Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Dove In Grass

Dove In Grass

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Churches Forbidding Female Clergy Equated With Pedophilia & Sexual Predation

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What Is Professional Paranormal Radio Supposed To Be?

Can Sexbots Be Raped?

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Zbigniew Brzezinski: America’s Grand Strategist

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Tasmanian Tiger Spotted In Suburban Driveway

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Globalist Pope Still Views Protestants As Hell Bent Trash

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New UFO Religions

Saturday, June 02, 2018

Hollywood Elites Insisting Morality Does Not Exist Invoke Morality To Terminate Roseanne For Philosophical Affirmation Of Darwinism

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Hit & Run Commentary #111

A missionary said that Christians ought to share the Gospel with those that do not look like them.  But shouldn’t the Christian also be willing to share the Gospel with those that DO look like them, even if this includes White and Americans?  If missiological theory now holds that it is often best to let the natives reach out to other natives if at all possible, why should Whites and Americans be chastised if they are most comfortable with reaching out to other Whites and Americans?

A missionary praised a letter by Adoniram Judson to his prospective father in law essentially berating him that he was a bad Christian if he did not consent to surrender his daughter to a man readily admitting he was unfit to provide for her in the name of missionary outreach.  That’s certainly a ballsy approach to persuade a father to grant the hand of his daughter in marriage.

Reflecting on a missionary’s admonition on the need to genuinely respect Muslims, a pastor confided that in public he is careful not to directly look at Muslim women for fear of offending their high moral standards.  First, if Muslim women do not want to be looked at, they can return to their excrement pile homelands. This is America. If you are a woman and you don’t even want to be looked at, don’t come here. Given that where many of these women come from they can pretty much be raped if caught in public unaccompanied by a male family member, one would think simply being looked at would be a welcomed improvement.  If Americans are obligated to pander to this extent to the Islamist adversary, this global worldview war is already lost. What other defeatist postures are Christians obligated to assume? Are believers in Bible Belt states such as North Carolina now expected to eliminate their thriving pork barbecue culture?

Because of the wave of a missionary’s hand, the congregation of a Baptist church where the pastor once regularly went out of his way to emphasize what a wretched religion Islam is is now harping how believers are obligated to show “genuine” respect to Muslims such as at least hearing out what the Koran has to say.  One must ask will such an open approach now be extended to Catholics, science fiction enthusiasts, and women that wear pants?

If ever criticized in Independent Baptist circles for my interest in science fiction and comics, I might just ask how is this different than the “genuine” respect and interest we are now obligated to manifest on behalf of Muslims.  If I was any good at outstretching my hand and expecting something to be placed into it, I should have claimed I need funds for outreach to ComiCon.

Of Adoniram Judson, he and his first wife lost their first child through miscarriage, their second child eight months after his birth, and their third child sixth months after his first wife’s death.  Of the 13 children he sired, only six survived. Given that these deaths were likely attributable to the squalor endemic to the heathen world, though he is worthy of praise as a missionary, is anyone going to have the courage to point out that he was a lousy husband and father?

Baptist functionary Paige Patterson ahas been castigated for remarks suggesting that teen boys often display an enthusiastic appreciation for female physical attributes. If these marms are eager to chastise men for determining a woman’s worth based on the size of her measurements going to be as eager in disabusing the young women that the value of a man is determined by the size of his bank account or the horsepower of the automobile that he drives?

Because the thoroughfare is named after the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis Highway in Northern Virginia is slated to be renamed Richmond Highway.  But since Richmond was also the capital of the Confederacy, shouldn’t that name itself also be just as offensive? If we are to be consistent, shouldn’t the entire city of Richmond be “renditioned”  in a manner similar to that which occurs on the USA drama “Colony” in order to remove this geographical “trigger”?

A 104 year old scientist who technically wasn’t terminally ill killed himself at a Swiss suicide clinic.  Is there no reason he couldn’t have waited a few days

Technically, isn’t the Captain Marvel being foisted upon the movie going public in the upcoming film actually just Ms. Marvel from the comics before these periodicals become hyper-political?

Regarding this level of abuse that Southern Baptist functionary Paige Patterson is alleged to have endorsed.  Does that consist of actual hitting or is this merely of a man simply articulating disagreement with a woman and raising his voice in reply to a voice that was first raised at him?  Do these Dana Carvey-style good church women intend to say anything about the increasing number of women that mistreat and disrespect men as well?

If professional sports teams can ban fans living outside of certain zip codes from purchasing play off tickets or from wearing the paraphernalia of the visiting team as in the case of the NHL playoffs, why should we give a flip when these enterprises cry a river about decreasing attendance at these high priced competitions?  If people want to be berated and ordered about in a surly manner, they can just go to the DMV.

So will authoritarian progressives feigning opposition to human oppression to the extent that all vestiges of the Confederacy from statues to road names must be obliterated from public consciousness toss hissy fits as vehement against the erection of an 18 feet tall Karl Marx statue paid for by the Red Chinese in his hometown of Trier, Germany to celebrate the bicentennial of the deadbeat philosopher?  

In a tweet, Maxine Waters quipped, “How many diet Cokes did Trump consume while he gulped and waited for the defeat of his pedophile candidate?”  How is Trump’s consumption of diet soda any more outrageous than those in her preferred constituency known for their proclivity for gape soda? Roy Moore might have dated a few a bit young for his age.  But unlike many in the community this particular legislator claims to represent, at least Moore did not leave these gals with a litter of out of wedlock children in his wake.

If it is unacceptable irrespective of what statutory law allows for 30 year olds to date 18 year olds because such young minds are impressionable and easy to manipulate into compliance, why is it acceptable to manipulate those of that age into giving their lives in their country’s wars?  Is not the government making promises of education and enlistment bonuses not much different than a man promising to lavish nice things upon a compliant young woman?

It is insisted that Confederate statues should only be allowed to exist if these memorials are placed in an historical context.  That means they must be exhibited in a way so as to maximize the amount of White guilt elicited. So if exacting nitpicky detail is the ultimate goal, will additions be made to the Martin Luther KIng memorial pointing out that he fooled around on his wife, denied a number of fundamental Christians doctrines, and that he received support from a number of avowed Communists likely themselves at the behest of the Soviet Union?  Or is this one of those instances where we are supposed to overlook Russian meddling in American affairs but are expected to react as if it is the opening scene from Patrick Swayze’s version of Red Dawn if subversive operatives are accused of conducting under the table discussions with Trump administration representatives?

Outrage erupted when Ben Carson observed that a good measure of poverty is actually a mindset.  Are those jacked out of shape that this is a criticism of individuals or that government complicity in the welfare racket has been exposed.?  This mental shackling has ensnared nearly all of us to some degree. When considering an undertaking or an enterprise, often thoughts no longer dwell upon  do I possess the skill need to succeed or what will happen if the idea we think is so great turns out to be a flop. Rather, we calculate is it even worth the effort given the penalties likely to be incurred for failing to comply with with the intricacies of complex taxing regulations or even the violence one is likely to incur for criticizing ideas contrary to the orthodoxies of entrenched elites.

Homeschool activist Kevin Swanson suggests avoiding the public library because of books on the shelves that promote the homosexual agenda rather than simply avoiding those books. Among certain fundamentalist sects, attendance at places such as amusement parks, beaches, and the cinema are also forbidden. Children probably shouldn’t visit museums either because their impressionable minds might be exposed to evolution. Extending this logic a bit further, one supposes these youngsters should not be allowed to go to the supermarket either because they might catch a glimpse of the condom display or the heaving bosoms of the tramps on the covers of Cosmo magazine or those trashy paperback romances. So when is the homeschool child ever allowed to leave the house? Even if they aren’t allowed to date, won’t their mail order brides be exposed to assorted carnal evils racing through the airport on their way to the cordoned off family compound? If those from this Evangelical sociological subgrouping are to live lives this sheltered or separated, on what grounds do such thoroughgoing Protestants gripe about cloistered monks and nuns?

Mitt Romney has condemned the selection of Robert Jeffress to offer the opening prayer of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem on the grounds that the Baptist minister is a religious bigot.  So what Romney is saying is that it is unacceptable for someone to articulate why they are reluctant over religious grounds to vote for a candidate running for elected office but perfectly acceptable to exclude that individual from a public event over refusal to embrace religious universalism.  Technically, Romney is not much different then philosophically from the Romans that tossed Christians to lions in the gladiatorial arena. If dedicated temple Mormons like Mitt Romney really do believe no religion is better than any other with all sincerely held paths leading the individual to an eternity with God in Heaven, why does his sect spend so much time canvassing the neighborhoods of the world with missionaries many of whom have been strongarmed pretty much into this service taken away from their families?

President Trump is being criticized for acknowledging the hero in the Waffle House mass casualty incident three weeks after the fact.  Had Trump thanked the individual at the time, the President would be accused of being a media whore having to interject himself into the story.

By Frederick Meekins

Gavin McInnes Takes On Assorted Activists

Eastern Orthodoxy vs Evangelical Christianity

Friday, June 01, 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Valerie Jarrett’s Family Composed Of Multigenerational Subversives

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Baptist Church Gets Rearend Up On Its Shoulders That Jesus Statue Congregation’s Had Over A Decade Suddenly “Too Catholic”

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Hullabaloo Erupts Over Bible Society Employees Asked To Live Biblically In Broadest Sense

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Dive Helmet

Dive Helmet

Photo by Frederick Meekins

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Mohler Condemns George Washington’s Failure To Embrace 21st Century White Guilt

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Bachelorette Contestant Condemned By Tolerancemongers For Failing To Comply With Herd Mentality

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Must A Catholic School Allow A Speech That Blasphemes Its Most Cherished Values?

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Pedophiles Released To Prey Upon British Citizens

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Haunted Lancaster County, Pennsylvania : Ghosts and Other Strange Occurrences

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Ministering To Millennials

Roseanne Cancelled To Placate Rampaging Minorities

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Starbucks Inflicts Anti-White Indoctrination Upon Company’s Wage Slaves

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What You Need To Know About The Secret Space Program & UFO’s

Transhumanist Insists Heaven Insultingly Implausible But Uploading Minds Perfectly Rational

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What You Need To Know About Transhumanism & The Future Of Humanity

Televangelist Insinuates Christians Refusing To Donate To Purchase Of Luxury Jet Hindering Gospel’s Spread

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018

Purpose Of Military To Kill The Enemy & Not Indoctrinate Citizens

Columnist F.H. Buckley in a New York Post op-ed has proposed that the draft should be reconstituted in order to combat the sense of entitlement pervasive among Millennials.

But a perspective insistent that the purpose of the military is anything other than the protection of the nation through the use of force is an incipient form of totalitarianism.

In his commentary and in a follow up interview on Fox and Friends, this academic who himself never served day one in the military now pushing this requirement as ideal for everyone else insists that this will resolve the epidemic sense of entitlement pervasive among the nation’s youth and reverse the impact of a decaying system of education.

But will it or merely transfer the problem elsewhere?

For while many to come out of the military are first rate people, others are nearly as obnoxious as the Millennials Buckley apparently has an issue with.

A number increasingly demand preferences or set asides akin to something like affirmative action.

Others nearly threaten violence against you if you dare articulate an opinion at odds with the policy preferences of organized veterans’ rackets.

And if the best among us come out of the military sounding as if they are in need of comprehensive resocialization before obtaining basic civilian employment, is the education available through this otherwise venerable governmental institution as first rate as this professor would lead taxpayers to believe?

By Frederick Meekins

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hit & Run Commentary #110

A hate bias incident is often defined as incidents that may range from acts of ignorance or indifference, to acts directed to inflict harm. So can you be hauled up on charges if you refuse to donate to the United Negro College Fund and the offended construes that as an act of “indifference”?

In these remakes of Star Trek that attempt to incorporate even more thoroughly the latest postmodern hooey, wonder if there will develop a story arc about a faction within the Federation actually conspiring to be assimilated by the Borg and condemn those opposing this idea as enemies of diversity and proponents of subversive individualism.

Did not really care for the Joker’s origins on Gotham. The evil of this character is best represented through Jerome’s explicit embrace of amoral nihilism rather than his brother Jeremiah in essence being forced into the role through really no choice of his own.

Former FBI Director James Comey compares Trump’s leadership style to that of a mafia crimelord. But if this is not a reference to explicit illegality, what successful business is not run like the mafia? Aren’t some of the practices adhered to by this nefarious organization what has contributed to its vitality and endurance?

Isn’t it less of an outrage for Sean Hannity to avail himself of the services of a lawyer connected to Donald Trump than for the judge overseeing the case connected to this revelation being a close associate of George Soros?

The Starbuck’s barista that called police over two loitering Black men has been released from employment. As such, if the result is going to be losing your job, why should you say something if you see something?

The episode of the 3/29/18 edition of “Standing For The Truth” was titled, “The Next Time We Are Tempted To Complain” in which the media director of Voice Of The Martyrs was interviewed. Do those that suffer for Christ include those allegedly molested by Voice Of The Martyrs' personnel?

Unless their legs have been blown off which would entitle them to a handicapped parking placard anyway, veterans can park in the same spaces as everybody else.

Obama is building a swimming pool at his Washington, DC mansion. Yet this is the president that tossed a fit about Americans eating what we want, heating our homes to 70 degrees, and riding around in SUV's. His supporters are the same ones that have nervous breakdowns if you leave the water running while brushing your teeth.

Sufi propagandist Reza Aslan has warned that the Trump presidency is taking on the trappings of a religious cult. Did he issue similar warnings when Obama was delivering stadium orations surrounded by Grecian columns while preschoolers and worship bands were singing what amounted to hymns in his adoration?

In New York, a man wearing a Make America Great Again hat allegedly pushed another individual onto the subway tracks. Do the acts perpetrated against people wearing Trump paraphenalia merit as much national media attention?

Wonder if Will and Kate’s newest whelp would be denied transport to a Vatican hospital in a last ditch effort to save the child’s life.

If the Simpsons producers are obligated to eliminate Apu because this offends Hindus, does mean that Ned Flanders must be eliminated for mocking Christians, that Ralph Wiggum must be eliminated for ridiculing those with special needs, and that Barney the Drunk should be done away with for making light of alcoholism?

A student accused of a politically incorrect prom invitation is not only being denied the opportunity to attend prom but graduation as well. In light of the carnal debaucheries known to take place after prom given the births that take place nine months later to those in their late teens that we are admonished are really nobody’s business, why isn’t this same degree of latitude being extended to the way in which a young man attempts to woo a maiden into accompanying him to the festivity? Furthermore, if a school can ban from both prom and graduation a youngster that successfully utilized risqué humor to win the affection of the girl he desired, why should we be outraged if a school inflicted similar retribution upon gay or lesbian students? After all, a joke referencing cotton picking is in nothing more but poor taste whereas these other situations veer into issues of actual immorality.

In his assessment of the future of Western civilization, Dennis Prager lamented the mental enfeeblement caused by television. But isn’t this the fault of those such as Prager’s associate and friend Adam Carolla whose claim to fame was “The Man Show” epitomized by women with big bosoms in tiny bikinis jumping on trampolines?

And what if the teen accused of cultural misappropriation for wearing a Chinese-styled dress to prom had been harboring racist thoughts? So long as her bosom and backside are modestly concealed does it really matter? Should the entire Japanese animation industry be accused of cultural misappropriation because the characters are nearly all Caucasian even in the productions too violent and filthy to broadcast on American television?

So if the account of Genesis is to be invoked as part of anti-dating pulpit tirades, isn’t the exegete forced to then argue that the only Biblically proper way to acquire a mate is through DNA replication akin to genetic engineering and cloning?

In a concerning philosophical twist, some viewers are coming away from “Avengers: Infinity War” convinced that deliberate, systematized depopulation overseen by an extraterrestrial with a messiah complex is not really such a bad thing after all. Would they feel the same way if they did not make the cut to be extended the “privilege” of continued existence?

The Huffington Post has published an article titled “Chaplain Ouster Shows What Version Of Christianity Controls The GOP” The article further laments, “There's no room in the party for a Christianity that puts economic justice before conservative social issues.” So do the Democrats hire many religious functionaries that do not adhere to the party line on pervasive infanticide, carnal debauchery, and institutionalized indigency where public assistance is not provided for a brief season but rather is imposed as a multigenerational lifestyle?

Controversy has erupted over the nature and background of the religious functionary to fill the role of the Congressional chaplain. Given that those working on Capitol Hill are professionals well into adulthood, do the American people need to be paying for them to have a chaplain to begin with? Most workplaces operate without an official member of the clergy on staff. If these folks are in need of God or spiritual counsel, why can’t they seek these services on their own time and dime like nearly every other American?

In review of “Avengers: Infinity War”, homeschool activist condemned moviegoers for preferring fantasy spectacles over films depicting realistic mundane topics. Will similar condemnation be brought to bear against fantasy works by authors professing some manner of Christian affiliation such as C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien? Swanson lamented that people no longer want to see something based in reality such as “The Sound Of Music” (because, though based on actual events, there is nothing more realistic than singing through the Alps while fleeing from Nazis). If Thanos in the film is primarily a radical environmentalist wanting to eliminate most of the life in the universe, how is this not a philosophically realistic plot given there are actually thinkers holding to similar ideas?

Home school activist Kevin Swanson claimed that Avengers: Infinity War exhibits a bad worldview because half of the population of the universe is wiped out by the end of the film. So does the book of Revelation also exhibit a bad worldview for nearly similar numbers perishing in that particular apocalyptic text? Are Christians to take away from this line of argumentation that in narratives deemed acceptable for consumption by the faithful that villains are not to be depicted doing bad things. If so, hasn’t Swanson contradicted his previous lamentation about films no longer addressing realistic topics?

In hardline Christian condemnation of the Avengers claiming these films advocate pantheism, how come no one ever references the line and scene from the first Avenger movie where Captain America (usually considered the moral compass in the Marvel Universe) pretty much pointed out that these beings despite all of their powers were not gods and pretty much put Loki in his place when the Norse entity demanded the crowd bow before him in worship?

The President that stuffs his face with junkfood and who a number of medical professionals diagnose as borderline obese has decided to continue Obama’s jihad against fat sedentary youth has appointed a number of celebrities such as Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker to the Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition. But would a president that was really sincere about “draining the swamp” even have a formal group formulating policy in this manner. There is no provision in the Constitution authorizing extensive intervention in this area. Given how close the nation is to financial collapse, it probably won’t be too long until one will no longer have to worry about kids eating enough to become overweight and nutrition will become a luxury no one will be able to afford to worry about anyway,

By Frederick Meekins

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Money for Authors: Income, Profit, And Cashflow

Is Grand Admiral Thrawn The Only Thing That Can Save Star Wars: Episode 9?

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White Fish

White Fish

Why Don’t Social Justice Warriors Like Their Own Comics?

The Tragedy Of Squirrel Girl

Conceptual Foundation Being Laid For Tribulation Temple

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The Evangelicals: The Struggle to Shape America

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Do Tolerancemongers Rush To Police Upon Viewing Black Lives Matter Propaganda?

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If Adult Women Can’t Muster The Wherewithal To Go To Police On Their Own, How Can They Be Trusted With Expanded Leadership Roles?

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The Coming Generation Of Transhuman Resistance

Will Mysterio Be Featured As Next Spider-Man Film’s Antagonist?

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Zachary Levi Shazam Looks Malnourished & Sickly

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Royal Wedding Homilist A Pansexual Advocate That Conspires To Destroy Theological Critics

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