inordinate amount of time harping upon the sect’s admittedly idiosyncratic incorporation of firearms into certain aspects of its liturgy.

While such might not be a normal part of spiritual practice, such is not without historic precedent.

As such does Elizabeth Vargas intend to broadcast similar exposes with accompanying ominous voice over narration asking do Sikhs really need those ceremonial daggers and just why does a sword play a role in certain Masonic rituals?

Not once do I recall anything said as to the legality of the guns depicted which had been deliberately emptied of ammunition.

Instead, a lengthy reflection dwelt upon the tragedy that could result should the firearm end up being misused by a less rational adherent of this theology.

For as you know, the line of argumentation continued, anyone that doesn't embrace the transgender movement and believes that legitimate marriage can only be between a man and a woman is by definition well on their way to being diagnosed as mentally deficient.

As proof, the plight is followed of a former Unification member whose mother was paralyzed when she was accidentally shot by his brother because the youths in the sect enjoyed recreational shooting.

One cannot help but sympathize with a family that has experienced such a tragedy.

But isn't it the fault of the one that shot her, her own child?

Off all of the abridgments of human decency perpetrated over the years by the Unification Church and now apparently its offshoots, this incident really isn't one for which these parties bear responsibility.

Elizabeth Vargas has been open regarding her struggles with alcoholism.

As such, because some people can't control themselves around alcohol to the point that they are a danger to themselves and others, does that mean no one should be allowed to utilize the substance in ways otherwise considered legal?

If not, then why this journalistic production where one constitutional liberty is invoked for the purposes of subverting another?

By Frederick Meekins

The World In 2050: The Real Future Of Earth

A History Of Futurists and Futurology

Biochips Gain In Popularity In Prelude To Apocalypse

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Jacques Vallee On His Controversial UFO Book

Erich Von Daniken Claims 40,000 Years Ago Ancient Aliens Came to Planet Earth

Monday, June 25, 2018

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018



Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Radical Islamists And Central American Drug Mules Equated With Superman

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Warehouse Criminal Migrants On Properties Of Open Border Propagandists

Professional religionists spanning a broad theological spectrum along with a number of prominent public figures have joined forces in criticizing migrant detention policies blamed on President Trump perceived as splitting up family units.

A number of these such as the Roman Catholic Church and Southern Baptist Convention also hold sizable properties such as universities and denominational headquarters.

So have any of these leaders, as well as the First Ladies joining in this chorus, that any other time crave as much media attention as possible to share just how much “social justice” concerns burden their respective souls ever offered to shelter these people under their collective roofs?

If not, why not?

It will probably be responded that such a gesture would likely inconvenience the vital work of these important leaders, compromise their safety and diminish the value of their real estate holdings.

Then why is that a burden that must be borne by the neighborhoods and lives of those that don't get to make the decisions as to whom is granted entrance to this great nation in order to placate the assorted open border rackets?

By Frederick Meekins

Women Not Worth The Hassle Of Allegations 25 Years Down The Road

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How to be a comic book writer and editor: tips and strategies

Apparently She Liked Some Hardwick At The Time

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Diversitymongers Condemn Trump For Failure To Celebrate Criminal Migrants

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Canadian Anglican Presides Over Ritual Suicide

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Cardinal Removed From Ministry Over Alleged Incident A Half Century Past

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Occupy Movement Calls For Violence Against Border Patrol

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Pope Advocates Migrant Swarms Overwhelming U.S. Border Security

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Will Patrick Stewart Return To Helm Star Trek: The Next Generation Reboot?

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Border Madness. Just Say No To The Children

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Writing Effective Letters To The Editor

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Purple Blossoms

Purple Blossom

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Secularist Elites Debate Does Skynet Have A Soul?

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Global Elites Attempt To Downplay Oppression Directed Against South African Whites

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The Ugly Truth About Diversity

Was Art Bell Assassinated?

Could Detained Immigrant Crisis Actually Be Diversitymonger Scam?

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Transhumanism and H+ Hybrids

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Why Don’t Professional Religionists Offer To Warehouse Migrant Families On Posh Denominational Properties?

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Antique Tractor

Antique Tractor

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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The Surprising Implications Of Extraterrestrial Life

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Trump Establishes Starfleet Command

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Children Targeted By Targets Rainbow Stormtrooper Gear

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